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Archived questions from: December, 2007 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Everytime we have a sleep over, we end up kissing! Am I a lesbian?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5923 days ago

31 December 2007 (F - hi i have a best friend we have been friends for 5 years we are still at school and in year 7. and we often have sleepovers and everytime she comes and sleeps around mine we end up kissing and i dont know what to do i think she really fancies ...

I feel guilty after a drunken night! Help me.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5938 days ago

31 December 2007 (M - okay so here goes the story....i met my partner 7 years ago and we were fantastic, we love eachother so much! but from i have been with him, he has always texted "this friend" he met on the internet ( who happens to live ten minutes away) they met ...

What can I do to get my bf to come here to live?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6052 days ago

30 December 2007 (M - Hi, im gay, soon to be 17...and am in like my fourth proper serious relationship. Ive been with him since July - and hes definately the best. Just so perfect, 21, sexy, i wont go into cos it might put some people off answerin but yeah he makes me ...

I did all the embarrassing/annoying ex things and now I'm a mess. How do you move on from someone that doesn't love you anymore?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6049 days ago

28 December 2007 (M - The first person that I've ever had real feelings for finished with me just over a month ago and I'm still having a hard time trying to stop thinking about him. We were only together for 5 months and I can understand why it didn't work out. We hit a ...

So many questions - anyone got any answers?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6056 days ago

27 December 2007 (F - Dear Cupid, So i've got myself in a real pickle. I've recently broke up with my ex girlfriend of 18 months. She cheated on me once in january, and then she was so amazing to me we got back together. She then went to uni, and i moved to italy f...

I'm experimenting with my sexuality and my bf was first ok with me dating other men as well, but now he has changed his mind! Is it wrong of him to change the rules halfway through, or am I just being unreasonable?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6055 days ago

27 December 2007 (M - I'm bisexual and recently entered into a long distance relationship with a guy on the proviso that i be allowed to experiment with other guys because i have no sexual experience and am still in the middle of discovering who i am. At first he ag...

I love my boyfriend but my family are pressuring me to meet him, and I'm worried about some issues they might have

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6055 days ago

25 December 2007 (M - Ok so here's my problem...would like everyone to keep an open mind. I'm a 17 year old gay guy...comfortable with my sexuality and all that. So about a year ago i started seeing an older guy. I've always known i liked older guys (hey, it's just ...

My gf is ex-anorexic and has mental issues, becoming moody. If I don't behave in a certain way she gets mad and breaks up, which is emotional straining for me. How do I cope?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6050 days ago

22 December 2007 (F - hello I a a lesbian any my girlfriend is really feminine and I am too, but not as much as her. we've been together 9 months. She wants me to treat her like I was man as far as doing things for her. She is also ex anorexic and does have mental issu...

My brother has asked I not tell my parents that he is gay! What should I do?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6051 days ago

21 December 2007 (F - Basically I have suspected that my brother has been gay for years but he never answers questions on his personal life and showed many signs which suggested he was gay. I finally asked him yesterday and he confirmed this and said he had been in a ...

Is it ok to want to kiss my best friend who is a girl?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6061 days ago

20 December 2007 (F - Is it okay to wanna kiss my best friend, who is a girl? I need help, cause Im also in love with this guy....

I am in love with her after cheating on her. How can I win her back?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6062 days ago

20 December 2007 (F - So here's the deal: I had a best friend and we'll call her "Valerie". Val and i came out to one another. We flirted for a year. I became to develope an insane crush on her, and she only fancied me a little. one night we confessed our feelings...

How do I seduce my girlfriend? I am a lesbian.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6063 days ago

20 December 2007 (F - Hey everyone, I am a lesbian and i have only fooled around with girls a little bit. I've fondled them quite a bit. I am young, I am fourteen years old. I need advise on how to have sex with a girl and how to seduce her, if it helps any i like to be ...

How do I tell if I am bisexual?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6053 days ago

17 December 2007 (F - ummm Hi. so, im kinda confused about my sexuality. I think I might be bisexual. And if that's the case, i like a girl i know. It seems like she's always flirting with me. She told me she is not bisexual, though. But Im thinking she's confuse...

What advice should I give her?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6057 days ago

17 December 2007 (M - ok so i have a crush on a really cool girl. we are both 14. but the only problem is she has a gf. her parents are trying to hook us up. although she has a gf me and her have kissed whilst she was going out with her gf. she doesnt like being gay but ...

