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Archived questions from: November, 2007 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I am married...but am I normal to crave sex so bad with another woman?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6083 days ago

30 November 2007 (F - I'm really confused about my sexuality. I'm pretty sure that I'm bi-sexual, but I'm not exactly sure. The only way I can really get sexually aroused when I have sex with my husband is if I think about gay sex. (That includes men and women). My ...

Is it gay to watch gay porn?

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 5116 days ago

29 November 2007 (M - is it gay to watch gay porn...

I want to try sex with a girl

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6084 days ago

29 November 2007 (F - I have had a series of bad relationships with guys,im currently on my own...and ive decided i want to try sex with a girl!. I have always knew i was a bit bi sexual, and i had an encounter years ago with a mate, but i was young. I am wondering wha...

My boyfriend is a 'Rent Boy' - what should I feel about it?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6084 days ago

29 November 2007 (F - my boyfriend of 4 months has recently just admitted to me that hes been cheating on me with another man and hes been getting paid for it and now i dont know what to think or feel please help...

My boyfriend cheated on me... with a guy.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5207 days ago

28 November 2007 (F - so, i had a boyfriend and it was going really well...except for the fact that i thought he was gay, he was extremely sweet, borderline genius, and had an incredible bod. he calls me one day and tells me hes so sorry blah blah blah, so i tell him i ...

Am I gay or is it common for straight women to be turned on by other women's bodies?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6084 days ago

25 November 2007 (F - I have been wondering about my sexual orientation for quite some time now. I understand that doubts about your own sexual identities are common for teenagers, but I am already in my 20s and this question has lurked in the back of my mind for many ...

I'm so confused and I love her and want her to be happy!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6088 days ago

25 November 2007 (F - Hi for the longest time I have always been into boys but there was a part of me that seemed to like girls. well I met this one girl at work and she is amazing! and well she asked me out! I love her like I have never loved before and we want to have ...

Huge crush on someone I'm playing the girlfriend of in a pantomime. Please help.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6088 days ago

24 November 2007 (F - Ok, I'm 14 and attracted to girls (no labels yet). I'm currently part of a group pantomime of Dick whittington, where I play Alice (the girl Dick marries in the end) in true panto style, dick is played by a woman, who is married, with a son only two ...

She's dating a guy but I still feel we have a certain chemistry.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6091 days ago

22 November 2007 (F - Okay, well. I am a girl, and I am attracted to another girl who we'll call "Zoe". She's my best friend Kris's other best friend, and we didn't really know each other for the first two years of high school. Just a few months ago, she started talking ...

Do I just let her go??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6088 days ago

22 November 2007 (F - hello, i broke up with my ex about 4 months ago... We argued all the time and made up just as often. She would say the sweetest things and would do anything i'd ask her to. She would always say she had tunnel vision when she looked at me., she woul...

Is my friend bi curious?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6093 days ago

20 November 2007 (F - Hi, i have a best friend for the last 5 years we get on really well., last year we kisses for a laugh to wind my mate up and never been mention since.. but been few weird small talks and flirting she is married and last week we were talkin on the ...

I found shemale videos in my husbands car! We've both tested positive for HIV.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6092 days ago

20 November 2007 (F - I have been married for almost 12 years. Six years ago, I found shemale videos hidden in my husband's car. He had rented a post office box in another town to order them. I confronted him then and he tossed the videos and swore never to engage in ...

I'm a curious male that wants to have sex with a man but I'm worried a condom won't protect against all std's!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6092 days ago

20 November 2007 (M - I'm a curious male that wants to have sex with a man but I'm scared even if a condom is used I will still get an std or HIV. Is this a normal feeling to have? I met this guy and I'm really turned on by him, but I'm sure scared of taking the next ...

I have feelings for a friend that is doubtful of his own sexuality. Would it be harder for him if I told him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6091 days ago

20 November 2007 (M - I have feelings for a friend that is going throgh trouble with his own sexuality. i dont know wether i should tell him about them or if i should just stay "the best friend" and help him through his own troubles. i really want to be selfish an...

How do I explain it to my GP?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6094 days ago

19 November 2007 (F - I am a 28yr old female and I have been with my girlfriend for about 5 years and I love her very much but we don't have sex or make love because I don't have the urge. I really want to make love to my girlfriend but I don't have sexual feelings ...

Is it normal for my boyfriend to have had gay sex?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6094 days ago

19 November 2007 (F - My boyfriend and i have been dating for years and are about to get married. However he just told me in middle school he had gay sex with his best friend. Is this normal or what? What should I do? ...

I love him and don't want to hurt him, so how do I tell him in the best possible way that I cannot live like this anymore?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6095 days ago

17 November 2007 (M - I have been in a gay relationship with my bf for over three years. He is older than I am and we love each other but for a long time now he has treated me more like a friend not a bf which is hard considering we live together and sleep beside each ...

