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Archived questions from: March, 2011 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

My bi-sexual wife has made friends with a lesbian. should I be worried?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4865 days ago

31 March 2011 (M - should i allow my wife to be friends with someone she's attracted to? my wife is bi and the person she's attracted to is a gay girl. i just found out about. shes been hiding it from me by deleteting her text messages. when i confronted her about it...

I've had a lesbian relationship before and now find I am in love with my son's teacher.

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4865 days ago

31 March 2011 (F - I've been head over heel in love with my son's teacher for nearly 18 months. I've been in a lesbian relationship once a long time ago and now I know that she is the right one and all I want. Cheesy but true. I wish I knew what to do!!! Let her know ...

Mixed signals from suitor after one date, what is the best way to move forward?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4866 days ago

31 March 2011 (M - So I met this guy online and we agreed to meet up. After a lot of hesitation of whether he was feeling energetic enough to come out, we finally met up, things went well, it was a short meeting over coffee. We then went back to mine and messed ...

I'm bi, do I have any chance with this girl?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4866 days ago

31 March 2011 (F - I'm girl and I'm bi. I'm in love with this girl, who is my normal friend (she only comes to talk to me in break time and we're not in the same class. ) she is straight and doesn't know I'm bi. she is kinda friendly, she always holds girl's hand and...

I want to be friends with him but it is very difficult and we aruge frequently! What should I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4866 days ago

31 March 2011 (M - i have a friend whom i talk about current affairs, politics etc etc and most of the time he will say i'm not open minded and i'm too biased. sometimes he will stop talking about certain topics simply because he doesnt want to argue. but i want to ...

I want to join the team but I am insecure about my homosexuality.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4867 days ago

30 March 2011 (M - Dear cupid, I have recently been wanting to join rugby practice for my local team since I have an interest in rugby but I don't have confidence to go :S also I'm not certain but I think some people from my school go there aswel and I don't really ...

Why am I attracted to someone I hate?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4864 days ago

30 March 2011 (M - I'm a 15 year old boy and have discovered I'm attracted physically and emotionally to this boy i hate! I'm not sure what to do about it and could use some advice! I have been bi for 3 years now....

How do I let her know that I am interested in her?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4867 days ago

30 March 2011 (F - Hello! I recently realized that I am bisexual and happy. I am not entirely open with it, but I'm not hiding it either. I have only told 2 friends and they are supportive and I appreciate it. My parents on the other hand, are homophobic so they ...

Will my gay best friend ever want to date me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4867 days ago

30 March 2011 (F - I know this is so dumb... but my one and only friend is gay and I really really like him and really wish he wasn't gay. He's everything i want in a person and I know he admires me and loves me, except he's GAY!!! has anyone ever heard of a gay gu...

We have very different sex drives! Help!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4867 days ago

30 March 2011 (F - im in a same sex, long distance relationship. my girlfriend and i have been together for 1year but only get to see each other every other weekend. my problem is that we have very different sex drives! i have a low sex drive and consider sex onc...

I want to try gay sex but I have a gf.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4866 days ago

29 March 2011 (? - ok so im straight ive been in a relationship for three years, i think i was to have sex with a man im very curious but i don't know what to do? can any one give me any advice on what to do pleaseeeee??? HELP!!!...

I don't know how to handle keeping this relationship a secret and not coming on to strong..

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4866 days ago

29 March 2011 (M - So there's this guy who I like, and as much as I flirted with him for a joke, I always felt something for him. I figured he was straight, and the other week he asked me out. Now as you can imagine I was over the moon, but things were weird for a ...

How does a bisexual girl ask another girl out?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4868 days ago

29 March 2011 (F - Hi everyone. Bit of an odd question: I have a female friend who says she's bisexual, but is right now leaning towards liking girls more.. if that makes sense. But she's not open about her sexuality, I mean she doesn't purposely hide it, I don't ...

He thinks he's gay. Is there any hope for this relationship?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4868 days ago

29 March 2011 (F - I've been with a guy for 8 years and have a child together. Recently he came to me and said that his confused and thinks he's gay. I told him to find out if he is or not. The other day he came to me and said that he gave a guy a bj, he said he liked ...

I need money. Is gay porn the answer? I don't want to cheat on my GF.

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4867 days ago

29 March 2011 (M - hello, i am in serious dept, i haven't got a job and have £103 every 2 weeks. with my balance being so high I cant make the next step with my girl friend. i watched a program on MTV about porn stars lives, there was a guy on there whom who was ...

How can I tell her that I'm bi and I like her without freaking her out?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4867 days ago

29 March 2011 (F - I’m bi, a teenager and and I have never told anyone, all my friends are straight and they definitely don’t understand me so I’m a quiet girl, but I do smile and laugh a lot. I just moved to a new school for a few weeks and I’m quite close to the g...

