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Archived questions from: April, 2011 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Confused about my sexual orientation

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (F - Ok well im not really asking for advice but you can leave messaages bout it if you want im saying all this to vent it out somehow ok... so im 14 and really confused about my sexuality , i know i dont need to know but it runs through my mind 24 /7 be...

Could gay/bisexual guys possibly fancy effeminate ones?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4049 days ago

29 April 2011 (M - First things first, I'm an 18yo gay male, and have been wondering quite a few things for a while. A description of self: I'm gay, and I've been out of the closet since the prehistoric. I act, think, and talk like a femme, and somewhat dress, b...

He's scared about things progressing so he has backed off!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4837 days ago

29 April 2011 (M - I am a gay male in my mid-20's. Just by way of background I recently got out of a 4 year relationship in which I was living with my ex for most of that time. About 8 or 9 months ago I met a guy and we became friends. I didn't even know he was gay ...

Vacation Love

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4837 days ago

28 April 2011 (M - First of all, it´s not a question, but just a comment about my situation, althought I accept comments... I´m Brazilian and I had been in South Africa in 2009 to study English for a few weeks. There, I met a guy and we became special friends....

Love my girlfriend... Hate my girlfriend.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4838 days ago

27 April 2011 (F - I'm having a problem as of late. I've been with my current GF for almost two years now (we are going to Amsterdam for our two year anniversary in May) but I feel all emotions have gone from my part. We are in a long distance relationship (i'm ...

My boyfriend's gay friend asked him for sex! Does this mean he is gay too?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4839 days ago

27 April 2011 (F - I have a boyfriend and everytime I open his account he ask me not to open his messages and comments . I was so curious that day that I replied to a gay friend of him and ask why, then I was shocked when that gay answered "where are you now ,could we ...

I think I am gay but I don't want to be! What can I do?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4836 days ago

27 April 2011 (M - Hello, I'm 18 years old. As question title says, I think I am gay. What can do I about this, if I don't want to be gay? I want to be straight, have a wife, family, kids. What makes me think that I am gay, is the fact, that I do not want sex with any...

Should I leave?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4839 days ago

27 April 2011 (F - So..I am in a same sex relationship. My partner and I have been together for 10 years. 4 years ago she had an emotional affair with someone and without going into the full details, she ended any communication a year ago and has been suffering f...

Is my relationship going anywhere?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4839 days ago

27 April 2011 (F - i have a few questions about my girlfriend. im a lesbian been with my girlfriend just before xmas and we have commitment rings, her idea but yes i know you should take things slow but it feels like we going to slow sometimes. i only stay at hers ...

It started as something casual, now it's awfully complicated

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4837 days ago

26 April 2011 (M - Backstory, Gay man, 21... studying at Uni. Decided before I started that I would NOT be getting into a relationship while at uni (previous experience of stress + exams = not good!). So I meet this guy 7 months back... was meant to be casual fun, a...

My boyfriend texted a gay man saying he had "enough of chics" and I don't know what to do!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4840 days ago

25 April 2011 (F - OMG...I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO... I come across this message my boyfriend had sent april last year. I dont know what to make of it. I know he has never really been into sex with me... like he does it but yeh... I always just thought it was because I...

B/f says he loves me and then runs back to his spouse!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4840 days ago

25 April 2011 (M - I am in a gay relationship and love the guy I am dating. The problem is he tells me that he loves me and cares for me and wants to spend the rest of his life with he, then he runs back to his cheating ,thefting husband. I love him with all my heart ...

I always bleed after anal sex

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4840 days ago

25 April 2011 (M - I am a gay male and I have anal sex with my boyfiend and with anal toys. The problem is that if I go to long with out anal sex like maybe 2 days my butt get real tight and then I have anal sex and after the anal sex my anus bleeds a little bit. Is ...

I'm bi, but I am still nervous about dating girls! What can I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4841 days ago

25 April 2011 (M - I'm attracted to guys and girls. I consider myself bisexual. I wanna be with both I have no problem with having sexual relations with a guy because I know my penis can become erected. But is different with a girl because I'm scared to get a...

If am straight, then why am I fantasizing about girls?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4841 days ago

25 April 2011 (F - So, I've always known im straight. Ive had boyfriends and im sexually active. I know I want to be with a man but lately girls are becoming sexually attractive to me. Like i dont want to be in a relationship with a women but i'm wondering what it ...

Do I come out to him? I haven't confirmed if he's in the closet yet. I don't want to lose contact with him.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4841 days ago

25 April 2011 (M - If you have read my other posts you know my story, but to sum it up I am a 17 year old bisexual male. This guy and I have been friends for a while and have been growing closer together and are on the verge of starting some kind of relationship. My ...

Is my mom finally accepting that I'm gay?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4840 days ago

25 April 2011 (M - Is my mum starting to except that I'm gay after a year and a half? We didn't get along for a long time and suddenly like a switch she has changed back to her normal self, we don't argue as much and now she has started to warn me about sex... A b...

