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Archived questions from: November, 2011 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

One thing led to another, and I'd like to talk to him about it

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4603 days ago

30 November 2011 (M - Me and my mate "charlie" were at his house one night and i got up in the morning went to have a shower however he did not realize and walk in on me in the shower, we were were both naked and both got erections. After this we went to his room and ...

Something more or just games?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4622 days ago

30 November 2011 (F - I ment a woman about a year ago, since then we have became pretty good friends. Over the course of the last 3 months we have had several sexual encounters. Shes the type to hide her feelings and play it off like it is nothing. But lately she has ...

In love with my friend, but I'm not a lesbian! How do I handle this?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4623 days ago

30 November 2011 (F - I would like your opinions on this one and if possible some advice you could give... I am in love with a close friend of mine. We are always together every time and we always talk about topics related to crushes and love. I've loved her for al...

Do I confront, support him, or walk away? My married lover confided he has started meeting men for sex.

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4595 days ago

30 November 2011 (? - I need some support! I have had a relationship with a married man for many many years we are very very good friends and occasionally we have sex too which is like the icing on the cake. His wife is sick with MS so please dont criticise me for see...

Why is my friend avoiding me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4624 days ago

29 November 2011 (M - Im very confused about my friend. The thing is I'm 100% in love with him, but he talks about how much he hates gays and doesn't like being around them. I'm not really sure though, I've sat next to him and layed on his shoulder and vice versa, I've ...

Is my friend into me sexually?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4623 days ago

29 November 2011 (M - Okay so im wondering if one of my friends is into me sexually. we are both males and sometimes when we hang out we end up wrestling and touching each other, after I iniate. Like for example ill tackle him and rub his but and chest and then he doest ...

He's bi, I'm gay. Should I waste my time on this closet case?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4623 days ago

29 November 2011 (M - Hello, I've been seeing this guy for about a week. He's 21, mature for his age, attractive, smart, great job, in school. He's pretty much out of my league, but every time we see each other we make-out, mess around, or just talk in his car. He used...

Why has she not run off screaming yet? What should I do now?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4621 days ago

28 November 2011 (F - I don't know how but Whenever I've tried dating girls before I've somehow always ballsed things up. They tend to like me, then they get to know me a bit and then suddenly I've lost all appeal. Probably because I'm myself, I don't try to be ...

I've realized I'm gay -- how to tell my boyfriend?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4625 days ago

27 November 2011 (F - I have a boyfriend who ive been with for half a year now but i got with him unsure about my sexuality and now i know, i'm 100% gay. I need to tell him but i'm too afraid, plus we live together with 6 other people as i'm in uni. so it's going to be ...

Family keep pushing us together. Yet I suspect he's Gay. Why does he say he'll ask me out when I'm "Free"? I am single.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4623 days ago

27 November 2011 (F - So there's this guy right. He's such a great guy, we met actually a year ago yesterday, but I've only seen him a couple of times.. I get really nervous around him.. Why I don't know but I do.. His mom and my sister are friends. Since the first ti...

Since he defends my honor, does that mean he likes me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4574 days ago

25 November 2011 (M - Hey, I'm a gay (closeted) male in my sophomore year in high school. There is this really cute guy in my class and I think he might like me but I'm not sure. We are not the closet friends but he often tries to talk to me. On occasion he also touches ...

She has asked for a break, does this mean she is cheating?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4628 days ago

24 November 2011 (F - When your partner lies and hides things from you and all of a sudden ask for a break with the excuse that she needs time to let go of the fact that I cheated 3 years ago and now she's asking me for time. Does that means she's cheating on me? She ...

How can I stop these sexual feelings towards my teacher?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4627 days ago

23 November 2011 (F - I'm an 19 years old girl , I loved my teacher since i was 14 , everyone said it was a crush but it was not , i couldn't understand why i loved her , i was crazy about her , loved school just because of her , my teacher loved me also she exepted ...

I love her but she is destroying my life!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4587 days ago

23 November 2011 (F - This is a long story, but here goes. I'm a girl, and I've been with my partner, also a girl, for a year and a half. After about 3 months of bliss I found out she'd been messaging another girl behind my back, telling her she loved her and that she...

Help me to understand my girlfriend and how to get her back

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4630 days ago

22 November 2011 (F - Hi, I have been in my first ever lesbian relationship for 3 months, everything was perfect apart from the fact that one of my mates has liked me a lot. I told her nothing would happen with her, but I didn't realize how much she liked me, so I ...

She didnt tell me she loves me before she went to sleep and now I'm really hurt, am I overreacting?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4630 days ago

21 November 2011 (F - Hi. My girlfriend and I were texting each other late at night like we usually do, and joking around and everything. She told me she was tired and night. She always tell me 'night babe I love you'. I asked her if she was mad at me and she said no, ...

He's ok till we are with others then he starts to get weird and doesn't trust me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4619 days ago

21 November 2011 (M - I have been seeing a very nice guy for about a month now. Fell in love and everything is perfect when we are alone together, but the moment we are in a group with friends its almost as if he gets very insecure abut us. He tells me I look around at ...

