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Archived questions from: August, 2010 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Is this love or am I just obsessed?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5080 days ago

30 August 2010 (M - A few months ago I met a guy and am now in a wonderful relationship with him. The problem I'm having is I feel majorly depressed if I don't get to see him for a day or two. I wasn't even looking for or particularly wanting a relationship. I'...

This is just a complicated mess!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5076 days ago

29 August 2010 (M - Hello, I am a 24 year old male and my boyfriend (25) broke up with my for another guy (28) about 3 weeks ago. We are all bisexual. His new guy is in an "open" relationship with his girlfriend of 6 years and they also have a 3 year old baby tog...

I think I am in love with a girl I consider my sister!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5072 days ago

29 August 2010 (F - Hi there world, i am actually a confused soul...and i need help to figure out my problem. quite recently, i made friends with a senior of mine in college, who used to intimidate me.. we grew close and soon we called each other sisters. thats h...

Should I consider marriage to a woman if I'm probably gay?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5064 days ago

29 August 2010 (M - Hi I am a 23 year old guy and most probably gay. I am predominately attracted physically to men (like 90 %) with the rest for feelings for women :s I have not come out yet, and live in an indian, religous household where being gay is for...

Why doesn't she understand we were both wrong?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5082 days ago

28 August 2010 (F - My girlfriend and I have been together for a little over 3 years.. We both brought children into the relationship. Things transpired and we both ended up cheating on eachother. Her's was physical, and mine was disrespectful also. She cheated on me ...

Is this wrong doing this? and I'm worried how my parents will act

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5078 days ago

28 August 2010 (M - hi i need help m boyfriend is comeing over from the uk tomorrow and i am worried as my perants dont know a lot about him i want them to meet him and fall in love with him as much as i do as hes comeing from the uk to the us the only one who knows ...

Should I come out to her or not?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5081 days ago

28 August 2010 (M - I've been giving advice on this website for a while now but eventually figured I need some help myself. To start off, I am an 18-year-old bisexual guy and my sexuality is not really the problem in this case. I've been bisexual my whole life, star...

How do I forgive her and trust her again?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5083 days ago

28 August 2010 (F - My lesbian girlfriend of three years cheated on me with my male friend who was staying with us. I will never talk to him again, but i'm still with her. I understand why she did it and i want to forgive her and trust her again but I'm really ...

Should I tell her all this?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5084 days ago

26 August 2010 (F - Ok, so I recently met this girl, online. I have an account on one of these LGBT comunity sites, and I never randomly message anyone but I get a lot of girls messaging me. And they usually happen to live in the same area, but they're always really ...

I'm in love with a gay man!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5084 days ago

26 August 2010 (? - I am not exactly sure how to ask this question. I have become extrememly close to a co worker of mine. We just instantly clicked from the beginning. I absolutely love him. He is gay, but I was wondering is there certain degrees of being gay. I ...

I've started thinking of my partner more as a relative than a mate

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5075 days ago

25 August 2010 (M - I have been with my partner for over 19 years. At the moment I am very confused. Our dog passed away unexpectedly a month ago which has had a massive impact on me. I truly belive he represented a child to us and help the relationship ...

I want to be with my male cousin again but he said he doesn't want to do it again, how can I make him more comfortable?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5083 days ago

25 August 2010 (M - hey guys, I am 17 yo old and Bi-curious. A while ago my cousin and I masturbated together and this included doing it for each other. I thought it was great and at the time he enjoyed himself too. However, it has been some time since we did thi...

I want to kiss my bestfriend!!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5086 days ago

24 August 2010 (F - My best (girl) friend and I are extremely close. We talk about everything. I absolutely love her in a best friend way...but the problem is that I think she loves me in a different way. When we hug she pushes her boobs up against me and I can feel ...

My weird fantasy...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5086 days ago

24 August 2010 (? - I have got this fantasy that I want to kiss a girl (I'm a girl too). I'm not a lesbian and I'm not bi. I'm rather curious. I mentioned this to my bf a couple of times and I made it seem as a joke, he told me that this would be cheating and that he ...

I Want to date my bestfriend, we are both girls.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5085 days ago

24 August 2010 (? - So over the past week I have been hanging out a lot with my best friend. But not like friends. We have been having sex with each other. She and I have known each other for about 4 yrs and never did any of this til recently. I like it and don't ...

My boyfriend's family wont accept me because they cannot accept their son is gay, should I leave him alone even though we want to be together?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5069 days ago

24 August 2010 (M - my boyfriend is having trouble with his parents accpeting the fact that he likes guys.... i know that they dont like me for that reason and might attempt to get me into trouble about this should i leave him alone even thought we really want to be ...

