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Archived questions from: August, 2015 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

How can I make her really mine? I know she is attracted to me

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3249 days ago

31 August 2015 (F - I met her in high school, and we have been friends ever since. I have told her I love her and she has told me she loves me too. I have distanced myself but she has gone out of the way to make me come back to her. Our boyfriends have been suspicious ...

Am I totally crazy for "loving" someone I've never seen, and who lives in another country, and he has a Gf?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3252 days ago

31 August 2015 (M - Ok, this will be a long story so forgive me. So, I am a 20 year old gay male and I've played this online game for years now and like 2 months ago I met 2 really nice people, a male and a female. Over these 2 months I've grown pretty close to them,...

Is she still attracted to me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3252 days ago

29 August 2015 (F - Do you think she is attracted to me? I have known my friend for close to 15 years and our relationship grew from just being friends, to close friends in a strange way. I have always been attracted to her and she knows the fact .. She let's me...

If you have to tell yourself that you're not a lesbian does that mean you're hiding (your sexual preference) or not accepting it?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3256 days ago

27 August 2015 (F - If you have to tell yourself you're not a lesbian, does that mean you're hiding it and just not accepting it? Because I keep telling myself that i'm not since I can't stop having compulsive, obsessive thoughts about my sexuality. I know. I KNOW...

She used me when she was bi-curious. I want her, she doesn't want me. What can I do? I feel so lonely.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3256 days ago

27 August 2015 (F - Could be long. This has been ongoing for 3 months now and it's getting worse, not better. This girl used me as she was bi-curious and I fell for her. She doesn't want me, I want her. I can't just be friends with her but I don't wanna stop talking ...

At 26 years of age, why am I now having strong gay thoughts now, when I don't think I'm gay nor bi-sexual?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3201 days ago

27 August 2015 (M - Hi, I am a little confused about myself sexually. Normally I like women, I find them very pretty and attractive, face, hair and body shape etc the usually heterosexual stuff. I am even shy around women but I find whenever I am aroused, I always end ...

I keep having sexual dreams about this girl!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3253 days ago

26 August 2015 (F - I like this girl. I keep having sexual dreams about her. She had sex with 1 girl in a 3 some once but I want to have sex with her. I initiate the words, we've kissed but I think she's scared or just doesn't want to with a girl because I know she's ...

She said she'd be busy but I haven't heard from her in a week. What should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3259 days ago

24 August 2015 (F - Hello, So I was introduced to an awesome lady through a mutual friend and we seemed to hit it off right away. We have had two other dates/hang outs and at least from my perspective, things seemed to go well. She would always text me after and say...

How can I contact my girlfriend without risking anyone being hurt?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3262 days ago

20 August 2015 (F - Hi, I was wondering what my options are for trying to contact my girlfriend ever since her mum found out that she was in a same sex relationship and read through all the messages between my girlfriend and I. It's really uncomfortable as I know have ...

I'm freaking out about my boyfiend's gay fantasies!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3266 days ago

17 August 2015 (F - My bf and I have recently been engaging in anal play during sex, and he really loves it. He recently confided in me that he has fantasies of being penetrated by a transgender person and he further confided that he would like to experience giving ...

Does he have a problem with my sexuality? 

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3260 days ago

14 August 2015 (F - Does my boyfriend have a problem with my sexuality? I think he might be jealous of my past encounters, he hasn't had many sexual experiences himself, and is insecure about sex and his own performance. We've had many arguments about sex before...

I desperately want to see my old friend but I'm also scared if it feels wrong.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3269 days ago

13 August 2015 (F - Really complicated situation. Struggling with what is morally right. I have a friend who is a girl. We have know each other for nearly 15yrs. She is one of my closest friends I ever had. Our connection is spiritual, emotional and mental. She stud...

Our drunken fumbles don't mean as much to me as our friendship! I need to tell her

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3271 days ago

12 August 2015 (F - My best friend and I are both bi. Me perhaps more so although I was much later coming out. The night I told her, she jumped me and we kissed for a long time but never spoke of it again. In the past 3 years this has continued to happen every few ...

Should I message my work crush?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3271 days ago

11 August 2015 (M - Hi there... So a few weeks ago a new guy started at work and he gets the same bus to and from work as me. He is totally gorgeous and I fancied him as soon as I saw him. Now after a few weeks of awkward eye contact and the occasional smile if we pass ...

I don't feel like I am a priority with my long distance partner

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3271 days ago

10 August 2015 (M - Hello, and thank you for reading this. I am in a long distance with a guy (I'm a guy also), and he lives in Europe, me in the U.S. We get to see each other often because of our flexible work arrangements, visiting one another at least every othe...

Why do I get so much rejection if I'm what people say I am?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3273 days ago

9 August 2015 (M - Okay so I'm a bi man who's not out as bi. I am confident and friendly and funny (so I'm told) here's my problem. I've been told more times than I can count how good looking I am by both men and women, people telling friends your friends good loo...

I really like her but she treats me like crap!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3265 days ago

7 August 2015 (F - I will say this will be quite long. I live in a small town and I am very friendly to everyone I know and see around. That is my nature, kind and caring. Sometimes doing too much for people meaning people can take advantage. I am usually well equ...

Falling in love with a girl at work, she texts that she loves me but then says she doesn't mean anything by it??

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3271 days ago

6 August 2015 (F - I am a female an I am falling so in love with this girl I work with! Lately we have started texting an she will always say I love you an An send emojis with hearts when she hugs me I feel like I just melt I feel like it's pretty clear she feels the ...

Am I crazy for considering writing to her on that app and saying that I miss talking with her!? Why might she have just gone cold on me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3280 days ago

3 August 2015 (F - Just to introduce myself; I’m 22, female, gay and from Ireland. I got talking to a Swedish girl who was living in Ireland for a while on a dating app a few months ago. At first I didn’t take much notice, it was just like any other girl messaging me ...

Bi-sexual or Bi-curious? Why do I feel this way when I can only emotionally see myself with a guy?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3272 days ago

2 August 2015 (F - I am so confused. Let me just start by saying that I'm a 17 year old girl and always assumed I was straight. I have always liked guys and do get turned on by them sexually. But my first experience sexually wise, was watching lesbian porn whe...

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