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Archived questions from: April, 2012 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I feel miserable each time he uses the "open relationship" option I agreed to!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4469 days ago

30 April 2012 (M - I am a gay 24-year-old man who is in love with a wonderful man. We've been dating for three years now and have been living together for two. Last fall he approached me and told me that if I wasn't willing to open the relationship, it would be over ...

Can I reconcile with my gay best friend under these circumstances?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4470 days ago

30 April 2012 (M - Hey guys.. I need help here. So i have been trying to reconcile with my ex who is a male. Long story short, he was my bestest friend and although we never clearly opened up to each other that we are gay/bi, i can sorta confirm he liked me (romanti...

I need help coming out to my mother, any advice?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4455 days ago

29 April 2012 (M - i need help coming out to my mother. i dont have a father and my mother is everything to me. i have thought of one day getting angry at something and in my state of anger just come out because then i wouldnt need to think too much and i wont worry ...

Does my potentially bi friend like me? He has a girl friend, but he maybe likes me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4473 days ago

28 April 2012 (M - My friend that i've known for about 6 months is bi...i think. I mean, I never thought he was, but people told me he was and then the other day we were talking in a group about girls we found attractive and then he started to list guys too. (Btw he's ...

My roomate and my ex are getting too friendly, am I wrong for being upset about this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4474 days ago

26 April 2012 (F - My roommate and I are supposed to be best friends. Well about six months ago, I dated this girl that I really, really cared about. My roommate knew I really cared for her and knew that when we broke up, it really effected me. Well fast forward six ...

I don't want my gay friend to like me, what shall I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4474 days ago

25 April 2012 (M - I have a friend who is gay. Im straight but i still want to be his friend because hes cool. but im affraid he might think im gay and start hitting on me or something. important note: i am not attracted to sexually i only want to be his friend ...

She talks about meeting other girls, yet spends hours talking to me!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4475 days ago

25 April 2012 (F - I'm so confused by this girl. I met her about a month and a half ago and I really like her. We live hours apart so we don't see each other often. But we literally have gotten to where we text constantly throughout the day and talk on the phone for ...

In love with my "straight" best friend

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4475 days ago

23 April 2012 (M - My best friend and I once had a very strange relationship. I came out to him and confessed all my feelings for him one night and he did the same to my suprise. So we had about a 4 month relationship behind his GFs back. 2 years later, we are stil...

What if I love her as more than best friends?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4477 days ago

22 April 2012 (F - I'm 15, a lesbian, and one of my best friends in this entire world just turned 19, and is also a lesbian. We are very, very great friends, and are pretty affectionate with one another, as in we cuddle on the couch, kiss each other on the cheek, ...

My parents want me to be married at age 18. How can I if I'm a lesbian?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4452 days ago

18 April 2012 (F - i live with my family and i m only 16,my parents want me to get married wen i will be 18 but i do not want to get married! i have no choice,no where to go! if i leave the house i will have no hope to lead my life but if i get married to a boy i ca...

Is there a place in her heart for me? I love her but I think she wants to go back to her abusive guy.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4482 days ago

18 April 2012 (F - Ok, so i'm bisexual people. Yesterday i realized that i was in love with her, after she found out that her boyfriend had been cheating on her. Now i've met her online, but i feel a connection like no other when i talk to her. I was scared for h...

Could this relationship be real-and if it is, could it be possible?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4481 days ago

18 April 2012 (F - Okay here's the deal. I am fairly openly bi, have only specifically told about 5 people but in general I don't care what people say and think about me and I think most people have guessed because of various reasons--mainly, my inability to keep my m...

Am I "bi-curious" or is this just "normal" behavior?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4483 days ago

17 April 2012 (F - I'm 17 years old, and I have never been in a relationship, romantic or sexual, with any man or woman. I've had serious crushes on men before (one lasted for over two years), but have never had any feelings towards any women at all. I am most ...

Is my boyfriend gay?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4485 days ago

15 April 2012 (F - Ive been with my boyfriend for 7 years this summer, weve had our ups and downs and odd little breaks but overall everything is good. We had a big heart to heart last year when he told me approx a year before i met him he had oral sex with another ...

How can I get an answer if my friend would like to be in a relationship with me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4483 days ago

14 April 2012 (M - Dear agony aunts/uncles, I've fallen for my close/best friend and I don't know what to do. Since I was 13 I knew that I was attracted to males (some females too) and have had a few crushes before; but this time it feels so much more powerful. I...

Coming out as pansexual to my conservative father?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4487 days ago

14 April 2012 (F - Hey guys. Just popping in to ask for some advice on coming out as pansexual to a conservative father. My mother, I think her views of me wouldn't change, as she's told me they wouldn't if I ever turned out to be anything other than straight, s...

I'm in love with a gay guy! He acts straight and flirts with me!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4486 days ago

13 April 2012 (F - Okay, hey! So this story is pretty crazy and I'm not sure where to start, but here goes! I started falling in love with this boy... He was a very good friend, probably a best friend, and now he really is my best friend. I'd just come out of a lon...

