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Archived questions from: June, 2009 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Should I just leave the pieces on the floor and move on?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5505 days ago

30 June 2009 (F - Hello...I am a lesbian and my ex girlfriend and I are trying to be together again. We were together in 2008, for a little over 9 months. Through this time she went to alcohol and drug rehab, and I myself was going through a recovery process too. The ...

4 Problems! What my sexuality?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5503 days ago

30 June 2009 (M - I'm so confused and emotional. I have a lot of compliacted situations and I really need help and someone to turn to. I've known I was different since I was 13. I was friends with a boy lets call him Tom I was kinda attracted to him, and sa...

I feel like my boyfriend is being dishonest about his sexuality

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5505 days ago

30 June 2009 (F - I am going out with an amazing guy, we will call him Q. He's intelligent, gorgeous, funny and we really click. We have a lot of chemistry, both physical and otherwise and the sex has been amazing! There is one slight problem. I have known Q for a nu...

How do you just fall out of love with someone? I'm baffled...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5506 days ago

29 June 2009 (F - I have been in a long distance relationship for nearly a year, and it has been going massively strong. She has sent me letters telling me she cant wait to start a new life with me, im the one, we went through much to be with each other, and now ...

Can I ever get out of this tangled mess he created?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5505 days ago

29 June 2009 (M - Hello there. I'm a 29-year-old married man with 2 kids. I've been having an affair with my father-in-law for the past month in secret. He instigated this affair, and I agreed to it - we were both drunk at the time watching a game of socce...

Why is he acting this way? Why now?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5496 days ago

29 June 2009 (M - Hi, sorry about the long post. I have some questions and can't keep it inside any longer.... I am a secretly gay guy. About 4 years ago I met this guy and I developed a MAJOR crush on him. I was not sure if he would like me. Anyways became t...

I'm shy but really turned on by them!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5505 days ago

29 June 2009 (F - Im a straight woman (I'm pretty sure, anyways). I have these two co-workers who openly declare themselves as bisexual. They are both into the punk/goth thing. I think they think I'm a really square Hmong girl but I've had a lot of sexual fantasies ...

We got naked for a few minutes, was this an invitation to sex?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5505 days ago

29 June 2009 (M - My friend Adam and I have both had heterosexual histories...however, I have been having sexual fantasies about him since I was about 13. Nothing ever happened but the last time we got drunk together, we were walking on a trail. He suggested we get ...

It feels like we're incompatible, he doesn't show any affection anymore. Should I stay or go?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5500 days ago

29 June 2009 (M - Ok, im a guy and im Bi. Im 27. I met my boyfriend who is very closeted eight months ago and he is 21 and very nice and intelligent but immature. I came out of the closet for him and I changed my entire life. He has made almost no changes for me. ...

I think the still has feelings for me.....

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5507 days ago

29 June 2009 (? - Hi, Im 17, a closet bisexual and am in love with my best friend. The situation is complicated. In the past, a few years ago maybe, we were in a sort of pretend gay relationship, it started off as just fun but gradually got more and more "serious". ...

Lesbian sex does not feel that good to me... is something wrong?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5505 days ago

28 June 2009 (F - okay... I am bisexual and i have a girlfriend, I stayed the night with her last night and we had sex. i am a virgin when it comes to guys and it was my first time having sex with a girl. i gave her oral and she liked it... then she gave me oral but ...

How do you have sex with another girl? Any useful tips?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4914 days ago

28 June 2009 (F - I'm 19 years old and a lesbian. We have done all the kissing aspects but want to move it onto the next level... sex. We have talked it through and are positive about it, we've searched the net but can't find anything! How do you have sex with ...

Partner is celibate for religious reasons. Should I wait for him or leave?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5507 days ago

28 June 2009 (? - I was dating this guy that i was totally in love with and he told me that he just wanted to be friends. Now he has said that he regrets breaking things off with me so we have been dating again for about a week now... But he has told me that he is ...

I'm a lesbian but I'm unsure of how to have sex with a girl?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5489 days ago

27 June 2009 (F - So, I am a lesbian, and I have kissed girls and made out with them and stuff but, im still unsure about how to have sex with them..My girlfriend really wants to, but i dont know how, so i always make an excuse. with out being to crude, can anyone ...

I fancy both men and women and it's distressing me

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5186 days ago

27 June 2009 (M - I fancy both men and women (men more at the moment). When I masturbate, it takes me longer to ejaculate when im fantasizing about women than it does men, about 5 minutes. Its really upseting and distressing me, I hate myself so much because of it. ...

She has beautiful curves...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5454 days ago

27 June 2009 (F - I saw my cousin's sister taking shower and since that day I just want have her, whenever I think of that scene I masturbate by thnking of her. She's younger to me and has beautiful curves. Do you think I am a developing lesbian, or I dont know. But ...

Does she want me???

