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Archived questions from: March, 2010 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

My first anal, will it hurt much?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5229 days ago

31 March 2010 (M - *OP's own title* Hi. I got this fantastic boyfriend and we have been together for a little more than a year. He is very cute and is just perfect. But the problem I have is that we are talking about having sex for the first time. He is two years ...

She's getting attracted to girls again, and is bugging me to let do something with them! I think it's cheating. Help!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5231 days ago

31 March 2010 (M - Me and my girlfriend 'W' have been together for almost a year and a half. We met at school and liked each other straight away. I was shocked to learn recently that she used to only like girls, and has in the past had girlfriends, but she says it ...

How do I let her know I like her?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5230 days ago

31 March 2010 (F - OK, so I've met a really nice woman, and I want her...A LOT! I know she is definitely gay, but she does NOT know that I know, nor does she know that I feel this way for her. Next week, I'm going to get the chance to meet up with her again. I don't ...

Is my girlfriend being difficult or am I just paranoid?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5229 days ago

31 March 2010 (F - I've been a relationship with my girlfriend for almost a year and a month, and its starting to cool. The thing is, we're in a long distance relationship; we're on opposite sides of the country. Recently, she's becoming more and more distant-not ...

Should I come out to my friend? How do I get my mom to believe me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5231 days ago

31 March 2010 (F - *OP's own title* My mom always says that I can tell her anything. So two weeks ago I told her that I was gay. She took it okay but she thinks that it's just a phase and that I'm not sure. I'm positive that I like girls and every time I tell her that...

Ever since I asked her if she would date me, she seems to be avoiding me!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5231 days ago

31 March 2010 (F - ok so i have a best friend. we are both girls, but i realizes that i feel "different" around her. i like her a lot and we talked about it. she likes me to. this weekend at a sleepover we ended up holding hands and she fell asleep in my arms. we can ...

How can I get out of this mindset and gain more confidence?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5229 days ago

29 March 2010 (M - I'm male and in relation with another guy for past 2 years. By looks, am average looking, but decent looking. cannot say am ugly. I never felt inferior about my looks, because i have lot more valuable qualities. Good job and good finance sta...

Is he in love with me but afraid to let me know?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5215 days ago

29 March 2010 (M - [Mod note: please follow up by adding the link to your previous question] Ok, guys almost a year ago I posted a question about this guy that I met and he was straight. Well, its been about 7 months since ive talked to him and I recently cont...

Secret affair with a married straight man

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5234 days ago

29 March 2010 (M - Hey I've known this str8 dude for 10 years now. As kid we've done things together. Sexually and even as adults. There's been a few time I had pay him but it still happened. Now he knows I love him and I know he uses that to his advantage. He has an ...

Is it normal for straight males to sometimes have a crush on another male?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5233 days ago

28 March 2010 (M - I am a senior in all boys high school. I play football so I know students from th 9th grade thru the 12th grade. I have a problem. I am not gay, but I am starting to have a crush on a freshman that is 14 years old. He can make me laugh and we ...

I'm pretty sure she still has feelings for me ...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5233 days ago

28 March 2010 (M - A few months ago, I asked a girl out, and she said no, because she had a girlfriend. I was determined to stay good friends with her and we became closer and closer. Recently, she started kissing me and confessed that she liked me and had been unable ...

Signs that he's gay vs. signs that he's not...

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5223 days ago

28 March 2010 (M - Give Me your Opinion Please! Signs he IS gay: 1)He Likes Big Time Rush 2)He Listens To Nick Jonas and thinks he is "raw" 3)He Watches The Show "Glee" 4)He Flirts with me and His overall interactions with me are completely different fro...

How can I mention all of this to her without her splitting up with me and being upset...?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5229 days ago

28 March 2010 (F - I have been with another female for nearly a year. I am 21 and she is 30. She has 3 kids and we have recently got a house together. She works on Wednesday and Thursday evenings and Saturdays 6am-6pm and Sundays 6am-4pm. I am the one that does mos...

How do I deal with the Lesbian Bed Death phenomena?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5236 days ago

27 March 2010 (F - I am a bisexual female with an extremely high sex drive. I have been in a lesbian relationship for the last several years with a woman who NEVER wants sex. I believe we are experiencing what I've heard referred to as Lesbian Bed Death. I've been ...

He posted online for male sex partners! Is he just bi-curious?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5235 days ago

26 March 2010 (F - I have recently discovered that my boyfriend has been posting m4m ads on craigslist. For some reason, this is more comforting than m4w. But that's another story... I don't know if he's acted on any of these (I only know of three) but why is he ...

Why would he sleep with men when he loves this girl?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5236 days ago

26 March 2010 (F - im a girl i have a really good friend and hes a boy. he has been with his girlfriend for a year now, and he recently told me hes sleeping with men behind her back... what i dont understand is he doesnt act gay, look gay, i have known him for ages ...

