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Archived questions from: 2 October, 2008 (see latest in Dating category)

(More questions from October, 2008)

Dating: Help and advice

Found a long black hair in his he cheating?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5766 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - About 2 or 3 weeks ago I found a semi-long black hair in my boyfriends shower. Kinda on the wall stuck from the water. I have very blonde hair and his hair is black but very short. None of his friends have black long hair and neither do any o...

Will she ever give me a second chance after something like this?

This question has 19 answers - newest was posted 5799 days ago

2 October 2008 (M - My girlfriend broke up with me one month ago and it absolutely broke my heart. We had been dating for two years and she decided to end it about a week after our two year anniversary. I have taken this hard and she has given me reasons for why ...

I have a major crush on this guy--do I go for it?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5832 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - He's the guy in the year above, the one that everyone thinks is cocky and over confident (which to some extent is true). Do I go for it at a party in about a week by telling him/trying to hook up with him or do I leave it? I've known him for ab...

New girlfriend and I'm clueless! Help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5831 days ago

2 October 2008 (M - Hello people of the internet. I am 16 and just got a new girlfriend (that I adore) a few days ago. We went to the park the second day we started going out. Things are going ok, we're having fun and all, but it feels kinda awkward. I'm sure it's be...

Why do I feel guilty for turning him in, as a cheater?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5831 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - Why do I feel guilty? This guy my friend is dating is charming and smart. They are in a long distance relationship though, but he sends her presents, texts her everyday and has planned to be with her already at christmas and spring break. However,...

I feel like my bf is bored with me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5831 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - I am feeling quite down on things at the moment. Amongst other things, I feel like my boyfriend is bored with me. He has never said he is, and he wouldn't be as mean to, but he seems to not be that interested in me at the moment. Although I am ...

MSN messages from her ex has me concerned!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5793 days ago

2 October 2008 (M - i am in a long distance relationship, recently i have found out my gf's ex bf has contacted her saying how sorry he is , he realises now what he lost loosing her. she says she only speaks to him as a friend and that he helped her a lot in the past ...

Intimacy with my first cousin..was it wrong?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5436 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - hi i had a intimate relationship with my first cousin, we were together for four months and then decided to have sex, but i became pregnant and was made to have an abortion because i was only 17 and my family didn't approve, now me and my cousin d...

He sent me roses but I just consider him a friend, nothing more! Help!

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2 October 2008 (F - I met this guy back in summer and we got along perfectly. He's the kind of guy who's always helping others and you can always count on him; in other words, he's a very good friend. Even if we've just met each other we really get along together. In ...

What else can I do to help rid myself of this horrible pain?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5825 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - It's been 3 months since a very nasty blowout happened between myself and the man I was sleeping with for 4yrs occured. I have honored everything he said to me that day in July (leave him alone,etc...)It just seems to me that I should feel better ...

What is this guy me out here!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5829 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - This boy gave me his number..i text him n we was texting most of the day..then he said is the pub on the cards tonite then? (bear in mind havent spoke to this boy since primary but only on facebook).. so i said maybe, he said he mite go with ...

Should I do myself up even more to be good enough for him? And change my personality?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5832 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - so my boyfriend broke up with me a couple days ago.. and i'm still not over it. we went out for about a week but i really liked him. usually it wouldn't bother me like this but i guess i really do like him. i guess i wasn't good enough for him. he's ...

I love her so much, but all we ever do is fight or have sex. We plan on marrying. Do we really have a chance?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5398 days ago

2 October 2008 (M - There are a few points about my relationship that would help you understand my position. - i've known this girl since my 6th grade. we had a mutual crush when we were in 8th and then we just drifted apart but we maintained contacts. - when i enter...

Would love your opinions! I don't understand boys.

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5831 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - Quick question would love your opinions! So i used to go to primary school with this boy (im now 20 by the way)..anyway so we started talking like a couple of months ago on facebook then he gave me his i text him etc n we was chatting n ...

Is there any point to this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5831 days ago

2 October 2008 (M - hi i need some opinions more than advise. I really like this girl who lives three and half hours away but i know i will only see her once in the next year and i keep saying to myself theres no point. What should i do cheers!!...

We had sex. Will he think I'm too fast?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5831 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - I met this guy over the internet and we started emailing on a Wednesday. We had a lunch date that Friday and liked each other, so we decided to have a happy hour that same day. We kissed after the happy hour. Then I saw the guy Saturday, Sunday and ...

He says he will go out with me when he returns from the army, but he is unreliable! I'm so confused!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5832 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - i have been going out with this lad for a couple of months now and he is in the army but i dont no if he real wants to go owt with me i mean he tells me he is coming home and he dont i have also noticed he has been telling me lies all my frends tell...

Is this girl interested in me or not?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5832 days ago

2 October 2008 (M - So I met this girl about a week and a half ago at the end of a night out, we started chatting, she offered her number and i gave her mine. She texted me the next day and we started texting each other quite a lot. She suggested meeting up, so I asked ...

I really liked him and thought we could become good friends and maybe more. But he vanished after 2 great dates! What can I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5832 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - I had 2 great dates with a guy. The 1st one after 3 months of emailing nearly every day. He called to arrange a 2nd date and said he's looking forward to seeing me again. There was a 5 months gap between the 2 dates because we were both travelling ...

He told me he loved me in my native language, but it's difficult for me to trust people. Did he mean it?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5819 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - hello I have a problem with my boyfriend, I am a very defensive person, because it is dificult for me to trust in people, my boyfriend is a very good guy. The thing is that as I am forein he is learning my first language that is spanish, so ...

Please, how can I woo her back into my life - show her that I am a great guy for her and that I love her.