I still love I bi?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5086 days ago

24 August 2010 (F - So, i met this girl in 9th grade(im a junior now) and we instantly became good friends. She was always my shoulder to cry on. Not only that but we became physically close, she would always sit on my lap and always asked me to put my arms around her ...

I don't feel anything for the man I used to love.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5086 days ago

24 August 2010 (M - Hey there, I've been dating a guy for about two years now, and we've been engaged for one year and a few months. We were very happy when we first met each other and continued to be happy for the first year; however, now that I'm in college for m...

Does my lesbian girlfriend like guys?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4978 days ago

24 August 2010 (? - [OP original title] My lesbian girlfriend cheated on me with a guy. She claims she doesn't like guys but in my heart I don't believe it. What should I do? We have been together almost 3years, this occured 2 years ago and I still feel the same way....

Are these signs that he could be gay?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5051 days ago

24 August 2010 (F - Is he gay? I have this friend I think is gay I'm not totally sure but my friends keep asking me and I don't know i would be a bit down because I really like him but the way he walks is slightley feminin and he smokes so he smokes a little bit gayi...

Would experimenting make me gay?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5086 days ago

24 August 2010 (M - I am a guy who has been completely straight all my life, but I have always had a fascination with well endowed men in porn. I have thought about trying out a "big" guy (just oral probably) to satisfy my curiosity. Would this make me gay, or is it ...

Am I a lesbian or bisexual?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5087 days ago

24 August 2010 (F - i'm so confused if i'm a lesbian or bisexual or something like that , but the problem is i dont want to , i want to be straight . i always attracted by girls , i never have the intense feeling with boys ,as maximum i only feel just wow this guy so ...

I'm not bi but I think I like my friend!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5086 days ago

24 August 2010 (F - O.k first of all me and my best friend are like the closest ppl u will ever meet. She has a boyfriend and all and thats cool the only problem being is I think I'm attracted to her I don't know why I mean I am very straight believe me but when she ...

Caught him with a man! I don't know how I can trust him!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5087 days ago

23 August 2010 (F - My name is Thelma. My boyfriend and I met a few years ago, we were friends for months before we ended up dating. We've been dating for over 2 years. He and I have never had sex, as of right now I am almost 26 and he was 2 years older than me. We ...

Help with man in denial

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5086 days ago

23 August 2010 (F - I have dated a man that is in denial. I love him with all of my heart and want to him to be happy. He has in past fallen into drug addiction and much of it relates to his denial. Recently he decided that church could cure him of both his addictions ...

Should I listen to reason or heart?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5085 days ago

23 August 2010 (M - This could probably be a little long since the situation I got myself into is kind of complicated but I’ll try my best to explain and I appreciate you taking the time to read and reply. I am 26 and bisexual. I have had relationships wi...

I messed up with my friend this weekend! What should I say to him?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5086 days ago

23 August 2010 (M - i can't beleive this weekend and how badly i messed up. i'm 16, male, and wondered in the past if i might be bi or gay although i've dated girls. my parents were out of town so i asked a friend if he wanted to stay over and party with me. he's my ...

What to do...the ones that like me I don't like that way, and the ones I like, don't like me...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5087 days ago

22 August 2010 (M - Hi there, I'm going through a bit of a problem and was hoping for some advice. I am gay and I love going out into the gay scene but where I stay theres only 1 bar/club in the city so everybody goes there. I never had any gay friends or any...

Its killing me not to be able to tell him how I feel

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5087 days ago

22 August 2010 (M - I know you probably get a lot of questions like this on here, so I regret to tell you that this is another one of them. I apologize if this seems a little long winded, but I need to get this all off my chest and I've always thought that it's ...

Is there any chance my straight best friend will fall for me, a teen gay?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5088 days ago

22 August 2010 (M - I know this question has been asked by many a gay guy, but i was hoping for a more specific answer. My friendship with this guy started rather oddly (he is the same age as me and we have actually been at school together for the past 5 years). He was ...

My friend is in love with me!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5089 days ago

21 August 2010 (F - Dear Cupid, I recently found out that one of my closest friends is in love with me. I've known for a while that she'd liked me, but I had no idea that her feelings were as strong as she explained to me. She went on and on, telling me that ...

How to tell my boyfriend I'm a lesbian?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5086 days ago

21 August 2010 (F - hello i need help, i have a boyfriend and we have been going out for a long time now i reguarly see him and kiss and stuff and our parents and everyone are ok with that. we were talking once about safe sex and stuff so a few weeks later we gave ...

Should I come out to my family? And how do I tell them?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5090 days ago

20 August 2010 (M - Dear Readers, I'm a closeted gay and I'm have a difficult situation. Let's start at the begining... Two weeks ago me and my best mate were just walking in the park and we were casually walking and I tripped but his foot was in front of mine and...

