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Archived questions from: April, 2010 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I secretly fancy this woman at work...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5201 days ago

30 April 2010 (F - I secretly fancy this woman at work. Problem is I don't know if she is interested in women. I am planning to leave my job next month and also want to express my feelings to her but don't know how. She could be married or have a boyfriend. I am a ...

Should I sacrifice my own dream wedding for my family?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5201 days ago

30 April 2010 (F - I have a Big Problem and its very Complicated I was born a man and I dress like a woman I act like a woman I do everything like a woman but I don't like men I have a girlfriend but she dressess like a man and acts like a man so basically she's the ...

Be silent and keep her or speak up and lose her??

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5202 days ago

29 April 2010 (F - *OP's own title* We were classmates in kindergarten then she transferred to another school in grade school.. in highschool we were classmates again up until 2nd year.. then she transferred again to another city. we lost contact for 10 years and then...

Does watching gay porn mean I am a lesbian?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5185 days ago

29 April 2010 (F - hi last night i had a dream i was having lesbian sex with a stunning blonde girl, and lately i have also been masturbating to lesbian porn. im a girl and have a boyfriend who i love been with him for years and im definatly sure of my sexualit...

Should I go for it despite being unsure if he is gay or straight?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5197 days ago

29 April 2010 (M - Hello, I am in love with my best friend but he's been in many straight relationships but after looking at everything I think he's gay too but it's against his religon! Well my best friend that was a really nice person that always helped me and wh...

Wondering whether to be honest about 'cheating' before he moves in

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5203 days ago

29 April 2010 (F - i need advice...bad! i have been with my boyfriend for two years now and we have been through alot together and still have remained in a relationship. things were going to so well but then i kissed another girl. you see i am bi. but this isn...

Should I tell anyone that I am starting to have feelings for other guys?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5196 days ago

28 April 2010 (M - Hey I'm going through puberty and I'm only starting though I'm starting to have feelings for...guys! I am seriously starting to freak out I started having feelings for girls but not anymore I don't feel turned on looking at boobs 0% ! I started to ...

I'm gay and I love my straight best friend!

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4904 days ago

27 April 2010 (M - i'm gay and i love my straight best friend, but he doesn't treat me like that. i always give him clues that i love him but he reacts negatively or doesn't react at all. even my classmates are noticing it but i think he treats me like i don't exist ...

I'm a bisexual girl falling for my best friend, a gay guy!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5202 days ago

27 April 2010 (F - I'm a bisexual girl and my problem is that i'm falling for my gay best friend (he's a guy). We've been friends for ages and I knew from the start he was gay but we've grown really close. I know many gay guys kiss girls and it doesn't mean any...

My b/f still in closet, I understand, but I want to be with him!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5205 days ago

26 April 2010 (M - I'm a guy and i have been dating this guy for the past 4 and half months and in the beginning everything was fine, we saw each other every week and we talked just about every single day, up until 2 months ago when things began to change, seeing him ...

Unprotected sex that I didn't want, now what?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5201 days ago

26 April 2010 (M - I am gay and without me realising ended up having unprotected anal sex. I am freaking out! Sorry for the details but here they are... Things were moving along and I sat up to put a condom on myself and he was like we're not f***ing yet, so ...

FInding gay guys and picking them up!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5205 days ago

26 April 2010 (M - The thing is I am gay! and I've been wanting a boyfriend for about three years and I can't wait anymore! I need a boyfriend or I'll go Nuts. The thing is I have friends that are straight a I don't fancy them I see them as friends but the thing is if ...

Will masturbating make my penis bigger?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5199 days ago

26 April 2010 (M - Hi! I am Gay and in my Teens and have an issue that I need help with. The thing is that I am unsure about the results of masturbating. I have a regular size penis but I want to know if masturbation or time will change my penis to regular size for my ...

Its very upsetting to me that I can't satisfy my partner the way he does me

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5154 days ago

25 April 2010 (M - I am gay and my boyfriend and I have been together for almost over 2 and a half years now. I love him with all my heart, so much it hurts when I have to be away from him. As corny as it sounds he completes me, just thinking of him makes me happy, ...

Want to be with older man but I always say the wrong things to him!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5206 days ago

25 April 2010 (M - Well I find myself always having this guy run through my head. i want him in my life and i wanna spend time with him. The problem is I'm 18 and he's 31. I've always thought of myself mature for my age. But being gay and just recently coming out ...

I cant get over his past! Why sleep with so many women when he is gay, not bi?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5206 days ago

25 April 2010 (M - I'm a twenty-year-old gay guy. I'm a virgin and I've waited my entire life to find that one right person to share sex with - something so important to me. I understand that sex doesn't have to be something extremely important and that lots of people ...

My mom doesn't like the fact that I'm a lesbian!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5206 days ago

25 April 2010 (F - Me and my girlfriend broke up last year and I took it pretty bad. My mum had an idea I was a lesbian through knowing other people I have liked but last year was my first gay relationship. My friends stopped talking to me and I had no one. My mum ...

