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Archived questions from: March, 2007 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I love him immensely but he told me he loves someone else, what should I do ?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6328 days ago

30 March 2007 (M - my relationship is going no where ??? please help I'm 24yrs old and in love with a guy who is 23 for the last 3yrs. Now the relationship is going a bit wayward as he gets angry with me all the time,curses me. He tells me that he has relationship...

Im in love with a married women, Ive always proffessed to being straight, How can I come out and admit Im gay ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6328 days ago

30 March 2007 (F - i am a female and for the last 6 months i have been in a secret relationship with a married women. I love her and she loves me, but as someone who has always been straight how can i possibly come out and admit my love...

What can I do to speed up the process of getting back with my ex!?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6329 days ago

30 March 2007 (F - Help! Right as I thought I was getting over my ex, he came back into my life. At first he started saying don't do anything with any other guys, then he said do what feels right. He says he is confused and not sure what to think about me and him. I...

Im a female student and have fallen for my female teacher!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6262 days ago

29 March 2007 (F - hiya i have this question well i am a 21 year old female student and i have fallen in love with my teacher who is a striking blond(female) i cant stop thinking of her i just dont know why though anyway please help me out as well as do u knw any laws ...

What is worrying me is that the other day I found my best mate attractive. It scared me badly and although I couldn't imagine us together or kissing

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6322 days ago

29 March 2007 (M - The thing is i don't know whether im gay. I have posted on here before and people have told me that they don't think im gay but i can't get it out of my head I have recently found a lot of men handsome looking, and when they aren't clothed o...

My boyfriend seems different lately, or is it just me !?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6329 days ago

29 March 2007 (M - Can someone help me please? I don’t know what to do about my boyfriend his been acting different lately like he can’t be bothered to have me as a boyfriend. Let me try to explain this. Well he has loads of friends and that in 6th form and so on and ...

Things arent has romantic as they were, Will he fall back in love with me ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6331 days ago

27 March 2007 (M - I have this strange relationship with a 34 year old man who lives in NYC(I am 22 and I live in Mexico), we see each other at least each month. At first it was all romantic, but he turned now to be distant, he is not dating with any other guys, and ...

What is the best way to console him about this boy?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6333 days ago

25 March 2007 (F - My husband and I have "looked after" R since he left an unhappy home when he was 16. He is now nearly 38 and we have known that he is gay sice he was 20. He has been in several "relationships" all of which have failed to be sustainable. He is an ...

Can a guy have a perfectly normal, loving relationship with a girl but is more sexually attracted to another male?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6332 days ago

22 March 2007 (M - Dear Cupid. Is it possible for a guy that tends to be more sexually attracted to guys but more emotionally connected and attracted to girls have a relationship that works out with a girl? A relationship isn't all about the sex is it? and eve...

My friend is gay and wants to come out but he's freaking out about it. What advice can I give him?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5856 days ago

20 March 2007 (F - I have got a 17 year old male friend that comes to me for advice, I am older than him and have lived my life somewhat!! He has announced that he thinks he is gay and that he wants to start a relationship with a man he knows. But he is freaking ...

Someone told me my boyfriend is gay, they have a recording of him admitting to it!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6336 days ago

19 March 2007 (F - ok, well,this is a long story. i met this boy wen i was about 14. from then i liked him, even tho he was goig out with my best m8s, m8. afta 2 years of being with her they split up becoz there was a rumor he was gay. well i met up with him and he...

Im in the navy, and the guy I dated for 8 months has ended it, he loves me but wants someone that can be there to hold him!!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6340 days ago

18 March 2007 (M - I am a 19 year old guy in the navy. I met a guy in May 2006 and we got together in July. The majority of our time was spent apart due to me being in the navy. 8 months to the day that we were together, He told me that he didn't want to be with me ...

I am a woman with female partner. She is a wonderful person but I'm just not interested in her sexually any more.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6335 days ago

18 March 2007 (F - I am a woman and have a female partner. On paper she is perfect for me and for the first 6 months I really fancied her. After that the attraction for me has whittled away. It's been two years now and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to be intim...

I'm really worried about my friend, he's addicted to chat rooms and frequently meets up with men online. What should I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5932 days ago

16 March 2007 (F - hi all im really stuck . my best mate in the world is gay , he told me 2 years ago and im happy for him as i love him loads ( as a mate ) any hes been down lately and last year i went away to live in america alot of problems here where iam . anyw...

I used to think I was straight but now I'm thinking... could I be bi-sexual?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6334 days ago

16 March 2007 (F - I used to think I was straight all my life but I am not sure any more. I wonder what it would be like to french kiss a women and have sex with her. I know that I like men for sure but could I be bi? ...

How can I tell my friend to stay away from this woman, all she'll do is hurt her!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6343 days ago

15 March 2007 (F - My best friend, F, has just come out as a lesbian. I'm perfectly fine with this, as I feel that a person should be true to themselves. My problem is her girlfriend. This girl, K, who I am also friends with, has a number of personality issues. W...

