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Archived questions from: July, 2013 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

My girlfriend and I are in love but I am a lesbian and she says she is bisexual and I wasn't her first choice. I don't know if we can fix this.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4011 days ago

31 July 2013 (F - I am gay and my girlfriend says she is a bisexual - she says she ignored it for fear, don't accept it, even fell in love with her best friend once, but lied to herself -, but today we were talking about it, about her exes (all boys)and I said "I am ...

Lessons Learned from having a fling with an unavailable/in denial man

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31 July 2013 (M - As the title goes this is not a question, but some lessons I have learned after having a fling with an unavailable/in denial man. I love storytelling and so I am going down that road with this one. It is going to be long but insightful and in case ...

Every day since I came out there is an argument!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3985 days ago

31 July 2013 (M - I'm not sure if this is the best place to go but I don't know where to go really. Since I came out 2 years ago things changed completely between my mother and I and its frosty to say the least between us. What happens is that every day there ...

My ex left me over a year ago and I'm no closer to moving on. Even though I've met others there is no space in my heart for them. How can I find peace again?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4010 days ago

28 July 2013 (M - I need help in moving on, but I can’t get to the next stage. I was in a relationship with another guy for 7 years. It was fantastic or at least I thought so. We rarely argued and I thought it would last forever. Then unexpectedly he said he needed a ...

If I say yes to his marriage proposal will he later change his mind about me having girlfriends?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4017 days ago

27 July 2013 (F - Hi I'm hoping I can get some real life experience answers here. The situation is I'm bisexual. I've been dating a Guy for 2 years and I love him deeply. He's none since the day we met that I'm bi and he's never had a problem with me dating a woman ...

How do I resolve my feelings about my sexuality? Should I wait until I have my first crush on a girl?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4017 days ago

26 July 2013 (? - I think im bi. Not completely positive, but i will see another girl sometimes and be totally turned on. Like girls my age. i KNOW i like boys though. but i dont know how to tell my parents or anything. its so wierd. I dont really know what im asking ...

Its been 4 years now since we've had sex and I'm feeling tempted to go elsewhere

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4018 days ago

26 July 2013 (M - I have been in a monogamous relationship for 9 years. As time has gone on, my partners sex drive has tapered off, and now is none existent. I have tried talking to him about it, he went to the doctor, I have tried making romantic getaways, and a ...

Does my bi friend have hidden feelings for me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4020 days ago

23 July 2013 (M - Hey Cupids, I’m looking for some sensible advice. First off, I’m gay and my friend is bi (he hates the label). He’s one of my best friends but I’ve also come to realise that he has become very attentive and emotional around me. He didn’t see me f...

What is the right order for me to approach my attraction to this woman, as I do have a boyfriend?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4021 days ago

23 July 2013 (F - I've been with my bf for around 3yrs now, he's my first bf and I love him a lot. Since a few weeks, though, I think I've been falling more and more in love with a girl who's a few years older than I am (around 10yrs I think) and I need some advice ...

Does my unusual prefrence doom me to being alone?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4021 days ago

21 July 2013 (F - Hello Aunts and Uncles, I have a pretty vague question but I'll try and go into detail. I'm a 17 year old female and all my life I've only been attracted to middle aged women. I realized I was gay at about 11 years old, so I consciously knew how I ...

Is she going to turn straight?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4023 days ago

21 July 2013 (F - I'm a butch lesbian and I'm in a relationship with a straight girl turned femme. I love her so much and I want her to be in my future, you know... those dreams that you have a partner for life. But something has been bothering me lately. I'm ...

How do I define the relationship I now have with my ex?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4025 days ago

19 July 2013 (F - I really need advice. I broke up with my lesbian partner of 3yrs in February. We were having issues and she couldn't forgive me n move past it so we broke up. A couple weeks later I'm in another relationship with a woman I met online. I didn't fall ...