I like him and want to know if he's gay

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5204 days ago

25 April 2010 (M - Hi I am in my teens and I'm gay. Recently I've accepted me for who I am and now I am excited to have a gay relationship maybe to much though, the thing is when we walk around our local City I can't help but look at guys and check them out and wonder ...

He says he's 100 percent straight but I love him

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5154 days ago

24 April 2010 (M - Hi, i'm Alex, 17 and gay. I met my now best friend about 8 months ago in collage. He is the most amazing person i have ever met, And i fell completely in love with him. For 8 months i have had intense feelings for him, and would do anything to b...

I wonder sometimes if I should be more bothered by his cheating

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5208 days ago

23 April 2010 (M - my boyfriend told me last night that he cheated on me 3 times with 3 different guys. like any other boyfriend, I sorta freaked out. But an hour later, it didnt really phase me at all. Before I got with him, I knew he had a history of cheating with ...

I dreamt I had a penis and had sex with a woman! Why does this all mean?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5205 days ago

23 April 2010 (F - This is a really personal dream. I mean – I feel weird about being open about this but I really want to know what it meant… Before I begin, anyone reading this should understand that I’m female in real life. I’m heterosexual. And yes, I've had a ...

Bisexual boyfriend has cheated twice but I can't leave!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5208 days ago

23 April 2010 (M - So my bi-boyfriend, the man I have loved for the longest time, the man I have sacrificed so much of my time and have given my entire self to, has just revealed to me that he cheated on me twice: once when we just got to gether, and the second with ...

How do I go about getting in my first ever gay relationship?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5208 days ago

23 April 2010 (M - First of all, I'm a 21 yr old college student. I came out to myself 3 years ago but only started to get more involved with the the gay community last year when i started living at school. Last weekend, me and a few friends went to a party. We ...

Closeted lesbian, homophobic society and loveless relationship, please help!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5208 days ago

23 April 2010 (F - I am a 30yr old lesbian from a small town in India. I have a problem which is weighing my heart down because ending my 5 yr relationship seems to be the only solution, i can formulate. I hope you will be patient in reading my letter and giving me ...

I'm bi-curious, should I give it a try?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5208 days ago

22 April 2010 (F - okay so i just found out my friend is a lesbian. i am totally grossed out. she has asked me to get physical with her but i said i dont know. i then had a dream the other night that we had sex and i liked it. i kind of want to give it a try now. what ...

I like her but she only wants to be friends

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5209 days ago

22 April 2010 (F - I'm 14, female, and bi. My close friend, who is also a female has been changing her mind with me for the past 7 months. She's said that she might have feelings for me, then takes it back. We've kissed before (my first kiss) thats when I first ...

I wish she would come back

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5209 days ago

22 April 2010 (F - I am still so in love with my ex girlfriend I can't stop thinking about her a year later. We met at the place I used to work went out for 8 months and both fell in love. She ended things cos I was always so picky and messed everything up..completely ...

I always fall in love with straight guys. Can it stop?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5209 days ago

22 April 2010 (M - Hi all, I am gay.. even though I have not admited openly to anyone yet (and mean it.. i did a couple of times but guys around or girls think I am kidding, even though I say it seriously), 21 years old and a virgin. Well, the fact is that i ...

She says I'm being rude and has given me an ultimatum!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5209 days ago

22 April 2010 (F - I am having fights with my fiancee almost everyday which she is a woman btw....for instance this morning she takes me to work every morning and drops me off i was tired and didnt want to drive so i asked her the night before if she wouldnt mind ...

I get so scared and nervous around him!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5210 days ago

22 April 2010 (M - So for back ground information, I"m a 16 year old gay male and my boyfriend is 17. We've been together for 4 months. Well everything is perfect with our relationship, he's the perfect bf. We could spend hours talking about nothing. Hes smart, f...

He's seems angry all the time and I don't know why

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4469 days ago

22 April 2010 (M - My boyfriend and I, (we are both gay) recently moved in together about a month and a half ago. Lately, however, he seems like he's always angry at me or just cranky. Today, when he came home, he didn't even smile or say hello to me. He just went ...

Should I keep my account a secret from my family?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5205 days ago

21 April 2010 (M - Hi I asked a question about a week ago 'Am I Gay or Bi?' and gave read the answers and most if you said Im Gay so I was happy that the decision is made so I joined a Teen Chat Site for Gays and I'm happy chatting and stuff but I hate sneaking around ...

What should I do? I love him, but he keeps hurting me....

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5211 days ago

21 April 2010 (M - hi everyone, Well first a little background. I am gay, fully out to my family and friends and I am accepted by all of them. My boyfriend is bisexual, hes not out to anyone in his family and only out to a few friends. his family is very conserva...