I like to dress to show off my body, but my girlfriend insists I dress conservatively! Who is right?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4868 days ago

29 March 2011 (F - Im a gay 23 yr. old girl, my gf is insisting that i dress very conservatively as she's afraid i will attract other girls. but i like to dress to show off my body. who's right?...

I hate feeling like his sugar son!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4869 days ago

28 March 2011 (M - Hi all, I've been in a relationship with my partner (also male) for the past 5 years. He's done a lot for me, i.e been very supportive of my new career, moved to a new part of the country to be with me etc. When we first moved in togethe...

We keep butting heads, I want to work it out, any suggestions??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4867 days ago

28 March 2011 (M - Hi, i'm 26 and i'm in a 3 way relationship. i'm not very good at things like this so i try very hard to make sure i do the right thing. both of the other men with me r 2x my age. one of them i get along with very well but the other one is just like ...

Am I gay if I'm attracted to male cross dressers?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4869 days ago

28 March 2011 (M - I find 'Lady-boys' and trans gender dressers (male to female) sexy and oddly a turn on for me, could this possible mean I am gay?...

She has not told me she loves me for a year now, what is going on? What have I done wrong?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4869 days ago

28 March 2011 (F - hi im in love with a married woman and her husband has never meet me and he hates me. i had meet her online 2 in a half years ago. and when i meet her face to face i feel in love with her.i thought i was in love with someone else, but i honestly ...

I want to ask her out but I don't know if she's bi or gay

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27 March 2011 (F - PLEASE PLEASE don't judge or whatever, if you don't agree with any of this kinda thing just don't read. Thanks :) I'm 17 and I'm bisexual (Although some people may argue I'm bi-curious as I've never had a girlfriend and I'm a teenager) but th...

I was pretty sure I was gay, but now I'm not. Help! I don't want to embarrass myself.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4868 days ago

27 March 2011 (M - Four year I have been battling with my sexual orientation since like 14 with being gay or straight. At the beginning of this I told myself I'll be gay since I'm aroused by gay porn and some guys. I never exactly got aroused to straight porn or girls ...

I like her and her boyfriend wants us to do things together.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4871 days ago

27 March 2011 (F - Hey everyone. Sorry this is so long. Need a bit of advice. I'm a lesbian and all of my friends know it and are fine with it. I really like one of my friends. Sometimes I think that she likes me because she talks to me about stuff that she refuses to ...

Friend says gay people disgust him, but I think he likes me.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4871 days ago

26 March 2011 (M - My best friend has always claimed to be straight and that gay people disgust him. I am bi and have had a crush on him for some times. But, there are times when we have some heart felt conversations or other times when we are messing around and get ...

I love him so much, but he's straight and I'm bi!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4870 days ago

26 March 2011 (M - i have been in love with my best friend for 2 years now. we both knew each other from our community dance academy. we both were in the same dance crew and performed together many times. Hes a B-Boy and Im a hip hop dancer. He is totally straight...

Is this just my hormones? I don't believe I'm bisexual. Am I straight or gay? I'm confused and don't understand my sexuality confusion

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4667 days ago

26 March 2011 (F - So I'm confused about my sexuality at the moment. I'm an 18 year old girl who has always been attracted to guys. But within the past year, I've been very attracted to older women, like at least 40 years old. I'm usually attracted to that age grou...

The girl I am dating won't tell her parents about us. How can we be serious then?

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25 March 2011 (F - Me and this girl have been dating. My mom knows im gay but her parents dont know about her; neither of our parents know about us. Im going to be going to college here soon and i dont know what to do. I want us to be serious and she does too but its ...

Am I a lesbian?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4873 days ago

24 March 2011 (? - Hey guys. There's this girl...who's older than me...and were not friends... And I think about her a LOT and sometimes I get turned on by thinking about her. But when I see her I don't get so turned on...or even feel anything... I'm very confused...

I am christian and friends with a bisexual woman, how do I stop our inappropriate behaviour without losing the friendship?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4864 days ago

24 March 2011 (F - Is it possible to be a heterosexual christian woman and have a bisexual female friend... of course. What if I am attracted to her though. I am really determined to be with a guy though. My church teaches that homosexuality is a sin, but wheneve...

What am I doing with this guy? I'm concerned about his sexual past

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4873 days ago

24 March 2011 (M - Hello. I am a gay guy dating another gay guy for the past six months. We are very different in a lot of ways, but one is bugging me. I would like to know -- is this normal? is it something I should just get over? He's had a very active sexual ...

After rejection, I now feel nothing

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23 March 2011 (F - Hi everyone... I would really like some help because I am feeling very confused and I could use some good advices! Well, I was 10years old when I first fell in love with my best (girl) friend and I made the terrible mistake of telling her. She frea...

He hasn't changed his profile to say he's with me,yet I can't forget him.

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4705 days ago

23 March 2011 (M - It's a long story. So anyways. I met some guy on bearwww (a gay bear site) almost year ago. Things went well but with one seemly minor slip up. I didn't talk to him months and ignored him. He came back and things were fine until last month. He has...

