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Archived questions from: October, 2012 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Once I ejaculate, I tend to never want to see them again. Is this normal???

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4286 days ago

31 October 2012 (M - I'm 17 and I'm always making new friends on Omegle. I'm gay and tend to masturbate with the strangers on there. Once I ejaculate, I tend to never want to see them again. Is this normal? Or is it a psychological reaction? Also, do you think i...

My Gf will not give up on me and yet her loyalties are divided. She's cheating again. What can I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4287 days ago

30 October 2012 (F - My gf is torn between two. She left me in the past for this women and she is currently is doing it again. So I broke it off but we still live together and she sits and lies to my face about the situation but when I cough up everything she w...

Does she really like me? Could she be afraid to tell the world that she is into girls?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4286 days ago

30 October 2012 (F - Hey everyone. I am a 17 year old female who is bisexual. Around the beginning of September my friend had started taking this girl to school with us in the morning. I had thought nothing of it until her and I actually began talking. We have...

How do I come out to my Mom and tell her that I'm a Lesbian?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4286 days ago

30 October 2012 (F - Modnote: Your very long post was shortened as below is the crux of your question, which is clear,and is below. Your extensive account of prior events do demonstrate that you prefer girls and believe you are a Lesbian. But your question is the ...

My husband's parents refuse to accept the fact that my son is gay, they want us to send him for therapy to have him fixed and have gone as far as tell us that it must be our fault!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4272 days ago

30 October 2012 (F - My 18 year old son reciently came out as gay. I was initially shocked but my husband and i are trying to be supportive because at the end of the day we love him regardless, the problem is trying to get his grandparents (my husbands folks) to see it ...

Is she playing hard to get? Or she's just not interested?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4287 days ago

29 October 2012 (F - Ok so here's my question... At the beginning of this academic year at uni, when we had our introduction party, I met this girl. I saw eying me from across the room a few times and after a while I decided to join the conversation she was having. ...

How do I help my friend? She's afraid to tell her family that she might be gay

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4288 days ago

29 October 2012 (F - My best friend and I come from two very different backgrounds, she's from a religious family who don't accept homosexuality, I come from a family who support gay rights. She was talking to me the other day and said that she was scared she might be...

Just when I thought I was over her, the feelings have returned with a vengeance! How can I let her go for good?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4287 days ago

29 October 2012 (F - Hi there, I am in a bit of an odd situation here... So, many years ago back in 10th grade, I met a girl, and fell hopelessly in love with her. I thought about her every single day. She was perfect to me, and I connected with her on an intellectu...

I can't understand his "on" and "off" signals

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4289 days ago

28 October 2012 (M - I am a gay guy having a crush on another guy.. but the problem is he was flirting with me for quite some time, and at the beginning I was not sure of it. From time to time he gives out certain looks at me. We enjoy being together, he calls me to go ...

Is telling the truth one option? How do I get out of this tangled web of lies that I created? My Imaginary Gay Boyfriend is causing problems with my ex and I

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4288 days ago

28 October 2012 (M - Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. Firstly let me just say that I am a really honest guy, who doesn't normally lie (truth) (Hard to believe when you hear my story). But one lie I told recently has snowballed into ...

She thinks I'm telling lies. So many misunderstandings. How do I convince her that I am the one telling the truth?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4278 days ago

28 October 2012 (F - i posted a question a couple weeks back and got some good feedback. i wanted to see if i couldn't get a few more opinions and elaborate on the most recent happenings. about six weeks ago, my girlfriend had asked to use my phone to look something u...

I think my girlfriend likes somebody else.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4291 days ago

27 October 2012 (F - I try to be the best Girlfriend i can Be To MY Girlfriend, I think she like this Dude. He was on her, and they probably would have kissed if i wasn't righ by her side. I asked her do, she like him she said no, but i feel like she do.. I just need ...

How to put the spark back into a relationship that is long distance?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4293 days ago

24 October 2012 (F - I need some direction back to the less travelled path of loyalty, honesty, and love. I'm lesbian... have been with my lesbian girlfriend for three years. I'm a very emotionally needy person. I need to be contacted every day: emailed, phoned, texted, ...

