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Archived questions from: November, 2010 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

In love with two women!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4986 days ago

30 November 2010 (F - I never thought I would go through this, especially not now, but I'm in love with two people, two women. I met this wonderful girl a couple of months ago, we see each other almost everyday and it's always great. I trust her completely and she trusts ...

Unexpected father of a lesbian daughter. How do I deal with this?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4971 days ago

30 November 2010 (M - I am a 28-year-old single, straight, male, who is now a stay at home dad to a 14 year old girl, my niece, who was left with me when my sister and brother-in-law died 2 months ago in a car accident. The first month was definitely awkward as I have ...

I'm entitled to explore my sexuality but I don't want my boyfriend to join in!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4988 days ago

30 November 2010 (F - I have a boyfriend who I love, but.... I've always wanted to try being with a girl. It's something I want to do on my own, so would it be terrible of me to do this and tell him afterwards? I came close to doing it last year when I first entered ...

Majorly confused with my sexual orientation! Please help!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4988 days ago

30 November 2010 (F - Hi, I'm sure you get these questions alot...but I'm really confused with what my sexual orientation is! I know I am bisexual..I came out at 13 years old..and my parents said they already knew..years have passed, and I am now 18...and more confused ...

My husband's boyfriend!!!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4988 days ago

29 November 2010 (F - HEllo there i am having really a big problem with my husband, i am in states and he is in germany, i think he had sex with his boy freind, first of all last month he went to his freind's house and called me and talked to me and then said i will cal...

Is he worth pursuing???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4988 days ago

29 November 2010 (M - Ahhhhh! Hey guys, well ill dive into it, i told one off my friends who is/was bi-curious that i was gay and that i had feelings for him. It was fine last week everything was A-OKay! I said to him, Erm well i think your really cute and your really ...

Is he secretly bisexual? Perhaps in denial?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4988 days ago

28 November 2010 (F - A guy I started dating revealed that he had a sexual encounter with another guy when he was younger (in his teens). He says that he was just really sexual and wanted to have sex, didn't care with whom, and so he slept with that guy but that he's ...

I just want to know if I’m a fool or should I just move on.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4989 days ago

28 November 2010 (M - So basically I’ve been seeing this guy for almost a month now, he's 22 and I’m 18. Were on the same course in uni but in different years, I’m in my first he’s in his last: S We met when we were drunk and swapped numbers, he’s such a lovely gu...

Boyfriend sneaking around talking to gay guys when I was pregnant. Is he gay?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4989 days ago

28 November 2010 (F - So my relationship is very complicated! I dated this guy for a year and a half and we even had a baby together. The problem is, while I was pregnant and even before he lied a lot. Although he claims he didn't cheat on me I still found messages he ...

I only asked her out on a date because it was a bet, now I'm having trouble brushing her off!

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4952 days ago

27 November 2010 (F - I've gotten myself into a fix and I need help as soon as possible. A few months ago, a friend and I made a bet. She told me that if I could get this girl's attention and ask her out on a date, I would win some money from her. Let's call this ...

Why am I so envious of them, when I should be happy?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4990 days ago

27 November 2010 (F - Hey, to cut straight to the point, in school i have a close circle of friends (we are all bisexual) and for the past five weeks two of them have been going out, we'll call them A and B, A being the female and B being the male, and I have been really ...

I used her. Now how do I surpass guilt?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4975 days ago

27 November 2010 (F - I am a happily married woman with 4 adult children. My husband and children are the best thing that has ever happened for me. My husband's my childhood sweet heart, best friend, guardian angel, soulmate and no man or woman will ever be capable of ...

I don't want to be, but I think I'm gay

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4986 days ago

27 November 2010 (M - I am 15 and i think i am gay. I really dont want to be but i think i am. Everytime i think of boys my age i get aroused. But I have feelings for girls but i Never get aroused. It doesnt make sense. So am i gay bi or straight If you read this please ...

Hoplessly in love but lost as well...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4986 days ago

27 November 2010 (F - Ive been with my gf on and off for a little over a year our longest time weve been together was eight months. We broke up the first few times bcuz she was cheating on me with her ex of six years. I found out by digging into a few things i called her ...

She makes me feel like I am going crazy! What should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4990 days ago

26 November 2010 (F - i ahve been in a relationship with a girl for 2 years now. it is my first relationship with a girl. i have sacrificed alot since ive been with her. for the past year she has taken me through a lot. where do i start. we dont live together but most of ...

Girlfriend and I fighting because I used to be involved with guys

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4988 days ago

26 November 2010 (M - Hey. I've a girlfriend and we've been together for almost 5 months now. Recently, we fight alot. Thats because she cant stop talking about my past. I used to date guys and even done 'it' with them. But like I said, thats my past and I promised my ...

