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Archived questions from: 7 May, 2009 (see latest in Teenage category)

(More questions from May, 2009)

Teenage: Help and advice

Unrequited love, please help me to fall out of love with him!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5603 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - It's the age old problem... I am deeply and irrevocably in love with a guy who doesn't love me back and I swear its killing me. I was really wondering how I can fall out of love with him, I guess he's like a drug to me so i think i should probably ...

How do you tell someone you love them when they don't love you?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5563 days ago

7 May 2009 (M - How do you tell someone you love them when you know they don't love you back but the feeling has been killing you because you have to keep it inside?...

Please help me, my heart is broken in pieces.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5615 days ago

7 May 2009 (M - Hi guys, About 4-5 weeks ago me and my girlfriend of 2 years agreed to go on a 2 week break. At the time I was glad because I felt like I didn't want a girlfriend anymore. I didn't realize however that I had been goin through a stage of depre...

Saggy vagina at this age???

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 4084 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - I know this sounds disgusting but it had really been bugging me, people say that grannys have vaginas with their flaps hanging out the bottom and that it is disgusting, well... I'm only 13 and I have that problem, is this normal or am I 'saggy'?? T...

I love him but he doesn't even know I exist...

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4818 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - hello everyone i realy hope you can help me!!! well here goes... there is this guy at school that i realy like. and it isn't "just a crush" coz it's been nearly 10 months and i still love him like i did that very first day i saw him. But there is...

I'm feeling frustrated with the little affection I get from her in public

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5615 days ago

7 May 2009 (M - (this is goanna be pieced together kinda oddly, i have allot of scattered thoughts and emotions atm) hey me and my girl have been dating now for 9 months, we love each other dearly, there is no sex in our relationship since she refuses to till ...

The teasing is really getting to me -- any lines I can use back?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5613 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - I get on the school bus everyday and I usually have a high ponytail. The boys on the bus have started to call me Jet Li, and make weird martial arts noises whenever I walk on and off the bus. They are very popular and I myself am just an average ...

Serious stomach cramps!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5615 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - Hey I had a major problem yesterday and was wondering if anyone knew what it could be. Yesterday was the first day of my period for this month, and i got some pretty bad stomach cramps it started in the morning and i was thinking that's normal......

I feel sick around guys I like....please help?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5615 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - Hey um... hoping someone out there can help me with this... this has happened 3 times already and I'm starting to wonder if it's going to be like this for 'ever'... here's an example scenario: i like this guy, or at least believe i do; i like the ...

Am I diabetic?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 5615 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - My mum is dibetic, and i had symtoms of diabities, dizziness,blurred vision,thirsty all the time and going to the loo alot a feel like am gonna faint all the time. so i used my mams one touch to take my blood sugar levels and it came back as just ...

We have flirted in the past now he is totally ignoring me!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5613 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - I need some help. I really like this guy at my school. I’ve liked him for about 4 months now. He has a girlfriend at a different school. We have flirted in the past, and played around joking and stuff. Then randomly one week he just stopped ...

Lost love - normal to see them in another person?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5588 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - Hello there, I have a small question to ask. When you fall in love with someone, you become completely attached to them and devote your time, self and thoughts to them, right? But, if you lose them, either through death, distance or just ...

Help! I want to have sex with my cousin!

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5472 days ago

7 May 2009 (M - Hey I am 16 years old and I have this cousin that I can't get out of my head! I severely want to have sex with her, it's just I don't know how to ask. I do not see her often, If I'm lucky it's once a year for about a week. What I want in a reply is ...

She says she cannot continue our relationship because she is cheating her parents!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5616 days ago

7 May 2009 (M - i love my girlfriend very much.we even spended some nights together. i was her first boyfriend. she is a girl of 17yrs.. now she says that she cannot continue our relationship further. she says that she is cheating her parents... she says that she ...

How can I get over my crush of three years?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5615 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - I have a crush on this guy for about 3 years but he has a girlfriend. How can i get over him and how can i get my friends to stop bugging me about it? My friends just tease me like "look who's over there". Please help me get over him and get my ...

Does he have a crush on me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5616 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - There is a boy at my school who (when we have the same class together) keeps staring at me. He isn't really a good guy (I'm sure he does drugs; he did the last time I checked) but he's been nice to me in the past and I think he's an o.k. person. ...

I'm 15 and find myself unable to quit smoking

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5616 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - I am fifteen years old now, and in Grade Nine. I've been smoking since Grade Seven, and I was twelve years old. Over the course of the past couple years, I've tried my best to quit smoking but I always fall back into the same routines, and lately, ...

My boyfriend broke up with me via text and is now ignoring me

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5348 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - i recently posted a question about my exboyfriend. he broke up with me about a week ago, saying that he wasn't ready to be in a relationship right now, even though we'd been together for almost a year, but that he still loves me and wants us to be...

I am at a loss for words with my boyfriend and very shy, can someone give me some topics of conversation?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5606 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - i have a boyfriend and well i always seem to not to talk to him cuz well i have nothing to say so please give meh things to say and well i always seem to get red when i talk to him and im afraid to kiss him im really nervous cant you help meh???? ...

I can't get over this guy

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5616 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - Hey, i really dont know what to do, so here it goes. my best friend got with the guy she knew i liked, and broke up with him a week later, but thats not the problem, my problem is that i couldn't and cant get over this guy, its driving me nuts. ...

Would this be considered an abusive relationship?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5611 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - I already posted a question, but it's getting worse.. This clingy, attatched boyfriend is getting rediculous... My phone was messed up and basically unusable. And so I got an old one a friend had given me. It was tmobile, I have att, my boyfriend ...

My gay best friend came on to me and I don't know what to do

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5612 days ago

7 May 2009 (M - Hi i have a problem and i dont know what to do... okay basically my bestfriend joey came out to me...he told me that he was gay and was attracted to guys, i was shocked but i didn't really care so as a good friend would do..i reassured him, com...

He likes me, I don't like him, he won't leave me alone!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5616 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - Ok .. .... So i have this guy in my class who likes me and apparently hes liked me for a long time!! Thats a good thing except for i don't like him back!! :( we were talking on the internet and i had to know if all of the rumours about him liking me ...

Confused over two men, please advise, who would be better?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5616 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - i am currently with a guy i liked for 8 years, we've been together for 7 months. He is pretty awsome, really sweet, treats me great, helps me with my kids, and im slowly falling some what in love with him(not really love yet), anyways, there is ...

I need help with my crush!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5616 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - There is this guy that I have a crush on. Sometimes I think he likes me and sometimes I'm not so sure. He is the brother of one of my friends on my soccer team. He is also my soccer coaches son. At the end of this year I will be 17 and he will be ...

He won't stop drinking...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5596 days ago

7 May 2009 (F - ok so i am 18 and i have 2 kids, and am now with the guy i had a crush on for 8 years. hes almost everything ive ever wanted sweet, smart,fun but he cheated on me when he was drunk, and i forgave him, except he still continues to drink after many ...

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