Is my interest in transexual pornography a harmless fantasy or a sign of something else?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4631 days ago

21 November 2011 (M - I'm not sure how to start, so I will just dive in. I am 36 and married to a woman I love. We have good sex and no problems except that my testosterone may be a little low so we don't have it as much as we used to, but i'm working on that. The pr...

Some advice needed on overcoming an infatuation with my best friend

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4630 days ago

21 November 2011 (M - I'm in love with my best friend. I knew him since the beginning of the school year he helping me a lot since im new at school and that made me fall for him even more. He has a girlfriend. He is the person i been dreaming about ever since i...

She says she needs time to find herself. should I keep waiting or should I move on?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4632 days ago

18 November 2011 (F - She says she needs time to figured out wether she can leave the past behind or not. Should I keep waiting or should I let go and move on? Eight years ago I had a girlfriend who I cheated on with my exboyfriend and got pregnant. When we broke u...

In love with my best friend and now so confused after he gave me my first kiss!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4634 days ago

17 November 2011 (M - hi every one well my story is kinda long so plz try to bear with it and thanks in advance so i am 17 years old a guy and in love with my best guy friend who is 18 i confessed to him last year and rejected me in a very hard way he hurted me so much ...

I have gay thoughts when I masturbate to straight porn, what does this mean?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4635 days ago

17 November 2011 (M - Of late, when I masturbate, while watching straight porn, then gay thoughts also come into my mind which makes me confused and tense and don't feeling like enjoying it. Does it mean I am gay or bi-sexual or straight? or it happens with everyone...

He's back and I don't want to fall for him again!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4635 days ago

16 November 2011 (M - He is back and I think I've fallen for him again! The guy I used to like for 2 years ignored me and acting like a major b*****d to me so I learnt how to get over him. Now he is back, he has apologised sincerely I'm afraid my feelings have come...

He only has one friend who clearly is in love with him, am I being selfish for wanting him to stop talking to him?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4636 days ago

16 November 2011 (M - Hi, my boyfriend is older than me and has no real friends, the only person in his life is his German friend/ex, I say ex because they've had sexual relations before we met, he told his wife a few years ago he was gay and she learnt to live with it, ...

I am not sure what to make of signals from my ex-teacher. I am gay and he is married?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4627 days ago

16 November 2011 (M - So, I'm 18 and graduated high school this past spring. I am in college now, but still live in my home town because my college ran out of housing for me. I live relatively close to my high school and visit often to hang out with some of my friends ...

Should I tell him how I feel?

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16 November 2011 (M - i'm 15 male i am gay and i really like this guy he's also 15 we hang out a lot and i really strong feelings for him i'm not sure if he's gay but he smiles at me a lot he real friendly towards me but i'm too nervous to tell him how i feel i haven't ...

I can't tell by the signs if my housemate may be interested or not?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4637 days ago

15 November 2011 (F - I'm a gay woman and I've recently started fancying my house-mate. I don't know i) if she's intertested in women or ii) if she likes me. But here's what's happened: 1. We were out one-night with a group. And for pretty much the whole night she ...

I told her how I felt and she backed she scared because she thinks I'll change my mind about my sexuality? Or does she simply not want a relationship with me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4637 days ago

15 November 2011 (F - i am female and just fallen in love with another girl,she is a lesbian and this is first time i have ever felt anything for a girl. we have kissed a few times and the other day she were holding my hands kissing me then i started getting feelings for ...

Are my feelings warranted, of feeling a bit disappointed after he said that I could join his family for Christmas?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4638 days ago

14 November 2011 (F - I am very disappointed and let down by my supposed male friend who is gay and who has a boyfriend. I have known him for 15 years. He is aware that I do not have any family or support where I live and knows that I did not want to be alone on Xmas ...

My Bestfriends girl is flirting with me... What to do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4624 days ago

14 November 2011 (M - Ok well my best friend has a girlfriend that he has been seeing for about a year but the other day she started flirting with me. Now im 20 so I know what flirting is and how it works and she was serious. She has always been my type and has hinted it ...

Mother found out I'm gay. Now our bond hasn't been the same since. How do I fix this?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4639 days ago

13 November 2011 (M - This mostly applies to people who came out to their families....i need help trying to have a bond with my mother recently i brought my boyfriend over to my house told my parents he was just a friend who was going to sleepover.. well in the middle o...

She is the one. I want to be honest with her, but I'm ashamed of my past. How can I be honest and not lose her?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4640 days ago

13 November 2011 (F - I guess this is a question about dealing with my past and its potential consequences on a relationship. It is also about how much you need to tell about your sexual history. For just over a year now I have been going out with this girl and sh...

Which university should I choose to be able to come out as gay?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4639 days ago

13 November 2011 (M - Next year I'll be graduating and when I get to college I wanted to be myself and why I say that is because I'm gay and I'm not out the closet really no one knows and when I got to college I wanted to be alone away from family and old friends because ...

