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Archived questions from: January, 2009 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I offered to have sex with my gay friend to "turn him straight"! What now?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5377 days ago

31 January 2009 (F - I'm going to be 16 soon. I've known this gay friend for years now and we're really good friends. I tell him everything and vice versa. A while ago, he was really depressed because the guy he likes for a long time finally decided to tell him the ...

I don't wanna be seen as coming between best friends.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5649 days ago

27 January 2009 (M - I am very much in love with my boyfriend however there are a few things which really upset me and I don't know how to approach him on these issues as I don't want to lose him. He would rather go out with a load of people and get drunk on valenti...

I'm scared he's going to cheat on me (maybe with a girl?)

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5659 days ago

27 January 2009 (M - I recently foundmy perfect boyfriend, and although it doesn't seem long we are celebrating 3 weeks together tomorrow. However pleased I am (as normally people get sick of me by now) I am sometimes worried as I think he is going to dump me at ...

I'm in a relationship but want to experiment with men--is it wrong?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5658 days ago

27 January 2009 (M - I am a 20 year old male with a crossdressing fetish. I have been interested in crossdressing since childhood, and as i hit puberty, it became much more of a sexual thing. I don't get to enjoy this fetish of mine very often however, due to the fact ...

Does my friend (married to female) have unusual gay tendencies?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5657 days ago

26 January 2009 (M - My friend is a bodybuilder at the gym I work out at. He have a pretty wife that works out there as well. He tells me he has anal sex with her most of the time - which is not ofter (every few weeks). He always complements me I my ass (I am a male - ...

Could I have developed bi tendences nearly over night???

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5660 days ago

26 January 2009 (M - Hi, I am 21 years old and have always believed myself to be 100% heterosexual, until recently (about a week ago to be exact) I have been thinking that I see or 'notice' guys. Sometimes I just think its psychological coz its as if i have developed bi ...

Straight girl gay guy, best friends? or more?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5645 days ago

25 January 2009 (F - I cant tell anyone I know :( and am so sorry that its lengthy but have a lot of complications! * Am I in love with my gay best friend? * Is my gay best mate not gay? Facts... *We're 22, *, best mates for 7 years and Still going strong. *dated...

I'm really confused and unsure If I'm being walked all over.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5658 days ago

24 January 2009 (M - Hello all ! I'm going through a bit of a confusing time regarding my relationship with my boyfriend. First of all I'm gay, but it shouldn't have any bearing on my dilemma. I know that you guys and girls give good advice cos I've seen it before! ...

Can she be straight but have feelings for me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5663 days ago

24 January 2009 (F - So I have this girl that I have been best friend's with for about 6 years now. When I came out about being bi last year she confessed that she had thought she had had some feelings for me for awhile. To make a VERY long story short, she felt she ...

How do I tell my Mom that I'm bi?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5663 days ago

23 January 2009 (M - Hi! In a moment my moms gonna come and check me Im now ready to come out and tell her that im bi.. My question is.. How do i tell her slowly? I dont want her to freak out! Plz help... Im really nervous ryt now.....

I'm always seeing him with another man

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5663 days ago

23 January 2009 (F - i have a problem with my bf,who i belived is a gay and he is keep on denying it,but i always see him with a another man and pretended that he is just a friend but i can feel something that its not right,when this is around,how can i be sure that he ...

Gay sex tips appreciated.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5661 days ago

23 January 2009 (M - hey there guys.. I've got a problem which is a tad sentitive. Well I'm 17 and I've been straight up until about 18 or so months ago.. where this belgian lad captured my heart. I've fallen deeply in love with him and yes I'm now fully gay in the...

Now she's a lesbian! Could dating me have been so bad that I've put her off men altogether?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5653 days ago

22 January 2009 (M - Hi, I recently dated a bisexual girl from my college. Our relationship was "okay" at best, but I never felt like she was interested in giving us a proper go. In the short time we dated, she canceled on me on several occasions, usually saying t...

I feel sex is so one sided with us...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5664 days ago

22 January 2009 (M - My boyfriend and I have been having problems that have almost split us up twice. I have a higher sex drive than he does but I have never been pushy, asked for sex or demanded it or anything like that. I have backed off so much trying to make t...

Friend seems to think I am gay and is following me around

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5665 days ago

21 January 2009 (M - Hi, well ill get straight to the point, i'm 15 and have a friend (i wouldnt call him a friend but he would probly call me his best friend) who i think may be gay (not that theres anything wrong with that) but he seems to be following me lit...

Lesbian - with homophobic parents and friends

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5660 days ago

20 January 2009 (F - It has been over the last year or so that I have really began to think about my sexuality, as well as various other thnigs as well (including religion etc.) as I am at the age when that thinking is to be done. A year back from now, I believed I was ...

