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Archived questions from: April, 2006 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

She says her feelings went away when she got a gf but I think she still likes me!!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6663 days ago

29 April 2006 (F - So to start off with, I guess it's important to say that I'm a lesbian. That aside, I need opinions as to whether or not this girl still likes me. She's got a girlfriend now, but admitted to me a few months back when we first began talking,...

I have strong feelings for another women and its scaring me!!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6664 days ago

28 April 2006 (F - Im a 19 year old female and have never had strong feelings for anyone particularly. But since before chiristmas i have been having strong feelings for a girl-this is not like me at all and its scaring me. Once more its scaring me because i think sh...

Im having a hard time releasing the fact that Im gay, Please help?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6664 days ago

26 April 2006 (M - I need some help, I'm gay and I have a boyfriend. I know that NO ONE suspects me at all as I have ladies always hinting things and flirting with me, so no one suspects a thing people just think that I haven't meet the special one yet. Thing is,...

He always throws our misunderstanding in my face!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6666 days ago

26 April 2006 (M - My gay boyfriend and me had a slight misunderstanding where we were both missunderstood, and wrong impressions were given and we both got hurt. We planned to get together but family issues arose i didn't know what was happening at all as we were ...

I'm the perfect "metrosexual" ladies man... But I'm gay and want to marry my lover!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6669 days ago

23 April 2006 (M - Hello Everyone. This might be a little long, I'll try keep it brief. I'm gay but no one knows because I cover my tracks very well. I'm a modern metrosexual man, and no body suspects a thing because I always have ladies flirting with me, and I come a...

Involved in a long distance relationship..and convinced this man is my soulmate! Am I being too hasty to think this way?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6673 days ago

19 April 2006 (M - I have a situation thats bugging me. I've been involved in a long distance gay relationship for two years where we are very faithful to one another and during this time while we were apart in different countries we didn't see anyone else as we were ...

I'm gay but I think I'm turning and I don't know what to do!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6651 days ago

18 April 2006 (M - Hi i have been gay for nearly 7 years and am currently in a relationship. however for a while now i have developed feelings for girls. Recently i was in a potential situation where something could have happened however i stayed away so it couldn't ...

He says we could have a happy future but goes cold when I mention getting back together, what's his game?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6672 days ago

18 April 2006 (M - I need some help in trying to work out my gay ex (21) who I have just split from. I am 33 and we split two months ago after five great months. He has met someone else but says it is not working as he planned. We have talked about the possibility ...

I love my best friend but she has a boyfriend!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6462 days ago

18 April 2006 (F - I am in love with my best friend who is also female. She told me she loved me but i found out she has a boyfriend what should i do?? pls help...

I have a question and it's very delicate to me....

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6675 days ago

17 April 2006 (M - hello. I have a really weird question to ask and I hope it gets posted. Here goes... I really need some advice with regards to a gay situation, I am male and I'd really like the advice of a "gay agony aunt" or someone that knows how hard and scar...

I'm bisexual but have a boyfriend, do I stay with him or go with the girl I like?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6255 days ago

17 April 2006 (F - hello im 16 and i dont know what to do. im in a relationship with my boyfriend and i just dont feel the same round him any more i know im bisexual and theres this girl i really like but i just dont know weather or not i should break up with my ...

Im 14 and in love with my best friend!!!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6332 days ago

17 April 2006 (M - i'm 14 and gay and i love my best friend who is also 14. What should i do??...

I'm a guy in a relationship with a girl, but also attracted to a male friend. Why?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6672 days ago

16 April 2006 (M - I am 20 and have a girlfriend who is 19. However, recently I've started finding a male friend of mine sexy and feel disgusted for having these feelings. I've nothing against homosexuals but I feel disgusted with myself and can't understand why...

I don't know why my ex would rather be close friends than together. He's not with anyone else, and wants me to ring every day!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6672 days ago

16 April 2006 (M - Ok... I'm gay and only 18. But I want to get back with my boyfriend. We went out for just over 4 months. I know it isn't a long time, and a lot of you will probably dismiss it, but in that 4 months we made each other very happy, and it is fair to ...

His ex boyfriend stole him from me!!!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6677 days ago

15 April 2006 (M - I need help! i meet a lad who is 18 4 months ago, we were friends, and at the time he was in a relationship which went terribly wrong for him, i was there for him to support him whilst he was moving on with his life from his x bf, we then got ...

I feel more attracted to my close girlfriend than to my boyfriend!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6679 days ago

13 April 2006 (F - Dear cupid, I have a pretty typical question, I am 25 year old girl from Idaho. I'm in relationship with the most amazing guy ever! However I have close Girlfriend( as in only friends) but I keep feeling attracted to her. Recently I've ...

How can you move on from an ex?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6683 days ago

8 April 2006 (M - I have just split from my gay boyfriend after five months and things were great. He asked me out last weekend for a chat, saying he still had feelings for me. But when I called he let it go to answer-machine and did not return my calls/texts. I ...

My ex is messing with my feelings but I love him so much!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6688 days ago

4 April 2006 (M - I just need a little help. My gay ex (21) and I (33) have been split now for two months after five months together. He recently told me that he left me to be with his best friend, who is also 33 and has just left his wife after 10 years. This blo...

He rebranded us as "friends" from a "couple"!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6690 days ago

2 April 2006 (M - Hi There, My name is Michael,I'm Gay and 34 years old. For three years I've been in a relationship with a wonderful Guy about 4 years older than me but now we're in trouble. When I first met my Partner I was quite happy and go lucky however...

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