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Archived questions from: April, 2009 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I know I can't trust him now.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5560 days ago

30 April 2009 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for two years. We share a computer, and whilst looking through chat logs to find a phone number, I stumbled across some rather shocking information. I found a conversation between him and a guy, 7 months ago,...

I am unsure of how to come to terms with my good friend being gay

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5565 days ago

30 April 2009 (F - I have just met up with a very close friend who I havent seen in many years. I found out the reason we fell out is because she is gay and she could not tell me as we were so close she didnt want me to feel like she fancied me. We had seen each other ...

I'm not gay but I like the idea of it!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5523 days ago

30 April 2009 (M - hi ppl, im straight and have a gf, but i like this show i watch and its kinda guy on guy relationship show aimed at teenage girls. i like it cuz its funny and interesting, but when this 1 scene in the first episode where the 2 guys kiss, i just wish ...

Gay man married to a I want her to sleep with someone else!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5528 days ago

30 April 2009 (M - Hi, i am a gay man married to my wife for 8 years, we have two kids. I am not very active in sex with my wife, for the past 4 years i had hardly had sex for 5 times. She keeps on insisting me, but i just jerk off when she is asleep on our bed. I ...

Starting to wonder if I fancy women, not men...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5567 days ago

30 April 2009 (F - I'm starting to wonder if I might be gay. I've never fancied women, or wanted relationships with them. But I've always found them more of a turn on than men - ie if I was watching porn with a boyfriend, it would be lesbian porn that I would cho...

Closet bi-sexuals having trouble communicating!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5567 days ago

29 April 2009 (F - i met this girl from italy on internet about a month ago.... i sort of like her (it's mutual). we only chat online and text each other like few times a week. but she is not good at english, only in italian. many times when i chat with her i feel we ...

Only dating her because I wanted to experience a lesbian relationship!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5567 days ago

29 April 2009 (F - Im 24 years old and I have been dating this girl for the past two months now. Everything was okay until lately where I feel distant from her. Im starting to feel Im only dating her because I wanted to find out how it would be like to be in a ...

Text message from his so called "boyfriend" claiming he is gay!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5564 days ago

29 April 2009 (F - Hi. I started using a dating website a few months back and after a while met this guy who was very friendly, attractive and got on with me so well. He was willing to wait to go on a date with me because I'm in my 3rd year of university and need to ...

Gay unrequited love problem.

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5147 days ago

29 April 2009 (M - Quick details: 16 years old, 17 in August, England, Currently in college studying IT in hopes of going into industry. I have a case of homosexual unrequited love. He's straight, i'm gay, iv'e felt like this for about 8 months now, except then ...

How can I apologize to someone I haven't spoken to in a while?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5563 days ago

29 April 2009 (M - To give a bit of back story, I'm a gay guy. I'm 21 and the person I need to apologize to is 15 (please don't turn this into a moral issue, my intentions are only amicable, and I would never force him into any sort of situation that would be ...

Me and my best friend had lesbian sex!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4896 days ago

29 April 2009 (F - hiya... im 17 and i have feelings towards my best friend who is also a girl... when we drink we usually end up kissing and once or twice its lead to sex... it was unbelievable... and i cant stop thinking about was amazing. the th...

Boyfriend had male sex 15 yrs ago. Will this affect our mariage?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5568 days ago

28 April 2009 (F - Hi! I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years, we are planning to get married and have a baby. We love each other. He's been recently unwell, he had a little secret that was tormenting him so he told me eventually that when he was 16 he had sex with...

Really weird love quadrangle...??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5568 days ago

27 April 2009 (F - I'm in a really weird love quadrangle... I really, really like this guy who is one of my best friends; we've known each other for about a year, and we get on really well. But he's gay. It's common knowledge that he has a major crush on another...

My partner fancies someone else and is constantly texting her!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5569 days ago

27 April 2009 (F - Hi, Right, my problem that I am struggling with at the moment is that my partner of 1 year who I love so much fancies another woman and yes I know this is normal for people to fancy others as long as nothing comes of it but my partner is constantly ...

Gay teen confused by sexually confused best friend

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5558 days ago

27 April 2009 (M - I've been best friends with this guy for about 9 months now. When we first met at work, he flirted with me constantly, touched my butt after giving hugs, made sexual references every day, and a few days in; he actually told me that he has had sex ...

I love her I think she's still the girl

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5570 days ago

26 April 2009 (M - i love her,but she loves the girl until now,,,,,dont get mistaken,yes same sex,same girl,also in a serious way,what can i do,please help me,give some advice, thanks ...

Torn apart by my emotions and the love for my best friend.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5570 days ago

26 April 2009 (M - I'm in need of some serious advice!! First of all, I'm gay and I'm in love with my best friend... I've wanted to tell him how I feel for months now and it's seriously affected my emotions. Just the other night our school held our 8th Grade Dance and ...

