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Archived questions from: May, 2013 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Am I still a virgin after my friend put her finger inside of me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4074 days ago

31 May 2013 (F - i came here once, and i talked about where me and my girlfriend made out, and i regretted my action. So now i told her im not interested in her because i so much love my boyfriend. I forget to mention that im a virgin, and have not have sex before, ...

I treated her badly she has a restraining order on me but I can't forget her!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4074 days ago

31 May 2013 (F - Hi I feel like I'm going crazy. I need some serious help. I'm in love with my childhood best friend. I've been in love with her since elementary school. Words can't describe how amazing she is. She is sweet, kind, compassionate, selfless, drop dead ...

Do you think I have good reasoning to question his sexuality? Do you think he could possibly be gay or bi?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4075 days ago

30 May 2013 (M - I have this friend, who I'm head over heels for. He's extremely cute, smart, kind of socially awkward, etc. We hang out a ton and I consider him one of my best friends. Although there's one problem - I think he's straight and it would never work ...

Is it selfish to be a bit upset that my freshly-out gay friend will never feel for me what I feel for him?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4076 days ago

29 May 2013 (F - I've always considered myself pan-sexual. I only fall for special people, regardless of gender. I can only fall for personality and not sex, and never people I haven't known for a while. I have a really good friend, whom I've been infatuated with ...

If you attended a rather large school and some person identified you and complimented you. Would you reply back? Would you feel creeped out?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4076 days ago

29 May 2013 (M - Hello agony aunts and uncles! All advice is welcome. The sooner the better, as the problem is quite simple. I am on a dating site, and this guy from the university happens to be on there as well. Once I found this out, I went through stages ...

I always thought I was straight but recently I've been having sexual thoughts about a guy I know. Am I gay?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4077 days ago

27 May 2013 (M - I always thought i was straight but recently i've been having sexual thoughts about a guy i know. What do I do? Tell him? Ignore it? Am i gay? Also, i know this guy because he is one of my best friends' brother. What do i do?...

When he doesn't want me, he throws me away. When he does want me, he expects me to go flying to him!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4074 days ago

26 May 2013 (F - I broke up with my ex last month because he drifted apart. He's white and I'm Asian. He studies abroad now. He never contacted me so I asked him for closure. He didn't say anything either. I was pissed because I don't even deserve a closure after ...

I'm afraid its going to come down to my g/f choosing either me or her mom. Do I walk away now?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4077 days ago

25 May 2013 (F - I've been with my girlfriend for about seven months now. We have a very healthy and happy relationship. Recently, though, I've come across a bit of an internal dilemma. She has never been in a relationship with a woman before until me. I thou...

Please help me understand my bisexual boyfriend!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4080 days ago

25 May 2013 (M - My current boyfriend, Johnny, used to go out with a 21 year old bisexual guy, Kevin. They dated for 4 years. During that time, their relationship was open from the start and Johnny who is gay, forced himself to conform to Kevin's ways and slept with ...

I think I may be bi-sexual or gay? How can I stop this

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4081 days ago

24 May 2013 (? - i dont know if im bi or gay or straight, i get turned on by girls and not by that meany boys, but i have an amazing biyfriend and i think i have a crush on an old best friend, i dont want to be gay on bi, b=how can i stop it ?...

I have mislead my friend about my feelings and scared to lose him. Please advise?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4081 days ago

24 May 2013 (M - Well, I've done something stupid. I'm 16 and Gay. I've got quite close to a friend of a friend who told me he knew I was gay. It's been a year since we met online, we've become best friends and tell each other everything. I never viewed our ...

Is there any way to convince her age is just a number? I'm 18 and she is in her forties but we have the most amazing connection....

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4083 days ago

22 May 2013 (F - Hello everyone, Thank you in advance for reading this, and for your advice is any comes to mind :) I’ll try to keep this short and to the point. I’m 18, and gay (girl). I met the most amazing woman two weeks ago, at a concert. I assumed she...