I love my husband... but I love this woman too!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4527 days ago

26 November 2010 (F - i am so confused and unhappy. i am married and i have 2 kids. im am also in love with a female. my husband is really good to me and our children. we have been together since high school but we only been married for 2 years. i left my husband for ...

Jealousy has taken over me!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4992 days ago

25 November 2010 (F - so here goes... i came to dr to get back surgery and i be staying at my uncle house with his family.The 3 day i was here i meet one on my cousin's friends,that night it was me, my two cousins and her,we was playing a game and for some weird reson ...

I ignore her because I don't want to look like an idiot

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4992 days ago

25 November 2010 (F - I already accepted the fact that I was in love with the same gender. We got really close and I fell in love with her. I talked to her everyday on the phone, she'd hug me most of the time. with some things happening, I changed my ways because of her. ...

I caught my housemates bitching about me being gay - I can't forgive them. Help?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4992 days ago

24 November 2010 (F - I currently share a house with two girls. We’ve known each other for two years and through out those two years we’ve always been best friends. We’ve been through a lot with each other and I’d like to think we’ve there for one another at different ...

Says he loves me, then why is he telling me to ask out his best-friend's sister?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4993 days ago

24 November 2010 (F - Hey, before I start I have to tell you all that I am bisexual in case you get confused. I used to be in a relationship with this man at my work but we decided just to be friends. After we had agreed to be friends he confessed that he still had ...

Do I go into town with my 'gay' best friend or do I stay at home to keep my boyfriend happy?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4994 days ago

24 November 2010 (F - I enjoy going into town and going clubbing, however my boyfriend does not. We're both 18 and spend everyday together, his best friend who is also 18 has 'gay tendencies' as i call it, he claims to be straight but dresses and acts gay, he even ...

Star-crossed lovers.........

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4994 days ago

24 November 2010 (F - ~ Long story short...My ex and I have an intense unexplainabe bond. Our history is bizarre. From point one, we were two bulls in a china cabinet. We've never been intimate. We are familiar with each other...but...wee don't know each other. We h...

Problems in my relationship and I'm falling for another woman. What should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4989 days ago

23 November 2010 (F - I am a lesbian and have been with my girlfriend for little over two years. Most of that time has been very, very happy. However, a few months ago, she cheated on me with my friend, but after some time apart, I decided to take her back. Since ...

I got my mind set on you!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4995 days ago

22 November 2010 (M - Hey. I have such a big problem and its really getting to me :( I am totally head over heels for this guy at my school. He is STUNNING!! He's in the year below me...but thats not the thing which bothers me. I see him looking at me ALL THE TIME!!...

Do you think my boyfriend isn't that into me because he wants a threesome

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 4991 days ago

22 November 2010 (M - Hi, I recently lost my virginity to my gay boyfriend. It was quite an awkward experience... It lasted for around 3 hours and I didn't get aroused much, because we spent all night drinking coffee and cola and watching movies. So I hope that he ...

If I'm bi, where does that lead me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4936 days ago

22 November 2010 (F - Hello, im bi-curious at least i think i am, but im just really confused about the fact i like guys but the other night when my friend put porn on there were lesbian interactions and i couldn't help feel aroused. Though the thought of me actually ...

Am I gay? Help!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4994 days ago

21 November 2010 (M - I don't know why but for some reasson I was just thinking and I thought I was gay. I'm 13 and I masterbate over normal porn and lesbian I've seen my friends penises before and I have never got hard or boner and I've kissed a girl who I like before ...

Coming out later in life. Who has experience with a changing sexual interest?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4996 days ago

21 November 2010 (M - What I want to ask are there other people like me. Or: are there any people who solved this problem and find a good solution for them self? Also why is my sexual interest changed? Hi, I got a problem with relationships and sexuality. S...

I'm tempted to have a one night stand and maybe get it out of my system but I really don't want to hurt my boyfriend... Help!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4955 days ago

20 November 2010 (M - Hi I've been in a gay relationship now for four and a half years. Not long after getting with my boyfriend I found out he was chatting to other lads on the internet and swapping naked pictures. When I found out and confronted him about it he said...

I'm afraid if I act on my emotions I will lose him completely

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4988 days ago

19 November 2010 (M - I'm a 16yo boy who is bisexual and seriously in love with a friend. The thing is i dont know what to do, i want to act on my emotions but am afraid that if i do i will lose him completely. We're so alike which leads me to think he might not be str...

Why you so obsessed with me..

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4999 days ago

18 November 2010 (M - Help! I'm a guy who's gay, going to college. I'm obsessed with one of my classmates. It's gotten so bad that I've added him on facebook and constantly keep trying to chat with him on it. I'm not sure if he's gay as well but he's been giving me good ...

Should I go to the party or stay away?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4999 days ago

18 November 2010 (F - I'm thinking of going to my friend's party but im not sure if it would be wise of me to go. The thing is, she invited this other girl who I hooked up with a few months ago, and the problem is, after I hooked up with her and text her and stuff, I...

