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Archived questions from: October, 2014 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Is it wishful thinking or could my crush be gay?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3555 days ago

31 October 2014 (M - So I'm bi but not out yet and there's this guy I've had a crush on for just over 3 years now. We started off as friends at uni, we met during the first week but had this instant connection, people described it as a bromance, we just clicked, an...

I have bad feelings about her ex

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3558 days ago

27 October 2014 (F - Hello, My girlfriend is bisexual, but tells me she is only bi for Daniel Craig, which is fine haha. I am a lesbian by the way. Anyway the thing is she is still best friends with her ex boyfriend and every time I see him, hear his name or any of...

My Gf is seeing her ex, but has not told me. What is the best way of dealing with this?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3560 days ago

27 October 2014 (F - Hi, My girlfriend is still best friends with her ex boyfriend, which I aren't really okay by, but I know that if I confront her about it then she will just say don't make me choose, so therefore that means that she will chose him over me. I woul...

I told him if he wants to be with me he has to break up with his partner first

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3561 days ago

26 October 2014 (M - So being a 29 year old and single for a year I seem to have gotten myself into a rather difficult situation ... Whilst recently on holiday I met a guy who i noticed, and few days over the holiday the usual eye contact etc. We exchanged numbers and ...

What's the hold up?! Why won't this guy meet me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3563 days ago

25 October 2014 (M - I've been chatting to this guy online for many months now, and I'm really eager to meet him and get to know him more. Every time I ask him when he wants to meet up, he's very evasive and either ignores me or tells me he has too much on his plate at ...

Is my girlfriend unhappy in our relationship?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3531 days ago

24 October 2014 (F - Hey guys! Just a quick question, I am in a same sex relationship, have been for 7months. My gf has a young child with an ex guy she was with for 7 years. Anyways I saw a text on her phone from her asking this ex if "she had let herself go?" The...

The girl I have a crush on now hates me

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3566 days ago

22 October 2014 (F - Hi. So im a bi girl, and i love this other girl, SN, with all my heart. Now, she found out some time ago, when we were still good friends. When she found out, she avoided me for two weeks, but then we sorted it out and we were good friends again, e...

I can't stop thinking about her! I know it's unfair on my boyfriend, so what do I do next?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3567 days ago

22 October 2014 (F - I have posted something like this before but here it goes.. I'm 20, a girl, and have been going out with my Boyf for 3 years. We recently went on holiday with his family and his cousin took a friend who is also a girl with her.. She is 29 and ...

Is my friend straight or what?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3567 days ago

20 October 2014 (M - Okay so my friend an me been friends for bout 3years he knew I was bi/gay but didn't care I'm in the closet but he's embrassed to bring me around other people (they might think something) but one day we asked of he can do oral an we did an we fooled ...

A friend thinks I have a crush on her ex but I don't

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3568 days ago

20 October 2014 (F - Ok, so i have a crush on this girl 'S', but she knows and now she has decided she hates me. There is another girl, 'A', who is one of both mine and 'S's best friend. Now she thinks i have a crush on her and told a couple of people this, includin...

Does my girlfriend's recent behaviour betray a guilty conscience?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3567 days ago

20 October 2014 (F - Am hoping to get some advice about my relationship. There is a saying that cheaters often give themselves away if you listen to them. Well, my girlfriend went to talking the other night and randomly said I love you. Nothing strange about saying I...

Is it ok for me to send this message to a guy I like? In the closet now, but should I just come out to him?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3570 days ago

18 October 2014 (M - "Hey decided to just be honest. I’m not gay but I am bi, and I kinda want to ^^^ you off. It doesn’t make you gay to let a guy ^^^ you off, like i said i’ve had friends it happened to and they honestly couldn’t tell the difference. I’d be 100% dis...

What is causing the u-turn in these relationships?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3571 days ago

17 October 2014 (F - Hi everyone. Firstly, thank you for reading, and secondly I hope you can help! So I’ll keep it as brief as possible. I’m a 27 year old lesbian and I have been back on the dating scene for about 6 months now, having previously been in a 3 ye...