I'm gay and my friend says he's straight, so why does he let me do things with him?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4880 days ago

17 November 2007 (M - I am gay and my friend says he is not but he lets me do something to him. is he in denial or straight guys do that?...

How can I find out if she's gay before I make a fool of myself?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6030 days ago

16 November 2007 (F - Okay..lets me try to explain. There is this really cute girl in my class at school. She's a notetaker for another student that is a good friend of mine. Anyways this girl (notetaker)always smiles at me, talks to me a bit, and says hi. She sit...

I ended up in bed briefly with someone who took advantage of my condition. Since then, my relation deteriorated. I'm close to break down, what can I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6098 days ago

16 November 2007 (F - i had been with my girl friend for 1 yr 6mth, we found each other at the perfect time. i admired,respected and fell in love with her for 6 mnths befor we got together. the day we started seeing each was incrediable, i had never ever wanted s.on...

What is a casual relationship? I disagree with my partner.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6098 days ago

15 November 2007 (M - I have been in an intimate relationship with another male for three months. Now he is saying we are moving too fast and in the future we should develop a casual relationship. His definition of casual relationship is a monogamous, committed ...

Pretending to be gay to get closer to girls? He brought me expensive jewelry - from his supposed bf. What does he expect in return?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6098 days ago

15 November 2007 (F - I'm 16 and one of my best friends says he's gay. however, he sometimes treats me in ways which make me wonder if he is just saying he's gay in order to get closer to girls. the other day he bought me some expensive jewelry which he said was from his ...

I'm gay and I'm in love of a man who does not want to be with a man!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6099 days ago

15 November 2007 (M - Hi i met a guy a work 6 years ago, for a long time we were just friends, but for alike a year we start to get alone better, we were going out everyday, i told him that i love him, he told me that he loves me but he does not want to be gay and he ...

How do I keep my boyfriend away from this gay guy?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6100 days ago

13 November 2007 (F - i have a huge problem my best friend "guy" is inlove with my boyfriend!! i know my best friend for 6 years through this years i didnt know he was gay and actually i knew my boyfriend from him and because of me they are really good friends and i hate ...

Is my unstable relationship with my father the cause of all this?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6088 days ago

13 November 2007 (F - I've got a problem that I've only really been able to talk about with one person. See, I seem to fall in and out of infatuations so easily. I'm not sure why this is, exactly. I'm 14, nearly 15, and I've gone to an all-girls school all my life. I'm ...

I'm 20, gay, and want sex all the time!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6100 days ago

13 November 2007 (M - I am in my early 20s and want to have sex all the time. There is nothing I'd rather do and no time I'd find inconvenient. After having sex I feel like it just as much if not more. I presume that is normal for someone my age? I am gay and live with ...

I'm gay, I fancy this guy at work, I think he may fancy me as well, but he's said he's straight, should I just ask him if he's interested?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6100 days ago

13 November 2007 (M - i am a gay male and i have a crush on a m8 in work. we hang around together in work and he knows i'm gay but he is straight (so he says). we went for a drink on our break last fri and back in wrk he was a bit tipsy and he asked if i wanted to go for ...

Male in love with male teacher

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6100 days ago

12 November 2007 (M - Im a bisexual and is madly in love with my male teacher. Im a male too. I am 15 and he is 28. I dunno if he is straight or gay but I love him. I just want to attract his attention, I feel very strong feelings; a burning desire to get him. I want him ...

What can I do to make my fiance ease up on his sometimes jealous ways? We've set the marriage date.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6101 days ago

12 November 2007 (M - What can I do to make my fiance ease up on his sometimes jealous ways? I am a gay male and I'm 21 years old. My fiance is 33 years old. He's just proposed almost 2 months ago and our marriage date is scheduled for next July. I've never had ...

I've slept with my female bestfriend, though I have a bf. I fell in love with her, so should I pursue her?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6070 days ago

12 November 2007 (F - Dear Cupid, Me and my bf been dating over a year and is going good for now. But there's a secret i want to tell him, i think I am in love with my bestfriend... but she's a girl. I knew her ever since 7th grade and she moved away after 8th g...

I like another woman! Please, please help me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6101 days ago

12 November 2007 (F - PLEASE take time to read this...and help me if you can... Basically, I'm a 20 year old girl and for about 3 years now I've been completly besotted by another woman... She's 32 and single, but I don't know what her sexual orientation is. ...

I'm falling in love with a male friend who is straight, and a Christian. I'm worried about what he'd say if he found out.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6101 days ago

11 November 2007 (M - I'm a 21 year old male who is for the most part still in the closet. My problem is that I'm slowly starting to fall for one of my good friends who is a married straight man. I've done this before with my other male friends because I fall in love ...

