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Archived questions from: August, 2007 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I need some tips on oral sex

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6174 days ago

31 August 2007 (F - i really want to perform oral sex on my girlfriend (she wants it too) but im not sure how to do it!ive never had it done before and neither has she so neither of us really know what to do or know what feels good! this is my first relationship that ...

My friend is Bi curious and I love her! She said she wanted to experiment with me. Should I tell her I love her????

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6174 days ago

30 August 2007 (F - Hi, I hope you can help! I'm 20 and I was recently joking with my friend that's also a girl that I would give her oral sex and have sex with her because she has never had it and I said that she is missing out on it! She's never had any sexual e...

I'm having a lesbian romance, but I dont know how much chance we have of this working?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6175 days ago

30 August 2007 (F - Hello and thank you in advance for your advice. Sorry the back ground is so long but my question wouldt make sense without it. Im a 26yr old gay woman, im currently working as a head of year in an english high school, studying hard to earn the extr...

Woman, started to develop intimate feelings for a younger girl, what can I do to help that?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6176 days ago

30 August 2007 (F - Hi, I'm a 26 year old female going onto 27, recently I've started to have intimate feelings about a 17, nearly 18 year old girl... Do you think this is disgusting? She's like the total opposite of me, but she makes me laugh with such ease. She's ...

Would it be wrong to have a gay relationship with my ex-teacher?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6176 days ago

29 August 2007 (F - Hi everyone. I'm a 16-year-old bisexual female, turning 17 in November. Anyway, I've become very attracted to a 28-year-old female friend of mine. She's actually one of my ex-teachers, but we get along great and have loads in common. I geniun...

I like her, she likes me but i'm too nervous. what can i do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6176 days ago

29 August 2007 (F - hey guys i need some help their is a girl i like and she likes me, i think anyway she asked me out today. but i got so nervous i made an excuse to leave and never anwser her. should i text her and say yes and say im sorry for running away. but if i...

I'm 13 and am wondering if i am a lesbian, I flirt with girls all the time, Is this normal?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6145 days ago

26 August 2007 (F - Hey , Please help me because I think Im a Lesbain. I like Boys and All but Recently Ive had Feelings for Girls!! Im 13 and had loads of boyfriends but I have feelings for other girls. Please help me because Im flirting with them all the time...

I am gay and I feel like there's no one else like me

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 6152 days ago

26 August 2007 (M - Hi, I am 14, I know i am gay, but i am very ashamed of it. I am afraid to tell my parents becuase, then i think they might not love my anymore (i was adopted at birth) and i am bullied all the time at school, and i am always afraid of going ...

Is there anything wrong with my boyfriend having harmless sexy chats with other men as long as they aren't leading anywhere?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6179 days ago

26 August 2007 (M - Advice needed!!! I've been with my boyfriend now for nearly a year. We both go on things like msn, facebook and myspace but I've noticed that whenever he's on it when I'm there he'll quickly hide his messages or close them down very quickly. F...

I was ashamed of my gay friends job, how do i get our friendship back to how it was?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6179 days ago

25 August 2007 (F - Hi, i need some impartial advice about my situation. I'll start with some background info to help explain. I'm 28yrs old, Gay and a teacher at one of the country's most prestigious boy's school's. I got the job partly because i have some fantastic ...

Am i allergic to him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6179 days ago

25 August 2007 (M - this is my 2nd question but again, I'll gets straight to it, I'm bi an i had oral with one of my friends from school, when he came he pulled his penis out and ejaculated over my face, where the cum was there is a slight rash n i got no idea why ...

Scared because I think I may be a lesbian... and my christian family and friends are anti-gay!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6177 days ago


I'm beginning to think I'm not just horney, but actually I'm bi.. !

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6181 days ago

24 August 2007 (F - Me and my friend always have sex when we are drunk but we both officially stated that we're just horney hetrosexual girls who are having fun when drunk and nothing more... now she's got herself a boyfriend so we dont do it anymore. i'm so so jealous ...

Although I snog others in clubs I don't really want to. Am I doing this to get back at my gay friend?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6180 days ago

24 August 2007 (M - Dear Cupid Ok I've started seeing this guy for about 2 months. We met in a gay club which is a very flirty scene. He is 26 and I'm 33. This guy is a type I would not usually go for - gets really drunk/dances without his shirt on/snogs lots of...

I don't know how to tell my family that I'm bisexual

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6169 days ago

24 August 2007 (M - i'll get straight to it, i'm bisexual and i dunno if i should tell my familly, my brother is a lil bit homophobic n i dunno how they'll react... please anyone i need advise on what to do and light on the situation thank you ...

I can't tell if he has feelings for me or not! He has a girlfriend and I am gay, but he sometimes seems flirty!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6178 days ago

24 August 2007 (M - I am a gay man that just turned 40. I became friends with a straight guy who is 25 years old but he doesn’t know about me being gay and never said anything to make me believe he suspects. We hit it off right from the start. The ideas, the taste, the ...

