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Archived questions from: March, 2012 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

When I say no, girlfriend ends up taking what she wants anyways

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4500 days ago

31 March 2012 (F - So I recently went to sex store this week to buy toys for me and my girlfriend, we're lesbians. So I bought the vibrators, bullets, eggs, and dildos for us along with anal beads and lube. I told my girlfriend I'd like to use it on her during our ...

For gay men -- is a relationship with a closeted gay man worth pursuing?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4482 days ago

31 March 2012 (M - Hello agony aunts and uncles! I am experiencing a bit of a dilemma. To cut to the chase, I met this guy who is confusing. By now, I can usually tell when another man is gay. With him, the signs are there. However, he doesn't tell me he is. He went ...

Is opening up realistically a bad move to do in a troubled relationship?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4497 days ago

30 March 2012 (M - Alright, so i am gay but i doubt this matters since my question should apply for any relationship. I've had a lot of experiences of breaking up and i've found that it almost always start from when i'm opening up to the one i love. Either because h...

He's gay but fools around with girls, but he's never made a move on me! What should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4501 days ago

30 March 2012 (F - Hi guys and gals, I'd appreciate some help here.... There's this guy who's my college friend. He's gay and I think he's hot! Seriusly, im very attracted to him. Now recently i got a lil shock when i heard through the rumor mill that he was fool...

Is it normal to want to explore women but not be interested in them?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4496 days ago

30 March 2012 (F - I want your advice and insight. I'm straight, I have a boyfriend but I often have fantasies of having sex with girls and I really enjoy watching lesbian porn. It feels weird to say that, but I feel like it's true. Or...maybe it just really really ...

I'm attracted to him but can't imagine having sex with him

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4498 days ago

28 March 2012 (M - Long question alert..... So basically I've always thought I was straight until I started getting close with one of my friends; I need to lay out the whole story so bear with me... -I'm from and attend university in Brighton, the most liberal ci...

Why would she ask me my sexual orientation?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4499 days ago

28 March 2012 (F - Please comment despite the length pls. So I'm not out to everyone that I'm lesbian so at work maybe two people may know. Anyways there's this female that I noticed last month or so who has very beautiful hazel eyes with a nice creamy skin ...

She's dating my ex best friend but is she over me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4503 days ago

28 March 2012 (F - I am 16 years old and bi. My ex best friend was dating this girl, and this girl decided to break up with her to date me. We dated for three weeks and then she decided that she wanted to go back to my ex best friend. This caused a bunch of drama, ...

I've fallen for a woman!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4503 days ago

28 March 2012 (F - What do I do if I'm Completly in love with someone, like when I see them my heart skips a beat I stutter and I make us both feel uncomfortable. I'm not lesbian, but Iv fallen for a woman, I don't think she is one either, but everybody thinks she is. ...

G/f doesn't want sex because she's having issues with herself

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4506 days ago

25 March 2012 (F - My girlfriend and had great sex for the first six months now she doesn't ever want to. She says she's having issues with herself. I don't know if I can believe her or not. Yes I'm a woman also. What do i do? ...

I'd like to kiss him just to see what its like. Does that make me gay?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4500 days ago

25 March 2012 (M - Im a 14 year old male. Ive had 4 girlfriends and im not looking right now. One of my bestfriends got a girlfriend and i feel kinda left put but i dont know why. The my other friend is from the middle east and doesnt know as much english as i do. He ...

Could this be love? Or is it something else?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4507 days ago

24 March 2012 (M - can somebody hep me? i really love this guy he's straight we've been friends and he knows that i'm gay... i love him since the first time i saw him, we were classmates since last 2 terms of our school year but he didn't know that i really love him. ...

Why do I want to be in a dysfunctional relationship

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21 March 2012 (F - let me give you the background. I have been in a relationship with another girl for about 1.5 years. we both had been in relationships before and are both lesbians. well when we met, it was love at first sight. no way to explain it unless its happ...

He makes my heart beat so fast. Did I miss my chance?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4511 days ago

19 March 2012 (M - I am a 35 years old male, and gay actually. I met a very handsome guy, 8 years younger than me. In fact we work together and gradually I feel a mutual interest to grow between us. Today he started to ask me about personal things and that what do I ...

