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Archived questions from: February, 2007 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I'm a lesbian and love my GF but can't stop thinking about an old female friend...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6356 days ago

28 February 2007 (F - Before i meet my gf of 8 years i was really close to a female friend. Looking back (perhaps through rose tinted glasses) i can remember times when things got a little heated, such as the time she came out the shower with nothing on, knowing full ...

I'm gay and my boyfriend moved in with me... But he's sooo lazy and has a large dog which is running riot!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6358 days ago

28 February 2007 (M - I'm gay and have been with my boyfriend for 2 1/2 years. Last year he left everything, moved 120 miles, took a new job and moved in with me. Since moving in he has done nothing to help with keeping the house or paying bills unless I specifically ...

I'm a gay woman. How do I meet other straight-acting-gay-chicks?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6357 days ago

28 February 2007 (F - I am a woman who primarily enjoys the company of women (e.g., I'm gay). However, I often find that I am not typically attracted to "gay" women. Usually, I am always into women who identify as "straight" or who have "bi-tendencies." It's difficult to ...

I am male and love this guy, he says he has feelings for me too but wants a family so has been met a female, he says he loves her but still has feelings for me....

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6157 days ago

27 February 2007 (M - I fell in love with a much younger man and we have had a relationship for 5 years (though he is not gay). he has always wanted and has a deep need for a family. he met a girl and fell in love (she has a child, not his), and has being seeing her for ...

I am gay and love my partner very much, he wants to come out the closet but is worried as his mother would tell him to pack his bags.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6357 days ago

27 February 2007 (M - I am a gay guy (23) and I am in a relationship with the most perfect guy (22) I am just worried about him because I know he hurts. See I am out to my parents and everyone is very happy for us. But he is not out to his parents yet. He does want to ...

I can't get my beautiful therapist out of my mind, now that my therapy has ended. What can I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6358 days ago

26 February 2007 (F - I am a very feminine, attractive, educated lesbian. I have never had any trouble meeting other women for relationships, but I recently had some emotional issues that needed sorting out, so I sought the help of a therapist. Ah me, that is where th...

What do I do to work out how I feel and about who?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6327 days ago

23 February 2007 (M - Im 19 and recently I kissed a guy when I was very drunk and came out to a lot of people as gay, the thing is I dont think I am gay and have corrected many of these people, I admit im probably bisexual but I dont know how I truely feel about anything ...

What should I do to reassure her that I like being married and have no intention of being unfaithful?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6355 days ago

23 February 2007 (F - Please help. I am a gay male happily married for 4 years to a wonderful lady. She has always had insecurity issues, thinks I don't love her enough, etc. I have never cheated on her since we've been married, but now she gives me a hard time ...

Should I lose my virginity? Am I bi-sexual? I'm so confused!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6357 days ago

23 February 2007 (M - Should I lose my Virginity? Am I Bisexual? I don’t know what I want. My whole life I have found it difficult to socialize. I don’t mix well with new people, and would prefer being home alone than being at a party. This has created an empt...

I want to be with him so bad but hes not sure about his sexuality!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6363 days ago

23 February 2007 (M - im new to this so here it goes...well im gay and i just got out of a very bad relationship with a bi guy. Ok simple right? Well im ready for a real relationship with anyone that will love me because i have never felt that before.. i do have a f...

I was going to have my first lesbian experience when...something terrible happened. Please help!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6362 days ago

23 February 2007 (F - Dear cupid, I'm 18 and a very unfortunate thing has happened to me and I need your kind words to get me through it all. (I am in tears as I write this). I am bi-curious and I wanted to turn my fantassy into a reality. I met a woman on the internet...

My grandparents can't understand that I'm gay and keep asking me when I'm going to get a girlfriend! How can I get them off my case?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6364 days ago

22 February 2007 (M - I am a 17 year old guy and I have been with my boyfriend for three months. I recently came out to my parents and they were cool about it. However, my granparents are very traditional and they often make jokes about gay people. The thing is they keep ...

