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Archived questions from: June, 2011 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

She doesn't believe that she's beauiful! Should I ask her out?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4775 days ago

30 June 2011 (F - hi i'm 16 and i am a lesbian, and i am friends with a girl who is also a lesbian (she told me) She is beautiful but doesn't belive me when i tell her, slim, athletic, smart funny and really nice, And she just got dumped by her ex, and she is really ...

I want to grow old with my ex but not with all these lies inbetween us!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4768 days ago

30 June 2011 (F - Alright well im lesbian and me and my girlfriend have been dating for almost a year. this is the most longest and serious relationship ive been in. im 17 and shes 20 (but doesnt act like it). And well when we first met we were oh so very madly in ...

How do I stop from being so obvious when I am checking out girls?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4776 days ago

29 June 2011 (F - Hello, I am 17 and I'm gay. :) I love everything about girls. Their body, the way they move and laugh and smile. Literally everything. And that's..... becoming a slight problem to me. The problem is: I don't know why but sometimes, I find myself...

What's the reason for her being so hot and cold?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4777 days ago

28 June 2011 (F - So two years ago I started college and I went to my first classes and there didn't seem to be anyone special in them, the odd hot girl (I'm also a girl), but that was it. So the next time I had this one class I sat with these girls on one side of ...

I'm not sure if I'm bisexual, if I were my family would disown me.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4777 days ago

28 June 2011 (F - I am straight, or so I thought I was. But lately I have been attracted to one of my female friends. I have never felt sexually attracted to a girl before, but all of a sudden I am noticing other girls to be attractive, especially one in particula...

I feel like the only person I have is my gf!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4777 days ago

28 June 2011 (F - If the only person you feel has your back is your significant other? All my friends are no where to be found. Everybody is oh so busy. My family doesnt understand me. Anytime they call me or come to see me is when they need something. I feel like ...

Am I an ass?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4778 days ago

28 June 2011 (F - Honestly am I? I've realized something, I can't seem to get over my ex. She was my first serious gf. Like I really loved her. We had a good year 1/2 or 2 together. We broke up bc I found out she cheated. It took a year before we were able to be cool ...

Why is my fiancé acting so distant all of a sudden? She's up late, sleeps on the couch, and has had a panic attack. What should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4778 days ago

28 June 2011 (? - My fiancé is the love of my life but lately she has been acting really weird. She has been staying up late (5 am) and she has been falling asleep on the couch lately. I have been getting up and waking her up to go bed with me. She shakes when she...

In a lesbian relationship and my best friend is a straight guy. He told me he loves me and now she wants me to end the friendship but I don't want to. What should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4767 days ago

27 June 2011 (F - My lesbian partner and I have been together for over two years now and have had our ups and downs but we are now on a high and are thinking about becoming engaged and our future however there is one thing thats getting in the way and i just want ...

In a lesbian couple with differing sex drives. How can I make myself want it more?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4778 days ago

27 June 2011 (F - Ok so i am a female with a female partner, aka. we are a lesbian couple. Our sex is great and i love it, just not as much as her. She wants it every second. I am lucky if i want it at least once a week, and it's getting me down as, although she...

Me and my lesbian partner want to have a baby, how would we go about in vitro fertilization?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4770 days ago

27 June 2011 (F - hi i am a female and i am in a serious relationship with another female. We have been togeather for just over two years now and we have just been starting to think about the future. We plan to have children however we do not want to adopt but go ...

I think I might be bisexual or gay. How do I overcome my fear of asking a guy out or accepting a guy's advances?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4775 days ago

27 June 2011 (M - I dont know who I am or what I want. For years I tried to push the gay thoughts and desires from my head. Eventually I decided I was at least bisexual, if not gay. Now, however, it isnt the labeling that bothers me. I want to try having a relatio...

He told me he fell in love with my personality. Well that doesn't help much when he ogles other men!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4778 days ago

26 June 2011 (M - I am a gay male of 23 years old (almost 24) and my boyfriend is 25 (almost 26). We've been together for 3 and a half years and it's be... alright. We got into a little argument today about how my boyfriend is always commenting on how other guys o...

I never think about my girlfriend sexually any more!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4780 days ago

26 June 2011 (F - I'm 21 and bisexual and I have a girlfriend of 1 year, she's 25. She is my first lesbian relationship and at the beginning it was perfect. Things are still good now, I love her more than ive ever loved anyone, and I love spending time with her but ...

My ex girlfriend is obsessed with me! Help

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4776 days ago

24 June 2011 (? - My ex girlfriend is obsessed with me and won't stop calling and texting me. I've blocked her from facebook and msn but I can't block her number from my phone and I don't know how to stop her. Everyone keeps telling me to ignore her because she'll ...

Help needed with my sex phobia!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4781 days ago

24 June 2011 (F - hi please can you all help me, as much as avice as poss. im a lesbian but a virgin and im scared of having anything inside me but my girlfriend wants us to use sex toys. she does know how scared i am but this is something shes happy to wait until im ...

