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Archived questions from: September, 2007 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

She is not over her ex yet, and is uncertain of starting a new relation but she flirts with me. What should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6144 days ago

30 September 2007 (F - hey all... bit of a dilemma lol.. i am gay and i recently met a girl who is also gay. im 18 and she is 23, we got on really wel.. and i started to fall for her. One night i was out with friends and her friends and i told her best mate i liked thi...

I find guys attractive, only one girl caught my eye. Am I straight?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6143 days ago

30 September 2007 (F - it seems like all my life i have been attracted to guys and i still am. but about 3 weeks ago school started and this girl named --- caught my eye. i still consider my self as straight because i finad guys attractive and only one girl. so my ...

Flirtatiousness exhibited by a girl who is interested, as opposed to just being overly friendly? How can you tell?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6144 days ago

30 September 2007 (F - hi, i was wondering... how can one distinguish between flirtatiousness exhibited by a girl who is interested, as opposed to just being overly friendly, as i have a female friend (i am female too) who is very touchy and such. But i cannot tell if i...

I've always been hetero, gay images are not sexually exciting for me, but I enjoyed my experience with a transsexual. How come?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6144 days ago

29 September 2007 (M - i am 66, a widower, no children living at home. i been alone about 10 years. my sexual orientation has always been hetero, men never attracted me. through my work, i have become acquainted with a black transsexual, very pretty, very feminine. my ...

I'm troubled by something my girlfriend did in the past...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6135 days ago

29 September 2007 (F - Me and my gf have been in our relationship for almost three years... i'm aware that in almost every relationship the past comes up. The thing is, my past doesn't bug her as much as hers does me... We both had boyfriends in our pasts but she told me ...

My ex sent me a nasty poem. I have so much going on in life at the moment, I struggle to cope with it. Any advice please?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6079 days ago

28 September 2007 (M - umm...there's been alot going on in my life lately and its hard for me to keep track of sanity besides still beign in love with my best friend [who claims is not gay] really liking my best friends ex. [he told me he loved me and he kissed me and ...

I think I love my straight friend! How can I tell if she likes me back?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6144 days ago

28 September 2007 (F - i like my friend but shes straight. i like one of my friends, we have become really close i am bi. but no one knows that im bi i started to have strong feelings for this friend for about a year. i think its love because i cant stop thinking about he...

Is my bf gay?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6147 days ago

27 September 2007 (F - So, I have been dating my boyfriend for a couple of months and I am thinking he is gay. (My gay-dar is perked, my friends think he is gay, and the sex thing...he loses his erection, can't come, and seems to prefer doing it from behind- just certain ...

Could my son be gay or is he just going through a phase?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6147 days ago

26 September 2007 (F - Is my son gay or just "going through a phase"? He is nearly 17 and he says he wants a relationship with a guy but says this doesn't mean he won't ever want a relationship with a girl. He has had a girlfriend, it lasted 6 months when he was 15, it ...

Could my son be gay? He has an odd friendship with a (much) older man...

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5865 days ago

25 September 2007 (M - My 17 year old son has befriended a 58 year old man. He visits him every week and stays all day says he has a bbq and a few drinks. He says he finds he can talk to the man easier than talking to me or his mother. He receives a lot of gifts some exp...

My friend and I ended up in bed together after a night out. Am I a lesbian???

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6150 days ago

24 September 2007 (F - hi the other evening i went out with my girlfriend and we got drunk, when we came home we ended up playing around which led to a kiss.we then had the most amazing sex i never thought i was a lesbian but she gave me orgasms tht no man has ever done.i ...

I long to be with her but I cant. She is also a girl. I need tips on how to deal with these feelings?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6146 days ago

24 September 2007 (F - I am in love with a person who will never love me, because we're both girls. I love her very much, with all my heart, and I long to be with her although I know I can't. I would never force her to do anything, or try to convince her. I just need tips ...

If I admitted my interest towards my female friend, I'm worried her sister who works in the same line with me would spread the word which could affect my career. What to do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6146 days ago

22 September 2007 (F - I am a woman 44 years of age and have been through two unsuccessful marriages and I have an adult daughter and 2 grandchildren. I have been single now for 10 years and have not dated in that timeframe due to the lack of interest in doing so. I am a ...

