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Archived questions from: February, 2011 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I've been hiding it, how do I tell my mom and brother that I am gay?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4894 days ago

28 February 2011 (M - hello , okay i am not quite sure how to ask this question , but i am living in a constant battle with myself , so i figured if i asked total strangers who lived what i am living right now it will help me ... See i had a rough year , i failed my la...

In a relationship for 5 years but have feelings for someone else, how do I approach this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4852 days ago

28 February 2011 (F - Hi everyone, I've finally decided to ask for help anonymously about my situation as I am completely lost at what to do and perhaps even in how I am thinking. I'm 25year old woman in a serious relationship with another woman who is 2...

She doesn't want us to split up, but she does want a break and to see other people which I cannot tolerate! What should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4896 days ago

28 February 2011 (F - I have been in a relationship with a girl for 4 years. It was my first real relationship, even she had relations befor with both girls and boys. Actually first with boys and then girls in which she decided that she is a lesbian. Before, we h...

I absolutely have no idea where I stand!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4886 days ago

28 February 2011 (F - I am 25 years old, and a lesbian, I broke up with my ex girl friend after 3 years of relationship.But we still share the same room or stay under one roof .She has a long distance relationship with another woman ever since we broke up. Now the thing ...

How do I stop my habit of cheating with men behind my girlfriend's back?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4894 days ago

28 February 2011 (M - hi there, I have a girlfriend, she's just crazy about me and the problem i'm having is, when i'm with her i'm normal and when she's not with me i start flirting men. I had sex with men too. I know that i'm betraying her but all i wanna do is to g...

How do I find out if they are into me for who I am or for my money?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4881 days ago

28 February 2011 (F - Hi I'm bisexual. How can I find out if a woman or man's into me because of who I am or because I'm financially wealthy and is there a difference between women and mens thoughts about my financial weath and whether those thought effect his or her ...

How do I deal with my bf's bi-curious fantasies?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4439 days ago

28 February 2011 (F - During sex, while talking about our sexual fantasies, my boyfriend told me the thought of sucking a man's c*** turns him on because it is "wrong" and "taboo". I brought it out by telling him I fantasize him being done by another man. He said he ...

He feels unsettled living in my house - give it more time or move?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4894 days ago

28 February 2011 (M - My boyfriend and I (both men, we're gay) recently started living together. The situation was him moving in with me. Our relationship and us living together is going great but he is having trouble feeling settled and it is making him unhappy. The ...

My friend told me all men are really gay!

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 4811 days ago

27 February 2011 (F - Are all men GAY??? A guy who once had sex with another guy said to me that all men are gay, and that they just wont admit it, that they don't actually want women they just want to get off or have babies? He said stuff like they think the vagina...

My best friend has fallen for a gay guy

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4899 days ago

27 February 2011 (F - I need someone to help me to understand if I gave alright advise about something. My best friend in the entire world just told me that she has fallen for our gay best friend. He is outwardly gay and has dated many men. Not to mention myself a...

In love with my lesbian friend.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4899 days ago

26 February 2011 (M - I'm a guy and my best friend is a girl. She's gay and absolutely gorgeous and I'm completely in love with her. She's never been with anyone until recently and even the person she's with( and this is no joke) looks like a man. We fooled ...

I'm a homosexual acting like I'm heterosexual to be accepted

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4899 days ago

25 February 2011 (M - I am a homosexual male but I am acting as a heterosexual to remain accepted in my society. People around me seem very judgemental and so I am afraid of being judged for my sexual orientation. I have a girlfriend which makes it worse as I don't...

How do I begin to tell people that I think I am gay?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4899 days ago

25 February 2011 (M - I have a girlfriend and a small selection of friends. I am not sure how to tell them that I think I am gay. I don't feel sexually attracted to any females and I do feel attracted to males, which is what has lead me to believe this. I don't want...

I am gay and still have feelings for my ex-boyfriend. Also, I told a crush that I liked him, but he is straight. HELP!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4901 days ago

24 February 2011 (M - Hello everyone, Let's say my name is WD. I'm in high school at a small, preppy academy, and I'm gay, but I didn't fully come to this realization until the day before Halloween of last year. A guy, let's call him FC, came out to me; we had been fli...

Crush on my straight female friend, do you think she could feel the same way?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4901 days ago

24 February 2011 (F - I have a friend who is totally straight girl, her personality attracts me, she's 18 but act in a cute way as 8 yrs old by the way i'm lesbian. Our friendship is unique because she always tease me or bully me, but recently she's been kind to me ...

I don't want to be gay!!

This question has 19 answers - newest was posted 4888 days ago

24 February 2011 (M - I am a Baptist Christian guy. I know the Bible prohibits homosexuality, or bisexuality etc. But I feel attracted to mens bodies. It's not like I love men. It's lust. And with girls I'm not attracted to their bodies as much but I love them for who ...

Is my friend bi or gay....and interested in me?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4901 days ago

24 February 2011 (M - So I think my friend is bi or gay. He always tries to hold my hand and he always puts his arm around me. He hugs me, rubs my back, and touches my face and thighs. Sometimes he will sit on my lap or let me sit on his. At football games, we cuddle ...