Is this guy I like...straight, bi or gay?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5236 days ago

26 March 2010 (M - Hey guys, Im confused I am bi and there is this guy at school that I am really attracted to (I feel guilty when I think about 'being' with someone else) and I can not tell if he is straight, bi or gay. He seems to act straight but plays around and...

40, Gay and given up on love! Is there any hope?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5236 days ago

26 March 2010 (M - I am 40 this year and as one would expect, I have had, by now, a few mini mid-life crises, but nothing too major. Most recently, I realize that I have almost given up on EVER finding love or meaningful relationships, and it's starting to bother me. ...

Can me, a gay guy, be in love with my best friend - a girl??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5237 days ago

25 March 2010 (F - Help! :( im a gay guy and im so confused... im 16 and im definately gay theres no question about it. I fancy guys, ive had sexual relations with guys and everyones knows me as the "gay guy". Im totally infatuated with a guy from college ...

I'm gay but falling in love with a woman

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5083 days ago

25 March 2010 (M - Hi, I am a gay man. In my life i've never been sexually attracted to a woman, only men. My dilemma i now I think I am in love with a woman. Im not sexually attracted to her but I believe I love her. Is this normal? ...

I think I might be gay.

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5238 days ago

24 March 2010 (M - Im 15 and im kinda alone in the world. Im relly scared because.... when i was younger i was always the one who never cared about girls! ever! and when i was 12 i kinda figured out why! Its becaus im gay... I think? well, Am I? I never get sexuly ...

I go on dating sites, but no luck. How can I find a partner?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5239 days ago

23 March 2010 (M - i am a gay man but i cannot get a partner, i go on chat date sites but no luck, i cannot go up to guys in the street and say i fancy you as they might be affended and punch me, my last partner left soem time ago so how i get a partner?...

He broke my heart 2 years ago, we had sex, and now he's awkward around me!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5238 days ago

22 March 2010 (M - I'm gay and I just had sex with a guy who broke my heart 2 years ago. I used to like this guy a lot after he confessed to me that he's gay. We were friends at first but I did cross the line asking him out but he said he's not looking for dating ...

I'm in love with my friend, but she changes her mind about me and reverts back to guys. Help!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5239 days ago

22 March 2010 (F - I'm 14, female, and bi. I know they say I may be too young to be 'in love' but I honestly, truely believe I am. There's this girl, who is now a very good friend of mine, that I've known for almost a year and a half. We became friends quickly. Since ...

How can I tell if she's a lesbian?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5225 days ago

22 March 2010 (F - Im a lesbian.I discovered i was a lesbian when i was 18 now.I have fallen for this woman.i think she is about 32.I want to know how do you to tell if a woman is a lesbian.I know how to tell if a girl is a lesbain but not a woman. I applied...

I am gay and every time I see him kissing his girl friend I die a little inside.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5240 days ago

22 March 2010 (M - *OP's own title* so i told him how i feel about him when we were alone after school and things weren't like the way i expected them to be i was expecting him to freack out and stuff but he didn't he got angry in a weird way he even pushed me(b...

Could my boyfriend possibly be gay? Or one day come out?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4429 days ago

22 March 2010 (F - Ive been with my boyfriend for 3 years. He is wonderful. My family loves him and I love his family in return. He is a mommys boy but I understand why. His mom is a very loving older women from italy and Im a lot like her. His dad is really funny and ...

The man I love is gay.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5241 days ago

22 March 2010 (F - i recently told my best friend that im in love with him. he confessed to me that hes gay about 2 months before i told him. i dont have any problem with gay people but it frustrates me when he tells me stories about his experiences. i feel like hes ...

I don't think I'm gay...but I've had sexual intercourse with other men

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5239 days ago

22 March 2010 (M - Ok, to go right into this. I consider myself a straight male, heterosexual and love woman; however, there comes a time where I find myself fantasizing about have sexual intercourse with men. I have participated in gay sex and i was in the receiving ...

Can anyone help me on sexual identity?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5240 days ago

20 March 2010 (M - Ok so I'm a 15 year old guy soon to be 16. And my whole life I've always felt weird and different. I've spent my entire life either hiding it, pretending i wasn't, trying to force myself not to be, or just denying it from myself and others. But I ...

How can I tell him without the whole school finding out?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5239 days ago

20 March 2010 (M - Okay. So, this guy that I really like is in my grade. Apparently I'm too nervous to tell him that I'm gay for him. How do I make him believe it? How do I make it possible so the whole school doesn't get this news?...

Did my best friend make a move on me because she was drunk?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5241 days ago

20 March 2010 (F - hi sorry to bother you but im a little freaked out and would really appreciate some advice. i went out a couple of nights ago with friends. we got a bit drunk and had a good time. then my best friend in the whole world told me that she wanted t...

I don't want to be gay....what should I do?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5237 days ago

20 March 2010 (M - I'm so confused right now. I'm 15, and I know that deep inside, I'm straight, or at least bisexual - I want a relationship with a girl, and I've had sexual experiences with girls in the past. However, several years ago I got caught messing with a ...