I've fallen for my female ex-teacher, but I've never had a relationship with a woman before!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4278 days ago

24 October 2012 (F - Im 21years old now when i was 14 at primary i had a crush on my female teacher it was deep and strong,then i went to high school eventualy i forgot all about her and enjoyed my high school life and had a boyfriend we dated for over 7 years. but ...

Should I try to start something with my sister's guy friend who she treats badly. And should I open up to him and tell him that I like him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4292 days ago

24 October 2012 (M - Recently my sister has been dating this guy he is ropughly 21 years old, and I really like him I'm a guy and underaged. I think he likes me back. My sister doesn't really want him she just uses him to buy her stuff, and she talks to other guys. ...

No one knows I like guys. So how can I get rid of this crush I have on a guy at school?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4294 days ago

23 October 2012 (M - So, recently I have started to like this guy at my school, but I'm a guy as well, I'm always thinking and looking at him during school but I know he wouldn't want to be with me. I just really want to know how I can probably forget about him, or ...

Should I ask my friend if shes involved with a female?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4278 days ago

23 October 2012 (F - I'm starting to think my best female friend might be in a relationship with another girl, and I don't know if I should ask her about it or not? Ever since I have known her (nursery school), she has been desperate for a boyfriend. She has no problem ...

40 emails between us, and then she stopped responding? What am I supposed to make of this?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4294 days ago

23 October 2012 (F - Sooo basically I'm having a crush on a girl who I don't know THAT well. We attend the same college, although she's quite a bit older than me (9 years), but aren't taking any classes together. We met at the beginning of the year at this opening ...

We've been fighting every day for months. Is it any wonder I have trust issues over her sexting etc

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4295 days ago

22 October 2012 (F - I have been with my girlfriend for 2 years now and we've been fighting nearly everyday for the past few months. We have sat down and talked about this and the arguments stopped for about a week. Now it's the same old arguments. Heres the tricky p...

I'm not sure about his sexuality but I'd like to be more than friends in the time we have together

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4296 days ago

21 October 2012 (M - hello, i am a boy, and i am in crush in another guy. i am a exchange student here in an foriegn country, and the guy i like is a local french. im not sure about his sexuality, but im sure he is not in to me, though, he treats me very good, in sp...

Is this too much to ask? I just want to meet, love, enjoy that one guy who'll change my life for the better

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4289 days ago

21 October 2012 (M - When will it be my turn to find love? Am I really that undesirable? I mean I know I'm only 17 but it's so sad and depressing being alone. It's already hard enough being gay, but having to hide who you really are with absolutely no one to confide ...

My Gf's extreme sex drive is out of control. She wants excitement. Does she need therapy? Or is there any way I can help her without breaking up - the latter would make her more vulnerable, I think

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4279 days ago

21 October 2012 (M - Hey guys, I've resorted to reading the site here cause I've had trouble "Google-ing" my situation with any real results. So before I post the question a disclaimer here is; I don't want anyone to comment on how I shouldn't be bothered by my G's h...

I feel so guilty about crushing on this girl at Uni who may or may not be gay. Especially considering that I have a LDR Gf who I adore. What should I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4296 days ago

21 October 2012 (F - This is going to sound really messed up but ever since I started uni I have had a huge crush on a girl that works at the uni who has a really gay vibe about her. She dresses quite butch, but I have a feeling she's straight because I've seen her arou...

My gay girlfriend told me she was pregnant?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4216 days ago

20 October 2012 (F - I'm having some problems. The other week my girlfriend told me she was pregnant. Now I'm not stupid enough to be thinking its mine, I'm gay, it's impossible, that's the problem. She's obviosly been with a man. I've not spoken to her since she told ...

He's gay but may be bi. Would hinting at my romantic feelings I have for him feel too weird to him?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4297 days ago

20 October 2012 (F - Hi everyone I thank you in advance for hearing my story and helping me out. I have a best friend i'm really into. He's gay but i think he's been having romantic thing with women.I gather this from things that he says. Anyway, I can't see...