I'm a woman and the thought of gay men having intercourse really excites me, is this normal?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6092 days ago

15 March 2007 (F - I'm a 30 year old woman and the thought of gay men having intercourse really excites me. Is that normal? Seems kind of wierd to me, but I can't help feeling that way. I enjoy the thought of women being together as well, but not as much as the ...

We live together and only have sex once a week now, he won't let me touch him otherwise. How can I change things with him?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6312 days ago

15 March 2007 (M - I am gay and have been in a relationship with my bf for over two years and we've been living together for one year. Things have been going well except for in the bedroom. Sex is strictly once a week very late at night on a weekend (and with no exc...

Help me please, I am confused about my sexuality!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6199 days ago

13 March 2007 (M - Help Me! I can’t tell whether I’m gay or straight. I’m basically sitting on the fence. This is the most confusing decision I have ever had to make; I don’t know what to do! I have had a sexual attraction to guys for quite a few years now, but onl...

I feel more than friendship for her, but she's interested in other guys

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6343 days ago

13 March 2007 (F - As i was writing a response to a girls letter in much of the same situation as i was in 4months ago it made me want to reach out for help too. As i said, 4months ago was when my problem arose, i came clean to my best friend at uni that i had feel...

I like guys sexually, but couldn’t see myself close to a guy yet I could be close to girl, but wouldn’t be attracted to them sexually!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5841 days ago

12 March 2007 (M - (A Long Read) I wrote this a couple of weeks ago. Time has passed, and I think I know my answer. There was a misconception in my last post. I have friends, but they are all...

I cheated on my gf with another guy and I dont know how to tell her!!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6349 days ago

9 March 2007 (M - I think im addicted to anal sex, and even worse with men! Recently i was wastching some porn and they were having anal sex. I asked my gf if she wanted to try it, she eventually said yes. That night we tried it, lube and everything, all it made ...

My partner cheated on me and now I feel worthless, please help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6351 days ago

7 March 2007 (M - help i am a gay man in a relationship i suffer from self esteem issues and recovering bulimic. my partner who i adore has just cheated on me i caught him with a friend of mine after a night out. he thought i was asleep but i wasnt and caught them ...

Why does he feel so uncomfortable when I try to get intimate with him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6352 days ago

6 March 2007 (M - Hi! I am a 41 year old single gay male and about 3 months ago I met an amazing guy (37yrs) and we hit it off right away. He was in a long term relationship with a women for 3 years and with guy before that. All aspects of our relationship is ...

I've given him heaps of chances to make a move but he hasnt and am scared of rejection!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6348 days ago

6 March 2007 (M - I like a guy, but he already has a girlfriend. I'm pretty sure he's bi and hes into me cause he flirts with me and sends me signals. I have the most enourmous crush on him and i've given him heaps of chances to make a move, im scared if i make a ...

Should I tell my relatives I'm gay???

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6351 days ago

5 March 2007 (F - Im 17 years old and up until now i have never really dated a girl. Since i was about 11 or 12 i had tryed things with girls but never thought i could do it myself. My bestfriend now moved to my school and he was gay... i talked to him about my...

I think I might be gay! How can you tell if you're gay? Realm????

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6338 days ago

5 March 2007 (M - ok.I'm confussed. I might be gay, but I'm not sure. I like always hug all the time.....and i had feelings for one once. any ideas?...

My boyfriend is talking to other men online saying how hot and sexy they look, when confronted he said he only wants friends for us to socialise with. How do I handle this?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6325 days ago

5 March 2007 (M - My bf of 11 months and I have been having many trust related problems since we met. I just discovered that 1 month ago he created an online profile looking for friends. It is on a website that caters to the specific type of men he is sexually ...

He has a bad temper and screams at everybody, we broke up but he is begging me to take him back!!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6353 days ago

5 March 2007 (M - I am 37 yo gay man. 1 year ago I met a man online who lives in France. We fell in love, after 3 months I flew out to meet him, we got engaged. 3 months later I left the USA to live with him. We have had problems since the start, but I thought they ...

I am really into my boss who is female and married. I am also female.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6352 days ago

4 March 2007 (F - i am really into my boss who is female and married and i think she is into me too, i am a female also, how can i tell before i make a fool of myself?...

Is there any way I can find out... if this guy I like is gay like me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6317 days ago

3 March 2007 (M - Alright. I'm a closeted 16 year old male and I've never been in a relationship with a guy or girl. I've often dreamed of having a secret gay relationship, and there is a cute guy in my class who I am 90% sure is gay (if not gay, then ...

My boyfriend's ex left him because she was a lesbian. He is very insecure emotionally, how do I tell him I want to come out of the closet now too???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6356 days ago

2 March 2007 (F - i am a woman who has been dating a man for a year. for the past 6 months i have been coming to terms with me sexuality, and have recently decided to come out of the closet. before i can do that i need to tell my boyfriend that i am a lesbian. i care ...

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