Having a Professional Page is ruining my relationship!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4841 days ago

24 April 2011 (M - Hello! I am a Paul Mitchell Focus Hairstylist, and I was trained to network with people to help myself build my cliental and or just get my name out there, one day I hope to become well known or even famous for what I do, I made my professi...

I'm gay and a virgin. how do I answer their intrusive questions on lesbian sex.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4841 days ago

24 April 2011 (? - For a long time now I've known I am a lesbian and I came out about it a couple of years ago. Ever since coming out I've had some of my friends asking me what I've done with a girl, but I haven't done anything with anyone. And that doesn't bother me, ...

Should I try and mend this very broken friendship or just let it die?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4844 days ago

22 April 2011 (F - OK in a nutshell: I used to be friends with this guy, who to be completely honest, I had a bit of a crush on - but I always knew it wouldn't go anywhere as he was gay, which I knew from the start. We were friends for about 18 months. During t...

Should I continue to date this guy even though his bisexuality turns me off?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4836 days ago

21 April 2011 (F - Hi, i have a boyfriend and he is bi sexual and i really don't like dating bi sexual guys. But I really do like him. Should I continue to date him??...

Am I gay? Or is it a fetish?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4225 days ago

21 April 2011 (M - i am a young lad an iv always believed i am straight ive slept with quite a few girls an never really questioned my sexuality until the last year or so. it started when i was told by a friend about his girlfriend slipping a finger up...

How should I handle confused/confusing bi guy

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4845 days ago

21 April 2011 (M - So theres this guy I know because his girlfriend goes to my school and he hangs out there waiting for her so we've talked more than a few times then. He later told me he's bi and a little confused, and tn he texted me. Idk what to make of this, be...

How do I talk to my unresponsive gay online friend ?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4846 days ago

21 April 2011 (M - So this guy I 'used to' like is giving me some doubts, making me nervous. So we "met" online, we go to school together and I found him, and now we're friends on facebook. Anyways, I guessed he was gay, hit the nail on the head, he's openly gay, lik...

I'm dating a guy I like, but don't love. Now my ex shows up and wants me back

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4846 days ago

20 April 2011 (M - Just saying, Im Gay first. Okay here is my problem, I'm dating this really really great guy and I really like him, but i dont love him. Its been about a month and things are getting really serious. About 2 days ago after 4 weeks from talking to my ...

We were getting close even though he has not come out as gay, and now he is chasing after a girl! Why is he doing this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4846 days ago

20 April 2011 (M - I am a gay guy who has just started to accept my fate as a gay guy this year. My life has been a lot better this year, because i am more open to try getting close to people i like (although i still haven't revealed to anyone that i am a gay). I have ...

How do I tell my fiance I am bi-curious?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4835 days ago

20 April 2011 (F - I have never been with a Female before but i am Bi Curious but my problem is i have a fiance and i would never tell him about me liking females because i am Jealous when it comes to him and other females. My Question is what can i do to make myself ...

What can we do with a crazy ex?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4847 days ago

20 April 2011 (F - Hey! I'm a girl and I'm in a long distance relationship with an other girl, we started dating recently... she had a grilfriend before me of course, but she is my first girlfriend ever, the thing is my girlfriend had this trip planned to visit h...

How do I break free of the feelings of anger/resentment I have?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4848 days ago

19 April 2011 (M - Okay, so here's my dilemma: I'm 16 and gay, and currently having major problems regarding a guy I like. This guy, we'll call him "D" for simplicity's sake, has been the object of my affection for quite a while now (upwards of 6 months), but it's ...

Should I just stop talking to him and not wish him a happy birthday?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4848 days ago

18 April 2011 (M - ok, many of you know some of the story since I have asked a couple of questions regarding to this. anyway, I met a guy online (I'm gay btw) like 2 months ago. i'm 19 and he's about to turn 24 this week. everything seemed fine at the beginning, we ...

If he is not interested in me, why does he make such efforts with me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4848 days ago

18 April 2011 (M - Hi, I just turned 30 and am very attracted to a man who is 46. I am in the US from a different country originally and am still closeted. This guy knows that I like him and we spend all our time together - we laugh, joke and discuss history ...

Should I try and pursue more than friendship with this girl?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4848 days ago

18 April 2011 (F - Hello Everyone. I'm just a little curious to know if I would be wasting my time with this girl. Last night I met a girl for the first time, and I've never been good at telling when people are interested or not, this girl was very beautiful and ve...

I admitted my feelings for my friend while he was getting over a break up

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4847 days ago

17 April 2011 (M - I've told my best friend that I was gay and that I have feelings for him. At that time, he had just broken up with his gf and was working to get back with her. His reactions were positive but sounded like he was confused. He told me that he was 95% ...