Gay, bi or just confused?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4780 days ago

24 June 2011 (M - Dear Cupid, I am 22 male and still a virgin. I fancy girls sometimes, but mostly men. i get aroused watching gay porn, I sometimes get aroused at watching straight porn (maybe because there are men in the movie) and the strange thing is that I ...

Do I confide in him my bi-sexuality? Do I reveal my attraction to him?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4781 days ago

24 June 2011 (M - I'm 16 and still at high school and I seem to have a big problem. I kinda accepted that I was attracted to guys a few years ago, (girls I'm fairly sure I like too) but I think I am crushing on (falling for) this guy at my school really bad. We w...

I have a boyfriend but I think I am only attracted to girls, what should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4781 days ago

24 June 2011 (F - I have a boyfriend of almost 2 years. The problem is, however, that I'm attracted to girls. Originally I simply assumed that I was bi, but I'm realizing that I'm no longer attracted to my boyfriend. I love him and care about him, but I'm not ...

How do I end things with my boyfriend without breaking his heart?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4450 days ago

24 June 2011 (M - Hi, I really need some advice. I think I want to end it with my boyfriend of 2 months. I dont think we are right for each other. However, it breaks my heart as he is the sweetest creature in the world. I just think the only thing that brought us ...

I am planning to tell him my bisexuality but not my feelings

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4781 days ago

23 June 2011 (M - Dear Cupid, I am 21 years old and studying engineering as an International Student in a German university. I am about to finish my studies (final semester) and my final exams are about to start. But because of this problem I will explain, I even cou...

I don't like that she still speaks to her ex, and to make it worse she hasn't told him about me!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4782 days ago

23 June 2011 (F - Hi, I have a problem that keeps eating away at me and has done so for months. I've been dating my girlfriend for 9 months, she is my first love and first real relationship. I love her more than anything, and I know she loves me the same way. She's ...

She asked if I've dated anyone since we broke up. What does this mean?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4783 days ago

22 June 2011 (F - So I had just recently started talking to my ex again(As friends) after a month of not talking. She wanted to talk about how my life had been since the last time we've talked and one of the very first thing she asked me was if i was dating anyone or ...

I don't want her back in a romantic way, but I don't know how to get over her either!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4783 days ago

22 June 2011 (F - My ex gf and I have been broken up for 2 months and our break up was a painful one for the both of us, but we decided to still be friends and after being broken up for a month, she started dating someone I told her that I needed time to ...

He is bisexual and chose a heterosexual life with me but is missing out and even brought up the subjects of threesomes.

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4784 days ago

21 June 2011 (F - We've been together for 11 years and have a beautiful daughter together we both adore and cherish. He's a Bisexual man who has chosen a heterosexual life with me. But I fear he is missing his bi lifestyle. recently he's brought up the subjects of ...

Her friend texts me to stay out of my GF's life. Now what?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4784 days ago

21 June 2011 (F - Me and my gf just broke up and it's killing me badly. We dated for 15 months and it's killing me so badly. I suffer from manic depression and I'm dealing with counseling and medication. I do things out of my control sometimes and I ...

How do I handle it when my gf ignores and then hurts my feelings?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4784 days ago

20 June 2011 (F - My gf and I are long distance a the moment and we are meeting in august. I'm stressed because I feel like when we aren't on the phone and just texting she acts completely different, almost like an asshole. If I text her long messages trying to get ...

I moved in with my boyfriend but I feel homesick

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4784 days ago

20 June 2011 (M - Hello i am 21 years old and got a wonderful boyfriend called Rick who i love. recently i moved with him when he got a promation to Wales. i love it but the problem is that im feeling homesick. i recently told Rick he it it was normal as this the ...

Why cant she give me my space for more than a month?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4785 days ago

20 June 2011 (F - So my ex girlfriend broke up with me a little over 2 months ago and a month after the break up, she started dating someone...So that was when I decided to not talk to her until i was over her...A week after i told her that, she tried to contact me ...

Is a lie at the beginning of a friendship just as bad as a lie at the beginning of a relationship?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4785 days ago

19 June 2011 (F - Do you think a lie at the beginning of a friendship is just as bad and damaging as a lie at the beginning? of a romantic relationship? We've been talking and hanging out for only a few months. I started lying to a friend before I knew her, liked...

Am I gay or bi?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4784 days ago

19 June 2011 (M - I do unusual things like being in nude masturbation I wanna reltionship thinking of man am i gay or bi?...

Fetishes vs. Orientation - When do you know?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4784 days ago

19 June 2011 (M - Sexual Orientation Confusion Question (I am a male). I do not know if I have a Muscle fetish or if I am just gay. How can one tell? I am too afraid to jump of the sexual freedom cliff. I have went out with women and been aroused by kissin...

Do I come out and risk being bullied again? Or stay silent?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4784 days ago

18 June 2011 (F - ok so a year ago i came out to a friend who i thought i could trust, turns out i couldn't when i came into class the next morning and questions where being thrown at me saying "are you gay" i was so shocked i mean i thought i could trust her i told ...