I've got a g/f but can't get this guy out of my head

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5665 days ago

20 January 2009 (M - Hi Im bi sexual well im more into women really. Though i have been chatting to this older guy online. This guy gay and i have seen him on webcam and must say i find him attractive. He wants to meet for a beer and a chat but im not sure i have a gf...

I need to come out to my parents before my GF's stepmom outs me!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5666 days ago

20 January 2009 (F - I need some major help. On Friday my girlfriend and I will celebrate our one month anniversary. My parents have no clue I'm dating a girl or that I'm bisexual. My girlfriend's stepmom is a pain and treats her horribly. She punishes my gf con...

Is it cheating to kiss a girl when I have a boyfriend?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5666 days ago

20 January 2009 (F - I'm bisexual and i have a boyfrind. But is it wrong to check out other girls when i have a boyfriend? Is it cheating to kiss a girl, even though it is a different sex then my boyfriend?...

Why would she start an affair with me if she was happily married?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5653 days ago

19 January 2009 (F - Hello, I'm an 18 year old female that had just ended a two year emotional affair with my ex-teacher. This is how it began.... It was my junior year; I was 16 and she was 26 and hadn't been married for a month. At first she started coming o...

Do I tell my straight friend I'm gay?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5667 days ago

18 January 2009 (F - How do I tell my straight friend (Im NOT attracted to her in any way) that Ive known since we were both in the first grade that Im gay? Shes a good friend but we have never discussed r/ships or dating, shes never dated anyone,noone, yes she is...

We are both crossdressers...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5668 days ago

18 January 2009 (M - Here goes, I met a great guy in march 2008 he said he was gay however I saw him on a chat site as a bi cd! questioned him and he denied it! The answer he gave me was very plausible! believed him! had a great relationship with him since until he ran ...

How do you I flirt with a straight guy?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5669 days ago

17 January 2009 (M - HEY! i'm in love with a straight guy, but he dosent really i was just to flirt or give hints that you like him.....since everything i'm doing is completely useless!!!!! unfortunately my talents arent helping me i...

Suspicious of my husbands sexuality

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5643 days ago

16 January 2009 (F - please help! i have been married almost 4 years, and have been together 15 years. in the beginning my husband and i could not get enough of each other. now my husbands behavior is bothersome to me. i have suspicions that he could be bi. i caught him ...

Attracted to a girl in my class but I think she's straight...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5668 days ago

16 January 2009 (F - Ok, I really, really need help .I am a senior in high school; and I think I have a "Different" kind of crush. You see, I sit behind a girl in class, who I consider to be talkative and extremely annoying...But I think I have fallen for her. Recently ...

Am I just going thrugh a "gay" phase?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5671 days ago

15 January 2009 (M - I am pretty sure that I am gay and I'im 14 but I've been slowly getting stronger feelings about women so does that mean that I'm just going through a gay phase?...

I want to confess and tell my friend I have feelings for her...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5671 days ago

15 January 2009 (F - Honesty.. I have been in love with this girl I'll call her X better.. So, I have loved X for almost 5 years, actually only 4 years and few weeks. Not many people know that I'm a lesbian. I have not even confessed to her yet but I'm struggli...

Is he making a move on me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5668 days ago

15 January 2009 (M - HEY!!!!!!!YALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!its me lotmoney13!!!!!back again!!!!!!!! you all know that im a gay male and that i have certain.....feelings for one of my friends.......but thats not what i need help on this time...... So...

I want to leave because I can't trust him any more.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5670 days ago

15 January 2009 (M - hello i have a question to ask should i stay or leave him alone. hi i am 24 yr old male from chicago, illinois i have a boyfriend who i have known for almost for two years and i been through so much with him. he had a stroke in feb 2007 when we ...

Not sure what these feelings mean?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5657 days ago

14 January 2009 (F - I'm 16 and I'm confused. I've dated a few guys but never felt an actual attraction to any of them. I tried dating a girl once and I thought I felt something, but I just figured that it was more the desire to be with someone than an actual attraction ...

What must I do to keep him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5669 days ago

14 January 2009 (M - i'm a gay guy, aged 23 and i fell in love with this guy, aged 36. i really, genuinely love this guy and would do anything for him. however, he is the type that looks around, not only to other guys but women also. last weekend he broke up with me and ...


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13 January 2009 (M - Hi, I'm gay, and my straight male friends, who are willing to tell me what size they are, about their first time, go very quiet when I ask them to describe what a bloke feels during intercourse with a girl. I don't ask them to share anything ...

I don't know if I'm gay!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5099 days ago

13 January 2009 (M - i am i 15 year old boy and im having problems i don't know if im gay, people think im gay at times. i like to masturbate to gay porn then after that i have no more feelings for it, i started looking at a women and i masturbated a couple of times to ...