Are they playing me for a loop?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4512 days ago

19 March 2012 (F - My girlfriend and I went to shoot pool to this pool hall with our straight friend and her boyfriend. The night was going smoothly we were all enjoying our drinks having an awesome time but something weird happened and am now a little confuse. My ...

I told my boyfriend about having a lesbian encounter.

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4512 days ago

19 March 2012 (F - hi, i am in college and i have been dating my amazing boyfriend for almost 10 months. he is the best man in the world and i know he was put into my life for a reason. well i went to this girls house who is a lesbian and she started kissing me and ...

Is it possible to get a true life long partner when you are gay?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4513 days ago

17 March 2012 (M - Hi everyone. First, I am a gay. Second I can not find my real love, alhough I have made a lot of effort for searching. I have the feeling that maybe men do not want a serious relationship with a man; maybe just some sex and no responsability. The ...

I love her as more than my best friend.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4514 days ago

17 March 2012 (F - Hello, everyone.... So, I'd appreciate some advice for the situation that I'm in. I am a 15-year-old lesbian girl. I have felt attracted to girls since I was about 9, discovered more about my orientation over time, and finally came out when I was 1...

If I am not gay, what am I?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4513 days ago

17 March 2012 (M - I am over thirty and until very recently I tagged myself as a gay. I had same sex fantasies from my puberty, and a couple of times I had sexual experience with guys as well. However I never could engage a long-term relationship with a man. In the ...

We broke up but still havr sex!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4513 days ago

15 March 2012 (F - i was with a woman for a about 2months. she ended it and said were not right for each other but she would like to be good friends. she hasnt had a relationship in years and her ex died years ago. that maybe why she ended it as she maybe scared but ...

Could I be gay?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4407 days ago

15 March 2012 (M - dear readers, Since I went to a boarding school I got the idea if I am gay or not. I went to a new country, new language made it hard to make friends. First three weeks were amazing but then I started disliking it it didn't show the expectations...

Confused about my sexuality and wondering what lesbian sex is actually like....

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4516 days ago

15 March 2012 (F - I am confused about whether I am straight, lesbian or bisexual. I am sexually attracted to men but I also fantasise about having sex with women and having their beautiful naked body rubbing all over mine. I am still a virgin (but not text book- I ...

Arrested but the charges were dropped, but my boyfriend has vanished! What do I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4516 days ago

14 March 2012 (M - My boyfriend and I have been dating for about 2 months. We have a great relationship and never had a fight. We have said the love word and we are always together. Last Sunday, while together, I was picked up by the police. They arrested me for some ...

Gay but heartbroken over a girl?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4515 days ago

14 March 2012 (M - Hello there, I am a 23 years old gay male, well that's how i though myself to be since 10 y.o. (I am a straight looking gay though, so noone could ever guess without me telling it). But the problem is that from my 15 years I met this girl, who...

Cheated on my boyfriend with a girl, how is he going to react?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4516 days ago

13 March 2012 (F - hello.. i cheated on my botfriend with a chick during our 2 day break up, and im not interested in having a three some. how would you guys react to something like this if you were the boyfriend? (coming clean tomorrow)...

I would like my wife to share my sexual views

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4515 days ago

13 March 2012 (M - I am a 45yr old male and think my my wife is not into sex. When we have sex its like a scheduled event and if I can not preform right, she says its ok maby next time.I am very sexual and like alot of stimulation in all my private parts but she will ...

I'm 13 and confused about my sexual orientation

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4490 days ago

12 March 2012 (M - Hello, I'm 13 and I am really not sure about my sexuality. I have had many dreams about having sex with women, eventually one ending in a wet dream. But I keep on thinking about kissing the boy I'm sitting next too, but then I shudder. I try to look ...

Scared about having sex, what should I do? My girlfriend keeps asking me and I don't know why I'm so scared

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4519 days ago

12 March 2012 (F - hi im a lesbian woman and i just wanted some advice due to sex. i really do not like anything inside me, fingers anything and have never had sex before as im scared to. well not inside me anyway. why is this. nothing has ever happen bad to me...

