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Archived questions from: August, 2009 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

My boyfriend does not want me to go out or have any friends, he is insecure, what can I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5443 days ago

31 August 2009 (M - My boyfriend probably wants us to break up as he can't handle the fact that I now have a small social life. I am gutted and can't believe this reaction after five years together. I had been unwell and a bit of a loner for the start of our rel...

Someone told me my boyfriend is having a gay affair and I think its true!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5443 days ago

30 August 2009 (F - My mate and I been together for five years. We were both virgins starting out in our realtionship. Within these five years I have yet to experince an orgasm. Well recently I received a email from a guy claiming him and my boyfriend have been hav...

I'm confused! I don't want to be gay!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5134 days ago

29 August 2009 (F - Dear ppl, Lately I've been thinking about my sexual orientation, I used to watch porn and I stopped because I hated it and I felt disgusted every time I do it. I watched lesbian porn and It turned me on but I HATED it afterwards. Straight pornogr...

I'm ok with gays but feel confused

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5443 days ago

28 August 2009 (M - I used to find girls attractive or at least pretty, now they just dont do it for me ...I'm completely besotted with attractive guys. I can no longer get an errection over a woman, I recognise they are pretty but ...when it comes to guys, I'm hard ...

Where to meet other lesbians?!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5423 days ago

27 August 2009 (F - I'm an 18 year old female. I realised a few months ago that I'm gay. I came out to my best friend a few days ago and she is completley fine with it. So now I have somebody to talk to about things which is amazing. Also I have somebody to go out with ...

I'm straight but hooked on gay porn! How can I stop watching it?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5440 days ago

27 August 2009 (M - Im 15 and I have a porn problem. Im straight I believe I am, but I looked at gay porn once just to see how it goes and I got hooked to it. I belive thats why I have gay fantasies and stuff because I like girls but when I first hit puberty and star...

I have been fooling around with a guy and now I cant seem to get an erection when I'm with a girl!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5447 days ago

27 August 2009 (M - Im a 23 year old guy, and i have a couple of problems that i think are interlinked. I lost my virginity pretty late, i was 18, with my girlfriend at the time. We had sex a few times and then broke up after a month or two. After that i started ...

How do I get rid of these feelings that I want to be with a woman?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5446 days ago

27 August 2009 (F - I am not cheating, nor do I plan on cheating on my boyfriend, but I have been with women before and he knows it. I've been feeling lately that I want to be with a woman, and I really want to tell my boyfriend without him wanting to join in (again). ...

Does he want me back, or was he just horny?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5447 days ago

27 August 2009 (M - I broke up with my ex month ago We still living together in our place , I tried to get back to him twice, but he rejected me, and I felt my self so cheap, and I forgot about him totally and started focusing on my life and try to enjoy it ...

I don't want to lose him again but he is recieving sexual messages from a man! How do I confront him?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5446 days ago

27 August 2009 (F - this is gonna be long sorry. but i gotta explain the whole story. in 2005 i got with this guy, everything was great until last year around valentines day, he started drifting off. well around march we split up. it was horrible breakup i hit him. but ...

I just want to be a normal teenage boy!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5446 days ago

27 August 2009 (M - im 15 years old and i so lonely and depressed in my life im the only child so i have no one to talk to or hang out with i don't get out much because i really don't have any friends i can just hang with (at least good people) every since i turned a ...

How do I tell my boyfriend that I want to be with a female without him wanting to join in?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5447 days ago

27 August 2009 (F - i am a bisexual female and i do have bouyfriend. now the thing is lately i've been feeling like i want to be with a female. how do i tell this to my boyfriend without him wanting to join or something stupid like that?...

How do I get my mind off a crush who isn't gay or bi?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5448 days ago

27 August 2009 (F - I can't take this anymore! I really needs tips on how I can get over someone I love. I am a girl, and so are they. They know I'm bi and they know I love them, but I'm starting to become a bit jealous because she is flirting with a guy who is ...

I found out she cheated on me a year ago!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5448 days ago

26 August 2009 (F - My partner and I have been together for four and a half years. Since the middle of our sophomore year of college. We started at the same graduate school last year and I'm planning on finishing with my Master's in Education while she wants to go on ...

How do I find out if the man I am attracted to is gay?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5432 days ago

26 August 2009 (M - I'm Gay and I am sexually attracted to a man, but I don't know if he is Gay.. How can I find out?...

I've gone off women and I'm only having sexual thoughts about men!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5383 days ago

26 August 2009 (M - I've gone off women. I'm not sure whether I've just 'come into my sexuality' or not but recently, I've gone completely off women and on to men. Sexual thoughts about men started for me a long time ago but only in the background and I pursued va...

Help! I came out to my best friend by text last night, don't know what to do now?!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5448 days ago

26 August 2009 (F - I'm an 18 year old female, and after weeks of struggling to find the perfect moment to tell my best friend I'm gay I decided to tell her by text last night. I was to scared of her reaction if i told her face to face, so I decided it was better to ...

