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Archived questions from: July, 2017 (see latest in Breaking up category)

Breaking up: Help and advice

I pushed him away because I wanted him closer to me.

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 2607 days ago

31 July 2017 (F - So 3 weeks ago I kind of pushed my boyfriend away and told him I don't wanna be with him but what I was really trying to do is making him understand my mental illness, suffering from GAD and BPD, I tried to tell him maybe through my ery wrong way of ...

What does can,t say Goodbye so i,ll say Goodnight mean ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 2606 days ago

31 July 2017 (M - My girlfriend and i split up 3 months ago , the last time, and the last thing she said was , can,t say Goodbye so i,ll say Goodnight , Which one is it ? If she was too upset to say Goodbye, and did not want to say Goodbye ,BUT ...

Things seem to have went cold in our LDR. Do I end things and ask to be friends?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 2490 days ago

30 July 2017 (F - hello guys, I am 19 years old, my boyfriend is 21. we were in a long distance relationship for two months; we chat online. we met once for a very short time ( cause we both didn't have enough time to stay for long..) anyways, it was weird, w...

I'm hurting terribly after a break up. Any advice on how to feel better?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 2610 days ago

28 July 2017 (F - Hi everyone, I was involved with a guy for about a year. It didn't work out because he couldn't commit to me and last week I found out he'd actually been in love with someone else when he met me. I made the decision last week to cut contac...

Did I accidentally lead my controlling ex boyfriend on?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 2611 days ago

27 July 2017 (F - Currently I have an amazing bf who I've been dating for a short while. Before I started dating him, I dated another guy for a short while who turned out to be a total control freak. When I 1st met him, the feeling of being wanted felt very good. ...

How is the best way to deal with social media and ex partners?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 2609 days ago

26 July 2017 (F - My partner and i separated about 4 weeks ago. We had been together 4 years. The break up was horrible. He called me one day at work told me he cheated on me then dumped me...i was in shock because i had no idea anything was still hurting. ...

My ex played me, I'm pregnant and now very hurt and confused

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 2614 days ago

25 July 2017 (F - My boyfriend of about a year and 3 months broke up. It's been a long distance relationship since he's in the navy but he's only 5 hours away so we did get to see each other when we could. So this guy was the love of my life I pictured my who future ...

Should I end things with him? Or just go with the flow?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2614 days ago

24 July 2017 (F - Thank you for for your hellp. ... not sure what to do at this point regarding my situation but any suggestions will help. What happened is that I've known this guy at work for about 4 years and we've talked as co-workers/friends all this time in ...

How to untangle this 'nightmare'?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 2614 days ago

24 July 2017 (F - I've been married for almost a year now and I feel like I'm trapped in a nightmare. When something goes wrong, he never wants to sit down and talk about things. He becomes angry and defensive which leads us to nowhere. When I suggest solutions, he ...

My boyfriend has been texting a past hook up!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2615 days ago

24 July 2017 (F - I have been dating this guy for a few months now and we are crazy about each other. We have been exclusive for a while, but I saw the other day that he has been texting with a girl he has hooked up with before. They have been friends for 10 years, ...

What now? We were hanging out together a lot and I got her free lift tickets and helped her get gear!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 2615 days ago

24 July 2017 (M - I have been hanging out with a girl for 6 months. I moved to town a year ago and was looking to meet new people.. so I come along and offer to take her skiing. Help her get gear, free tickets and we go. Skied a couple of times hang out and life is ...

Is this guy lying about his wifey situation?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 2616 days ago

23 July 2017 (F - I met a guy online and started seeing him. Before I started seeing him he took down his profile as he said he found it demoralising. He told me he was separated, had been for 9 yrs. said he hadn't divorced because he wife had gotten a boyfrie...

I'm too afraid to get hurt again after an unexpected breakup

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 2615 days ago

22 July 2017 (F - It's been a bit over 2 months since I had an unexpected break-up that left me kind of shaken. I've progressed well in most respects,but I'm still stuck on the fear of dating again. Back story: I thought I did EVERYTHING right with this last o...

Does this guy seem easily upset or unstable or did I actually do something wrong?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 2185 days ago

22 July 2017 (F - What did he really want? I met a guy online about 2mts ago, after we met he was obvious to me he was interested in casual. We hit it off and I was attracted to him. As a single mum I was ok with casual. We met several times and slept together...

We've already decided we are going to break up eventually. Should we just do it now?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2617 days ago

22 July 2017 (F - I'm with someone I love dearly and we have almost been together for two years. Both of us are cautious about fully committing because of curiosity about other romantic options. I'm willing to stay and see where things go, but he is for sure ...