I want to ask a guy out but I'm afraid

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5543 days ago

26 April 2009 (M - Okay i really like this guy, his name is Eric and well i like him but i think he likes some one else and well... i want to ask him out and i scared in case he says no and im also scared in case he does like some one else....

She says she is still very much in love with me and misses me but can't continue our relationship. What should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5571 days ago

25 April 2009 (F - I've been in a relationship with another woman for nearly 2 years. She is married but her husband knows about me. She told him she was leaving him for me but when she sorted a place for us to live etc.. she changed her mind and ended our ...

He's talking about marriage to me but he's checking out guys!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5560 days ago

25 April 2009 (F - i think my fella is bi,,he has never been in a poper relationship with a girl before me and he is in his thirtys,but he has had many one night stands with females, when on a night out i see him checking guys out all the time,,he always coments on ...

Does my girl friend like me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5572 days ago

25 April 2009 (F - my best friend of three years confessed to me about a month ago that she thinks she is bisexual. i have no problem with gays, bisexuals or lesbians, but i'm straight. i told her that because we're so young, she might just be going through a phase. ...

A book about lesbians, but I am clueless

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5572 days ago

24 April 2009 (F - I'm a writer and I want to write a book about lesbians, but I'm not one, so I need a little help. What are they like? What do they do? Are they anything like we see in movies? Help, please. ...

Does he really love me or what?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5561 days ago

24 April 2009 (M - I am a 32yr old out gay male, I am married that happened before I could admit that I was gay, she knows we are together for the kids, my problem is that I have fallen in love with this guy i work with he is 18 and straight. He knows how I feel and ...

Is he really bi-sexual? or just confused?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5573 days ago

24 April 2009 (F - Hi my question is can i young teenage guy THINK he is bisexual but really is confused? i no teens tend to "experiment" with these kinds of things so is it possible he will..grow out of it? (for want of a better term)...

Is he bi or straight?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5561 days ago

24 April 2009 (M - there is this guy,he is a gym freak,very concerned about his body, but at the same time he always looks at videos of Arnold flexing and other stars who r well built. He gave me some strange looks, given me some hugs, pinched my butt twice. He was ...

I turned her down so now she is telling everyone I'm gay!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5572 days ago

23 April 2009 (M - Hi, there is a girl in my class and we used to be good friends. We´d sit together and talk about all sorts of things. Then she told me that she loved me and wanted to go out with me. I didn´t fancy her, so I said ´no´ nicely, as I still wanted t...

I had sex with my best I a lesbian? I love her so much!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5405 days ago

23 April 2009 (F - hello, im really confused... i am 17, and i am in love with my best friend who is a girl also... she is so pretty smart and makes me laugh constantly... i get excited when she texts me and i melt when she talks to me... we have kissed on numerous ...

Lesbian cheats on girlfriend with boy

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5568 days ago

22 April 2009 (F - I have a really big problem and I am so upset by it I think I'm going to therapy. On Sunday I got at 5:52 a.m. a call from my girlfriend. She was sobbing and screaming and saying something that I couldn't understand. I thought she was saying s...

I think I am bi but I have a boyfriend!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5574 days ago

22 April 2009 (F - I've been struggling with this for a while, since about 7th grade when I started noticing how pretty girls are but just ignored it. and when I got older I started getting more and more atrracted to girls but I always just denied and thought I was a ...

Secret gay friends in school

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5572 days ago

22 April 2009 (M - I'm 16 and I've been in a relationship with another boy for a year now, he is nearly 13. We keep it secret (well that's obvious!), not least of all because we are at the same school but in different years. We meet outside of school and spend time ...

I'm attracted to fat women

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5565 days ago

22 April 2009 (F - Okay I know this might sound a bit weird but I'm a butch lesbian who is attracted to fat women. I've never met another lesbian who has a fetish for this only guys but I'm wondering what I should do about this situation. Is it bad if I get really ...

How to make the first move with my bi friend?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5575 days ago

21 April 2009 (F - How can we date when we're both too shy to ask each other out? I'm 15 and basically, me and my best mate, (both of us are bi) have feeling for each other and more than anything we both want to get together. I know she likes me because its obv in the ...

Inquisitive .. exploring my sexual preference

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5575 days ago

21 April 2009 (F - Ive been in a relationship with my man since i was 17, im now 22. Hes the only person i have had a relationship with or been intimate with. However, im starting to become slightly attracted and turned on by the female form, and want to know are the ...

When I don't see her it's as if I just don't exist...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5575 days ago

21 April 2009 (F - I'm a gay girl in a relationship! I have been with my girl for 3 months, but I liked her for 5 months before we got together, but didn't think she was interested so I started seeing someone else, then my girl tells me she is jealous that I'm seeing ...