In a gay relationship with a girl and attracted to her roommate. I don't know who to choose.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6150 days ago

21 September 2007 (F - Attracted to two people???? Where do I start? First of all, I'm bisexual and right now I am in a relationship with a female. I think she is a great girl and we have a lot in common. We both have admitted to one another that we're very compatible. ...

Am I straight or a lesbian? I'm confused. Help!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6153 days ago

21 September 2007 (F - hi, i recently lost my viginity to a male, but i didn't enjoy it at all. i have always thought i was a lesbian but people told me i just needed a decent bloke. i've snogged girls before and i enjoy it more than snogging men. when i was younger ...

Is my boyfriend questioning his sexuality or is he just insecure?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5464 days ago

21 September 2007 (F - Is my boyfriend questioning his sexuality or is he just insecure? I have been dating this man for 2 years. We moved in together after a year of distance dating (about 2 1/2 hours apart). After 4 or 5 months of living together I started noticing ...

I would like to meet crossdressers. How can I do that?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5923 days ago

20 September 2007 (M - i like men dressed in sari, blouse, bra and panty. i am very much desirous of making frindship with with those men who like to wear sari, blosse,bra, pettycoat and bangles. How can i make frindship with them?...

He says he isnt gay but we had sex in a hotel! How can I make him feel the same for me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6154 days ago

20 September 2007 (M - heres the thing, im gay he's str8, we chatted online and felt very connected, one day we meet up and talk talk talk and we were so close, he is not bisexual for sure, he doesnt like guys at all, so we check in a hotel coz we were so tired to go home ...

I think that my bf may have been in a relationship w/ his best friend - I don't want to share his love!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6002 days ago

19 September 2007 (F - I have been in a relationship for 8 months now,although i have known this man for 9 years.I am very confused,i think he may be in love with his best friend(m).His friend is a single gay guy,who i am certain is in love with him. Before we started ...

Attracted to my friend who is a lesbian!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6146 days ago

18 September 2007 (F - So i need some advice here. Recently I have been spending more and more time with my friend who is also a lesbian and it seems that everytime we hang out or go out with our friends her and I can crack each other up all night. No matter what mood ...

I had a gay encounter while my new girlfriend was away. Now she is back I don't know how I move on with her?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4744 days ago

17 September 2007 (M - Hi everyone. I hope you can help me. I'm so depressed at the moment. I've been really confused about my sexuality. For a long time I've been turned on by gay porn and I fantasise about it a lot. One day fives months ago, I made the stupid m...

Attracted to another girl in my compund...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6156 days ago

17 September 2007 (M - hi am leslie osei ,in Ghana.a girl stays with a compound house with me and am sexually attracted to the girl,and my problem is that this girl always report any thing that will happen in the house to her mother,the a week spent in th the house he ...

I love this guy but he's unavailable. Please help!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5774 days ago

16 September 2007 (M - I'm a 20-year old male that has always had a problem getting any further than friends with girls. I've not lost my virginity and I've had zero sexual contact with anybody ... other than a couple of drunken passionate kisses! However, I'm not just ...

My parents seem a little homophobic and I'm concerned what they'd say about my sexual orientation.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6158 days ago

16 September 2007 (F - hi im a 17 year old bisexual. Im sick of lyin to my parents about where im goin when im goin to gay bars, and always deny myself being gay. i think im ready to come out, but dont know how. i think they seem a little homophobic and they may hate me. ...

I'm a bisexual girl and I like 3 females...which one do I choose?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6157 days ago

16 September 2007 (F - hi, im in a difficult situation. im a bisexual girl, mostly into girls at the minute. i like 3 girls, all 3 want to be with me also, but i dont know who or how to pick!! each of them are different and brilliant girls and i dont want to upset them. ...

I'm bi and I'm dating my g/f online... but she only feels like a friend

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6151 days ago

15 September 2007 (F - I'm bi and I'm dating my gf online. We both feel like we talk like friends rather than gf's. We both have feelings for each other but we don't know y we talk like friends and not as gf's. Any idea how to fix this or any advice u can give me. I would ...

My fantasy is about my partner thinking of another guy! Why? In all honesty, it seems rather twisted to me!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6160 days ago

14 September 2007 (M - I am in a monogamous gay relationship with my partner of 10 years. He is 50, I am 44. He works in an environment where all of his co-workers are male and one of them is a 20 year-old straight guy I'll call Jack. Although my partner hasn't admitted ...

