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Archived questions from: 19 January, 2007 (see latest in Troubled relationships category)

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Troubled relationships: Help and advice

He treats me so bad! Why do I love him? Any advice?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6454 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - Hello, My heart is so broken. I am in love with a man who for some reason does not respect me and can not treat me consistently and kindly. He keeps me stringing along, says he loves me and then ignores me. Wants me to live with him and marry me...

Its like I love him so much, but how do i trust him better?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6454 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - I seek advise, I really really REAALLY love my bf sooo much but im really worried about him with other girls. He rocks like sooo much and its like i love him but how do i trust him better???n how do i try n keep him????...

He smacked me and I left! But.. I am hurting so bad. How can I stop letting my emotions get the best of me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6454 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - I have been in a relationship for almost 3 years now and married for about a year. My two daughter's and I moved in with him and his son 2 years ago. I have raised his son like my own. I have tried to be a good mom to him because his mother died ...

He has hit, kicked, and punched me before, but i just let it slide because it's just so hard to get away from him! Any thoughts?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6112 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - Should i still be with my boy-friend because i think that he is just using me for the money and my sex just like what he did before..Sometimes he tells me that he loves, but how am i sure that he just wants to be with me for more money. He has hit, ...

He's older than me and I'm afraid he'll go clubbing anytime he wants! What should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6454 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - well im 15 years old and bf's 18 and im really afraid that he might be going clubbing anytime he wants and when he's not suppose to. I don't really trust him because we both played each other in the past before and we've both done many wrong things ...

It's a dead relationship but can't break up as I wouldn't want to lose him as a good friend! What can I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6426 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - Hmmm this is pretty complicated..but basically i'm in a dead relationship...I love him but more as a best friend. He means so much to me and I tell him everything. But i just dont have thos feelings feels so wrong..i feel like crying ...

Can one's feelings change the moment something is said. Has anyone experienced this same situation?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6426 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - Has it ever happened to you that in a relationship something in a moment you can pinpoint, makes you realize that you have seen the light and your feelings towards the other person change? I'll elaborate a little: in my last relationship, i ...

He said he doesn't want sex b/c he's "got something" that's none of my business. Then I found a vile text from him to another woman!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6453 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - Dear Cupid My partner had been tempted to have a fling with a girl he met at the gym and I found a text he was going to send her, which was vile. He swore nothing came of it and never would. It forced me to look at myself and why he may want to ...

Why are my friends trying to screw me over?!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6454 days ago

19 January 2007 (M - Ok here the deal, Its kind of complicated but one of my best friends (Rach) went crazy at me today because she thinks i'm talking about her behind her back. Obiously I haven't, but no matter what I said I couldn't make her see that. So eventually I ...

I want him to show me affection and not just during sex. I don't know what to do.

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6316 days ago

19 January 2007 (? - hey. my boyfriend doesn't know how to show love or affection. he can't cuddle me or kiss me unless there is another reason. the only time i ever feel this real love and affection is when we are having sex. i know he isn't just with me for t...

His wife doesn't seem done with their marriage. I feel guilty for being w/ him and don't know what to do!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6454 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - I met my boyfriend at work, he is a customer. We got along famously like old friends. I learn that he is seperated but I let the friendship continue even though I know I am attracted to him. I even gave him my phone number when he asked after about ...

My partner has lost her sex drive and I think she's getting too close to her friend.I don't know what to do. Please help me.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6454 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - I need a little advice. I have been with my partner for almost 6 years, we got married last summer and I have always believed it was the best thing ever. However things have been a little odd lately. She seems to have lost her sex drive entirely...

When I'm not in the mood for sex my partner gets upset with me. I feel pressured sometimes. What can I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6454 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - I was married up until last year and had an affair with someone else, since then I separated from my husband and I am now living with my new partner. When it was an affair we were having sex at every opportunity! Now we are together properly and ...

He's goes behind my back and contacts his ex, and takes numbers from other girls! What should I do?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6451 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - Hi My boyfriend and I went out at university and he cheated a few times (it was long distance). We broke up but a year later we got back together because he is finished universty. I said there was a lot of things that needed to be done on his p...

At first things were great, but now it feels like I don't matter anymore. Why has he changed towards me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6454 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - i've been with my long distance boyfriend for over a year now. Dispite the distance, at first things were great. He made me feel so wanted and loved..which before was something I didn't think i'd ever feel.But now things seem to have changed so ...

My boyfriend's ex wife won't leave us alone! We just want to be left in peace. I can't take the pressure!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6426 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - Hi Everyone, I Would like some help please, as i am really getting upset. I have been with my boyfriend for a year this week and i love him so much. My problem is his ex wife, she won't leave him alone. I was best friends with my boyfriend for ye...

I want to forget about her and move on but I still love her! Any advice?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6454 days ago

19 January 2007 (M - Hi, could you please help me with this….. I have been in relationship with my partner for year and half. I have to say, from the first few months of knowing her I felt that we might not be right for each other, but I kept saying to myself no o...

I'm pregnant and the father told me to keep it a secrte. I told my 2 teenage children and now he wants nothing to do with me! What should I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6454 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - i have been separated for a year and a half. i met a bloke 4 months ago, he swept me off my feet. I didn't know what real love felt like until i met him. 2 months into the relationship i fell pregnant. at first he seemed happy about it, we ...

Should I be worried that he's stopped calling?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4880 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - should i be worried that my boyfriend hasnt been calling me? he usually calls almost everyday i know hes been stressed lately but is that an excuse for not calling for several days? ive tried calling him and theres no answer so i leave a message ...

He says he doesn't want a serious relationship... So what did his mention of a child mean?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6454 days ago

19 January 2007 (F - I met someone almost a yr ago. It took him along time to kiss me. He came out of a relationship. HE is divorced no kids. This is my problem he doesn't want a serious relationship (which to me serious we hang out about 3 to 4 times a week which ...

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