How & where should I come out to my best friend?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5448 days ago

25 August 2009 (F - Well, I'm an 18 year old girl and I've recently come to terms with the fact that i'm gay, or at least bi-sexual. But i can now acknowledge that I am attracted to females. I've realised that I'm in love with my female best friend, who is straight and ...

I think my girlfriend is cheating on me but she always manages to make me feel like I'm in the wrong!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5426 days ago

25 August 2009 (F - So, I've been in a relationship with the same girl for over five years - off and on - more on than off, though. We've had ups and downs and have mostly worked through them. Problem as of late is that I think she's cheating on me, maybe she isn't ...

Am I a repressed homosexual?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5444 days ago

24 August 2009 (M - Am I gay? For as long as I can remember (I'm 30) I've fantasized about men. Everyday I end up fantasizing about having sex with men or men having sex with each ohter. I watch homosexual porn, shemale and bi stuff and I always get an errection. I ...

Broken up as he didnt love me, but he still wants to have sex with me

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5446 days ago

24 August 2009 (M - Hi I am gay my boyfriend has just broken up with me 3 weeks ago. He says he wasnt in love with me as he lost the spark for me but said he still found me amazing in bed so the sex has not stopped. We continue to have sex when we meet. I am trying ...

Should I contact my ex after bumping into him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5438 days ago

23 August 2009 (M - Hello guys, I really need help, first of all I'm gay, so here's what happened to me. Last night I went to a club with my best friend and I found my ex-boyfriend so I said hi to him and we ended up dancing and kissing for a while, so later on we h...

Is wanting t be friends with ther gay men a betrayal of my boyfriend?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5444 days ago

23 August 2009 (M - I am in what feels like an impossible situation. I have been in a wonderful relationship with my boyfriend for five years. I never really had many friends but of late have started making them. I am gay and would like to have some gay friends as w...

Should I tell my boyfriend to stop having anal sex

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5446 days ago

22 August 2009 (F - my bf said he wanted to try anal sex with a was his fantasy. I said he could try it. now, he says he wants to see the guy twice a month as he needs anal sex. he says I won't be replaced ever but if I want him to stop, tell him now and he ...

Bi or Bi-curious? Not sure how to take the next step

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5454 days ago

20 August 2009 (F - Recently i have become much more open about things with my best friend,for example, I told her I have a vibrator and I masturbate. Also, we both admitted to watching lesbian porn. We've kissed once or twice just a simple peck on the lips and we ...

I feel like I'm turning lesbian!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5454 days ago

20 August 2009 (F - okay im 13 and i feel like im turning lesbian i have a boy friend but i really really want a girl friend ive been feeling this way for a very long time and i love kissing girls so please help me...

In love with my straight friend... I don't know how to get past my feelings without letting him know.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5454 days ago

20 August 2009 (M - Okay, so putting this out there: I am gay, and recently went through a pretty horrible breakup. In the midst of this, I developed feelings for a friend of mine. We have only known each other a few months, and though we have hung out a couple times ...

How do you feel about lending your partner money? My guy asked for £1,000 and I said no!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5454 days ago

19 August 2009 (M - My boyfriend of eight months has asked me to lend him £1000. He says he needs it to pay his landlord. He's generally an honest person but this came out of the blue and its a lot of money. I'd be happy to lend smaller amounts, but I'm currently ...

My mother dissapproves because I'm 20 and want to date someone who's 46. Is this really such a bad thing?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5439 days ago

18 August 2009 (F - So, I'm a 20 year old lesbian. I just recently met a 46 year old woman and we get along great. Most girls my age don't work, don't want to attend college and believe in anything but lies. We share what seems like a million a 10 things in common, we ...

How do I let her know that I have some self-respect?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5456 days ago

18 August 2009 (F - I am a gay girl- I met this other girl about a year ago. We had sex then were planning to go for a date again but it didn't work out until novemeber. We went for a drink and were about to go for a more formal date later, but I wasn't really ...

What does "I miss you more than you will ever know" mean?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5457 days ago

18 August 2009 (? - Okay so most of you know my story. I'm female and in love with my best female friend. She knows how I feel about her, you can read my other posts to get the whole story. Anyway I want to know why she would sign off on an email the following way? "I ...

He is starting to be more honest about his sexuality but he still wont introduce me as his boyfriend

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5452 days ago

17 August 2009 (M - My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year and a half. He is a few years older than I am. Since I was 16 I have been out of the closet. I have fully embraced my gayness. I am in the military and most of the people who know me know about my ...

I want her back. How can I approach this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5458 days ago

16 August 2009 (F - Hii, i was in a lesbian relationship with my best friend 3 years ago. the relationship lasted for only 6 months and during tht we didnt have sex or anything.. we just kissed.. i am still friends with her but i want her back as my lover. Please su...

