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Archived questions from: 19 March, 2009 (see latest in Sex category)

(More questions from March, 2009)

Sex: Help and advice

I just wanna know what the gushy sticky stuff was.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5664 days ago

19 March 2009 (M - I had sex with my girl a lot of times, she just got off her period and I had sex with her. The last time we had sex was yesterday and while we was doing it it was good but when I pulled out I notice that it was gushy sticky stuff on the outside of ...

Opinions needed! How can I put the spark back into our relationship?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5664 days ago

19 March 2009 (M - How do I get the spark back in our relationship? We have been together for 9 years and my wife has said she is missing that spark between us. What should I do? Any suggestions?...

I'm not getting pleasure from masturbating any more. Help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5663 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - Hi, I've had no problem masturbating in the past but lately I've noticed I'm not getting intense orgasms. This has been happening about 6 months now and I get nowhere. I'm basically not getting any pleasure from it whatsoever. I have went on one ...

Do guys enjoy dry humping?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5662 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - do guys enjoy dry humping ? i know i do cause of the clit preassure stimulation thing but how do guys enjoy it ? if they do at all ...

Sexual Intimacy - help, any suggestions

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5663 days ago

19 March 2009 (M - I have been in a relationship for a while, and we were not virgins when we got together. I had a 2 year borrowing sex life - only 2 positions, occational sex, she would cum in 5-10 min then be board while I finished - no real deep connection. My ...

Mixed messages from my sex buddie!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5664 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - I've been seeing this guy (sexually) but he seems to send me mixed messages. Is there anything I can do to make him like me in a romantic way?...

Masturbation and carrots!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5664 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - I'm 13. I went to my friends house to sleep over and I got a bit drunk. Ok a lot drunk. Her brother who is 16 was with us the whole time. I remember me and my friend masturbating, with carrots, but recently I've been itchy and I think I had sex with ...

Kitchen a good place for sex?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5664 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - Is the kitchen a good location for sex? Did you do it on the floor, counter, table, chairs, or other places? What positions did you use and enjoy? Was it a fun location for sex? I think it would be fun to make human sundaes with my boyfriend. Us...

Question protected sex with person with HIV

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5664 days ago

19 March 2009 (M - Ok, here's the thing and it's a pretty big thing. My girlfriend and I have been together for almost a year. We dated for about four months before we got more intimate. First it was 'making out', then she would give me a 'hand job' for want of a bet...

I've never taken a girl virginity before

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5664 days ago

19 March 2009 (M - I've been seeing my girlfriend for about two years now and I recently asked her to marry me. She's the same age as me (25) but she's still a virgin. She said that she has always wanted to wait for the right guy. I've been with her for two years and ...

Broke up now wants to marry me...Should I consider it?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5660 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - I'm a female of 24 years old. I have 2 lovely childen by my ex boyfriend. Reason i broke it off with him was because he made another woman pregnant. It has been 2 yrs some months since we called it quitz. Now he has been aproaching me wanting us t...

Husband seems unattracted to me only after 1 1/2 years of marriage. :(

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5641 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - I need help with my marriage. I've only been married for 1 1/2 years and I feel like my marriage is already getting stale. My biggest problem is my insecurity with my body. I've always had high self esteem until I got married. My husband LOVES big ...

Why did she suddenly admit that she loves me after all these years?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5664 days ago

19 March 2009 (M - Hi. I've been friends with this girl since we were teenagers and I've been in love with her since we became friends. It must be thirteen years all in all. She's the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on, we share the same interests, she ...

Nervous Nora

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5664 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - Dear Cupid I want to talk to my new boyfriend more about sex but we’re both a bit embarrassed and I can never think what to say. We’ve been together for nearly three weeks and are getting a bit more adventurous in the bedroom. We’ve had full s...

Well endowed and anal sex help...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5664 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - hi all, i have had anal sex with a previous b/f, maybe, twice. he was average in size. it was ok and there were no dramas with mess from me or anything. i am now with another b/f, who is very well endowed. we are wanting to have anal sex but...

Orgasm and climax are they the same?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5665 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - whats the difference between climax and orgasm? i cant really understand!...

Caught b/f masturbating..wonder if he does it all the time?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5664 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - Hi, hopefully I can get some advice. Last week I caught my boyfriend masterbating. I had always assumed that he did it because pretty much everyone does, but I was really offended that he would do it when I was right in the other room. I tried ...

I lied that I had sex and now she doesn't trust me

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5665 days ago

19 March 2009 (M - Ok, the other day I did the dumbest thing ever. My girlfriend and I both 18 want to have sex with eachother and we are both virgins. But she asked me if I have been with any other girls and I wanted to seem like a player so I told her ive actually ...

I'm embarrassed that I haven't had sex yet

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5661 days ago

19 March 2009 (M - Well to start things off, I am a 22 year old virgin. It is very hard living in a day and age where all your friends talk about sex and their recent conquests and you have no idea what it is about. I have been told that I am a pretty attractive guy ...

He turned to religion and now wants to completely avoid sex

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5664 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - MY boyfriend of six months wants to stop having sex with me... when we started dating our relationship was about sex.. The first thing that we both had in common was that we were very inmate with each other... now he wants to stop having sex because ...

Why won't he take my clothes off or touch me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5665 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - i like this guy, ihave been the one to ask him to have sex when we do it he won't tkake my cloth off, he will alwys do it from the back and won't evene take my underwear off. he won't touch my body, he ...

Its getting harder and harder to stop something from happening outside my marriage

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5665 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - I have been married for almost 10 years now. I used to get sex every night if not every other night. Lately, I barely get it once a week and I am so horney. I have a very high sex drive. I keep telling my husband, but it doesn't seem to help. I even ...

Worried about my "taste"

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5665 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - Hello DearCupid. :) Well, I've found that I care about my current lover very much, and we're starting to move a bit further in our sexual relationship. He's told me that he enjoys performing oral sex, specifically. I'm a bit worried, howeve...

I don't know what to consider this? Sexual assault?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5665 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - I'm trying to figure out what happened. There is a bar that i frequently go to and yesterday, St. Patrick's Day I met one of my friends up there for a little celebration. We began bar hopping on the strip and i we both ended back up at the bar we...

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