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Archived questions from: 16 October, 2008 (see latest in Dating category)

(More questions from October, 2008)

Dating: Help and advice

Is it wrong for me to ask him to clean up after himself?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - I have been living with my boyfriend for almost 4 years. we seem be getting in alot of arguments about being equals, money and house chores. His dispute is that he makes more money and pays more bills then i do so therefore I have to clean more. I ...

When it comes to football, why are guys so serious???

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5816 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - well, this is just about my ex bf, we split up a lil while ago, but i just wanted to know, when it comes to football why are lads so serious, when I was with my ex, I loved everything about him, except when it came to football, we'd have a lil joke ...

Is my relationship good or am I being played by my boyfriend?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - Hello I would like some outside views of my relationship. First of all, I am 27 years old, I am professional and have a great career that it is everything for me. I was engaged for 5 years with a guy that was a little bit controlling and he used to ...

I had a 3-some with my boyfriend and another woman and it's causing mega problems now!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5817 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - I need help with getting over the fact that I had a threesome with my boyfriend and afterwards the female tried to sleep with him by herself. This is what happened a friend of mine I were talking about threesomes and she said she never had one so I...

What can I do for us to be together?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5815 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - Ok I'm a normal teenager and last June I started going out with a really nice guy i will call him B.H. he was very sweet but 3 weeks later 2 days befor my birthday he broke up with me. I thought we were doing great but i was we are ...

A million milles away relationship with a turkish man?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5797 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - I've been going with the turkish boy for a while now and I really like him and I know what people say about them that they cheat and only want money etc. but i thought!! mines was diffrent until i started to think: Does he even love me ? Does he j...

Hero to zero!

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 5814 days ago

16 October 2008 (M - I met the most amazing woman online. we talked for hours every day via msn , and the more we found out about each other , the more we discovered we had something really special. we shared everything , even that she had been single for 5 years once ...

How do I get over it?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5813 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - So heres the thing.... I have this ex boyfriend (I'll call him jay) and I'm still in love with him but I recently found out that he's with another girl and I actually saw pictures of them making out. I can't stop crying over all of the pain I'm ...

I like to be controlled by my boyfriend especially during sex...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5809 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - Okay this is wierd for me I am a total control freak about everything but for some reason I like to be controlled by my boyfriend especially during sex and even a little pain is great. I get off being held in lock holds and am totally confused by ...

She had an abortion the first time but now she's pregnant again!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5811 days ago

16 October 2008 (M - Me and my girlfriend had sex not too long ago and we've realised she is pregnant, the first time this happened she got an abortion. I'm not ready to have a kid right now and she is and I don't want to break her heart again - what do I do?...

I really like this guy. But I hardly know him! Should I tell him how I feel?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5813 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - Dear Cupid, I really like this guy. But I hardly know him. I met him through one of my friends and he seems very nice. I am very shy and am not sure how he feels. I want to tell him that I like him but I am afraid our blossming friendship ...

I feel a bit insecure about his whereabouts when he's not with me, is this normal after being out of the dating scene for a while?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5817 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - Hi,8 months ago I got out of an 10 year relationship. I wanted out 3 years ago, but carried on with it till the right time came along. About a month ago I met someone else. I have a 5 year old so we decided to take it slow, which he understands. ...

Why do I black out when having an orgasm?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - I'm sure I'm not the only one but I swear I haven't seen this on this site...and i need help so here we go... Recently me and my boyfriend have "got close" and on quite a few of these occassions when it has come to orgasm i have blacked out/ fai...

She wants me to pee on her...

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5796 days ago

16 October 2008 (M - I've got a weird problem and that is why I wanna remain anonymous, my gf has a weird mind as the other day we were having sex and after sex I was going to go to the toilet and pee and she told me not to go to the toilet as she wanted me to pee on ...

I do love her but I don't want to marry or commit to one woman all the time.

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (M - Have been with my girlfriend for 7 years. She is very pretty, sexy, funny, loving the list goes on. But I know she wants more. I don't want to lose her. Every time she gets tired of dealing with my issues and tries to move on I beg her back making ...