What are the signs to look for when you think your boyfriend is gay?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5670 days ago

21 February 2007 (F - hi i need some help i think my boyfriend turning gay is there any signs to look for?...

I really like this guy but he doesn't know I'm gay. Is he bi or not?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5524 days ago

21 February 2007 (M - Im a bisexual 16yrs old guy i have a friend and he doesnt know that im gay. I cant tell if my friend is bi,....he has kissed me on the forehead and the cheek before but i dont know if its a big deal well anyways...i can pretent like im going to kiss ...

Is it possible for a gay man to feel anything other than friendship with a straight female?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6371 days ago

15 February 2007 (F - Hi Everyone, I'm a straight female, 47, 3 adult children, single. I have experienced a lot where relationships are concerned but recently I find that I am falling in love with a gay man - we have everything but the sex. Its the most amazing ...

I think I am gay

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6364 days ago

13 February 2007 (M - The thing is i haven't fancied any girls in ages and i used to be really into girls. i still wana have sex with girls but only ones i have had experiences with in the past bar a couple. Sometimes i think i am just bi but im not sure. When i see a ...

I have had romantic feelings for both genders...How do I know if I'm bisexual?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6202 days ago

13 February 2007 (F - I need help with something, it's been bugging me for a while. How do I know if I'm bisexual? I've never had a girlfriend and I've never had a boyfriend but I have had romantic feelings for both at one point. How do I know? and what do I do?!?!...

I'm a guy and REALLY like this other guy but how do I know he's not straight?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6364 days ago

13 February 2007 (M - The school year just started up a few weeks ago, and it started way better than any other beginning of the year. For some odd reason I seem to be quite approachable to the new students and i've already made heaps of friends. But heres where my ...

What is the best way to figure out your sexuality issues?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6211 days ago

13 February 2007 (M - What is the best way to figure out your sexuality issues, and whether you're gay, straight, or Bi, when you're from over protective, anti gay family who expect you to be perfect, and live under the same roof till you get married, and talks about ...

I am bi sexual and want to get to know this guy better but I don't know if he is.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6373 days ago

13 February 2007 (M - Hi kaleb here i am really cofused cus' i am a bisexual and i like this really cute guy at school but i don't know if he is a bisexual or not. I am confused cus' he always looks at me and sometimes we make eye contact. Also i wrote a note to him but ...

My boyfriend is well endowed and I'm finding anal sex a bit difficult. What can I do to make it easier for me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6372 days ago

12 February 2007 (M - Hi, im a 23 yr old gay guy, have just gotten into a new relationship and I haven't had sex for about a year and am finding it hard being the "bottom" especially since my new guy is quite well endowed, any advice making it easier, i've only ever ...

I have a major crush and think he maybe using my friend to get to me!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6378 days ago

8 February 2007 (M - I have a major gay crush on a guy at school. We're in a few of the same classes together and don't really talk to each other. I think he may be gay, but i'm not sure, and no one knows that i'm gay either. I always thought he was cute, but a week ...

How can I make her see that he's a complete idiot and that she's better off without him?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6378 days ago

7 February 2007 (F - My friend has started going out with this guy that I know is bad news and she is making him really permanent in her life like doing things such as planning to go to a university nearer to him and talking of getting a tattoo with his name on it. ...

I'm female and straight and so is she. But I have fallen in love with her. Any thoughts?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6274 days ago

4 February 2007 (F - Hi! I am a straight female who has fallen in love with my straight female best friend. I have been struggling with my feelings towards her for some time now and have come to a resolve that I must be attracted to her. We are very close and have a ...

I have lost everything...please help!!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6379 days ago

4 February 2007 (M - Dear friends, My name is Seb and i'm 18. i have been bi curious now since i was 11, which is a long time but i have never done anything homosexual until recently. It has caused a huge amount of problems for me. Firstly, i cant deny my feelings...

I have a good friend I really like...but I can't tell if he is gay like me? What do you think?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6380 days ago

2 February 2007 (M - Hi I'm 17 and Im A Gay male Theres this kid i like hes also 17 but I'm just really confused whether he's gay or not mayb bi....i just cant tell i dont want to do anything stupid and make a mistake and lose him as a friend(that all i have of him so ...

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