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5509 days ago

26 June 2009 (F - I am a lesbian and I have a lesbian (school/neighbor/vacinity/ grew up) friend that we recently remet after over 20 years. She has a girlfriend of seven years and they live together. We email each other a lot and have been out twice and both times ...

Why did I feel horny instantly when I saw her?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5509 days ago

26 June 2009 (F - i have a girlfriend and we're both bisexual. we had sex for a couple of times already, and we just love doing it, every time she comes to our house, we go straight in my bedroom and start kissing and touching each other and have sex. now, we barely ...

I want a relationship but I'm to scared to meet them!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5484 days ago

26 June 2009 (M - Im gay, i have never had a relationship with another guy. My first time was with a guy, and i was 22. It was only a one night stand (which i am against, not sure why i did that one). But lately i have had oportunities to meet with other guys, but i ...

She's been seeing this other girl behind my back yet claims she loves me. Is she playing the both of us?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5511 days ago

24 June 2009 (F - I really don't know what to do about my girlfriend as was. she's been seeing this other girl behind my back for at least 2 months now and i've only just found out. i've confronted her and she admitted to it, she says she really likes this other ...

Confused about my sexuality. Am I gay or bi?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5511 days ago

24 June 2009 (F - Am i gay, straight, or bi? I like to masturbate to girls getting slimed, etc. but i think that guys are hot and get really turned on and having urges. i never have urges to have sex with girls, so i din;t know what's going on. please help! i'...

I want to help my sister but unsure how

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5512 days ago

23 June 2009 (F - I need some help people! okay my sister has been with her husband for nine years and married almost two. recently she hasn't started seeing this girl that works in the office with her. she is lesbian and has a wife if that is what you call it! well...

I am 15 years old and I'm scared I may be gay!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5509 days ago

23 June 2009 (M - i am 15 years old and im scared i may be gay because growing up i didn't have a father figure at all because my dad was never around, and i try to make myself a man each day but its hard see i only get aroused to naked men not women and i really ...

How do I ask her out?...I've only been with men!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5509 days ago

23 June 2009 (F - I’ve only been with men, but have always had crushes on women. Nothing has ever happened as I’ve never acted on them. They are getting stronger as I get older. I feel like I need to explore this. My current crush is on a specialist (think ...

She was my best friend as well as my girlfriend but now her parents are sending her to a different school...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5513 days ago

23 June 2009 (F - Okay, so this is what happened: I am a girl and about three months ago my girlfriend and I started going out without telling anyone. Then he parents found out and her mother especially wasen't to keen on the idea of us since we're both girls. For ...

I kissed him while I was drunk...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5513 days ago

22 June 2009 (F - Okay, I feel really stupipd for even having to ask this, but I guess I just need the reassurance. I came out as gay about 18 months ago, and have truly never looked back, I'd never had feelings for a guy and was just overly relieved about being able ...

Could I be in love with a gay wrestler?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5511 days ago

22 June 2009 (M - I'm a student at a university and I'm unusually perplexed about this guy. I met him at my friend's birthday party and we just hit it off; we were drinking buddies the whole night: shots, beer... you name it. We also ended up putting our arms around ...

I'm scared that she is just lonely and needs someone to fill the time...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5495 days ago

22 June 2009 (F - Where to start, ok. Long story short i became very close to a bartender at my regular bar and things went from there. Im a very flirtacious lesbian, i am of the "dominate" persuasion so its very apparent that i am gay. i flirt alot of females str8 ...

Will we ever be more than just friends?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5506 days ago

21 June 2009 (F - So, I am a girl and so is this person I am completely inlove with. I am bi and she says she is straight. I've known her for 2 and a half years but have actually been talking to her for 4 months or so. I told her "I kinda like love you" but that was ...

How do I get past the expectation of there being something more there?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5513 days ago

21 June 2009 (M - I am gay and this will sound like I am really shallow which I'm not, but anyway here goes... honestly! I have started seeing this guy who is awesome in just about every way but the downside is he has a really small penis. We've only sort of foo...

I can't tell my parents I'm gay. Should I move far away?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 4662 days ago

18 June 2009 (M - Well i´m gay and i cant sum up the courage to tell my parents. what should i do? i could move away, very far away. Or should i just stay single my whole life. i want children though, even if they are adopted. i dont want to live life scared....

I have sex with girls but think I like guys more

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5517 days ago

18 June 2009 (M - I am a young man. I like girls i yave sex with them and its good but i think i'm interested in boys more. i look up boys (their hips,penis) much more than girls. I live in a very conservative country so don't know what to do? There is a question in ...

How should I ask her out? She doesn't know I'm bi.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5513 days ago

18 June 2009 (F - i want to have a relationship with my friend but she doesnt know im bi. how should i ask her out? (shes gay)...

What can I do to get this infatuation out of my head?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5318 days ago

17 June 2009 (F - I'm a female, and I have liked one of the female teachers at my school for quite a few years. I don't think it's love, it's more a strong infatuation. I understand that I will never get anywhere with her; that was never what I wanted. People have ...