He's straight and I'm in love with him!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6181 days ago

22 August 2007 (F - Hey:-) Theres a straight guy Im in love with -Im certain- but i dont know if he is straight? And its like he's interested, sometimes but its like he is scared of people and what they might think of him. I really love this guy and I think we will ...

No matter what - I try I can't seem to ejaculate in his arse.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6170 days ago

22 August 2007 (M - I'm a 22 year old male who's in my first gay relationship. We've been together about a year now and are having a fantastic time together. However, I have one problem. Normally I take when it comes to sex, but recently my boyfriend has asked me to ...

My wife is bi and wants to explore women. I am ok with that, but have some fears.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6184 days ago

21 August 2007 (M - Hell All, I am a 28yr old Male from Michigan, I shall call myself "Travis". I recently have gotton married to "Anne" she is 26. Before we married she stated that she is BI-Curious and would like to explore her curiosity. Well after being marr...

My boyfriend has all these online gay/bi friends and it bothers me

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6182 days ago

21 August 2007 (F - Hi, i just found out my boyfriend has some gay/bisexual "friends" back home in a popular website. I didnt even know he had a page until i saw him in my friend's list!! he didn't add me at first i would send requests and never accpet me! and gave me ...

I want to kiss my best friend. Does this make me gay and how do I get her to kiss me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6184 days ago

20 August 2007 (F - Hey! recently i have started to want to kiss my best friend but i dont know how to tell her and we both have boyfriends. I dont fancy her or have any feelings towards her i just want to kiss her and i dont know why. does this make me gay and how do ...

I love my boyfriend, but every day I fall harder for this girl

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6184 days ago

20 August 2007 (F - i'm 19 years old. i've been dating my boyfriend for a year, and we live together. everything was going great until recently when i developed a crush on this girl that me and my boyfriend both work with. she is my friend as well as his. everybody ...

I've always considered myself straight until I met this gorgeous Latina who made it very clear that she was gay!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6185 days ago

18 August 2007 (F - I've always considered myself straight until I met this gorgeous Latina who made it very clear that she was gay. I was curious and blah blah blah, and here we are at the present date- she claims she split up from her girlfriend but for financial ...

How do I get him to commit and move forward with our relationship?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6186 days ago

18 August 2007 (F - 2 years and he still says "I DON'T KNOW"... he doesn't know what he wants, doesn't know if he loves me, doesn't know anything it seems! Yet, he is kind, caring, generous, defensive of me, helpful, and faithful. Our children, siblings, parents are ...

Is it possible to go from being gay to straight?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 5016 days ago

18 August 2007 (M - I'd love to hear from a guy who has turned from being gay to straight. I think that might be happening to me and its driving me absolutely insane. Can it really happen?...

He keeps flirting i think, does he fancy me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6187 days ago

18 August 2007 (F - I work with a gay man and we both get on really well. Lately he has been flirting with me,holding eye contact for longer than normal,touching my arm, looking at my mouth when i speak and mirroring my posture-he doesn't do this with anyone else.He ...

I gave my NOT gay best friend head and now he is being funny with me.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6188 days ago

17 August 2007 (M - ugh!!!....u may have read my other plee for help...well to break it down I love my not gay best friend and he sayd he's not gay...well the new story is that he asked me to give him head...and he sayd it wouldn't change anything at all so I was ...

I love my boyfriend, but I really want to have sex with a girl just once

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6188 days ago

17 August 2007 (F - Okay...I've been with my boyfriend for nearly three years, we live together and I've known him for most of my life, we've always been great friends. He's the greatest boyfriend I could ever wish for-he's kind, affectionate and supportive and I ...

I want to date women online

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6188 days ago

17 August 2007 (F - I asked a female out on line cause I'm bi-curious and wanted to do some thing different,some thing out of the ordinary but she turned me down.Every since then which was yesterday I have been having a desire to a date a female(in general) on online ...

Why can't we let go of each other, is it because we had en emotional affair before we had a sexual one?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6189 days ago

16 August 2007 (F - This started about a year ago, me and my girlfriend met with another lesbian couple. We were friends right away. As time went by I realised I started to have feelings for my friend which I tried to hide. Then I found out my girlfriend was ...

Is it wrong to have a relationship with the same sex?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6022 days ago

16 August 2007 (F - Is it wrong to have a relationship with the same sex? I have this relationship... I know it's against everybody's eyes but I can't afford to lose her. I really love her.. She also loves me, I guess.. but she is afraid to show-up because many people ...

Dreaming about a girl i know. does it mean anything?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6189 days ago

15 August 2007 (F - I'm a 19 year old female and i dreamt that i was around a female who i know in real life and then she went off with a guy and i felt jealous then i think we did sexual things together.Then i felt emotional connection towards her.While i was waking ...

How do I find out where I stand??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6190 days ago

15 August 2007 (M - I have a best friend that I have been friends with for a very long time. He once made a move on me... long ago, but I reacted wrongly out of fear, and the fact of the matter is that I taught myself not to like him that way, because back then I felt ...