I don't want her back, but I still miss her a lot.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4787 days ago

18 June 2011 (F - My ex girlfriend broke up with me a little over 2 months ago after dating for 2 yrs...At first, we decided to stay best friends but then a month later,she started dating someone else and I couldnt handle it, so I told her that we shouldnt talk to ...

Questions regarding college and the gay community...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4785 days ago

18 June 2011 (M - I'm about to start college really soon and I am very excited! Anyways, I'm a guy in the closet and I really want to come out because I want to start dating and meeting other gay people. The reason I can't at the moment is because I come from a very ...

Is what I said that wrong? What do I do to get her to forgive me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4788 days ago

17 June 2011 (F - I have asked advice on here before and I usually end up following it. I am a 20yr old bisexual female. I fell for a girl in one of my classes and we became great friends, she is gay. That was four months ago and I am still working hard to try and ...

Could he be bisexual?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4774 days ago

17 June 2011 (M - I'm 18, male and bisexual and really into a guy at school. I don't see it as being judgmental but I just get the impression he's bi too. He's really metro, into fashion and everything, dresses quite smartly and coolly, with the fringe swept to one ...

Why doesn't my boyfriend feel comfortable with me wantimg a threesome knowing I'm bisexual?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4784 days ago

17 June 2011 (F - i have a boyfriend who i love and he loves me to and i wouldnt try to change him in anyway..! i like guys and girls and i have dealt with females my whole life but slowed down at 19... (im 23) but a few months ago i told my bf i like girls and h...

Too scared to date the girl I like because I am sexually confused! Help!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4786 days ago

17 June 2011 (M - There is this girl at school that I like and I wanna make a move and try to talk to her but the thing is I'm scared and sexually confused. I'm still a virgin because I'm sexually confused. Somedays I want guys and then girls. Most on the time I want ...

I just can't do oral on her

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4773 days ago

16 June 2011 (F - Howdy... So I'm in a long distance relationship with another woman and I have been for quite a while. I love when she uses her tongue and her mouth on me, and so I'd like nothing better but to reciprocate, yet... I cannot. We have tried about ...

Am I gay or not?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4789 days ago

16 June 2011 (M - Hullo, I guess I am gay. If I see a cute guy I get an erection and I often find myself looking down at their trousers. But every now and then I get to know a nice sensible woman who I find attractive, however the 'pull' just is not as strong. ...

Is my friend really gay or is he just playing around?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4787 days ago

16 June 2011 (M - Hullo, I have a friend how acts really gay, hugging guys ect all the time. He can be quite camp at times as well. When I used to study maths he was sat next to me and he would often put his hand on my leg and sometimes rub it. Other times he would...

I'm ashamed that I am into women, not men

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4784 days ago

16 June 2011 (F - Help! i'm feeling really ashamed about my bi sexuality and liking more women, than men. I would love to be out,but i know that will never be the case when i think about being the way that i am. I feel sick, horrible. Sick to my stomach kind, like ...

Sick and tired of experiencing emotional neglect from boyfriend

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4790 days ago

15 June 2011 (F - Dear Cupid, A couple weeks ago I decided to end a 1 yr realationship with my boyfriend who is 17 yrs older than me. He is a divorced father, he has a daughter that is eight years old. I ended the realtionship due to the fact that I felt lone...

In love with my best friend, should I tell her?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4790 days ago

15 June 2011 (F - Im 25 and I have been in love with my best friend for the past 3 years. The problem is we're both female. and in my family that is an absolute no go zone. I know im not gay, but i have very strong feelings for her. very. im still very attracted ...

Is my partner secretly gay? Even his mother thinks so!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4779 days ago

14 June 2011 (F - I'm 30 years of age and my boyfriend is 34, we have been in a relationship for 2 years. I'm concerned that he maybe gay. The thing is my partner is a mans man someone you would never think is gay. He has a reputation as a ladies man and craves ...

Should I tell my gay friend how I feel about him?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4791 days ago

14 June 2011 (F - i'm in love with my best friend. he's gay. i've tried everything but i just can't get over the feelings i have for him. i want to be with him so badly. my friend thinks he has feelings for me too. he says things that make me think he does. should i ...

I love my best friend.

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14 June 2011 (F - Lately ive been atracted to my best friend. She is a gorgeous girl. I curently have a boyfriend of 6 months but I feel like it aint going anywhere. My best friend (the girl i have a crush on)knows everything about me, exept that I love her. Her ...

I think my husband is homosexual!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4787 days ago

13 June 2011 (F - i have been married to my husband for seven years and have one child. in the past two years things between me and my husband have been very strained and the sex has been non-existent except for when he is drunk. i was on our shared laptop when i ...

What can I do in the attempt of changing my life around?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4791 days ago

13 June 2011 (M - I need help. I don't have anyone I can talk to or anyone I can trust with my heart/feelings so I came to you guys. I just need to get some things off my chest. Why me? Why does everything have to be wrong with me? It's like I'm cursed, like I d...

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