Me and my best friend fell in love, now he has backed out saying he doesn't want "us" anymore, he wants a girlfriend but still wants us to remain friends, how do I deal with this hurt?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4932 days ago

16 December 2007 (M - Over the past three and half years, my best friend and I slowly feel in love-both of us scared to death of our feelings; we both didn't consider ourselves gay. After the first year, we slowly became intimate. For the year, we have both dealt with ...

Do I confront her about the way she avoids me?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6064 days ago

16 December 2007 (F - Okay so I've been seeing this girl for a few months and we have a lot in common. We knew from the first day we met that we'd probably end up really liking each other. A couple weeks ago I stayed over at her place and we went out to breakfast the ...

I think he is gay, but I also think my collegue is flirting with me

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6068 days ago

16 December 2007 (M - Well...I landed a new job just a month ago and I am already having problems [go figure]. I am not really sure where I stand at this point, but I definitely like men [this was made clear on my last job]. Before I start...let me just say that I have a ...

Is my boyfriend gay? He looks at gay porn on the internet but insists he is straight.

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 5430 days ago

16 December 2007 (F - Dear Cupid, My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years. Our relationship has had its ups and downs, as most relationships do, however, I think my boyfriend might be gay. 6 months into our relationship, I found a lot of gay pornography ...

I thought I was straight but I fell for my female collegue, but I want a husband and children also. Do I stay with my lesbian lover, or get back with my ex boyfriend?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6068 days ago

16 December 2007 (F - im at yhe peak of my career when things started to stumble, i was introduced to a new office mate, she is intelligent, sexy and pretty, we get along very well, we became close friends, most of the time we share our pants, shoes, foods, lipstick and ...

Is my cousin bi curious or just awkward around me because I am a lesbian?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6068 days ago

16 December 2007 (F - Hi i am female 18 years old and also a lesbian, i just got back in contact with my cousin who is also female but tells me she is not a lesbian, she has been acting very weird around me. its sort of like she's trying to tell me she fancies me, i am ...

My girl friend keeps coming onto me, and my boyfriend too! What do we do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6068 days ago

16 December 2007 (F - I feel that one of my best mates that's a girl fancy's me. She has been trying to get me to enrol in certain sexual activities with her and i don't really swing that way. She been trying to flirt with my fella constinally telling him how 'hot' and ...

I have a crush on another girl, but I didn't admit to her I am bisexual too. Don't feel ready to tell her, so what should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5350 days ago

15 December 2007 (F - Okay so ever since I was younger I've been attracted to both boys and girls. So lately I've been hanging out with my friend who is Bi and I have a crush on her. The problem is I haven't came out yet about being bi. And a few days ago somebody...

I'm 15 and lesbian... should I come out? I fear the negative reactions!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6068 days ago

14 December 2007 (F - Hi, I'm 15 and have been fairly certain I was gay/lesbian since everyone else started getting crushes on guys... and I started having them on girls. I only really accepted it about 7 or 8 months ago though, and a couple of months after that I got ...

I fantasise about guys, not girls. Does that make me gay?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5662 days ago

13 December 2007 (M - Hi yeah i am only 16 years old I like girls but when i get horny the first thing that comes to my mind is gay sex, but when i am not horny anymore my mind tells me i am not gay,but i start to think and want guys in my life sexually everyday.....i ...

She wants out. Can I do anything?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6072 days ago

11 December 2007 (F - i am a lesbian who has been with my partner for 12yrs.i have cheated on my wife a few times several years ago and told her everything a couple of years ago.during all of this i realized how nieve and weak i was. i took people for face value. i ...

I think I may be gay or bi... but how do I find another man to find out?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5987 days ago

11 December 2007 (M - Hey, Been thinking a lot lately, and can't stop thinking about doing somehting with another guy. Don't know if I really want to have sex yet or anything, but I've really fantasized a lot about giving a blowjobto another guy, and also curious abo...

I've just realized I'm bisexual, and there's a long distance guy who wants me to be his boyfriend. But will that be too hard?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6067 days ago

10 December 2007 (M - i just recently realised that i'm bi and me (16) and this guy in another state(14) REALLY like each other and he wants me to be his boyfriend. I really don't know what to do because i've never done the whole long distance thing or the whole boyfrien...

I've got a crush on my boss--really need help!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5953 days ago

9 December 2007 (F - Hello Am looking for advice. I have a major crush on my boss and am alienating others cos of it. I keep making a fool out of myself even though i know he is gay and even if he wasn't he wouldn;t want me. What can I do to get him out of my head? ...