The kiss was a step too far

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4639 days ago

12 November 2011 (M - This is a little embarrassing to talk about. Well, my roommate and I had started experimenting with each other earlier in the year, and now we do quite a bit of stuff on more of a regular basis. Anyway, recently while we were messing around, ...

Ex-boyfriend still causing issues 16 months later

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4619 days ago

12 November 2011 (M - I have had a boyfriend for 16 months and it had a rocky start (never having had "i love you" from parents, grandparents, siblings or past boyfriend). His ex-boyfriend from 2 years ago has non-stop been a real pain in the @$$. Constantly texting ...

I'm starting to think I'm gay or bisexual after looking at my life, what do you think?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4641 days ago

12 November 2011 (M - Ive been thinking lately i am bi/gay. Ive been denying these feelings since i was atleast inbetween 15-17 years old now im 29. after having same sex experiences,watching gay porn, i get abit denial at times... i really do want to have a wife and ...

Depression. I need help to allow me to have a better life. Any tips, strategies, Advice please?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4641 days ago

11 November 2011 (F - hi i just wanted some advice about depression. im in my 30s still living at home and dont work. i feel my life is lacking, and as im gay i will never have the whole family thing like husband and kids. i I'm too scared to give birth anyway and this...

I want to go back to being straight. But I'm confused that I may be bi-sexual? How can I be sure I will end up with a girl?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4641 days ago

11 November 2011 (M - hello everyone. i'm 31 year-old, male and i'm confused if i'm a bisexual man, gay, or still straight man. i've been into a relationship with a guy for 6 years. we started as friends became close and we just love each other. he gave me extra atte...

Help!!! Do I stay... or do I go???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4534 days ago

10 November 2011 (M - I will try and keep this as to the point as possible, because I really could use some help. I am a bisexual guy who is not "out", and I ended up in a relationship with a guy now for over a year that stemmed from a random hookup. I fell for him ...

Holiday Flirt in Town and Exchanging Numbers with my Man!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4642 days ago

10 November 2011 (M - Recently my boyfriend and I were on vacation. In the resort there was another man (we're gay) who was obviously gay too, and he always smiled at my boyfriend and sometimes they stole glances at each other. I don't mind that kind of harmless ...

Struggling with my sexual orientation....

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4642 days ago

10 November 2011 (M - Hi everyone, I'm having a little trouble coming to terms with my sexual orientation. I have always believed I was strait after having a string of girlfriends and many sexual partners. But over the last couple of years I have found myself being ...

Chatting is fine, but I freeze when they suggest we meet

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4643 days ago

9 November 2011 (M - I posted a question a while back wondering if I was gay or just having a little fetish but now I believe i am bisexual and I am attracted to men. In light if this I decided to join a dating website to try and find a boyfriend or just a a friend t...

Are these normal reactions to sex or am I lesbian?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4640 days ago

9 November 2011 (F - I often ask myself,am i BIOLOGICALLY lesbian?it doesn't really matter because i am EMOTIONALLY straight and have a boyfriend and love him more than my life ! but: 1)my first experience was with a girl when i was really too young ,10 or 11,and s...

Curious about oral sex or just being silly

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4643 days ago

9 November 2011 (F - This is probably a silly question. Well I am a girl and openly bisexual but not sexually active and my friend is bi-curious or whatever and lately she keeps bringing up sex with me. Talking about how she wants me to perform oral on her and ...

Does an interest in transexual porn make me gay?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4644 days ago

8 November 2011 (M - If i get turned on my 'lady-boys' 'she-males' or whatever you want to call them does it mean i am gay? or bi?...

How can I make my son see a civil partnership is a bad idea?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4645 days ago

7 November 2011 (F - I asked a question at Some updates: It wasn't my son's idea originally - Steve planned it, and their girlfriends are in the dark about it. But my son felt he had t...

My son wants a civil partnership with his friend for financial reasons despite not being gay! Is this illegal? What should we do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4639 days ago

7 November 2011 (F - I have a 23-year-old son, he's been in a relationship with his girlfriend for the last 18 months and everything's going well, he's got a good job, working in IT equipment sales and has a good social life. He lives with his best friend Steve who he's...

Why does this happen? My whole body tightens up and shakes when I go to meet a guy?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4644 days ago

7 November 2011 (M - im a gay guy who is 19 years old and i have no problem talking to people and making friends i am one of the most outgoing people you will ever meet, im easy to get along with and im around people 24/7. i have no issues texting guys or talking to ...

How to meet gay women and what date sites to use?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4643 days ago

6 November 2011 (F - im a single gay woman who is boyish type and likes boyish or butch type women but unsure how to meet anyone as a friend or more. can anyone help me with these quesions i have. 1. are there any free date sites only that are good to meet gay women th...

Has this run it's course? Lately, it's almost like we can't be in the same room without fighting.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4643 days ago

6 November 2011 (M - Hey guys. First of all, I'm gay and I've been in a relationship with a really great guy for 8 months. Unfortunately, he and I have been fighting a lot lately and I don't know what to do to bring us back to normal. Even though I'm gay, I'm a pret...

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