Should I feel bad or guilty? Or is my friend over-reacting to my hook-up with a guy at the gym?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3569 days ago

15 October 2014 (M - Hello, so I have quite the dilemma here. I am a gay man in his early 20's. I just recently hooked up with a guy that a friend of mine was messing around with, which I didn't know. I met my friend a few months ago, and later found out that he...

My husband says he's cool with me having relations with other women. How have others handled a similar situation as this?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 3574 days ago

13 October 2014 (F - My husband and I have been married for 5 years. We have had many ups and downs but despite these we are still together and communicate with one another very openly and honestly. Lately things have been a bit rubbish and he hasn't been very attracte...

How can I introduce the idea to my wife, that I'd like to try a threesome, but with an extra guy, not an extra girl?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3574 days ago

13 October 2014 (M - My wife wants to have a threesome with another woman, she said it really turns her on just thinking about it, but I want to have a threesome involving another guy. I don't know how to bring it up. I'm really wanting to make it happen but I don't ...

Should I confront her about what was going on or wait for her to talk about it first?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3575 days ago

13 October 2014 (F - At the beginning of summer I talked to a friend of mine a lot and we started flirting. I couldn't really tell if it was that kind of joke flirting friends do with each other, but it was very real for me, and when I showed my best friend some of the ...

I can't get over my girlfriend not being a virgin!

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 3568 days ago

10 October 2014 (F - Hi, I have a serious problem that I don't know how to adress. Me and my girlfriend have known each other since we were in our teens. It's been about 8 years now that we've been friends. We've always gotten along great, been best friends and fel...

Going from sex partners to friends, back to potential sex partners? What's her deal?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3574 days ago

10 October 2014 (F - I have a female friend. Her and I have had sex together in the past, maybe 6 months ago. We had sex on multiple occasions. She is actually straight, and I a lesbian. One major reason, I believe, as to why we don't have sex anymore is because we no ...

Is she thinking of me too?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3044 days ago

9 October 2014 (F - Thanks for your advice. For the last 2 yrs I met a woman. For the past two years she has seen like part of my family. Roughly once a month to more we talked. However, even though it was part of her position I felt she stayed longer and at times wa...

Does this suppressing of feelings really work? Will she just eventually forget all about me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3579 days ago

8 October 2014 (F - Does suppressing your feelings after a breakup really work? My ex of two years and I split up a few weeks back and since then, it has seemed she doesn't care at all. I seem to be the only one having a hard time. According to her, we are just coping ...

My girlfriend runs hot and cold. We are engaged but she has cut down the time we spend together!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3580 days ago

8 October 2014 (F - hi im a gay woman in my 30s and engaged to my girlfriend who i dont live with but i do stay most nights and go home a couple of nights a week because she did want space and not to live together until were married which is all fair enough. i know all ...

My fiancé has a past of the 'down low' lifestyle, should I believe him that he no longer wants sex with men?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3581 days ago

7 October 2014 (F - If my boyfriend/fiancé has had a past life style of having sex with men can it be possible that he's no longer into that lifestyle since being in the relationship he has with me? This is what he claims is that it's over that past life style and he ...

Are there really any gay guys out there who aren't expecting perfection?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3582 days ago

6 October 2014 (M - So I'm a 19 year old, college, gay guy. And I just feel so behind. I've never been in a relationship in my life. I've never even kissed a guy before and I just feel really lame about it. I feel like everyone's lives are moving forward while ...

Dated a guy who gave me HIV yet he's not supportive to me. What are my options?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3582 days ago

6 October 2014 (M - I've been talking to this guy since early summer. He was unaware he was HiV. We had sex and I was given the HIV virus. It has been a hard depressing Time for me. He is the only one that knows I'm postive. To me he is not showing no support t...

My Gf is not talking to me, and am I studying for the right reasons?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3586 days ago

2 October 2014 (F - I was seeking some guidance In regards to my relationship and study which I've just started. I started my first day of college yesterday, I loved the work but I don't like the college life because I'm too old, I'm a 24 year old woman sat with 1...

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