20 questions to ask someone on a date!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3411 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - So many of the younger ones on this site tend to be a bit tongue tied about what to ask their date so here are 20 things to ask someone on that first date. 1. What do you like to do when you're not working? 2. Where in the world would you most...

He gets very angry and agressive... and I just get upset.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - Me and my boyfriend have been together for about a year and a half, and are very much in love. The only issue is that when he is, or we both are drunk we end up falling out. He gets very angry and agressive, although has never been physically ...

What do guys think about "squirting"?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - A while back after my bf and I had sex, he asked me "Did you squirt?" so I lied and said yes but he replied indifferently, saying "Thats cool" What did he think of this, was he turned off or turned on or just not care? What do you guys think of ...

I now feel really horrible for worrying my parents. How can I make things better?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - I'm an almost eighteen college student and until about three weeks ago I had never even been kissed. However, that was when I met my current boyfriend. We had sex the first night we met (yes I know how easy that makes me sound) and because I had no ...

How do you know when the reltionship is over or coming to an end?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5816 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - Hi everyone, This isn't the first time I have written to you, and last time I got some great advice that would normally work, but not in my relationship. I don't know if it coming to an end... I have lost everything, my friends my job. I just want...

Every time my boyfriend and I argue he turns it around to be MY fault!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - When me and my boyfriend of a year argue, it is usually to do with him letting me down, but he always turns it round to be my fault. He either rings me to say we can't go out, or doesn't even bother ringing me. He's been doing this all year now, I ...

Help me please .... Am I pregnant ?????

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5817 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - Hello , I am 21 years old and I am virgin before 3 days I did anal sex with my boyfriend and he ejaculated in my anus. my period is coming every 28 days and at the 15 we had sex. From that day tell now I feel nauseous and if I eat anything I w...

Can someone help answer my question?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (M - Hi, the story goes like this. A few days back when I was about to have sex with my girlfriend when my dick was touching my gf vagina, I did not go in because my girlfriend suddenly move away so we tried the second time and if fails again because ...

My ex from 3 yrs ago says he feels the same but he's ignoring me! What's happening?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5813 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - i hav just recently split up with my b.f with whom i hav 2 kids with none wer planned but i dnt regret them... i havnt been wnting him for a long wile now... and finally gt the courage to split.. as of my ex boyfriend, whom i got wiv when i was 14 ...

I have to figure out which guy is right for me, help?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - I am interested in too different guys. They're both great guys with totally different backgrounds. One lives in the area by me who likes me and wants to see how things work out between us. He has no kids but is willing to accept the fact that I do. ...

What do his comments mean? I'm too surprised and don't usually know how to react to them?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - hello I am very confused here, my boyfriend and I have been together for 8 months, he is really amazing with me, he treats me like a queen all the time. He is a very shy guy, it is impresive how shy he is, I surpriced myself everyday about this, but ...

He said he loved me, but each of us found someone else so why am I sad that he kisses another girl?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5795 days ago

16 October 2008 (? - I have this friend...lets call him R.F he said he loves me, i say it back....he leaves for the weekend, comes back and tells me he found some one else. Even though im with some one...after he tells me he kissed this other girl... and i cried about ...

We broke up but he said we can still be sex buddies!!!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5808 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - Hi guys on Sunday I split with my boyfriend of 8 months, the reason was he wasnt over his ex of four years and the mother of his child, he says he likes me but doesn't love me like he still loves her, anyway he said I can still ring him and go out ...

Without any warning she broked my heart...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5790 days ago

16 October 2008 (M - My girlfriend was a classmate of mine since 7th std. Before 1 month I proposed to her she said yes to that proposal but since yesterday she's been behaving strangely to me and today she sent me a message saying don't call me, neither message and I ...

He says we have a relationship but not a commitment!!???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - The man I'm dating sometimes tells me that there is a relationship between us and other times he says that there isn't a commitment. I'm very confused and I don't know what to believe. How can Ii understand his feelings because if I ask him about ...

I don't want a relationship with him, just sex!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - I am in love with a guy whom I hardly know, we go to the same university. He is also interested in me but all I want from him is not a relationship with with him but just sex. How am I going to explain this to him when he asks me out for a ...