My friend thinks I'm straight, but I'm in love with her!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6052 days ago

9 December 2007 (F - I think I've always been bi.Since starting soccer(the lesbian day hangout where i'm from)I've made alot of lesbian freinds. I'm a major tom-boy so most people assume I'm gay, and I tell them I'm not. I recently kissed a girl, and it just felt ...

I talked to a boy from a fake account created for other purposes - and we fell in love, but he didn't know I was a boy! How can I make this right?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6054 days ago

9 December 2007 (M - Dear Cupid, I am a 17 year old male and I have done a terrible thing, something that I deeply regret and am ashamed of. About a year ago, a friend was having problems with her boyfriend and wanted to find out if he was cheating on her. So to c...

I finally admitted to being what?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6074 days ago

9 December 2007 (M - ive just told my girlfreind of 4 years that im bi and we have a child togeather although this is somthing i did not know i was until nearly falling for a lad at work now im stressed out she said that she is happy i told her and says that we cant ...

How can I cope with this crippling feeling?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6074 days ago

9 December 2007 (F - Ok, my problem is this... I have just split up with my girlfriend of 2 years. God I love her but she says she doesn't love me anymore. Well, actually she says she does love me, she just doesn't think it will work (we argue alot) and that she is ...

Should I keep my mouth shut and risk losing out?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6077 days ago

6 December 2007 (F - Hi... I'm a single lipstick lesbian and have recently started a new job which I absolutely love. The work is really fun and the people I work with are really lovely... I like one girl especially and I'm finding hard to read if she's gay or not? Sh...

I'm 19, bisexual, and have a crush on my teacher! Help!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6077 days ago

6 December 2007 (F - This sounds ridiculous, as I thought I'd stopped having crushes years ago, but here goes. I'm a 19 year old girl and I'm in love with my teacher at university. She's special, kind, considerate and is very beautiful. I'm in a relationship with a ...

I find that whenever I want someone, they're with someone else!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6077 days ago

5 December 2007 (F - dear cupid, i am 18 and gay, i met a girl three months back and really like her we got on so well there was definatly a spark between us. her best friend proposed to her a month after us meeting. and she told me honestly she didnt know what to do,...

Why do men look at she male porn?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6077 days ago

5 December 2007 (F - Why do men look at she male porn? Does it mean they are bi?...

My folks think I'm gay!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6078 days ago

5 December 2007 (M - Alright so I'm looking for advice as to what to do here. My folks think I am gay, I'm not sure why, but it's gotten pretty irritating. They haven't come right out and said it, but I can tell they think it. I came home a couple weeks ago ...

Could my husband be bisexual or gay?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6059 days ago

5 December 2007 (F - I'm questioning my husband as being gay/bisexual. We have three kids, have been married almost 10 years and have known each other for 20 yrs. Here are my thoughts: opened computer to find "(user name) is currently logged in" - this was a male ...

I've fallen in love with my best friend...shall I just forget it or take a shot at it??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6078 days ago

5 December 2007 (M - So heres the story.... about 3 years ago at college I found my best friend, and he is the best friend I could ever ask for. We both make each other laugh, on the same wavelength, we're practically married (heh). So I'm a gay guy, and I came out to h...

Torn between my gf and her brother. What can I do??

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6062 days ago

5 December 2007 (F - I am a bisexual and have been in a relationship with my girlfriend for the past two years and i am in love with her; however, before we got together, me and her brother were intimate. I still have very strong feelings for him and think i am in lo...

I'm a member of the clergy and I'm gay. How can I find a gay relationship and be cautious, at the same time?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6078 days ago

5 December 2007 (M - i am a mmember of the clergy..must be very discreet..not a pedophile but gay..want to have gay relationships with guys of legal age..but must be very very careful..i got burned once when a guy used me to get hush money..i only saw him was ...

How do I get her to open up about this without fearing I'd misjudge?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6078 days ago

4 December 2007 (M - i get the feeling when my wife was younger she may have had sex with one of her female friends how can i get her to open up about this it is not a bad thing i just want her to feel like she can tell me thing and not be judged...

How to let him down easy without lying?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6079 days ago

4 December 2007 (M - I'm bisexual leaning toward gay, but I haven't come out to most people yet. I'm falling for a friend who doesn't want to be with me, and now another one of my friends wants to get dinner and "talk." I'm afraid that he's going to tell me he likes ...

Should I ask her out even though I am very complicated??

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6081 days ago

2 December 2007 (F - Hi aunts, like everybody else on this site i need help, this is a situation ive never experienced before and ill do my best to explain. Im 24 years old and a lesbian. I work as a personal trainer/gymnastics instructor i also dance in a club,if ...

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