I still have feelings for my should I tell him?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5458 days ago

16 August 2009 (M - Hi.. Well my freind is bi and so am I. My freind told me he used to like me but now he's sayin that I told him that he wasn't my type. I nevr said that. I still hav feelings for him but since Now he sayin that and has a bf that don't like me I'm ...

I really love this girl, and I'm confused about what is happening!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5458 days ago

16 August 2009 (F - I've been in this situation for about 6 months. Basicaly I am a girl and I'm in love with another girl. She is 13 and I am 14, and she knows I am, or atleast I think she knows I'm in love with her. I told her sometime in July that I loved her ...

Should I even try? She has a boyfriend!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5459 days ago

15 August 2009 (F - i knew this beautiful girl over the internet two years ago.. always has crush on her even after i knew she has a boyfriend. but i was "professional" enough to be just friendly.. as time passed by she sorta confessed that she has feelings for me, but ...

How can I make my friend tell me if she is hitting on me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5459 days ago

15 August 2009 (F - i have this friend in school.she is hitting on me without a doubt.she touches my legs at the lunch tables and when she gives me a hug she makes sure i am sitting down so she can snuggle me with her breasts.i ask her a try to drop hints to make her ...

I think I'm bi, but when I make out with girls it doesn't feel completely right. How can I be sure?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5433 days ago

15 August 2009 (F - hey evrybody out there.i am actually fairly young but i think i am bi.i make out with girls and it doesnt feel right.i like doing it but half of my wants me to there anything i can do to find out for sure?...

Are guys our there who like androgymous tomboy girls?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4982 days ago

14 August 2009 (F - I am not straight. I like women more but men sometimes too. I feel most comfortable being androgynous - shortish hair, confident manner, and a bit tomboyish: I like to open doors for my dates and generally naturally gravitate away from the feminine ...

Should I believe him? Or think hes a liar?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5461 days ago

14 August 2009 (M - Ok. Soo basically I was just lied to and fuckd with by a good friend of mine. He told me he's bi. Which I'm ok with. But someone... so my friend says txtd me from his phone telling me that he really like me and would've said yes if I asked him out. ...

Is this one of the tsigns of my relationship falling apart?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5460 days ago

13 August 2009 (M - Hi, guys. I'm an Asian gay man, 37 year old who's been living in the states for 3 years. And my partner is American guy who's 60 year old, divorced and has 4 grown-up children. I posted some question here about my relationship before. It was a...

I'm straight but I like to read erotic stories about girls!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5461 days ago

13 August 2009 (F - im 16 Recently ive been thinking and i really dont understand what i think. Im straight, i always date boys, and fancy one in particular at the moment. Im always flirting with boys and i have sex with boys. But for some reason when im masturba...

I'm seriously attracted to my female friend but none of my friends know I'm bi-sexual!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5461 days ago

13 August 2009 (F - I want to kiss one of my best friends but can't what should I do? Basically I am Bi but none of my friends know. Because I didnt really realise until years after I met them, I never thought I should say anything. They would just think 'well where ...

I love my girlfriend but I have feelings for a male friend!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5459 days ago

13 August 2009 (M - I have a girlfriend and I love her to bits but I also have feelings for one of my male friends who I think is gay, what should I do...

Having past and maybe present sex problems....should I tell her?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5378 days ago

12 August 2009 (M - I recently got back together with an ex who broke up with me 2 months ago. During our relationship, I put too high a value on sex. She told me I satisfied her, I started to believe I wasn't really. Beginning last winter, I think I started putting ...

He calls me his "younger brother" but I get the feeling he might be gay!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5456 days ago

12 August 2009 (M - hi im an adult of age 23 , I am a straight and i happen to meet a guy elder than me of around 25 years . he is from the same place where I come from and we got introduced through a common friend of mine. as days passed on we got close to each other ...

Is he grooming these men, or should we be more open minded?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5428 days ago

12 August 2009 (F - i dont really know how to put this , but ill start from the beginning. there is a guy thats about 48 and he is gay - the thing is , my friend and her ex partner met him a year ago, on their first date, this gay guy is really in to his drugs at the ...

My boyfriend had sex with my ex-boyfriend, I can't cope with this, please help?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5327 days ago

11 August 2009 (F - I'm a 24 year old with a 3 year old baby. Me and my new partner have been together for 18 months now. I'd been on a girls night out, and left my partner in with the baby, he agreed to it. However, when I came back from my night out, what hap...

My BF likes to kiss other people.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5459 days ago

11 August 2009 (M - My boyfriend is great we get along great but he's a heavy drinker (not an alcoholic). We've been dating for 7 months. He's a forgetful person, even more so when he drinks. He really lets lose and has fun when he's drunk but sometimes does things ...

I feel as though marrying her was a huge mistake. Help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5464 days ago

11 August 2009 (F - I'm a 39 yrs of age, a barber and married. I've done 5 years in prison. I moved to sc and met a young lady and as of this year married her. at times I feel as if that's been the biggest mistake of my life. she's very demanding, controlling, and ...

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