Ex and I broke up and I slept with someone else...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (M - Basically my girlfriend split up with me coming up to 5 months ago now. I believe it was she wasn't sure of what she wanted but she didn't want to be with me because of how I had become she had sat me down numerous times, wrote letters etc etc ...

Why isn't she telling me about this other guy if she has nothing to hide?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (M - Hi guys, Quick one, I met this girl on the internet, same age as me... we've now been seeing each other for near 4 months. She has a male friend who she texts every other day virtually, they used to share a house together, and then she mov...

My boyfriend has gotten other women pregnant!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - I have a 10 year relationship with my boyfriend. And nfortunately, there is a big problem. He has gotten other women pregnant. What would I do as her girl friend? We're living together already. Hope you can reply soon on what to do on my part as ...

He doesn't seem to be the same now that we've had sex. Was I used?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - I met a guy online a year ago and we have become fast friends. He lives 5 hours away but we text and chat on the phone and I tell him my dating woes, etc. We finally decided we loved each other and we'd see what happened when we got together. ...

I recently overheard my partner and her ex discussing intimate details of our relationship and poking fun at me.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - I recently overheard my partner and her ex discussing intimate details of our relationship and poking fun at me. This was after I had told my partner that I did not feel comfortable having her ex in our home for "coffee" whilst no one was here. I ...

She goes all quiet and when I ask her what's wrong she says I'm not as close to her any more but I am!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5819 days ago

16 October 2008 (M - Hi, I had been in a 1-year relationship with a girl, when we first started, she was undemanding and understanding.. that's what I like about her, she never made sudden accusations of me not caring or loving her. Lately things changed, we would...

I did lose some trust in her because now I know she loses her guard when she is drunk

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (M - Hey I am in a long distance relationship with my girlfriend of over a year. She lives about 8 hours away and is starting her freshman year at college. She recently got drunk and let a guy bring her back to her dorm and they kissed goodnight before ...

I think about my best friend's boyfriend more than I do my partner.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5807 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - OK THIS IS ALL WIRED I NEED HELP!!! OK so my best friend's boyfriend an I have been having an affair for 5 years now, he's been with her about 7 years, and I been with mine ten years. We both love the sex he tells me he loves it when he's sleeping...

I will never have 100% trust in her even if we get back together.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5818 days ago

16 October 2008 (M - Ok, this is going to be long because this has spanned over a year. I'm in college and I met this girl, me and her hit it off fine and I am not one of those guys who does relationships, I just date a lot so this was probably my 4th or 5th relat...

He doesn't seem as dedicated to our relationship as I am.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5719 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - I'm in a complicated relationship with my boyfriend, like me and him are secretly dating. We've been on a break once for about a month we broke up once for about a week but we do love each other a lot... or at least I love him a lot. We've been ...

Should I leave him alone or make my case?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5718 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - Theres this xmas party coming up and I wanted my boyfriend to come with me but he's never liked dancing in public, he won't like the music that's at the party, and I have a feeling that he won't feel like going. I forsaw this and I have a back up...

I tend to be 'too nice' to girls I like. How do I overcome this?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5793 days ago

16 October 2008 (M - Hi all, I have had a couple of relationships in the past due to mutual attraction. But, I also have a truckload of failures when I was the one who liked the girl first. I think I have figured out why I have always failed when I become attr...

My mum doesn't trust my boyfriend. What should I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5819 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - Okay I've got this problem with my mom. We've always got along and never fought. Ever. I'm 15, so I bet it shocks you that I actually get along with her, right? Well lately things have been different. Ever since I got a boyfriend. I've had boyf...

Why does he flirt with my friends when we've had a fight?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5783 days ago

16 October 2008 (F - Why do guys think that just because him and his girlfriend are in a fight that he can go around flirting with his girlfriend's friends who he just likes as friends????????????????? ...

How can I tell if I love her?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5819 days ago

16 October 2008 (M - Me and my girlfriend have been going out for almost 3 months and i dont know if i love her, like i want to tell her that i do but i dont want to be lying when i tell her. How can i tell if i love her and is it t o soon to be love with her? ...

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