Can you be gay and yet fancy someone of the opposite sex??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6101 days ago

10 November 2007 (M - Can you actually be gay (and when i say gay i'm not including bi-sexual) and yet fancy or love someone of the opposite sex?...

I feel like we're more friends than lovers.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6102 days ago

10 November 2007 (F - hello im gay but my partner j has seem to gone of me ? she does not wont sex anymore or even tenderness? what help or advise may you be able to give me? i feel we are more like friend than lovers. iv tried being romantic but that doesnt

She forgot about me, but I can't forget about her.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6104 days ago

9 November 2007 (F - I'm having a SERIOUS PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a 13years old girl but I'm IN LOVE with a WOMAN!!!!!! She was my teacher.. She Likes me but i'm just like any other student in classes she USED to teach.. She saw me and one of my firends went to he...

I've a busy bf whom I live with - and there is a bi curious guy who wants to see me. I don’t want to feel responsible if he chooses he’s indeed gay.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6103 days ago

9 November 2007 (M - Am I crazy? I met this guy who is bi curious, yet I have a boyfriend – whom I live with. My boyfriend isn’t out to his family who is staying with us for quite sometime he also has a job in which he is in the eye of the public and must appear made...

He watches tranny porn - is he gay or what?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5385 days ago

8 November 2007 (F - My boyfriend and I were in the most loving, respectful and caring relationship for over 3 years. I found he was watching tranny porn and I confronted him on it and said that it didn't bother me (and it didn't - I used to manage an adult movie s...

Should I ignore my feelings for my friend's sake?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6105 days ago

8 November 2007 (F - Ok. I have little bit of a problem. One of my good friends just went thru a bad breakup, and I have kinda been playing matchmaker and hooking him up with a new but very good friend of mine. They are getting to know each other, but they haven't ...

I asked my husband's permission to kiss another woman. Should I continue my quest to be with a woman if this fails?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6106 days ago

7 November 2007 (F - I am a married woman aged 31yrs, I have a 2yr old son, i have told my husband that there is a girl at my gym that I want to kiss so much, she is 22yrs and gay,she was hurt by a married woman before at the gym, I dont want to lose our friendship, but ...

I am a lesbian. My girlfriend says she is not gay or bi, but loves me and isnt going to leave. I am confused.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5931 days ago

6 November 2007 (M - I'm lesbian and I'm in a long-term relationship with another girl. We've been together for a year now, and we are in love. I've asked her if she's a lesbian, and my friend has done the same, and she's said no. After, I've asked her if she's ...

All the girls I go out with seem to be bi. What gives?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6107 days ago

6 November 2007 (M - Over the past year I have had the most confusing relationship experiences of all time. It all seems to come down to one simple problem, all of my girlfriends have been bisexuals. I can't really explain why, maybe it just goes with the personality ...

Gay guy with straight girl...and she wants to marry me?!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5912 days ago

6 November 2007 (M - I am a 22 year old gay male currently sharing an apartment with a female friend, someone I've gotten quite close to over the past year we've known each other. Only problem is she wants to begin an intimate dating relationship with marriage in sight ...

How do I tell if my supposedly hetersexual partner is really gay and prefers his best friend

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6106 days ago

5 November 2007 (F - I have been in a relationship now for just over 3 years. I am 44 and my partner is 49. It has been suggested to me (and i've wondered) that he is gay. How would i know, being heterosexual and knowing nothing about gay men, if he really was gay ...

I always think of lesbian relationships. Maybe I subconsciously stopped believing - after my disappointment - in a guy-girl relationship?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6110 days ago

4 November 2007 (M - Hi Everybody, There is somthing I am very worried and confused about. I am a 17 year old male that has a problem involving lesbians. The thing is, I think I feel more involved when hearing about a lesbian relationship than a straight one. Wh...

I'm a girl in love with a girl who helps me with music.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5964 days ago

4 November 2007 (F - Hi everyone, I really need help on a question I dont understand. Im 16, and the thing is, I play the violin and I'm in intermediate (between beggining and advanced) orchestra at my highschool. After playing horrible at a concert, I felt ups...

I discovered my dad is having sexual online relationships with over 20 different men. What do I do?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5785 days ago

2 November 2007 (F - I am 19 and no longer live at home. One day i went to my parents house to visit but they were not there. So i thought i would check my email while i waited. When i went onto yahoo mail, my dad had not signed out of his account and something just ...

My husband is having an affair with his male boss! - and told me it's "none of my business." He lost interest in our son too. What do I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6057 days ago

2 November 2007 (F - A friend of the family told me yesterday that my husband is having an affair with his boss. I felt sick when she told me that. I thought my husband loved me and wouldn't want to go off with other women. But it got a lot worse when I found out...

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