I can't make my g/f cum

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5574 days ago

21 April 2009 (F - Im a lesbian, and i have pleasured many women in the past and made them all come..but recently i have a new girlfriend, and she has never managed to come with guys before because she fancied women, but now she is with me.. i still cannot make her ...

What do I do and am I being taken advantage of?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5576 days ago

20 April 2009 (F - Hi, I am a female who is currently in a lesbian relationship for over a year. My partner and I reunited after a 7 year departure, excluding any form of communication/contact. Now that she and I are back together… we have mutual understandings, that ...

I know she doesn't deserve me but I can't get her out of my head

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5576 days ago

20 April 2009 (F - I fell in love with a woman abt 6yrs back - never even thinking whe knew I existed - she was already in a relationship. We became friends and shortly after we'd been out as a group of friends when she just kissed me out of the blue. I eventually ...

I'm gay but I have to hide it because of where I live!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5551 days ago

19 April 2009 (M - Hello everyone, I have a big problem 'thank God I found this site today 'My story is a painful one and I need a help here wish I can. I'm from part of Africa where gay people were regarded as evil spirits and outcast from the community or from the...

I'm bi, but I'd like to try a relationship with a man without hurting him

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5577 days ago

19 April 2009 (F - i consider myself bi, but like girls better. since 13 i thought i was gay, but part of me still like guys. but im ALWAYS mean towards guys im interested in. whenever im attracted to a guy, i'd be nice and sweet to him but when he falls for me i'd ...

She asked if she could kiss me, but I am not so sure.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5578 days ago

18 April 2009 (F - I am 14 be 15 in September.I have never dated. Last night a girl who is quite attractive, better looking than I am, who is 17 asked me while we were secretly alone if she could kiss me. I was shocked and told her perhaps later as I had to thin...

What am I suppose to do when I've got all this happening

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5576 days ago

18 April 2009 (F - i dnt no what to do anymore im really f**k up rite now..from the age of 7 ive jus been a step brother who is 18 now. he did thing to me and i thought i was normal but it wasnt and i love him but he knows how to play with my mind so it an ...

I've suspected that I'm bi since I'm 14. Could I be bi?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5579 days ago

17 April 2009 (F - hi, since i've been about 14 ive had my suspicions that i'm bisexual. because when i masturbate the thought of boobs really turn me on. but then when i sleep with my boy i really enjoy that as well. its strange. when i'm drunk i tease that i am ...

Is she just joking or are these strong hints from her?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5579 days ago

17 April 2009 (F - Agh, im so confused. basically, me and my best friend, who are both bi, have had feelings for each other for god knows how long. however, she is not out, and we are scare it will effect our friendship so we have decided not to do anything abou...

Is my roommate gay and has feelings for me? He claims he's straight.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5577 days ago

17 April 2009 (M - (I'd like to apologize for the wall-of-text you're about to get.) Basically the story boils down to the fact that I could swear a roommate of mine is gay and has feelings for me, but he claims he's straight. I would like to state that I have neve...

I'm a bisexual girl but don't know how to flirt with girls yet. Help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5486 days ago

17 April 2009 (F - Well i'm bisexual but pretty inexperienced when it comes to meeting, reading and dating girls still, i've only had 1 girlfriend which didn't turn out so well since there was no real connection in the end and i wasn't really attracted to her just ...

First time help...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5577 days ago

16 April 2009 (F - First of all I'm a girl not a guy and so I've been with my gf 8 months now and it's a online realtionship, well right now I'm going in 33 days to go be with her.... I'm so in love with her, she's my everything... we talk about sex all the time and ...

I had sex with my best friend and guess what? I'm now I'm in love with her.... so am I a lesbian?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5580 days ago

16 April 2009 (F - hi, im 17years old and i have a problem... and recently found that i have begun to have odd feelings towards my best friend who is also a girl. shes unbelievably pretty, smart, funny and i melt when she speaks to me, which is quite often as i see he...

Oh my, they like me, and I already have a boyfriend ... what do I do now?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5571 days ago

16 April 2009 (M - okay, so I have quite i big problem at the moment, but i think that i should explain something first i am a bisexual male, so, i recently found out that this guy i know has a crush on me and so does my bes friend who is a girl, but.... the big ...

Just curious...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5553 days ago

16 April 2009 (F - Is it really (honestly) normal for completely straight, heterosexual women to be turned on by lesbian porn? ...even more so then regular porn? If so, why?...

He might have to move away with his job but I'm very apprehensive to move with him... what do I do?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5571 days ago

15 April 2009 (M - Hi, I need a bit of help - I'll keep it short. The thing is that my boyfriend is being 'head hunted' for a job that means moving away - and if he goes for it, he wants me to go with him. This means giving up my job, leaving my friends, family,...

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