We went back to the hotel and I asked her if she still wanted sex and she said yes - I am a woman also.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6190 days ago

14 August 2007 (F - Hi there. I met a woman on the internet last year and she said there was no chemistry. We went out for a drink and a meal and got on really well, we went back to the hotel and I asked her if she still wanted sex and she said yes - I am a woman also. ...

What if he decides he wants to be with a man?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6192 days ago

13 August 2007 (F - My boyfriend and I have been dating for 6 months and everything has been awesome until we had a conversation yesterday about our pasts. About 7-8 years ago he had a threesome and had sex with a guy. We had a conversation a long time ago when he ...

Is there a possibility I could be gay?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6192 days ago

12 August 2007 (M - On a week long school trip a friend asked me to put suncream on his back, I got really turned on. Since then I have had gay fantasies about him. I have only told my closest mate about me being possibly gay Should I tell the person?...

I just wanted to know, can you get a disease by very passionate kissing, or by receiving oral sex?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6192 days ago

12 August 2007 (M - Hi, I'll try keep this quick and simple, and not graphic, I hope it gets posted, but I need some advice. I went on a date last week with a guy that was great and decent with great morals. We clicked instantly. We went back to his place where we k...

Can you give me some advice on how to sit her down and tell her I am a lesbian or what a good conversation would be to get her feelings about the subject?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6194 days ago

12 August 2007 (F - Ok, So I've been on here a few times before and it seems everyone falls in love with their best friend. I too am one of those people. I feel as if the whole world is against me on this and I don't feel as if I am the same person without her. Sh...

I'm a female 16 and I'm bisexual.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6106 days ago

11 August 2007 (F - Hi, I'm a female 16 and I'm bisexual. 2 years ago a new girl came to my high school. We became quite close friends straight away and I know I was young but I developed a crush on her quickly. When I came out to her, we became even closer and we ...

I certainly don't want to lose his friendship but how can I find out diplomatically if he is gay or not?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6194 days ago

11 August 2007 (M - I need some good advice! I'm a gay 58 year old male who is quite attracted to a young 23 year old guy. We've been friends ever since he was a little fellow. I believe he is gay but I'm not 100% positive about it. We're planning to take a trip ...

My boyfriend is wanting sex more, and it's getting rougher - how can I get him to ease up??

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6159 days ago

11 August 2007 (M - My boyfriend is starting to get a little rough during sex and when I tell him he's being too rough, he seems to get upset and offended... any advice? My boyfriend is the biggest sweetheart in the world and we've been together for going on 4 years...

I discovered my boyfriend has a profile on a gay website!!!

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 6184 days ago

10 August 2007 (F - Background: I am living with my boyfriend of 4 years. I am in my 30's he in his mid-40's. He was previously married for 14 years and has two kids. I have 2 kids from previous marriage as well. He is in the military, and last year I left my job, ...

I am planning on making a move on a friend of mine who is also a girl. How do I go about this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6196 days ago

9 August 2007 (F - I am planning on making a move on a friend of mine who is also a girl. How do I go about this? We have made out before and it only was once. Also if it ends up going past kissing what do I do? How do I do it? I really could use some advice. ...

Am I gay or or bi?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6193 days ago

9 August 2007 (F - hey, i am questioning the fact of me being bi or am i lesbian? cause i have noticed i tend to notice chix alot more than guys. i also have never had a "sex" dream about a guy it has always been girls. and idk if maybe this is just curiosity since i ...

Am I gay, straight, or just gender confused?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6196 days ago

8 August 2007 (F - Hi, I'm having a bit of a tough time. I feel attracted to guys physically and emotionally, but since I was 5 I've imagined dating girls. I was a bit of a tomboy and use to pretend to be a boy. Recently I've been attracted to one girl in particular. ...

My friend gave me oral sex and I returned the favour; does this make me a lesbian?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6050 days ago

8 August 2007 (F - i'm not too sure whether i'm a lesbian or not because i slept around my friends house the other night. we had to sleep in the same bed as there wasn't anywhere else to sleep and we both slept naked. about an hour after we'd gone to bed, i got woken...

I'm bi and in love with my friend, but she is with someone.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6198 days ago

6 August 2007 (F - hi i am bisexual and i am in love with my friend, the thing is she is with someone of three months, so why the hell would she cheat on her girlfriend with me? she has known i have liked her for 2 months, and a close friend of ours found out b...

Could I be a lesbian?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6199 days ago

5 August 2007 (F - me and my bestfriend were having a sleep over at her house the other night. she is bisexual, and i have been confused on if im straight, or if im lesbian. ok so we were sleeping on her bed. and we ended up talking about experimenting. s...

He is living a double life, as a gay.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6199 days ago

5 August 2007 (F - Please direct me, i just found out my ex-husband is living a double life. He's living as a gay man in Las Vegas,but acting straight when he comes home to visit. We have a really good relationship,our families are very close,in fact I know his ...

She got drunk so I ended it. Now she leaves abusive messages! What do I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6201 days ago

4 August 2007 (F - Hi everyone, hope you can give me some advice. I'm a 22 y/o gay woman. I just ended a relationship I was in for six months, basically because the girl I was dating was nice when sober and mean when drunk. When we first started seeing each othe...

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