On-line girl who is interested

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23 March 2011 (F - I'm a grown girl, I'm 24 and I've never been on a relationship, ever. to be honest I was fine with it because I was busy doing some other stuff anyway I always been interested on boys, guys I still find myself looking at a gorgeous boy when I...

Help with bro-code

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4874 days ago

23 March 2011 (M - Need help with the bro-code :S One of my close mates R has a younger brother T and me and T have been flirting quite alot, by that I mean touching, looking at each other and non stop eye contact. R isn't the most comfortable with me being gay but...

Gay sex with second cousin?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4874 days ago

23 March 2011 (M - Heya i am a gay boy who needs some help. i am gay, so is my cousin (2nd), can i have sex with him? please let me know =)...

Is he leading me on?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4874 days ago

23 March 2011 (M - There is this guy I really like and have been making a lot of effort to get to know him better and spend time with him. There is a considerable age difference and I am confused of his feelings for me. We seem to discuss and share a lot of interests ...

Long distance drama

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4874 days ago

22 March 2011 (F - Dear Cupid, I am having a problem with my new girlfriend, I am bi not a les. We have been dating since january of this year I have known her for about 6 or 7 months now and I met her here in my state, she moved back to her home state before we start...

Would this be called cheating the new Gf? If I just asked my ex to strip while we were on webcam.

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 4846 days ago

22 March 2011 (F - Is it cheating if? Let's say you have a girlfriend. And you know your ex still loves you and you still have feelings for her, but you don't want to be in a relationship with her, but you drunk call her telling her you love her, and miss her, et...

I like porn and get turned on by women. Am I bisexual?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4875 days ago

22 March 2011 (F - Hey, well im sort of touching a senstive matter and i could perhaps use abit of advice. Im 14 years old and well im a girl and i like to watch porn. i watch metro sex porn, the thing that i dont really understa...

I'm obsessed with same-sex interactions!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4874 days ago

22 March 2011 (M - Why am i so obsessed with girl on girl, I've spoken to my friends and they said they're not, but I'm attracted to anyone I know that's bi, any celbs that are bi or lesbian, anything to do lesbians, any also, anything to do with men being gay, like ...

I'm in love with him but not sure where he stands, since I always initiate!

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22 March 2011 (M - I'm gay, and I'm 27. I'm in love with a younger guy who has feelings towards me. We've not discussed if he's in love with me and I haven't told him that I am in love with him. I know I am in love, but, for now, he calls me "bro", friend, and etc. ...

If I was straight why would I be having these worries?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4875 days ago

22 March 2011 (F - this is probably going to be rambly but ive been worrying so much i just need to get it of my chest. ok so i guess the main theme of this is my sexuality. ive never had a crush on a girl before, never felt like ive been hiding my true feelings ...

How can she do all of these things that make me feel insecure and not realize how her actions make me feel?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4875 days ago

22 March 2011 (F - I'm a 33 year old woman and I've been dating my girlfriend for 4 months. She has said to me on more than one occasion that she loves me and she can see a future with me. However: she blows hot and cold with me. There have been at least *four* ins...

Am I being used as a rebound?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4866 days ago

20 March 2011 (M - Ok I have asked for help regarding to this matter before, and here I am again asking for some help. I just want to know if I'm being used. Ok for those who didnt saw my last questions, the things is this I met a guy online and we have been going on ...

She's 59 and I'm 18 so how can I tell her I love her? Also she's with someone.

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4878 days ago

18 March 2011 (F - Help i am in love with my mums friend and i think she likes me too. But she is with some one and she has two kids. I am 18. i really want to tell her but i am not sure because she is with this other person and she is 59 and she doesn't act nor look...

Would it be wrong to experiment with him? As a FWB? He's not sure of his sexuality

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4873 days ago

18 March 2011 (M - Hi :) just need some help. There is a guy in my year at college. He has told me he is unsure of his sexuality and that although he likes girls there is a guy he likes. I really think he is cute and really like him. I can't decide what to do as I wan...

I'm wondering if I might be bi?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4878 days ago

18 March 2011 (F - Well, oka here goes. I really don't know what I'm on this website for but i need some help. Well basically i think i might be bi. I'm 16, so i've had relationships in the past, with guys. They've all gone well and i enjoyed the stuff we did ...

Am I a lesbian because I like masturbating more than sex?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4877 days ago

18 March 2011 (F - hey guys,i enjoy mastabation more than sex,i have never reached orgasm during sex,when mastabating it only take me few minutes 2 reach orgasm is it normal,am i a lesbian??...

I thought I was straight and I have a boyfriend, but I have fallen for a female friend! Help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4876 days ago

18 March 2011 (F - I am very confused. I'm a straight (I think) girl who fell in love with a girl. I have a bf, but still liked this girl even though she likes no one. My friend is going to ask her out and for some reason I'm upset about it. I know that the girl that ...

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