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Archived questions from: August, 2014 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Advice for visiting a lesbian bar alone?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3616 days ago

31 August 2014 (F - Hi, so I'm gay and I've been out about 5 months. I've been in one short relationship but that's it. I've recently moved to London and really want to meet other lesbians for friendship and possible dating as I have very few friends here. Does anyone ...

Are we friends? More than friends?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3621 days ago

27 August 2014 (F - Dear Cupid, Thanks for taking the time to read this, here it goes! So I'm a 1 19 year old girl, and I've really fancied this girl who's 21 for around 2 years, on and off but I've always thought about her. It started on a weekend away two years a...

My girlfriend and I are not speaking .... AGAIN!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 3624 days ago

24 August 2014 (F - Well my girlfriend and I arn't speaking again. She literally makes me feel nuts with how double standard she is. We were talking about how you can fall in love with two people, she claims she would be okay if I cheated on her and fell for someone...

Need help breaking up with girlfriend!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3627 days ago

19 August 2014 (F - I'm dating a girl, and I just don't know how to break up with her. She is nice and sweet, but I don't want to break her heart. If possible I want to remain her friend. Remember we are both girls here. Now the reason I want to break up with her...

I want to move on from my crush!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3630 days ago

18 August 2014 (F - Hello everyone! Thank you for taking your time out to read this. I'm a 17 year old girl, and basically...I'm pretty sure I'm straight but there's this one girl in my entire social circle that I am madly in love with. I'm not interested in girls at...

We agreed to be exclusive, she says sex with another woman doesn't count!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 3629 days ago

18 August 2014 (M - I've been with a woman for about a month, we just recently had the talk and decided to be exclusive but not official. Deciding to take things slow. Last night she decided to attempt to see if she could do anything sexually with another woman. She ...

I've discovered I'm bi and I'm scared

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3631 days ago

16 August 2014 (F - I have recently found out (i say recently, bout, what, 4months ago?) Found out that i am bisexual. I am quit scared" as i believe that gay relationships are wierd and creepy and so are the people in them. Also i have no idea what any of my ...

Crushes on a friend and a cousin

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3632 days ago

16 August 2014 (F - I am bisexual and have a very strong crush on one of my girl friends, S. However, if that isnt bad enough, I have recently developed a crush on my male cousin A. I know that S will hate me for loveing her, but i have reason to suspect that A reterns ...

Do I travel with her, or go no contact?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3632 days ago

16 August 2014 (F - Hey guys. I posted on here a couple of weeks ago and I need some additional advice. The background: My girlfriend and I split up a little over two weeks ago (both women). It wasn't a lack of love that caused the split. She's just been suffering f...

How can I tell if it is safe to be 'out' at this school? And how do I make friends?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3626 days ago

12 August 2014 (? - I am approaching becoming a freshman in high school where I will know absolutely nobody beforehand . This in itself is extremely stressful but on top of that, I am someone who has recently come out as gay. And I don't know how the school is on that ...

Husband on Zoosk Looking for Men

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3636 days ago

12 August 2014 (F - I found out last night that my husband is on Zoosk looking for men. This has been going on since at least 7/2012 - but his paid subscription ran out around the end of 1/2014. However he looks at this every 1-4 days. He ha his relationship status ...

I don't think my ex can really accept that she is gay

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3640 days ago

8 August 2014 (F - Hey guys. So I'm struggling at the moment. I had been with my girlfriend (same sex) for about two years. I can't be 100% certain, but I'm fairly certain that she broke up with me because she doesn't want to be gay. A little background. We m...

Do you think the age difference of 3 years is a problem for two teenagers?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 3639 days ago

7 August 2014 (F - So, I'm 17 years old, and I'm a lesbian. I'm talking to this girl, we'll call her "M," and she's about to be 14. We started talking through Facebook, and I didn't know her age by looking at her profile. She told me, and I had no problems with it. ...

I'm falling for my room mate but I don't think I"m his type!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3637 days ago

7 August 2014 (M - I'm a gay man i happen to have a room mate who is also gay, he is my subordinate at work and considers us as friends, but as time passes by, as i know him more, i think i'm falling in love with him, we talk a lot about he likes on a guy, and ...

Advice for talking to my parents about being bisexual

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 3642 days ago

6 August 2014 (F - I am bisexual but dont know how to tell my parents. I dont have a clue what their veiws on the LGBT community are and cant find out because i CANT talk to them about love or relationships or that AT ALL so i dunno what 2 do cuz... yeh. Should i ...

My girlfriend doesn't want me to masturbate. How do I handle this?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 3642 days ago

6 August 2014 (F - I am in my early twenties and I am a girl seeing another girl about my age. I do not personally think masturbation is wrong but my girlfriend insists that she does not like the idea of me masturbating although I only do it when we cannot be intimate ...

Are these signs my girlfriend is cheating?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3643 days ago

5 August 2014 (F - I really need outside insight on my relationship. All advice is appreciated. I'm a lesbian in a relationship with another woman. We just rekindled in June after not being together for a year. We had dated 3 years before I left in 2013. Anyways my ...

I've fallen for her more, we have so much in common .......

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3644 days ago

2 August 2014 (? - Hey guys, just hoping for a little advice on this one... I have liked the same girl for close to 3 years now (she is also gay) but I never knew her to speak to. When I got a job in April (after returning for the summer from uni), we started chatt...

Its so hard to break from someone when you both still love one another!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3642 days ago

1 August 2014 (F - Please help. I need some good advice, as this situation has me very upset. My gf (both women) and I were together for two years. I loved this woman more than I've ever loved another soul before. I wanted to share my future with her. I've never ...

How should I handle the fact that private information about me was revealed to others by a ''friend''?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3647 days ago

1 August 2014 (F - Ok, so, I have had this crush on one of my female friends,who i will refer 2 as SN, for months now, and i had only told 1 person im a bi female, my best friend. SN is one of my best friends 2 other best friends. So anyway, i got sick of keeping it f...

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