She really wants me to give her some oral sex. I don't have a clue what to do!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5669 days ago

12 January 2009 (F - Hey I'm using my sisters account. I'm a sixteen year old guy and I need some help from guys and girls. I have been with my girl for about a month and she really wants me to give her some oral sex. I don't have a clue what to do! I mean I kind of do ...

In love but hugely sexually incompatable - what to do!?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5674 days ago

12 January 2009 (M - I am a 25 year old gay man in a very loving and committed relationship of four years. Everything is perfect except for the fact that I have the strongest of desires to have sex at least every day while my boyfriend would be happy with once a week...

In love with my best girl mate

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5675 days ago

11 January 2009 (F - Right, it all started a few months ago. I was at her house for a sleepover, and we started talking about our fantasies, and it finally came to "do you like girls?", and I'm like: "I was going to ask you that question." So she says, "is that a...

I kissed my lesbian teacher

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4785 days ago

11 January 2009 (F - right so my lezbian teacher asks me to stay after school so i did.she starts talking to me about responsibility and all that and then starts feeling and rubbing my the time it was makin me feel quite uncomfortable but then she leaned in for ...

I'm gay, he's straight (he says)..I want to make a move

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5159 days ago

11 January 2009 (M - okay, in order for me to avoid sounding like an idiot. i should explain. I'm gay, and I've fallen for a "straight" boy. We'll call him Sea. Sea dated a good friend of mine once, a girl. but he told her he was bisexual. he know kind of denys it...

She cheated and now I don't get horny anymore

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5676 days ago

11 January 2009 (F - I am a lesbian and my girlfriend like to have sex but i dont get horny any more after she cheated on me a year ago i do love her and want to keep her what should i do ...

Why is he sleeping with me when he has a girlfriend?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5653 days ago

8 January 2009 (M - Hay i need help!! Here is the Story. I am gay and this lad is straight, His name is Lloyd. I know him from school we used to hang out after school get drunk on a Friday night and stuff. Then one night he courts me and this over straight lad doing ...

In love with a player who is replacing my twin sister by flirting with me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5679 days ago

7 January 2009 (M - This is terrible, I'm falling in love with a playboy. At our school he's known as a Prince, although I don't quite agree with that. Opposites attract, I'm more of the quiet shy type and he's the guy who parties all night long and has sex with random ...

How can I prove to guys that I'm not after their girlfriends?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5680 days ago

6 January 2009 (M - I have a lot of girls that are friends, I mean like 60% odd. I think guys feel threatened by me because of this, im kinda confused about my sexuality right now to be honest and i'm not sure how I can show these guys that I dont fancy their ...

How do you tell another guy you like him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5675 days ago

5 January 2009 (M - How do you actually tell a guy that you like him without actually telling him straight up.. by the way I'm a guy....

My boyfriend of 6 months just cheated on me on New Years Eve.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5675 days ago

5 January 2009 (M - My boyfriend of 6 months just cheated on me on New Years Eve. He was out of town for work. The week prior we spent Christmas together with my family and his. The thing is his family is still coming to terms with the fact that he's gay. It was a big ...

I'm gay and want to tell one of my best friends but just don't know how to tell her. Please help!!!!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5669 days ago

5 January 2009 (M - Ok I'm just gonna say it all at I de so bare with me. I 15 and I'm an the closet gay. I have a really really good friend who live across the road from me. We hang out all the time and go to the service station for slurpees all the time together. I ...

Do I tell her that I am a lesbian?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5663 days ago

5 January 2009 (F - We are best friends, and I have pretty much fallen head over for her (and have liked her for like the last 3 years...) She is ridiculously cuddly with me, we act like a couple in many ways already. She has no idea that I am a lesbian, I was ...

How do I tell my best friend I have feelings for him?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5669 days ago

5 January 2009 (M - I am a 21 year old male college student and I have recently become involved in what is easily the strangest romantic predicament of my life. To give you a little background, I am a masculine closeted bisexual guy who has been with a few guys but has ...

Best reputable websites to meet other gays?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5682 days ago

4 January 2009 (F - Hi Guys Sorry if this sounds stupid and long but recently I came out as a lesbian after my girlfriend dumped me. I'm okay about the break up what's confusing is that I want to start dating again but I don’t do the whole gay scene. I've been try...

Should I tell my old school friend that I fancy her in a sexual way?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5675 days ago

4 January 2009 (F - Okay i am 23 years old and have never been in a relationship before. I have been on a few dates with guys before but it has never lead anywhere. I have only ever kissed a guy before. recently i found out that an old school friend of mine is...

I like him but he has HIV, and I don't. Should I give this up?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5682 days ago

4 January 2009 (M - I have been single for a five years now and have become quite happy on my own. I love my life, my friends, my family, my home and my work. Truth be told I haven't bothered to search for a partner during the last year and a half simply because I ...

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