Seeking a partner?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4998 days ago

18 November 2010 (M - I'm a gay 14 year old with no relationship experience what so ever (except a silly bf gf thing in elementary school) I recently moved and I know not one person around. I'm also homeschooled which makes matters worse. Ive tried to be patient but its ...

How can I know if he loves me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5000 days ago

17 November 2010 (M - For quite some time I have failed to find someone to love. Being 27 and gay in a country where homosexuality is regarded as a deadly sin, I could hardly find a way to find someone to fall in love with. Eventually, 5 months earlier, I did. He is 17, ...

I'm falling in love with my gay best friend!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4999 days ago

17 November 2010 (F - i think i'm falling in love with my best friend. only prblem is hes gay and i'm a straight girl. hes so sweet and we get along really well we're so alike and he says nice things to me and compliments me all the time and hes usually really ...

Should I just throw my feelings out the window?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

17 November 2010 (F - errr, first time using this, but i thought i might as well try ;//-//; Alright, so just to clear this up, yes I am bisexual. So, there's this one girl that I like alot, and I've liked her for almost a year now. I've already told her I liked he...

The tables have turned.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5001 days ago

16 November 2010 (M - I have written before about some problems I have been having, I just wish I could get my head and heart to agree!! One aunt said that I am grasping at straws to save my relationship, and deep down I know I am as I dont want to let go, and it is ...

Wanting a happy ending!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4997 days ago

16 November 2010 (F - I don't want to be a lesbian. i want to have a life with a MAN that i love and have normal children! I read about being bisexual, but it still scares me! I am probably bisexual, but can I just be with a guy if im bi? I'm in my lower teens!...

I want to test the waters!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5001 days ago

15 November 2010 (M - Cupid.... Im a male 20 year old virgin student and kinda happy with my life and the momment.... for the last 5/6 years ive been single mostly but also been attracted to girls and guys.... (im not ugly, well i wouldnt say so, im not fat or anyth...

I can't get no, satisfaction. But I try!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4998 days ago

15 November 2010 (? - I'm 18 years old and bisexual. The problem is that whenever I'm with one gender, I end up missing the other like mad. For example, if I'm with a man, I miss women, and vice versa. I'm dating a beautiful woman who I care a lot about, and we have ...

It seems like everywhere we go we run into someone he's slept with

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

15 November 2010 (M - I have always known that my partner has had many partners and has much much more experience than me. He lost his virginity at 11 and has had several partners and has slept with teachers and professors. it is starting to get to me because ev...

Should I wait 2 year to go out with her?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5002 days ago

15 November 2010 (F - I met a fantastic woman while I was working part-time a few months ago and I have had a great time hanging out with her. Just 3 days ago, she called me, asked me out to dinner, and told me that she has feelings for me. I was speechless although i ...

I need to be able to trust him otherwise I might end up pushing him away.....

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5002 days ago

15 November 2010 (M - Hey! I have a amazing boyfriend! He really makes me happy! We in a gay relationship now for 1 year and 4months! I met him when he was kind dating my friend! So we started 2 date! I lost my friend cause of this, but it doesn't matter cause I love ...

Is my best friend attracted to me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4934 days ago

15 November 2010 (F - I am 15, female, and Bi. I have very strong feelings for my friend who is a girl, as in I think I am falling in love with her. We have been friends since last November and these past couple of months we have been hanging out and talking a lot. S...

When it's good, it's very very good, but when it's bad, we're toxic.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5002 days ago

14 November 2010 (M - I feel that my relationship of just over a year is coming to an end. There have been a few occasions where I have considered ending the relationship because of the way I am treated, but then find myself running back to make things better even when...

I shouldn't be in a relationship feeling the way that I do

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5004 days ago

14 November 2010 (F - Hi, I am having relationship dilema and am hoping someone can give me some insight! I think I already know my answers but I'm not confident enough to act on it! I am in a relationship with a girl for the last year. I have never been with a woman be...

Feeling insecure because my partner gets so many compliments

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5003 days ago

14 November 2010 (M - Ok, here’s the problem - hope some people feel they can offer a little insight: First, to avoid confusion, I’m gay. I’m in a relationship, which appears to be showing signs of being serious. My boyfriend and I have an age gap - I am 33 and he...

Am I bisexual, or is this a friendly crush?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4996 days ago

13 November 2010 (? - Well there is this girl in my class, gretta( fake name). She's a tomboy and very much into basketball. She doesn't dress up, she wears gym clothes 24/7. So you get picture. Well before I met this girl, I was kind of iffy about her because I didn't ...

My boyfriend kisses some of his guy friends and I'm not talking a peck!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5004 days ago

12 November 2010 (F - Ok, my boyfriend kisses some of his Guy friends and not just a little Peck I have talked to him about it n told him it really bothers me that I feel like he's cheating, he stopped for a while but only after a huge argument about it n now he's ...

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