My boyfriend isn't communicating with me right now. I could use some advice.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6162 days ago

12 September 2007 (M - I met my boyfriend about 2 years on an internet dating site. Due to some personal situations we only started seeing each other more seriously about 6 months ago. Since then our relationship has been quite good. We are both independently minded ...

I've fallen in love with my best friend. How can I address this to him?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6160 days ago

12 September 2007 (M - I'm a 16 year old guy. I've recently fallen in love with my best friend. He is awesome, and amazing, and I'd like to see if he is interested in me. How should I ask without ruining our friendship?...

I'm a lesbian and still miss my ex girlfriend! I'm with someone new but there is something missing. How can I forget the ex???

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6148 days ago

12 September 2007 (F - hi im feeling really confused,i was with my lesbian partner for 19 months on and off,we had a really rocky relationship,but we loved each other totally but just could not work through our problems,i was in a real mess i was totally depressed and ...

Attracted to pretty women physically but it seems I don't get excited sexually. Men I like in both ways. Am I bisexual or gay?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6161 days ago

12 September 2007 (M - Hey guys! im 17 male and i believe i am attracted to men since i was a kid. I grew up normally like a usual straight guy would. I have lots of friends on both genders. I fell in love with my best friend (a girl) when I was 15. I had some weird ...

Is my guy gay or Bi??!!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6153 days ago

10 September 2007 (F - Help! Is my boyfriend gay, bi or what?? I started seeing someone 3 months ago ( I am female, he he a male). We are both in our late 30's. From Day 1, he told me has never been in love, while I, on the otherhand have been in love a few times in my ...

Does my male friend fancy me????

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6013 days ago

8 September 2007 (M - I am so SORRY!!!!!I know it is so wordy but pls do read and help me out. Profuse thanks!!!!!! Of course I am a guy and recently I met another guy. We have known each other for more than 3 years but we had not been very close friends. Rec...

My female friend says she loves me but is she playing games with me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6166 days ago

8 September 2007 (F - hi. i have this friend who ive known for a bit over 3 months and she is reallly touchy feely with me, she constantly hugs me (for really long, like pushing herself into me...breasts and everything..once she even said "our boobs were ...

How do I know if my lesbian friend fancies me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6165 days ago

7 September 2007 (F - hey all, i recently have become very attracted to a gay woman. im bisexual myself. ive known of her for about 6 months, but over the past 3 weeks or so i have gotten to know her. i saw her on a friday night and things seemed good, she pu...

I am worried that my boyfriend might be straight!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6167 days ago

7 September 2007 (M - Okay this is a bit of a reversal of the usual concern however I am worried that my boyfriend might be straight. I know 100% that he loves me, and I get plenty of I love yous, hugs, holds and quick kisses. When it comes to sex he has been heavily ...

What does my married lesbian friend want from me? She is giving me mixed signals.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6169 days ago

5 September 2007 (? - I'm am writing again in regards to a woman I love. I am also a woman in my 40's. I told this woman I had feelings that were deeper than just friendship back in Jan. She denied her feelings for me, but did tell me that she was in a loveless marriage ...

I'm a lebian and i'm 13. I'm fine with it but how do I tell my mum and dad?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5125 days ago

4 September 2007 (F - Heya every1, please can you help me with something. I am 13 and am a lesbian. I am fine with it and don't mind what the outside world thinks of me but I am worrid about how my mum and dad will react if i tell them i'm a lesbian.I would hate to upset...

My parents are blaming my bisexuallity on my boyfriend

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6115 days ago

4 September 2007 (M - hey.... ive recently just told my parents i am bisexual, and that i have a boy friend. and i think it is best to say all was n ot taken very well!! im 16 and live in the uk, my b/f is 15 buh turns 16 in february, i no the age of consent over her...

She doesn't answer the phone when I call, or she'll answer and promise to call me back but never will.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6166 days ago

2 September 2007 (F - Hi, I am 18 years old and decided to start experimenting with a relationship with another woman 2 months ago. The biggest problem is that she's 39. It was troublesome at first, but after a couple of nights together we both feel much more ...

The guy I'm dating, Is dating another guy too. The other guy treats him bad. What should I be doing?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6173 days ago

1 September 2007 (M - I've been dating this guy for almost 2 months now we haven't really gotten serious. He is dating another guy which I am fine with since we aren't serious. However this guy does really hurtful things and I hear about it all the time. Everytime this ...

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