I want a boyfriend! How do I go about getting one when I am the only gay in my school?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5210 days ago

21 April 2010 (M - Hi I am in my teens and I'm gay. I've been masturbating to gay sex like millions if time and I feel pleasured but the thought that makes me have an orgasm is having a boyfriend and there's no gays in my school except me but no one knows. ...

She's curious about a girlfriend

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5211 days ago

21 April 2010 (M - recently i have noticed a string of changes between me and my girlfriend. on sunday evening, she opened up and told me while she is in love with me, there is another person who she shares feelings for. i am male, the other person is female. s...

Could I be attracted to this employee?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5153 days ago

21 April 2010 (F - I have a terrible problem. I am a 50 odd year old female and a manager at a very successful company. I am quite a strict manager. I admit I can be a bit rotten to a certain few of my underlings. I have always been terribly mean to one of...

How can I stop acting dumb around boys?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5210 days ago

20 April 2010 (M - Hi I am Gay and I have so much problems but I'm only gonna talk about one. I Act so Dumb around all my guy straight friends and all boys in my year and the thing is I haven't told them I've only told one person wich is my friend that's a girl and I ...

Is it just me or is it getting hard to find a boyfriend these days?

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20 April 2010 (M - since last summer i have been single, i am so bored of it all of my ex-boyfriends have boyfriends and so do all of my friends. . .this is pissing me off and being a pain in my ass i have tried to find a boyfriend and i have joined 3 gay dating ...

He's straight and I'm gay. How can I stop falling in love with him?

This question has 27 answers - newest was posted 4882 days ago

19 April 2010 (M - I'm gay and I love one of my best friends and I told them a couple of months ago. They made it clear that they aren't, but they said that they respected the fact that I'm gay. I feel awkward when ever I pass him in the halls at school and I tryed to ...

We're both female but I love her so much!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5212 days ago

19 April 2010 (F - I've fallen completely in love with a girl and she said she likes me too and we've kissed but she said she doesnt want to be a lesbian and doesnt want to be in a relationship with a girl. she said she doesnt want to be the subject of gossip or ...

She forced me to tell her that I was gay! Leave it or tell her I was lying?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5206 days ago

19 April 2010 (M - Hi I've just cone back from school and last lesson I was a bit awkward because over the holidays I discovered I was gay and I'm not sure how I should act around my friends (that are straight guys) and my classes because my personality has sort of ...

My friend keeps dragging me around then leaving me for someone else

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5212 days ago

18 April 2010 (F - Hi, A year or so ago my friend came out as bisexual. At first I was okay with it, but now its going over the top, she's 14 years old and talks to girls she doesnt know over the internet and arranges to meet up with them, she asks me to go...

I'm very confused... am I gay or bi?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5206 days ago

18 April 2010 (M - Hi I am 13 and I am Bi (like guys more than girls though) I am too confused to label myself bi because i'm definetley like guys much more than girls the only thing about girls is i like their personality and thats all with guys i like everything ...

I have a boyfriend but I think I'm a lesbian!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4914 days ago

18 April 2010 (F - Hi everybody, I'm a senior girl in high school and i've never really had a boyfriend before. I've had some dreams about girls for 2 or 3 years and already asked dearcupid to know if it meant something or not. They said it's just hormones and my ...

Should I 'come out' to my family?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5213 days ago

18 April 2010 (M - (Mod note: Two questions combined from this OP Hi I am Robbie. I'm Gay. My family have been noticing me being awkward and I've been saying nothings wrong when in Fact there is. Over the Easter I admitted to myself that I'm Gay and I've been sort of ...

Bisexual friends in an awkward situation... How can I help?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5213 days ago

18 April 2010 (F - dear aunts and uncles.this is a tricky one because its not my problem but the difficulties between 2 of my friends who i love dearly and want to help! one of my best friends (il call her laura for the sake of this) is a closet bisexual. im one...

Is he gay or did he lie to me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5213 days ago

18 April 2010 (M - Greetings, I am a 20 year old virgin guy... and I think I am gay. Noone knows I am gay because I don't even know if I am for sure gay or bi. I feel attracted to both sexes but since I am still a virgin I am afraid of going with either for sex b...

Fiance cheating on me with men?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5213 days ago

18 April 2010 (F - My fiance actively seeks head from other men via the computer. I'm so confused right now. He is a manly man and has a history of being with women (2 children with his ex). He travels for business (airline) alot of the time. When he's away, he ...

So many breakups! I'm heartbroken and!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5211 days ago

18 April 2010 (F - Hi, I'm a teenage lesbian. I thought I'd introduce myself but I can't state my name in here, for safety. I came out a year ago. I didn't want to, I wasn't ready but I was forced. My mother was scrolling through my Youtube channel and found me ...

How will I make guy friends at my new school if I am gay?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5214 days ago

17 April 2010 (M - Hi Im 13 and also Gay. I realised I was when I was thinking about my Best Friend and realised I fancied him but he's straight and always talked about his relationship problems and said his mum caught him watching porn but Is this just something to ...

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