Should I come out so I can see him before he goes? Should I be worried about the 3 year age gap?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4082 days ago

22 May 2013 (M - I'm 16, gay, and in a crisis. I've got to know this guy from my school quite well. He was a sixth former when I was in year 9 and after he left school when I started year 10 for uni we got closer and we both discovered that we were both gay. O...

How do I stop being insecure about my penis size?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4083 days ago

21 May 2013 (M - So im an Asian guy will be having sex with a white guy. he's amazing and that's also what he thinks about me. But as any Asian, size issues make me feel insecure. Also, this gonna be his first time being with a guy and i wanna to make it as good as ...

How do I tell her no without hurting her feelings?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4063 days ago

20 May 2013 (F - i've known this girl for @ least more than a year now and we've been friends, im 18 n she's 24. I like her so much and appreciates the friendship. I hav a bf, a guy i so much love n will not like to loose. To the story, the way she behaves wen im ...

I feel like I'm losing my g/f completely and I don't know what to do about it

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4077 days ago

20 May 2013 (F - i seriously don't know what to do. i feel like i'm losing my gf completely. i've been with her for about 8 months. within the last few days, things have gotten really hard. she's working on a lot of things in therapy and one of them is learning how ...

Lesbian LDR and I need help. Is our relationship going no where?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4063 days ago

18 May 2013 (F - Guys I need help My girlfriend says she is not gay or bi but not 100% straight neither… I am sooooo confused …Although I understand that we shouldn't be putting labels on ourselves but I just don't feel our relationship is secure. Almost all my f...

My girlfriend's friends do not like me. I'm worried it could lead to us breaking up

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4087 days ago

17 May 2013 (F - Let me just get this out in the open, i'm a lesbian... I have been with my girlfriend just over a year, everything has been great apart from a month or so ago when she lied to me by saying she was at home in bed when really she was out clubbing...

I know he doesn't love me because of his "other" life. What do I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4090 days ago

15 May 2013 (M - I am a gay male who has been having sex with this straight thug male for years. he is so down low it kills me at times. he has a girlfriend. just to be with him I let him and her come stay with me. we only have sex late at night when she stay at her ...

How do I approach a girl I feel attracted to? She is so beautiful.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4090 days ago

13 May 2013 (F - Hey everyone, So I am an 18 year old girl, and I have had boyfriends, but recently I feel like i have fallen for a girl who is 25. I hardly know her.. my sister is in a singing competition, where this girl is one of the judges, and since speaki...

Had a very positive message from him on the dating site, then nothing. How long do I wait?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4086 days ago

12 May 2013 (M - Hi there, so this story is a bit a complicated so it requires a little bit of background before I get to my question. So I transferred not long ago to the current university that I am attending. When I transferred I went to an official LGBT meeting ...

Struggling with a situation. Is he into me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4083 days ago

10 May 2013 (M - Hello, Well here's the situation I would like your opinions on. I am bisexual male. I always knew I was gay until one day I realized I also liked girls (this happened when I joined the university I am currently studying). Anyway, some years be...

We've been together for 8 months and already the sex has stopped, is it worth trying to continue this relationship?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4095 days ago

10 May 2013 (F - In a relationship with a female for my first time. I have been having issues with coming out and I have kept her as a secret. We have been going back and forth about this issue. I am willing to work about my issues too however there is another ...

I am wondering if my crush could be gay or bi. How could I find out?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4095 days ago

10 May 2013 (F - So I think that I might like this girl that I work with. The only problem is that I don't even know she's bi or even gay. She is always touching me when we're working together, like touching my back when she walks by or hugging me. She laughs a...

I feel ridiculously rejected by her remarks. Will this affect our relationship?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4096 days ago

9 May 2013 (F - My girlfriend and I have been together a year. I have been wanting to say I love you for around 6 months. I always assumed she loved me, but both of us were too nervous to say it first. So last night I said it to her, the reply I got was not what...