I'm ready to walk, am I just being used as a babysitter?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 2617 days ago

20 July 2017 (M - hey, my partner sits on her phone all day does the odd chore round the house i mean when one of the babies does a dirty nappy she doesnt get down to cleaning it up she tells me babies pood so i end up doing it and been like that for years im a stay ...

8 years of trust,broken! Can we make it back?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 2620 days ago

17 July 2017 (F - Hi all thanks for your help first of all I have a horrible problem I need help with. Sorry about the lengh. I went on a holiday with 4 of my friends one of them is my boyfriends brothers girlfriend Side note: I've been with my bf 8 years been ...

think they are way too secretive and just honestly don't want them anywhere near each other!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 2614 days ago

16 July 2017 (F - Okay so before me and my bf were dating he had a crush on my best friend but nothing ever happened because he was actually dating someone else. We winded up dating about a yr later. We were kind of like a trio before our romance started but as time...

Do I pick my FWB or the girl I was dating?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2622 days ago

16 July 2017 (M - Hi all. In much need of some help to sort out this insanity I've found myself in. So I've been in a friend's with benefits relationship with a woman for 2 years now. She's actually become my very best friend. But I also have a girl who is supe...

He's back with her and I'm hurting. What can I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2623 days ago

15 July 2017 (F - They were together for 2 years and they haven't really had a no contact period. Well, she stopped talking to him for two months and when she hit him up when she visited town he lashed out at her and said "You haven't talked to me in two months! What ...

A man who she has been dating for 3 weeks gets more recognition than I did in 3 years!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 2620 days ago

15 July 2017 (F - I am so upset and livid right now and I just need some words of wisdom and kind responses to bring me back down. I'm a gay female. I spent 3 years in a relationship with a woman. I was the only woman that she'd ever been with. It was one of th...

My boyfriend is a good guy but I'm not in love with him anymore. There's also a new man on the scene but he's in a relationship. I'm clueless about what to do

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2626 days ago

13 July 2017 (F - Hi Aunts and Uncles. I'm posting this here because I have always had good advice here before and I have no one I can speak to about this. I feel like such an awful person for what I am about to write but I can't go on keeping it in my head. It's ...

I want him back but I don't think my family and friends will like it

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 2628 days ago

11 July 2017 (F - I had been in a relationship for almost 6 years (engaged to be married) and my fiancé informed me almost a month ago he likes another woman. After plenty of time I decided one night to leave him and moved everything out and back to my parents ho...

Do I leave my depressed boyfriend who will not get help?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 2620 days ago

10 July 2017 (F - I have been with my partner just short of four years and I can confidently say he was the love of my life. I say was because now he is suffering with depression and will not seek help. He got diagnosed with this in 2013 and stopped taking tablets ...

I feel like I'm a rebound and that he's not over his ex!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 2623 days ago

7 July 2017 (F - My boyfriend broke up with his last ex girlfriend almost 2 years ago, I'm not very sure he is over her and I feel I'm just a rebound whenever I ask him questions about his past relationships he doesn't get frustrated about any of his exes except his ...

Help me understand these people! I'm feeling hurt and confused!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 2632 days ago

7 July 2017 (F - Hi I broke up with my husband in October and met someone I'm work after. It was a whirl wind and I was vulnerable. The man was charming told me I was wonderful promised me the world. I fell for it hook line and sinker. I found out he lived w...

Hes been exchanging suggestive messages with an ex ... should I break up with him?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2627 days ago

7 July 2017 (F - A few months ago, my boyfriend and I argued over a woman that he had been making sexual comments with on facebook. He said that he was joking, but I didn't think it was funny. She said she had a soft spot for him, then he mentioned a "hard spot" , ...

I don't understand why she wont just delete her profile from online dating sites!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 2630 days ago

6 July 2017 (M - It's hard to know where to start, and I know this will turn into a long post so I appreciate anyone willing to read through and offer advice. I've been in a long-term-relationship for about six years, we're the same age. When things are good,...

Trivial Fights getting out of control

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 2634 days ago

4 July 2017 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years. We have had our ups and downs. When it is good it is REALLY good. The passion is high. We share a lot and are similar in many ways. But we have had our share of down-at-the mouth fights. Somehow we ...

Why can't I let go of somebody who had let go before it even started?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 2636 days ago

2 July 2017 (F - I'm so confused with myself and am hoping the advice from unbiased people will help my heart a bit. Last April I started dating someone who was an acquitance for 10 years before that. I fell head over heels and really thought we would work out. ...

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