She loved me, left me, and now wants to come back

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4297 days ago

20 October 2012 (F - Hi I had never been with a girl ever an then met someone in jan this year!! Fell for her head over heels an gave her my heart. An she used me and then dropped me in April to go back to her ex who had done the same to her!!! But I haven't moved on ...

My husband's interactions with other men make me very uncomfortable, is he gay?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4292 days ago

19 October 2012 (F - I have been having suspicions that my husband could be gay for awhile now. When he is talking to other men he is a little to friendly when talking to them. He has friends he talks to that I have never met.When he goes to shake another man's hand he ...

Does she really have to use everyone she knows, just to be with her girlfriend?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4302 days ago

16 October 2012 (M - I think being bisexual was just a phase for me. Now I just feel empty and im not sure if its relief or want? Plus this whole ordeal about my sister being bisexual and her being hooked on her girlfriend like thats the only thing that matters....

I'm in love with my female bestfriend, who's straight... HELP!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4152 days ago

15 October 2012 (F - I'm confused about what to do about my feelings for my female bestfriend who is straight (atleast, I think she is). I'm straight too (atleast, I thought I was). My bestfriend and I are sooo close. We talk and/or text everyday. She gets upset...

I want to propose to my girlfriend, but need to get her brother and mother's permission first! How do I do this, and what happens if her mother says no?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4302 days ago

15 October 2012 (F - Next weekend I am going to be asking the biggest question I have ever asked. My gf and I are in a gay relationship and have been for just over two years. She's the one. We have discussed marriage and have both said we'd like to get engaged soon. ...

Am I doing too much for my Gf? I sometimes feel used by her.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4302 days ago

15 October 2012 (F - I sometimes feel like i'm being used by my Gf. Like i always give her money and i buy stuff for her. She always ask me do i want anything and i just say no. I don't really want her to buy me anything. I'd rather be the type of gf, thats always ...

Being in love with a married one is hard to do

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4304 days ago

14 October 2012 (F - I'm a 41 year old female that is in love with this married women she has children. she said that her husband is good to her and the children. she tells me that she loves him but she is i love with me. My feels for her is very strong i love her more ...

My first boyfriend has broke my heart, what do I do.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4303 days ago

14 October 2012 (M - This is my first ever relationship and I have been hurt. Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 4 months. I fell in love with him. He was exactly what I wanted down to the T. He said he loved me and we would be together. He never cheated nor did ...

I am confused by his actions. Can a man concurrently and happily live with his wife, make love to his wife, and care about his children while occasionally having sexual affairs with men?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4299 days ago

13 October 2012 (F - My husband of 16 years of marriage has admitted to a gay affair and numerous indiscretions with men for the last 6 years. I was devastated and even though 8 weeks have passed I feel a little bit stronger. I have been receiving counselling to come ...

How do you determine if a woman is interested in dating another woman?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4304 days ago

12 October 2012 (F - I'm 24 and realised I am more suited with older women........seriously though are ALL older women married or have been in a long term relationship with a guy resulting in kids?!!! The younger girls are more interested in experimenting an...

Because she wasnt honest with me I feel like our whole relationship was a sham....

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4056 days ago

12 October 2012 (F - I have just discovered that my girlfriend of 3 years dumped me in april and then started seeing a new guy who she met in feb at uni within a couple of weeks. the problem is not so much that she has moved on so quickly although that hurts but the ...

Is my ex trying to tell me he is gay but won't come right out and say it?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4305 days ago

12 October 2012 (F - This morning I received a text from my ex of a man giving another guy a blowjob and for one split second my mind went blank. I am saying to myself I have kids by this man and he turns around and sends me this picture of two men in a sexual act. I ...

I'm gay and my boyfriend wants to have sex but I'm scared that he will hurt me

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 3798 days ago

12 October 2012 (M - Ok s first of all im gay. My boyfriend of a month really wants to have sex. But im scared to because im the bottom and his penis is very large and hes really rough whenever we have fooled around before. What should i do because i honestly think i ...

