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Archived questions from: 10 October, 2011 (see latest in Dating category)

(More questions from October, 2011)

Dating: Help and advice

Should I not date people who don't share my beliefs?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4728 days ago

10 October 2011 (M - I'm a christian and believe in no sex before marriage and i want to marry someone who also feels this way so should I not even consider being with people that aren't virgins and share the same belief as me because I will never be with them for the ...

When can I show him my sexy outfit on me???

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4729 days ago

10 October 2011 (F - Hi everyone. I recently bought a sexy outfit to wear for my boyfriend but I am struggling to think of a time when I can actually wear it. We both still live at home with parents and although we spend most nights together, I am unsure of how to...

Did he "do it" with his ex... or didn't he???

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4729 days ago

10 October 2011 (F - Basically I have been with my bf for 2 yrs and 7 months, we have been through everything together. But I am too nosey for my own good, and I found on FB that he was messaging his ex talking dirty and he suggested meeting up for sex :O its killi...

Irritable bowel...?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4729 days ago

10 October 2011 (F - My boyfriend has had this problem since he was a baby! It all started when he was 9 months old, he was rushed to hospital and operated on, there was a cyst on his bowel and a twisted gut! He is now 28 years old and 4 years ago this problem has came ...

A sex question!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4727 days ago

10 October 2011 (M - I have been dating this girl for quite some time now. I would say about a month. We do a lot of relationship type of things like going out, spending the weekend together, and staying in. We kiss, hug, cuddle... real basic stuff. However, we have not ...

Condom break!!!!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4717 days ago

10 October 2011 (F - I'm panicking right now. My boyfriend and I had the condom break on us two nights ago. I had forgotten to take my birth control for two days (and so was on my period) before he visited (I took my pill the day we had sex, but I didn't not take two ...

The difference between breaking up and on a break???

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4729 days ago

10 October 2011 (F - I broke up with my boyfriend on Saturday. However after several break downs on Saturday, and seeing him yesterday I've realized I really want to be with him, and he want's to be with me. So we've retitled our breakup, to a break. My question is ...

Am I too old to find love again? Should I stay or go?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4729 days ago

10 October 2011 (F - I've divorced my husband. He is a selfish person and his stinginess has bothered me for years. He never wanted to spend money even if needed. Finally I've decided to end it after 20 years together. While I was going through my divorce I've met ...

Any tips on how to be more flirty?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4729 days ago

10 October 2011 (M - How should I go about being more funny and flirty in conversations with girls? Like dropping in sexual innuendoes and other things like that to show I want to take our relationship further than just friends. I kind of close up when it comes t...

How do I approach a group of girls?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4728 days ago

10 October 2011 (M - I need tips in a few areas to improve my chances will the ladies. Firstly, how do I approach girls in groups and get them to like me? I'm not too bad with them if they are by themselves but I get nervous when approaching a women or a number of women ...

Does she like me or is she an attention seeker?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4729 days ago

10 October 2011 (M - hey people, i wanna know if there are any tips how can you distinguish between if the girl that i want likes me or she is just attention seeker ? here is some info which might help she is famous in school and knows a lot of guys, classmates ...

I want her to give us another chance!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4729 days ago

10 October 2011 (M - I and my ex were going out for about three years in half…at the beginning when we first started going out, I wasn’t giving our relationship my all because of what happened with my prior relationship. My ex put it all in the line for me. She would ...

I'm unsure how to handle this developing relationship!

No replies yet: Be the first to answer!

10 October 2011 (M - I'm unsure how to handle a situation developing right now. Short pre-cursor, I got to know another girl this past year, things went pear shaped and we no longer speak, something that I regret very much (im unsure what i did wrong apart from empha...

How long before she might reply/text me back?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4729 days ago

10 October 2011 (M - Hi all... Im a 20 something guy and want to get female opinions on something. I know usually 'guy gets girl tel number and it goes from there' - but 3 days ago a situation happened - where I helped a girl in a tricky situation, and ...

2 men and don't know what to do.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4729 days ago

10 October 2011 (F - NEED HELP on what to do. So, I have been seeing this guy on and off for over 2 years now. We recently broke up because he can be very abrasive. He means well, but he can be an ass sometimes. But most of the time, we have this amazing connection that ...

Are You Making Time For Your Partner?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4724 days ago

10 October 2011 (M - Do you focus your energy on something or someone which may take time away from you and your partner? Well if you highly value your relationship, you may need to make some changes. Situation#1: Work. If you’re a big time workaholic, then...

She's suddenly different and weird.....

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4729 days ago

10 October 2011 (M - Okay first of all, thanks for taking your time to answer this :) There's this girl I recently met, and it's been 3 months since I first met her and we both like each other very much. We came to the verge of going out once and I even asked her o...

I'm attracted to a girl I knew 8 years ago, now I'm friends with her on Facebook should I contact her? What should I say?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4727 days ago

10 October 2011 (M - as the titles say attracted to a girl i knew 8 years ago who i recently added on facebook, how do i speak to her? i used to be in her form and she actually asked me out (7-8 years ago) but i declined now i find her extremly attractive looking at ...

How long should I wait to have sex with him? I don't want to end up hurt again...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4729 days ago

10 October 2011 (F - Dear Readers, I would like some advice please in regards to a guy I met. I come from a background of Domestic Violence and have not had much luck in the past with men. I have had a lot of counselling to avoid getting involved with toxic men, how...

Holiday romance or more?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4729 days ago

10 October 2011 (F - hi, I would very much appreciate your thoughts and advice on my current situation. I am a single mum of two. Recently I went on holiday with some girfriends and met a lovely man. He is a DJ and ten years younger than me, I am 33. We had a rom...

He's known as a womaniser...does he want me as a booty call or something more?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4729 days ago

10 October 2011 (F - There's this boy I've known for months now. He's known as a womaniser around my school and I'm no fool to that. I currently developed feelings for him, and while we were at a party, I was actually trying to see if he liked me too. He didn't star...

I like her and her best friend!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4730 days ago

10 October 2011 (M - Hey guys... I'm kind of torn at the moment between two girls. One is this crazy, amazing girl that I met, we became friends, like really good friends. Then she started ignoring me. And I became depressed because I had no Idea why. So I ended...

When I ask b/f where our relationship is going he says he can't guarantee anything!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4729 days ago

10 October 2011 (F - Hi Eveyone! My boyfriend and I of 11/2 year decided to move in together in his house. He seems really committed to me. He even get me a car to drive (since I dnt have one) he pays for my phone bill and he said he really loves having me around...

My best friend is hanging out with the girl of my dreams!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4729 days ago

10 October 2011 (M - Hello everyone , i feel like my heart is about to break, you see i have this friend who is one of my best friends and he's hangin out with the girl i love when i'm not around like...all the time. and the worse thing is that i can't say anything so I ...

Online dating--am I being too push or too demanding?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4729 days ago

10 October 2011 (F - Hi cupids, I need help on this one. I am just too busy or tired to go out and meet guys. I'm in my late 20s, great career, well educated, in shape, and give 110 % to my kid. The last part obviously scares away a lot of men. So, a friend ...

What is going on with him? I wish he would change and fall in love with me....

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4728 days ago

10 October 2011 (F - dear cupid, I have been so confused about a guy who I have met seven years. I cannot call it a relationship but we have been together on and off for the past seven years and for short periods of time maximum a month. The reason why I keep letti...

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