One too many gay children in the family?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4487 days ago

13 April 2012 (F - Hi, I'm a gay girl, who is absolutely petrified to come out to her family or friends. My brother is gay and my family are totally fine with it but i can't build up the courage to tell them as i'm scared they wont accept having two gay children...

I'm getting turned on by much younger painter. Am I gay? I was married!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4488 days ago

12 April 2012 (? - Hello, i'm a 42 year old male and something has happened that has confused me and even shocked me a little. Ok, a bit of background... A couple of weeks ago, during the unseasonal fine weather we had in the UK i employed a young lad (18) to do some ...

Why is my boyfriend going into chat rooms?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4488 days ago

11 April 2012 (M - My boyfriend and I have been dating for half a year, I love him a lot, he's my everything, but lately things have seem weird, he's on vacation, he has been gone for 1 week, since then, things have seem down, we used to dirty talk everyday, via text, ...

How can I get my best friends to realise they love each other?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4488 days ago

11 April 2012 (F - Dear readers, I have two very close male friends. Both are gay. One of them is my very best friend (let's call him E). The other is also a good friend (we can call him D). We have quite a close group. My best friend E has been single for quite...

I love wearing briefs, am I the only one who does this?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4488 days ago

11 April 2012 (M - Hey all. Am nearly 15 and am gay. I love wearing briefs. But if anyone found out i wear them they would take the mick. So i wear boxers over them. What i want to know is am i the only one who does this or used to do this. Cheers. Xx =)...

Fooled around with my male friend, I don't know if he is straight, bi or gay! What should I say to him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4488 days ago

11 April 2012 (M - Hey all. Il give a bit of background to the situation. I have this friend whos a lad, we relly close am gay and he doesn't know. I think he is gay but maybe bi. We're close hes the only male friend am really close to cus most of my mates are girls. ...

Should I tell people I'm gay? Or should I wait until I'm older?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4489 days ago

11 April 2012 (M - Hey all, I am 14 nearly 15 in may. I am gay but sometimes wish i wasn't. I hang around with girls at school and go twon with them. Some of my friends know am gay. But they are all girls what know. I could never tell my mate whos my best male mate I ...

My transgender girlfriend has low self esteem. How can I help?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4492 days ago

8 April 2012 (F - My girlfriend and I have been together for almost two years now. When we first got together she informed me that at birth she had no sex, she believes that her parents chose the wrong sex. She is attracted to woman, she is more masculine, and does ...

I'm gay and I want a girlfriend!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4494 days ago

6 April 2012 (F - im openly gay how do i find a girlfriend? i live in lincionshire in england so im finding it really hard to find a gf i really miss having someone to talk to and listen to someones problems. it would really help me to find a girlfriend soon!...

A More Complex Forbidden Love....

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4492 days ago

6 April 2012 (F - I will try to keep this as short as possible... I am a gay female, and I currently work with a girl who is a few years younger than me and has been in a relationship with a male for just over a year (apparently she has broken up with him once be...

I don't know if I am straight, gay or bisexual!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4494 days ago

5 April 2012 (F - I am a 15 year old girl but I'm not sure on my sexuality. I usually get more aroused when I think about lesbians kissing but I feel more attracted to boys. When I masturbate I often do orgasm a lot quick when I'm watching or thinking about girl on ...

I know I'm a lesbian but can't tell anyone, so how do I find a girlfriend?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4495 days ago

5 April 2012 (F - Hi. I'm 13. I haven't been asked out much but the relationships I did have didn't last long. I just don't feel attracted to guys. So now I know I'm lesbian. I know everyone says not to be embarrassed or don't pretend to be someone you're not but I ...

He flirted. All the right signals and moves. Then he jumped up and ran away. Telling me he is not gay. How do I recover from this set back?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4496 days ago

4 April 2012 (M - ModNote: some more graphic aspects removed so the question could be posted. Tuesday 4th of April 2012: i feel so sad, depressed, in pain, humiliated, stupid and frustrated. i never thought i will feel like this ever in my life. all this mixed b...

Despite being bi why don't I connect emotionally with female partners? I feel conflicted about this

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4496 days ago

4 April 2012 (M - I've always considered myself bi, but as time goes on I find that I'm attracted to both women and men sexually, but emotionally I can't connect to girls.. With guys it happens easily and I feel comfortable around them. I'm not sure what my sexual ...

How do I let this guy down if he is gay?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4496 days ago

3 April 2012 (M - I'm curious if this boy is gay. 1. He asked me if I thought he was 'cute'?!(Three times) 2. He texts me only at night. 3. He gets mad when I do not text him back quick enough (I do it on purpose now) 4. He was really desperate for me to send h...

In love with a military guy who is probably do I tell him how I feel?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4497 days ago

3 April 2012 (M - Hi, I'm Bi and I'm in love with this guy from high school and now he's in the military and I'm still afraid to tell him that I love him. Ever since high school I've had this crush on him, but that crush turned into some strong, intense feeling of ...

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