I've never been attracted to a woman before, but I fantasize about my husband's ex wife!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5242 days ago

20 March 2010 (F - What do I do,I am sexually attracted to my husband's ex-wife I have never been attracted to another woman before. We talk to each other all the time we are good friends. But I can't stop thinking about her, I think about her when I am having sex ...

What am I? A person to spend his leisure time with or his future boyfriend?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5242 days ago

19 March 2010 (M - i really need help, i've been flirting with a guy for almost 2 months, everything started in a perfect way, now we talk whole day long and its so good. but, without exception, every week i feel depressed, because he is not my boyfriend, i know he ...

My gf has really bad trust issues...what should I do?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5243 days ago

19 March 2010 (F - 0k. so me and my girlfriend have been dating for almost two years now. We live together. We even moved to a totally different city 4 hrs away from our hometown. We know no one but ourselves. But somehow she keeps finding ways to accuse me of ...

I'm annoyed that he couldn't be honest and give me a straight answer!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5237 days ago

18 March 2010 (M - I'm gay and I love one of my best friends and I told them a couple of months ago. They made it clear that they aren't, but they said that they respected the fact that I'm gay. I feel awkward when ever I pass him in the halls at school and I tryed to ...

I feel insecure about his promiscuous past...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5236 days ago

18 March 2010 (M - I’m gay and have been going out with my boyfriend for six months now. We met online and everything seems to be going well – we recently returned from a lovely holiday and have even talked about moving in together. I do genuinely care for him and I ...

I've fallen for my best friend, but I'm not sure where to go from here

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5244 days ago

17 March 2010 (F - ive grown really close to my bestfriend. We started off as friends but over the past year have just become closer and closer. Now we spend practically all our free time together (we are both at uni doing the same course and share a flat together). I ...

I never thought I might be gay, but ...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5245 days ago

17 March 2010 (F - Hi everyone. I've got a confusing situation, rather situations, on my hands. I have had feelings for the same woman for the past five years, and eventually came clean to her, and admitted everything. She took it well at first, but our friendship e...

Why is he so cold towards me or am I just paranoid???

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5244 days ago

16 March 2010 (M - I have a problem with my bf. Actually, he is not my bf, just, we've been dating, flirting with him for 2 months and we both are accustomed to each other. He lives far far away from me and it's like a "long distance realtionship". We send "good ...

I'm a mess (gay, straight, virgin, everything)

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5013 days ago

16 March 2010 (M - I am a total mess and at this point I'm question all my feelings, goals and sexuality. I am 30, very handsome, a virgin. I am physically attracted to very good looking guys and for the last few years I had excepted that I'm gay. The problem is, I ...

Coming out as gay -- by letter?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5243 days ago

15 March 2010 (M - I'm a gay 19 year old male. I think it's time I came out (I've been certain of my sexuality for 4 years), but don't know how to do it. Do you think it would be OK to come out by letter to my Mum or both my parents, because I don't know how I could...

My homophobic family and me

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5246 days ago

15 March 2010 (F - I dont no what I'm going to do, i grew up believing that I'd live my life,how I needed to,doing what felt right to me,but everyone tells me they thought the same thing at my age an now look where they are,stuck owing money,married to the wrong ...

I think I am falling for a gay guy! Is there anything I can do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5243 days ago

13 March 2010 (F - hey, i need advice, i think im falling for a gay guy! Im a bi girl, and still geting over a relationship which ended like, 5 months ago. this guy, (call him Jon) is the first person ive been attracted to since the break up. we havnt known eachother ...

Gay but lonely....

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5247 days ago

13 March 2010 (M - I feel like life is going nowhere at the moment and I really need some reassurance. I'm a 19 year old gay male, and not out to anyone except my sister - well sort of (she found a picture of a nude model in my room) Anyway, this is about two...

I hate being!

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5236 days ago

12 March 2010 (M - I'm gay and hate it.i just cant handle it. It makes me my town everyone hates gays . It is complicated cause i also love girls and not satisfied of being gay. If someone know it my life will be miserable and i hate being gay cause my ...

How do I show this girl, that I want a second chance?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5249 days ago

12 March 2010 (F - ok so i decided to set up an account and see if i could get some advice because i really dont know what to do. i was with my girlfriend for nearly 3 years and we had some really really great times.we broke up 7 weeks ago. the ting was i was v...

I'm worried that I am gay!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5195 days ago

12 March 2010 (M - please help me cos i am very worried about this i am 13 i a am worried that i am gay because i get erections thinking about girls but i get that excited feeling every time i see a man and every time i masturbate it takes me a while to get arouse ...

Abusive relationship or not? Should I move on?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5249 days ago

11 March 2010 (M - Hi, I broke up with my gay lover a few months ago. We were together for 8 years and the relationship was beautiful for the first few years. My lover loved me so much that he gave everything to me, even at the expense of sacrificing a lo...

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