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Archived questions from: February, 2006 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

She's married, I have a bf..but all I think about is her! How do I get her out of my mind?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6724 days ago

27 February 2006 (F - Im a 20yr old female and im totally in love with my friend who is 38 and also female. The problem is shes married. i have told her how i feel and shes cool with it but also said nothing will ever happen between us as she doesnt have those feeling ...

Should I come out as bi-sexual? At school?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6429 days ago

27 February 2006 (F - Hi, There is a girl in my year at school who came out and said she was bi-sexual, she got loadsa crap for it too, which was unfair. I think i maybe too, and I dont know wheter to come out and tell people or not say anything until Im sure Im bi-sexua...

I am a gay but have I pissed off my not-gay friends?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6724 days ago

26 February 2006 (F - I am in a gay relationship but some of my 'friends' like to make jokes about gay people. We were going to go out with them to celebrate something soon, but I told them that it was all to 'hetrosexual' for me. Now they seem a bit pissed off with ...

I fantasise about being paid to have sex...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6706 days ago

26 February 2006 (F - Hiya I've recently decided that i'm bi-sexual. So often when trying to masturbate I often look at porn. And often some of the things that come up are often where girls are paid to have sex. I know this is wrong, but I keep thinking how I would lo...

How do I turn my straight mate gay?

This question has 59 answers - newest was posted 4108 days ago

26 February 2006 (M - Hi. I have this new friend of mine that I have known for two months now who I really like. He does not know I am gay as I am not 'out', but I kind of feel a conection between us, like we talk all the time and go out just together to clubs and stu...

I'm totally smitten, but the guy I'm with wants an "open" relationship. Do I have a choice?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6626 days ago

22 February 2006 (M - Dear Cupid, I am a 20yr. old gay guy and I've been with my boyfriend for 5 months now. I've absolutely fallen for this guy. The only thing is, he's 2 years younger than me and has not had much experience as I have. He mentioned wanting to have an ...

Is he seeing someone else for sex? Evidence says Yes, but he denies it...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6731 days ago

20 February 2006 (M - I'm a gay guy and have been in my first serious relationship for one and a half years. Eight months into the relationship I found texts from a guy arranging a meet for sex. He claims it was harmless banter between 2 friends. Two months into the ...

Pretty sure my ex thinks he's gay. Do I tell him I know?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6731 days ago

20 February 2006 (F - Basically, i have recently (about 2 months ago) found out that my ex boyfriend and close friend who I am still very much in love with thinks he may be gay. He doesn't know that I know (no one else does either). I found his page on one of those ...

He seemed to want to meet up, just like I do, but now it's all sorts of mixed signals!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6732 days ago

19 February 2006 (M - I'm a 16 year old gay male and I really like this other lad. We met of the internet 2 days ago and we like all the same things. He seems interested, he tells me that he thinks I'm hot and that he would like to meet up with me. He seemed reluctant to ...

Is it best to articulate a crush? Or just keep quiet?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6733 days ago

18 February 2006 (F - I think I have a crush on my gay friend HELP. sometimes I'm not sure if the signals are there, he is a very nice guy. This crush doesn't seem to go away and its so annoying. I can't really avoid him because he knows my friends and vice versa, we all ...

How do I know if he is gay? Any clues to lookout for?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6716 days ago

18 February 2006 (M - Hi I am attracted to this new friend of mine and I don't know if he is gay but I really like him. I am quite straight acting and when we go out I put on a front but secretley I really, really like him. His background is that he has a string of long ...

How do I get my boyfriend back?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6736 days ago

15 February 2006 (M - Does anyone out there have any tips on how to get a boyfriend back? Things to say etc . . . I am gay and 33 and have just split from my boyfriend who is 21 after six months. Things were going swimmingly well until recently when he has had loads of...

Should I tell my parents that I think I might be bisexual?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 5533 days ago

12 February 2006 (F - hiya, I'm 15 and a lil confused. I'm not really sure, but I think I maybe bi-curious. It may just be a phase I'm going through? Should I tell my parents or keep it to myself until I'm totally sure? Thank you x...

Could I ever become straight if my gay relationship doesn't work?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6675 days ago

10 February 2006 (M - Is there a possibilty that if you at one point in your life thought and were convinced that you were gay, and then you become straight? My first love was a man, and I'm convinced that I want to marry him, and he's my soulmate. Is there a chance...

I want the fairytale husband, wedding and kids... But feel low because I've split with my lesbian lover.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6742 days ago

9 February 2006 (F - I am a very confused girl. I have just come out of a year long sexual relationship with my best friend who is also a girl. I would never consider myself gay or bi although during the past year have also slept with several men. I ended it with my ...

What do I do about his explicit pictures of him and his ex-boyfriend?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6742 days ago

9 February 2006 (F - I have been with my boyfriend for over a year and things are wonderful. I knew before we started dating that he had had boyfriends before. He still keeps explicit pictures of him with his ex boyfriend and it bothers me. I found them one day and ...

He didn't tell me about this work colleague...should I be concerned?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6734 days ago

7 February 2006 (M - Hi. I'm a gay male in a long term relatonship of 3 years. We recently invited my partners work collegues over to our house for a house warming party. My partner has always been very open about who he works with and I 'knew of' everybody there,...

My friend is so smitten with her (female) lecturer that she can't concentrate!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6743 days ago

7 February 2006 (F - Help My friend is doing another degree course at uni and she fancies the senior lecturer. Trouble is the lecturer is a woman and my friend a married female of 28. She cannot concentrate at times in the lectures and has no account on here so is po...

I want her to leave her "really horrible" boyfriend for me, because he's just using her...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6746 days ago

5 February 2006 (F - I'm a girl and my best friend is a girl. She is bi-sexual but is in a relationship with some really horrible boy. Me and my other friends all know that he is just using her. She really likes me and has recently in the past has flirted with me a few ...

Crush on my instructor... but we're both women!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6726 days ago

4 February 2006 (F - Hi I'm an 18 year-old girl and I've got a problem that has probably been discussed countless times before - I have the hugest, most overpowering crush on a female teacher :( She inspires me so much - she is passionate about her subject which i ...

In love with my best friend...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6742 days ago

3 February 2006 (F - Dear Agony Aunts, I am falling in love with my best friend. We are both girls. Every time she looks at me my heart goes fast and i blush. I love her as a m8 and i wish she were my girlfriend as well. Rumours went round that she was a lesbian ...

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