How do I meet someone?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4899 days ago

23 February 2011 (? - Dear Cupid..... hi, i'm 16, i'm lesbian and i need a girlfriend! How do i meet someone??? i've crushed over loads of girls now, older and younger and i'm feeling really really horny a lot of the time. I touch myself a lot, but i want more now, do ...

Am I gay or............?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4901 days ago

23 February 2011 (M - not sure how to start this, i cant help chatting to men on gay websites when i am away at work for weeks at a time i have had 1 or 2 sexual encounters with the same sex in the past and want to try it again. i do have a girlfriend and i have been ...

I want my mistress to go away. I'm NOT leaving my husband!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4899 days ago

23 February 2011 (F - Hi Aunts, I'm in a quandary. I'm married and I've been having an affair with a female coworker for the past 3.5 years. I promised her that I'd leave my husband for her this June after my youngest child graduates from high school. How do I gently let ...

I'm a girl trapped in a man's body

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4888 days ago

23 February 2011 (F - I'm a girl trapped in a man's body. I can say I'm a bisexual. 10 months ago, i saw this girl in our review for engineering licensure exam. i admire her so much. she's so pretty. i have a huge crush on her. i found out that she's in a relationship ...

If he doesn't want a relationship then why is he going on dates?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4903 days ago

23 February 2011 (M - Hi there, I met this guy about 6 months ago, we are really close friends, he has helped me through so much and I've been there for him whenever he needs help. But lately I've really fallin for him. I've told him my feelings and he's said to me ...

Should I text him first if he doesn't text me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4902 days ago

22 February 2011 (M - Ok, So I'm 19 years old and I'm gay. Anyways I'm just in the process of coming out of the closet, most of my close friends, cousins, aunts and uncles know, except my parents, but well I'm planning to do that soon. Anyways, a couple of weeks ag...

Any couples who have the type of relationship as we and succeeded?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4898 days ago

22 February 2011 (M - I am a gay man who just turned 40 years old. I have known my lover since he was 17. He is now 21. We are artists and collaborate on large scale paintings. I initiate ideas for a photo shoot and he models for the photos. Then we blow up the photos on ...

I'm gay and falling for my straight best friend!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4902 days ago

22 February 2011 (M - My name is Phillip and I am gay. This whole situation is going to get a little complex so bare with me. In November 2009 I told my friend Cory that I love him and since then he has avoided coming anywhere near me. I wasn't hurt because he was ...

Does my girlfriend likes someone else?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4904 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - I been with my girlfriend for 8 months already. I feel like she likes another girl. By the way I'm lesbian. I feel like she likes this girl who is much good looking then me and I'm scrared of losing her. She's always bring up her name and making up ...

I'm 13 and I think I might be gay. Help!

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 4894 days ago

21 February 2011 (? - Im 13 and i have a girlfriend but i feel attracted to boys as well. Iv watched normal porn but i watch gay porn as well because i feel like i get more horney over gay porn. I love my girlfriend a lot. But does this make me gay?...

He's not ready for a relationship but he's sending mixed signals!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4904 days ago

21 February 2011 (M - The question is: "Does It Sound Serious?" I've written to you before and asked for advice on if I should stick it out and wait. You and one other told me to wait. Another told me to dump him. I've decided to wait and so far I'm glad I did. My guy ...

Tired of waiting on a woman who is bi-sexual

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4905 days ago

20 February 2011 (M - This woman that I love and have been loving all year is bi-sexual and has a girlfriend. This is the first time I've ever felt this strong for someone. I think about her all the time and put her before I do myself. It's crazy. If something was to go ...

She's clever, pretty, cute, funny, I just don't feel attracted to her, and I wish I was.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4905 days ago

20 February 2011 (F - basically,I'm writing this is because I feel like a tool. There's this girl A, in one of my classes, and I'm a gay girl, and she's just said she's bi. Problem is, I think she really really likes me, and I like her too but not like that, and I feel ...

When Three Become One: Can Polyamorous Relationships Work?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4897 days ago

19 February 2011 (F - In these enlightened times, love, sex and relationships are much more flexible than they were even twenty years ago. It is no longer shocking for a couple to live together before marriage, or even to live together with no intention of marrying. ...

How do I show her that I've moved on?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4905 days ago

19 February 2011 (F - Okay so me and my ex has been broken up for almost a week now. And people are telling me that she's saying I've been playing on her phone but honestly i haven't even attempted to call her.. and it makes me angry because I'm trying show her that I ...

His porn watching is upsetting me.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4906 days ago

18 February 2011 (M - Im 19 years old and away at university, my boyfriend is 25 and is at home working, we have constantly disagreed on subjects but this one has effected me the most, he likes to use porn as a masturbation aid, downloading around 50 porn video's I have ...