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5810 days ago

2 October 2008 (M - I have been with my girlfriend for about 8 months. We completely fell in love the first time we met, it was like magic. She was 23 at the time and i was 18. For the first few months there was a lot of sex and passion and everything was great. it ...

What can I do to make her like me more than just a friend?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5831 days ago

2 October 2008 (M - Hi, I have already asked about a girl who I thought was taken, first of all I would like to thank people who replied and second I would like to say that I can now cofirm that she is actually single, I got it wrong. The problem is I asked the girl i...

He's the one I want, and it would really help me if you told me what you thought.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5811 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - I was with this lad for about 2 months (june + july). i've never liked anyone this much before, honestly in a way he changed my life. everytime i get a tex on my fone i always hope its off him but it never is. i got a one tex off him the other day ...

We are dating and she doesn't text me as often as I'd like to!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5832 days ago

2 October 2008 (M - Right... Ive been seeing (not a relationship yet) this girl since sunday, and we got along really well and all. that, but ever since i got home on sunday, her texts are really few and far between, I used to get constant texts from her, and she was ...

I have feelings for my best friend with whom I slept recently, but we then agreed to forget the incident, should I disclose how I feel?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5831 days ago

2 October 2008 (M - I have a wonderful friend. She's clever, funny, attractive and unfortunately another good friend of mine's ex. There has been a lot of sexual tension between us for a long time now, and the other week, we ended up sleeping together. I felt guilty ...

He tells me he loves me but the way he acts is improper and tells me differently... what do you think?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5832 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - Last night I went to see my friend who has just had a baby boy last week. Before I left my boyfriend had said to me "don't get any ideas" talking about having a child which isn't like him at all as before he used to say I cant wait to have kids but ...

Is there any way I can get him to invite me over at his house? I suspect he's still living with the ex? Can I get him to change his mind or feelings?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5832 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - I have been dating this guy for about 7months now. He has been to my house many times. I havent been to his place yet. He says hes stayin with his sister due to a recent situation. However, a couple weeks ago his "ex" or "g/f" lives a few blocks up ...

I try to hurt his feelings back... because he hurts mine so much. I just don't know how to cope with it. Am I selfish as he says?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5824 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - Where do I begin... I've been with a man now for a year (we live 40 min. apart)... but for the last 2-3 months now we've been fussing quite a bit. It's usually over a couple of things. 1. he wants me to do oral ALL THE TIME! and I don't want...

Is he beating around the bush in asking me to hook up with him again? Or is he just friendly?

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2 October 2008 (F - I hooked up with this guy about a month ago, and we exchanged numbers and stuff (I had hooked up with him a few months prior to that but never got each other's numbers or anything, and by hooking up, I mean we performed oral sex on each other and ...

My old flame and I talked about our mutual feelings. Now we are both going through nasty break ups. But she has begun to date others now and only treats me as a friend!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5833 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - I recently came back in contact with an old flame in June. We saw eachother for the first time in a long time, exchanged info and began speaking on a regular basis. Initially the conversations started out flirty, then they got downright dirty....

I broke up with my boyfriend to be with him, we had sex once but then he seemed uninterested?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5833 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - I met a guy ages ago through work and we went to a party one night and seemed to click, nothing happened because I was with my bf.. After I broke up with my bf we started seeing each other. went to the pub, out for dinner, we kissed, had sex once. ...

Where can I go to actually get started with my "social life", now that I'm a graduate? I'm single!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5833 days ago

2 October 2008 (M - While I was in high school and my early college years, it wasn't that hard to meet new people. Now that I am a graduate, it just feels a heck of a lot harder. As I am getting older (22 next month), it bothers me more and more that I am single with...

He says, I am the only one for him, but I think he has feelings for his ex! Help!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5832 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - my boyfriend and i have been seeing each other for a year in love with this guy no matter what happens however lately, we have been having arguments. usually its always my fault really, i bring up something to get him arguing with me. this ...

He snorts pills! Should I stay or should I leave him?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5833 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - My boyfriend and I have been dating for a little over 2 years. We both are so in love. He had a problem with snorting pills when we first got together. He's promised and sworn on my life that he has stopped for a year and a half. Recently his Mom ...

His young kids are out of control and are effecting our relationhip, should I stay in this or not?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5832 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - Has anyone dated a man that has kids that are out of control????? He has full custody and the kids don't listen, fight constantly. What scares me is they are only 3 and 4. He minimizes their behavior!!! We have been dating only 4 months and at the ...

I'm not ready for marriage and babies yet, am I sabbotaging this relationship with my worrying?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5832 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - Hi All, I was hoping for help with a question that's been grinding away at me for a while now. I have been with my boyfriend for a year and a half now, and our relationship is wonderful, warm, and loving. We are both educated professionals,...

Am I wrong guys or is he just not that into me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5832 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - I have dated a man twice in three weeks. Because his 17 and 19 year old sons live with him, he says he is really only available to see me after 8 pm weeknights and, so far, has not been available on weekends. He called tonight and left a message ...

I know I do need to make changes, so why does she still call and can I win her heart back?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5832 days ago

2 October 2008 (M - Hello my I want to explain the whole situation so bare with me because I do appreciate advice and want you to be on the same page and know the story. Here it is...I met this girl last year and my life was in a rut because of the death of my ...

Is it illegal for an 18 year old to have a 15 year old girlfriend?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5832 days ago

2 October 2008 (F - (sorry this is going to be long) Hi everyone, I have a question...[but heres the story first] last Friday September the 26th, I decided to skip school. I am currenlty in the 8th grade and im 14 turing 15 in March. Ok now the reason why I skipped ...

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