I really don't know how to approach my crush

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4096 days ago

8 May 2013 (F - Hey there, Basically I am really confused and do not know what to do. I'll give you the basics. Im an 18 year old girl, and i have been going out with my boyfriend for 2 years. I love him to bits, he is the kindest and most sweetest person ...

I'm a straight girl and I'm in love with my best friend

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4098 days ago

6 May 2013 (F - I am a straight teenage girl and I am in love with my best friend. Well let me start off by saying that my best friend is also a girl. In fact she is "bi" but mostly dates girls. Last summer (and during that school year) we started seeing e...

Is she taking me for a ride? Does she want the best of both worlds?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4099 days ago

6 May 2013 (F - Me and this girl have been sleeping together for about 6 months now... She has a gf, she says she's only with her as it's easier to stay with her and then break up with her when she leaves for travelling in a few months. She says things would be ...

I feel so insecure and madly in love! What is wrong with me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4099 days ago

6 May 2013 (M - So here goes.... I have fallen in love with my best friend, it was not supposed to happen I am finishing university he is starting, when we first met I didn’t find him attractive but the more we spoke the more i fell for him, my friends all say ever...

Should I approach my crush, or just get over her?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4097 days ago

5 May 2013 (F - Hi all sorry if this is long, I need your advice on how to get over a crush. To start off with I am 28 and the woman I have a crush on is 40. I have never been out with a bloke before so obviously as you can tell I am very introverted, or ...

I'm sending mixed signals, aware he may be straight!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4098 days ago

5 May 2013 (M - Okay. This is going to be a long one because the key is in the details. I'm gay and in college studying chemical engineering and there is this guy that I sort of like. Now I just transferred to the college I'm at now at the beginning of this school ...

I dumped the good guy for the bad guy, now I want the good guy back!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4095 days ago

5 May 2013 (M - Hello, what am writing about is, I was seeing some one about a year ago, he was a prince charming kinda guy, treated me great, about 3 months, my ex was in jail, the one who phy. abuse me, beat me, choke me, just a bad guy, but I was in love with ...

I don't want to pine after my crush if she's never going to be free!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4102 days ago

3 May 2013 (F - I just got out of a long relationship and recently met this girl who I have a huge crush on. She has a girlfriend although she complains about her all the time she also says that she hates change and likes the security of a relationship. The thing ...

My man pushes me to be bisexual!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4102 days ago

3 May 2013 (F - hello , i would like to share my relationship problem , because its making me suffer long long time.I was married unhappily (fighting and prisoned in a house)and had 2 children . i met this man in internet and we were chatting everyday for a long ...

Should I love him even if I know him only in Facebook and we're not seen each other yet personally?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4100 days ago

3 May 2013 (M - Hi friends, I am 17 now, boy. I just want to share my story and ask for help. Last year I met this guy(but only through Facebook). He was so far from where I am living right now but we are on the same country. When I saw his pictures I felt ...

What should I do, and how could this affect my marriage, considering that I am married, but may be bi-sexual?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4097 days ago

3 May 2013 (F - I hate the fact that i can't get rid of this feeling and have to come back here and ask you guys for advices. I got married 8 months ago to a loving man of more than 3 years relationship. He's not perfect but he's the greatest one. Only him c...

My girlfriend stayed the night with her ex. I don't know what to do!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4098 days ago

2 May 2013 (F - My Gf and I have been dating for 7months. Im 19 and she's 20. 2 days ago her ex and some of his friends were in her city and asked her out. The very last minute she left, she told me she'd stay the night with them. (at the time i didn't know her...

I'm gay, but keeping it a secret! Some people suspect and whisper behind my back, and now I'm wondering about my close male friend! Advice?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4101 days ago

2 May 2013 (M - I've been through a lot. Since primary school I've been bullied by my cousin for being shy and a little overweight. At 13, I decided to move school, I continued to be shy because I didn't have any confidence. After a while I started to get bullied ...

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