Boyfriend identifies himself as "queer" Does that mean he doesn't consider himself male or female?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4518 days ago

11 March 2012 (M - hello people, quick question. my bf says he gender queer does that mean he doesn't identify as being male or female. assuming I'm right about the above, what does that make his pronoun, he she? neither? both? thanks for any help you give ...

Am I right in staying away or should I seek him out?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4521 days ago

10 March 2012 (M - Hi people, I need your help here. I am a 29yr old bi who is male. Guess I lean more towards male attraction than female. there's this guy I have been dating (or so I thought). We have had passionate hugs, he has sent me romantic texts and kisses me ...

He looks at me alot but I can't tell if he's interested or not?

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9 March 2012 (M - I am a gay guy. I met this guy, and we have been just friends for about two years. He is 21 and I am 30. I have known him for some time before but one day he introduced himself to me. I have seen hm looking at me a couple of times, but don't know ...

Not been with her long but she broke up with me and I really want her back! Help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4525 days ago

6 March 2012 (F - hi im a gay woman been seeing someone for approx 5 weeks and shes just finished with me saying we are best off as friends. any tips on how to get her back. she does seem to care about me and been texting to see how i am and how my course went and ...

Why does it seem that less and less people use personal restraint in relationships today?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4521 days ago

6 March 2012 (F - How come less and less people have self restraint these days? There are so many instances about people cheating on their bf/gf, students sleeping with teachers and most recently an acquaintance of mine who slept with her sister's husband. Why does ...

My girlfriend is hurt and says I am keeping her a secret

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4525 days ago

5 March 2012 (F - hello guys, me and my girlfriend are very serious about each other and have even spoke about engagement. althought we have both agreed to do it next year when we are both graduated. i love her so much and we have even looked at booking a holida...

Advice on how to help my girlfriend cope with losing her mother to a stroke?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4525 days ago

4 March 2012 (F - I'm in a lesbian relationship and nearly 5 years ago I lost my mother to breast cancer that metastized to her kidneys and she died of renal failure. It took a hugh toll on me and really took years to become strong again about 3 or 2 1/2 years. My ...

Could this mean I'm gay?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4527 days ago

4 March 2012 (M - I'm 14 and I do not like porn but I like Yaoi and sometimes I do not know if I'm sick or just gay,...

Abused as a teen. Now I find I am starting to prefer girls. Can I change to become hetrosexual?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4528 days ago

4 March 2012 (M - ModNote: As the OP was then under the legal age of consent at the time, then the OP, legally, was not able to give informed consent and so was a victim of abuse. If the OP wants this waiver removed please say While under the legal age of consent ...

Should I change my gender for the sake of love?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4526 days ago

3 March 2012 (M - The girl I love is bisexual and prefers girls. I am considering getting a sex change for her if it is what she would like. Should I do this? There's truly no one else in the world for me....

How can you tell if a guy's gay without asking?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4528 days ago

3 March 2012 (F - Ok this is a really stupid story and a really stupid question but I need to know. How can you tell if a guys gay without asking??? Normally I already know since 90% of the fellas I fancy are Gay or turn out to be gay. But One of my friends frien...

Not sure if I'm reading the signs correctly -- gay or just a grabby drunk?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4527 days ago

3 March 2012 (M - I have a guy mate at uni who I met at the beginning of september. I'm quite good friends with him but when his drunk he can be a little bit gay with me lol, but I dunno if that has something to do with it. If were out his constantly doing...

She has a girlfriend but I think she likes me. I don't know what to do

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4520 days ago

3 March 2012 (F - Hello agony aunts I asked this question a week or so ago and now I'm so confused about her. She has a girlfriend, but I get the feeling she likes me. We flirt a lot and she ...

I met a girl I really like. But by the time I was able to accept being bi, we had both gotten in relationships with guys! What should I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4530 days ago

1 March 2012 (F - I am in a weird situation. I was in a good relationship with a guy before I did a play this summer. While in the play, my boyfriend and I stopped going out and I met this girl that I flirted with nonstop. (I didn't know/accept I was bi until months ...

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