I came on to my female boss while drunk. She was sober and didn't stop me! Now what?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4015 days ago

18 July 2013 (F - I'm a 19 year old lesbian and I've been attracted to my 56 year old boss for nearly 2 years now. She's married and has 3 grown children, her family is a church-going Christian family, and she'd made it clear that she doesn't agree with my "lifestyle ...

I think I'm gay, but people can't just turn gay over the years, can they?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4013 days ago

18 July 2013 (M - Dear agony aunts, I think I'm gay, I'm 23 and for years I have been having gay thoughts and fantasies which arouses me and sometimes I can't help but mastubate to them but then I feel wrong somehow. I used to have a few girlfriends when I was ...

I need to let my girlfriend know I'm gay, but I don't know how to say it exactly

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4029 days ago

15 July 2013 (M - I've been with my girlfriend for almost a year now. Yet, she was the one that asked me out on a date, however I've always regreted my choice to date her. I have no sexual attraction for her, however I have a strong sexual attraction to men. I was ...

He's too hairy for me! How do I tell him without hurting his feelings?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4022 days ago

11 July 2013 (M - dear cupid, i had just went on a first date with this guy hes really sweet and really funny we get along great. he says hes very uncomfortable with his body, i told him he has a great body type and he asks me " are you sure?" and i said yes we start ...

Which path to follow.....your head or your heart?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4033 days ago

10 July 2013 (F - How do you know whether to follow your head or your heart? I'm a 23 year old gal, I like this girl I met a few weeks ago she seems cool, don't know much about her but my head tells me she seems nice, we joke together and flirt a bit and she's ho...

What are the chances she has broken up with husband turned gay? Do I make a move?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4033 days ago

10 July 2013 (F - Ok, this woman I am into has recently split from her hubby. We've flirted for months now, I wasn't sure if he was still around as she seemed to enjoy my flirtatious being. I really like her, but not sure what to do. Firstly, what the chances she's ...

I'm the first and only man he's been with, but will we ever actually be together?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4034 days ago

10 July 2013 (M - Im an Asian guy whos luckily considered really good looking in western's eyes. despite what people see, i want them to look at me cos more than a good appearance i've got, there's a good heart i own. i know i don't have to be with a good look...

I really want to know if she likes me or not but I don't want to ask her because I don't want to ruin our friendship if my friend is wrong.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4034 days ago

10 July 2013 (F - So I have been friends with this girl for about a year now. We're best friends and everything was fine up until recently when one of my friend told me that she is bi and likes me... Which I don't have a problem with seeing as I'm bi. I just fi...

Why do I still get jealous if I don't love her anymore?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4033 days ago

10 July 2013 (F - Long story, so please bear with me! I met this girl, she's 26, I'm 31, and I was head over heels for her. I knew she was gay, but she was still deep in the closet when we met. We started going out but she treated me like sh*t. She would always k...

Is my friend possibly gay?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4034 days ago

9 July 2013 (M - First - I'll say that I'm gay myself, and I'm not just asking to be a douchebag. I'm very attracted to my friend. Second - there will be a TL;DR (Too long; didn't read) version available at the bottom. Although, I'm in desperate need of some opi...

I'm scared my boyfriend will leave me for someone with a bigger dick

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4031 days ago

9 July 2013 (M - Hi I have a boyfriend (I'm gay) and we've been dating for a good while now and are very committed to each other. When we have sex normally both of us get off and we kind feed off each other's energies. We constantly tell each other how much we love ...

I am confused about my sexuality and find myself attracted to FTM trans men. Help!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4022 days ago

4 July 2013 (F - Why is is that I am attracted to FTM trans men? Does this make me gay? The older I get, the more I find myself checking out masculine lesbians and FTM trans men. I thought if a person was gay they would know by about age 16 or 17. I am 22, and...

How do I learn to make passionate love to her?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4041 days ago

1 July 2013 (F - So I'm new to this, I'm divorced and in my 30's and completely in love with my girlfriend! This is my first and hopefully only same sex relationship. She's younger then I but way more experienced. I want to make love to her as passionately as she ...

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