Is she flirting or are her questions just inappropriate?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4850 days ago

16 April 2011 (? - I have been friends with a girl from school for a couple of years now but she has suddenly become a lot closer. she often asks me questions that are a little inappropriate for a friend to ask, they're something a girlfriend or boyfriend would ask. ...

I'd love to be the confident person I appear to be. How?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4850 days ago

15 April 2011 (M - I don't want to bang on so I will keep this brief. I have no confidence what's so ever, after years of bullying cause I used to be a bit chubby, now that I've lost a lot of weight and some what attractive I can't bring myself to date and do thin...

I need help on how to approach someone who liked me but now seems to be ignoring me

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4848 days ago

15 April 2011 (M - hi, hears how it goes... this guy approached me whilst i was at work and i had absolutely no idea he liked me even though he had spoken to me a few times that night, at the end of the night, kick out time, he asked me for my number, i had no idea ...

Recently discovered my BF is looking to hook up with men. I don't know what to do.

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4845 days ago

14 April 2011 (F - My boyfriend and I have been going out for quite some time.(3.5 years) Recently when i looked at the computers history I noticed he was looking at M4M ads on craigslist(maleformale) This disgusted me so much, but I was even more disgusted when I saw ...

Want a baby but not through her having intercourse, thoughts??

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4846 days ago

13 April 2011 (F - My wife of 8 yrs. and I (in a lesbian relationship) have been inseminating and our donor is my own 23 yr old nephew. He produces a sperm sample in a sterile cup and gives it to me to inseminate my wife with it. So far she hasn't gotten pregnant ...

My 'straight' friend fingers me in her sleep

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4853 days ago

12 April 2011 (F - Okay well, I think my 'straight' friend is a lesbian. I'm absolutely okay with homosexuality as I have many bi/lesbian friends. But this is different. I don't want to confront her or anything as it's kind of a touchy topic, I can't really go up to ...

Am I feeling uncomfortable because now I have an opportunity to try it?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4854 days ago

12 April 2011 (F - I met this girl around 3 year ago and she's became my best friend since then. For the past year I cant help but think she's a lesbian or bisexual, but never mentioned it, as it doesnt bother me... well last night i found out she is in fact one, bu...

We both get angry easily. Can this work?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4855 days ago

12 April 2011 (F - My girlfriend and I both have very short tempers but we are madly in love with one another. Is there a good way to appease her, or do I just have to deal with it? I fear for the longevity of our relationship. ...

I'm confused, am I bi or gay?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4854 days ago

11 April 2011 (M - 3 years ago when i was 13 i discoverd i liked men and now im 15 i still like men but im not sure about girls anymore, im really confused right now so can i just have some advice please?...

I like my own parts. Is this wrong? I am confused about my sexuality.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4848 days ago

11 April 2011 (F - i have always liked men and wanted relationships with men, never crushed on a girl (im a girl) but i can watch girl porn and get turned on by bodies and guy porn too and same thing happens. i know its a fantasy and thats ok. but the problem...

Where do I go from here?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4849 days ago

11 April 2011 (M - I am stuck, I do not know where to go from here. I am a 17 year old bisexual male who is in love with the cutest boy of all time, and I think he loves me to. My only problem is that I do not know how to pursue a relationship, or if I should at this ...

Do I continue trying to move on or do I call him and let him know my feelings?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4855 days ago

11 April 2011 (M - Hey I'm looking for some advise on what to do... heres my situation it's really long so please bare with me... I had been in a 2 year relationship with someone I thought was my soul mate. Things got complicated and I felt trapped (Had moved in to...

I haven't been with anyone because I am so hairy. Is this enough to put guys off?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4843 days ago

10 April 2011 (M - I'm a mixed Italian/South African (white) guy. The reason I said this is so you can more understand what I look like, not for a racial reason. I have more Italian features than the "boer" features. Thing is, I'm really really hairy everywhere, ...

I'm gay and I think my cousin is Bi. Should I tell him how I feel about him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4855 days ago

10 April 2011 (M - Hi guys, this is my first time writing down a question in the site. ^^ Here goes..and this could be kinda long. I'm an 18 year old gay male, and..I have this cousin that I 'think' I like. We grew up together with this cousin of mine since thi...

He says he loves me and then laughs. Is he into me or just messing about?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4855 days ago

10 April 2011 (M - I know I asked a similar question a few months ago but, since then, things haven't changed a whole lot with this guy I really like. I recently turned 18 and I am almost certain that I am gay. I am not out of the closet yet. If I ever do come out ...

Why was my girlfriend crying during sex?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4856 days ago

10 April 2011 (F - Me and my girlfriend have been having sex for the last 3 nights and tonight she started crying. What can I do to comfort her ? What should I say to her ? ...

Feelings for a taken girl

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4854 days ago

9 April 2011 (F - hey, so i don't know what's going on. there is this girl, she is a lot older than me... she has a boyfriend but i seem to be having feelings for her? i'm 16, and she's like in her 20's... but yeah something seems to be developing, but i think ...

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