Bi-curious, but I don't want my first experience to be with a guy

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4304 days ago

12 October 2012 (M - hey, this is my first question on here and i heard a friend talking about it and i have a genuine problem. so im just gonna jump into my situation. ok so, i am very bi curious. for the last year or so ive been really tempted to do something with a...

Has watching porn warped my responses and reactions to sex? He told me I was 'theatrical' when I hooked up with him recently.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4306 days ago

11 October 2012 (F - I have only been in one relationship. It was fun but i was young, naive and a part of me felt like i was acting in it just to be like my friends ( i was 21) a part of me still really liked him. I dont know if i liked the 'idea' of having a boyf...

How do I go to the next level without making him feel pressured?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4307 days ago

10 October 2012 (M - Hello Aunts, so I think I finally met a keeper. I met a cute, dorky, funny, mature, and out going guy on a dating site three weeks ago. He stated he's only looking for friends because he just moved to this town, lets call it A, for school. I mo...

Did he allow me to be intimate with him due to pressure from me or could he be bi?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4307 days ago

9 October 2012 (M - Hi Aunties, Have a question here. I am a 29yr old male bisexual guy. I have sought out this guy 7yrs younger than me for the past 5yrs. He has always been adamant that he is saved and cannot have a romantic relationship with me. I however never ga...

My Gf claims she had relations with a woman and guy just watched. How can I tell if she is telling the truth about this?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4308 days ago

9 October 2012 (M - My GF told me she was intimate with another woman when we were first dating casually. She said it was set up by a guy friend she met online and casually dated, but was never interested in. The other woman was also a friend of this guy and met him ...

Is he really interested in a relationship with me? Don't want to be hurt. He makes me feel special. Or is he a player?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4307 days ago

9 October 2012 (M - I hooked up with a western guy once. I am an Asian guy. This Western guy told me about his life, his girlfriend and being with me was his first time and I told him the last time I was touched was when I was 17. He said he was lucky meeting me as I’...

Does my straight(?) friend like me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4309 days ago

8 October 2012 (M - I guess I just think too much, but is it possible for him to? I have came out to 3 of my best friends, which are fully supportive (luckily) however this friend just keep giving me subtle hints that just hurts more than anything. One time he would ...

I find myself preferring masturbation over sex with my partner. Why?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4305 days ago

7 October 2012 (M - I'm in a 4-year (gay) relationship and experience difficulties with our sex life. In general I am very happy; couldn't live without him. However, when it comes to sex I find myself preferring masturbation over sex...and it confuses me! I'm aware ...

I'm bi curious and would like some advice on how to proceed with it

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4312 days ago

5 October 2012 (F - Hey everyone, I have been bicurious for a very long time now,but I haven't come out in the open to anyone saying I would like to try it with a girl,cuz I want to first try it with a girl and know myself if its just a phase and curiosity or I'm bicu...

I'm a 27 year old lesbian and I'm a virgin. But what if I don't find that "special someone" I've been waiting for? Should I have sex with my guy friend ?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4311 days ago

5 October 2012 (F - I consider myself to be a lesbian, but I feel like I'm at a crossroads. I am still a virgin, and I was planning on saving my virginity until I am in a relationship with someone who I feel I am ready to give my virginity too. The thing is, I'm ...

I think my gay classmate like me but I'm straight.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4304 days ago

4 October 2012 (M - Due to an upcoming project, our professor decided to pair everyone in the class room up. I was paired up with a gay classmate that I've seen from time to time. I'm very open-minded so this wasn't really a problem to me. In fact our professor ...

What should I do? I want to talk to her on Facebook, but I'm afraid it's too late and I've lost my chance

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4307 days ago

4 October 2012 (F - Ok, so, this summer I met this amazing girl, who, as it turned out, was a lesbian. She developed a crush on me - everyone knew about it even though nothing was ever said. She would stop and stare at me as I walked past, get incredibly nervous ...

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