Sexuality : I think I'm confused?!And I need help breaking a habit!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5025 days ago

20 August 2010 (F - I sometimes feel like I might be lesbian. At one point I was almost entirely sure that I was lesbian but there are days when I feel like i'm 100% staright AND then there are days when I feel like i'm just bisexual or curious. What makes me questio...

I'm straight, I've been straight, except when it comes to this one girl?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5091 days ago

20 August 2010 (F - Okay, so the situation here is that I've always liked guys since elementary school and I didn't even know what the term "gay/lesbian/bisexual" meant until I was in 7th grade. (Yes, I lived a sheltered life, but that's not the point here) And even ...

Do I tell her I've loved her for so long?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5090 days ago

19 August 2010 (F - I'll try and make this short! Basically I have been in love with a very close friend of mine for around 4/5 years (another girl). She knows I'm gay and she says she's straight. We went to the same school together and we have been best friends for ...

I just want him to be my best friend again, what can I do about my feelings for him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5092 days ago

18 August 2010 (F - ok so me and my best friend (a guy...he's bi) have known eachother for like 6 yrs and were really really close. weve always hung out around once a week, sometimes twice and always spend hours and hours just hanging out. weve spent almost the whole ...

Operation left scarring on my genitals

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5091 days ago

18 August 2010 (M - Attention All Gay Men! I'm starting to worry recently about an operation I had when I was young on my privates that basically removed my foreskin and I have scars underneath my penis and also a weird really small bunch of skin the thing is would t...

Does he like me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5091 days ago

17 August 2010 (M - im a guy and met this guy.. we kissed three times and had sex once.. its love at first sight should i expect something from him? does he like me? thnx...

My boyfriend thinks I am acting like a girl!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5094 days ago

16 August 2010 (M - How can I stop acting like a wussy around my boyfriend? I met up with him last weekend and it was 3 weeks, since we've been intimate with each other. However besides the lovin', I spent most of the time nagging him. About him not remembering the ...

Am I gay or what?!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5094 days ago

16 August 2010 (M - I am a 15 year old male, and I am in high school. I think I am straight but I don't know. I have sexual attractions to males, and I think some males are hot. I look at it this way I would rather date a girl because I like the way a girl thinks, but ...

He's 17, I'm 13, he wants sex but I think I'm too young!

This question has 19 answers - newest was posted 5091 days ago

15 August 2010 (M - Dear Cupid, I'm gay and in my first relationship he's kind and he's everything I want in a man but since he's 17 and I'm 13 it's quite strange but it's both of our first relationship he wants to have sexual relations but I think I might be too you...

Desperate to get him back

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5094 days ago

15 August 2010 (M - Many of my friends and family has told me to try and look at my breakup as a death. Which helped for a while. I am plagued by a lot of guilt and shame. My partner/boyfriend (we are at the beginning stage of our relationship and had asked him to ...

First time same-sex attraction, and we're not sure what to do about our feelings

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5086 days ago

14 August 2010 (F - I'm curious about developing a romantic relationship with another woman I know. How do we proceed? Neither of us have experienced this attraction for another female and don't know what to do with our feelings. We've known each other for awhile, and ...

Did he like me? What should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5097 days ago

13 August 2010 (M - Dear aunts, I'll try and be as brief as possible (unfortunately this will be very longwinded), but I am looking for some advice and I really didn't know where to turn to, so here I am. Well I am a gay male, and a few months ago I was not scouting...

Our jealousy is causing problems in our relationship.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5093 days ago

12 August 2010 (F - i have been with my girlfriend for over a year now. and i really love her but the problem is that she gets really jealous. for example she wont let me talk to several people. and one time i had this best friend who was male, and we had been best ...

Married with 2 kids but interested in men

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5093 days ago

12 August 2010 (? - I am a married man with two kids, but I think I'm atleast bi curious. I have strong urges to find out what it's like to be with another man....

Lesbian sex!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5055 days ago

11 August 2010 (F - hi, i am a lesbian and i have a girlfriend. she seems to love giving me sex and i love taking it. but when it comes to giving it to her i dont seem to enjoy it. do you think this could mean i am no longer gay or dont find her attractive because i am ...

Should I tell my girlfriend that I had cybersex with a stranger whilst she was away?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5099 days ago

11 August 2010 (F - Hi, I have been with my girlfriend now for four years we have a very close bond and get on really well together and want I wish to spend the rest of my life with her. We meet over the internet and since have moved in together and are now lo...

Is my teacher interested in me? And will he still be thinking of me even though its been a few months?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5100 days ago

10 August 2010 (M - im 16 years old and ive always been into older men. i hope that i dont sound crazy. i was in acting class and my acting teacher stared at me and gave me this sexy smile like he wanted me. when he told us told do an certain exercise he put his arms ...

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