Should I try sex with a boy to see if I like it? Where to go from here?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5518 days ago

17 June 2009 (M - Hi i am in a predicament at the moment. I have only ever been with girls and had gf's ext. but for a few years now all I ever watch is gay porn and have fantasised myself with guys alot, I've even done some things to simulate a guy if you know what ...

How long do I wait to come clean about my feelings for him?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5519 days ago

17 June 2009 (M - Dear Cupid, I am a 22 year old closeted young male who has a crush on a 37 year old gay co-worker. He is nothing more than a friend. I've come out to him a couple months ago and I'm so crazy for him. He's masculine and very fun to be around. I bee...

I want to put a label on my sexuality

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5508 days ago

16 June 2009 (F - okay im a 16 year old girl in 10th grade and i know that i like guys but sometimes i get a feeling of attraction to girls and i just dont know if i am bisexual or really what sexuallity i have so i was wondering how you know if you are bisexual ...

I just wanted fun with her, now she loves me...and she has a boyfriend!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5518 days ago

16 June 2009 (F - im 24... not sure if im bi. i love men, but occasionally would have "fun" with women. i dont wish to label myself. a year ago i got to know this woman at a birthday bash, let's call her gwen, she's the gf of one of my male friend.. she's n...

Did I really turn him gay or was he gay all along?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5514 days ago

16 June 2009 (? - I know it's long, but I plan on responding to anyone who responds/offers advice. So I met this guy about 5 months ago and we hit it off great. We became pretty close friends. He was straight, I am gay but not a lot of people know about me. I don't ...

Does wanting sex with a man make me gay?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5519 days ago

15 June 2009 (M - I wanna try sex wit a guy but does that make me gay? Even tho I love sex wit girls...I jus wanna try bcuz i,m freaky n wanna try new things or should I have my girlfriend use starp on one me instead?...

Had a dream about a girl. Does this make me bi that I can't stop thinking about her?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5513 days ago

15 June 2009 (F - iv thought i was bi for a while now last night i had a dream and me and the girl i know from athletics were kissing and like getting off with each other and iv been thinking about her i have done before i meanshes really pritty shes kinda boy ish ...

I would love to find a meaningful relationship but it's just not happening...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5509 days ago

15 June 2009 (M - I guess this is a long one so where to start. I'm 21, I'm Gay, I came out when I was 17 years old and had a fantastic response from everyone I know. As a person I'm not effeminate in anyway, most new people that meet me are shocked to find out that ...

Should I pursue my long distance boyfriend?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5511 days ago

14 June 2009 (M - Simple question! Should I pursue my long distance boyfriend? I love him. He is with someone else though? Should I pursue him?...

I "know" I'm gay but I don't want to go out with a gay guy, I only seem to like straight guys!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5480 days ago

14 June 2009 (M - Never Thought of asking this on here before but it's now or never, Why do I "not" like gay guys? I think of them and I think to myself never in my life would I go after that, but here's the thing... I'm gay!!! And in the past I've only ever liked ...

Deal with our issues? Or stay broken up?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5499 days ago

14 June 2009 (M - I broke up with my bf of four years and am now strugling and FREAKING out over whether it was the right decision. Would really appreciate some perspective away from my emotion. This was the deal... gay, together for five years, great loving rel...

She wants me to live with her on the other side of the world but I'm not ready to leave my friends and family... help!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5522 days ago

13 June 2009 (F - I have a huge problem. Its getting me down, and Ive no idea what to do. Ive been with this woman in a long distance relationship since last november, before this she lived in the uk. She moved to the other side of the world, but because we love ...

I'm confussed about my sexuality

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5522 days ago

13 June 2009 (M - hi im a 14 year old guy and im confused about my sexuality. im straight i really like girls..but i also have bi-sexual tendencies..i think im attracted to guys too..does that make me bi or gay?... and also i like girls alot..but the whole va...

I love a woman and a man - help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5522 days ago

13 June 2009 (F - I have been married to two men (one died and one divorce) and have 3 grown children. About 10 years ago I met a woman (confirmed lesbian) and fell in love. We have lived together ever since. However, due to physical circumstances on her part, we ...

Lesbian, but turned on by straight this normal??

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 2336 days ago

13 June 2009 (? - Ok, hi people! I've been having some trouble trying to understand something, so thort you guys could help!?! i'll try keep this short, and i hope im not to explicit, or too confusing. Basically i know im gay, and have known like f...

My friend and I kissed. Does she regret it? What should I do now?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5523 days ago

12 June 2009 (F - I am a 14 year old female, and am in love with [at least have a huge crush on] one of my friends. She is also 14 and a girl. I'm not sure if she likes me the way i like her. At times I think she does, and at others it seems like she doesn't. About 3 ...

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