I don't want to hurt the person who was so amazing to me for so many years. What should I do?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4907 days ago

18 February 2011 (F - hello i have this male friend for 5 years..... during those 5 years i lost both my best friend and my father for cancer.... he stood by me all the time and helped me a lot ....he pulled my hair back when i cried, slept over to stay with me to make ...

How do I tell my parents I'm bisexual?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4907 days ago

17 February 2011 (F - I've always likes girls. Like, when I was younger I'd spend my alone time with girls kissing them. Right now I'm in a "I want to be with you but I don't know what my parents would think." relationship with my best girl friend. She likes me and she ...

Is she a friend or is she more?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4909 days ago

16 February 2011 (M - hows it goin my best friend is a girl and i have known her all my life, we have gone to the same school with eachother since kindergarden and im not in college at a local community college and hang out with her. we used to hang out alot, then s...

An incident with my same sex friend has left me confused and angry - I don't know what to do.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4909 days ago

15 February 2011 (F - I am a female in her mid twenties studying at university. I have considered myself, on the whole to be straight and have had one or two major boyfriends. Now, if asked, I might say I was bisexual. Might. Last year I met a girl on my course and we g...

I'm a lesbian and its forbidden in my country. Do I run away?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4910 days ago

15 February 2011 (F - hello I'm very embarrassed to write about this but i need to let it go even to people that i dont really know...anyhow,I'm a 20 year old girl and I'm sure I'm a lesbian ....oh God that is killing me i dont know what t do or to whom i should talk i t...

Living with my ex and we still have feelings for each other

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4911 days ago

14 February 2011 (F - I absolutely have no idea where do I stand. I am 25 years old, and a lesbian, I broke up with my ex girl friend after 3 years of relationship.But we still share the same room or stay under one roof .She has a long distance relationship wit...

My crush likes my ex!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4902 days ago

14 February 2011 (M - Hey everyone. So I am a closeted guy who has a crush on a guy who is closeted. I know he is gay and not out because of something I found(another story). Anyways, number one, I feel that he does not like me back. Number two I feel that he has ...

Two guys, one gal. Do I choose one? Keep all three? Or start again? Is my sex life too varied for even me?.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4909 days ago

14 February 2011 (F - So here's my problem: Six months ago my boyfriend and I (lets call him A) of one and a half years broke up. For some reason, I thrived to have another person with me at all times so I instantly went to my old boyfriend (lets call him B) for supp...

My fiance's parents aren't too thrilled about our announcement!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4912 days ago

13 February 2011 (F - I proposed to my same sex partner a while ago and she said yes. We are very excited and happy. I told my family who were really pleased and even more excited for us.We told my partners parents and they were not that pleased. Her mother cried( not ...

I'm getting feelings again for my ex but she has a boyfriend now!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4912 days ago

13 February 2011 (F - Ok, right. I'm 17 and I'm a lesbian, I have known since I was little and I've no doubts about my sexuality whatsoever. Anyway, I found my ex girlfriend on a website a couple of weeks ago and we started talking again. I met up with her and her ...

Do I go to a bar and act like a bar fly? Or just let him go?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4910 days ago

12 February 2011 (M - My problem is I want to get even with my ex lover who dumped me for a younger transvestite. It is not that I am all that old, 45 today. He is 50 and his new thing is 25. It is not that I am unattractive or out of shape. I still wear size 8 jeans and ...

If I leave, I will bring shame to my family, and they will break all ties with me! What should I do?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4910 days ago

12 February 2011 (F - Hello everyone, I am a 24-year old girl from Bordeaux. My family comes from Pakistan and we are quite a traditional family with close family ties. They do not allow me to meet my friends and my only occupation is staying at home and doing my house...

Bisexual, in a relationship but want to experiment more...

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 4899 days ago

12 February 2011 (F - Ok so I'm bisexual and I've known since I was young, around 12/13. I watch lesbian porn but to me that does not determine my sexuality or anybody else's for that matter. but what I do want to do is experiment more with other girls but I'm already in ...

Is he a flirt or is there something more?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4913 days ago

12 February 2011 (M - OKAY, just to let you know... I'm gay. :) I'm really happy with my sexuality, but I really like one of my guy friends. Lucky for me though,he's bisexual. He's only ever had relationships with girls, but he HAS made out with a fair few of guys. N...

Lesbian cyber sex?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4913 days ago

11 February 2011 (F - I'm in a relationship and I want to know how to cyber with my girlfriend. I know it sounds stupid, but she really likes it and I feel so lame, because I'm not that great at it in real life either, and I just want to make her feel good. So I was ...

In her religion homosexuality is wrong!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4914 days ago

10 February 2011 (? - Hii ermm i was just wanting sum advise, ok im a girl and fancy this other girl and im pretty sure she likes me but the problem is she is a jehovas witness and homosexuality is deamed as wrong and there kinda not alound to be gay . so just advice on ...

Is my boyfriend gay?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4915 days ago

10 February 2011 (F - is my boyfriend gay ? we're friends for about 6 years,we haven't seen each other for about 2 years...he became my boyfriend 3months ago we shared things and happy moments with my family and his family too, he's very sweet and very loving.....

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