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Archived questions from: January, 2010 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

How can I stop myself having an erection when we're together?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5291 days ago

31 January 2010 (M - Hi, I'm gay/bi/confused and haven't told anyone. I'm kind of in love with my best friend, my heart skips a best when I see him, when he talks I just want to kiss his lips, he makes me horny and is part of every fantasy, wet dream or wank. My p...

Is he Gay or am I Crazzzy?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5291 days ago

31 January 2010 (F - I hate to think this way because I love my boyfriend with every beat of my heary buuuut there's a few things I'm starting to wonder about latley. ((Hopefully I'm wrong)) Ok so my bf and I have been together for nearly 4 years. This is my First ...

What is a swollen thumb trick in ref to viewing a penis?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5291 days ago

31 January 2010 (M - hey guys, I was talking to my mate who is bi and he said something that i wasn't familiar with. i want to ask u guys because i cant find it on the net. basically he said he was shown a guys penis using the "swollen thumb trick" if anyone can expla...

I'm confused! Am I gay?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4915 days ago

30 January 2010 (F - Am i gay? I'm 19 and was with my boyfriend for 2 years. I have always looked at girls and been able to openly say 'oh they are hot', and i've kissed girls drunkenly at parties but nothing more. I have fantasized about having sex with a girl and thin...

How can I stop being gay?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5292 days ago

30 January 2010 (M - I need help!!..Long story short Im 20yo n have had a pretty normal life..well.. I am gay.. but I hate it..I wish I wasnt gay. I dont know why or at what point in my life I became this way... Id like to know why I turned gay.. think about it all the ...

Why doesn't he like me asking questions?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5292 days ago

30 January 2010 (M - My partner and I have just started to workout together. He is a police officer and ex-military and is very experienced in this area, but I am not. I am the type of person that asks questions in order to understand what I need to do, and he gets very ...

A gay man hit on my wife, is that ok?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5289 days ago

29 January 2010 (M - Ok, so my wife is a bartender and she has these two openly gay customers. These customers are always hit on by women, as I must admit they are very handsome, but never show any interest as they are 100% gay. With that being said, one of t...

I have problems keeping eye contact, or even talking to her for that matter

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5278 days ago

29 January 2010 (F - I am 14,female,and bi. Recently a girl who I've had a crush on for several months asked me out. So, we are going out now, but whenever I'm around her or talk to her I blush. It's soo noticable because my face gets very red. I have problems keeping ...

I'm gay and have fallen for a straight guy.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5267 days ago

29 January 2010 (M - Hi guys, my name is Julian I'm gay, here's my story... There's this guy I like a lot, he's my coworker, a very sweet guy very down to earth and sweet, he's always in my area and goes straight to my office to talk to me, he knows i'm gay not beca...

After reading his emails I worry he's gay and I am his cover

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5294 days ago

28 January 2010 (F - AHHHHHHHHHHH! i neeed help! im 19 years old and ive had a boyfriend for 4 years already!...hes a lot older than me hes 27. yeah i know such a big age gap but he is my bestfriends brother and by just going over her house everyday all day long we ...

Is he gay or are we just wrong for one another?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4898 days ago

28 January 2010 (F - Hi. I've been seeing this guy for almost two and a half years(I'm older by two years and divorced with a son). One week after being together he said this reltionship wasn't going to work out.Nevertheless he kept loving me ,and calling me ...

Does this mean I'm gay?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5292 days ago

28 January 2010 (F - I am currently in a relationship and have bin with my partner for 3yrs but, if I were to masturbate, I often think about women. I am totally straight, well atleast I think I am but I often say oh, wow she's really pretty. Does this mean that I am ...

I want sex more often than my boyfriend, what's up with that?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5296 days ago

27 January 2010 (M - I am looking for some insight into my boyfriend so if you think you can shed some then please do! What I don't understand is how he can really enjoy sex yet not want it very often. He is about 40 years of age, enjoys sex, finds my attractive ...

I introduced my husband to my bi g/f now he can only perform sex with her

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5296 days ago

26 January 2010 (F - Okay, to start off with, I am a bisexual female....I have been with my husband for 10 years...I am 27 and he is 29...We have a wonderful relationship but since I have gotten with this girl and let him join in, he can only get hard and stay hard ...

Do you have any suggestions for me, or for my ex?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5284 days ago

25 January 2010 (F - I am in a very confusing situation. Firstly, after a one year relationship, my partner and I decided to separate. The problems we had were actually external to our relationship, but had a huge affect on our relationship. So we thought it was just ...

Am I just imagining this or could he actually be liking me too? I always thought he was straight until recently!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5296 days ago

25 January 2010 (M - I am a gay guy who is 38. I have 3 male friends whom I have known for years...all of whom are supposedly straight. All in the group have known I am gay for years and are ok with me. One guy intrigues me...he is 3 years younger than me. He said ...

I think my husband is gay, what now?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5298 days ago

24 January 2010 (F - been with a guy 3 yrs,married for 2,i am 45 and he is 27. most all his girlfriends have cheated on him and he moved from another state to the one i live in. before we got married i complained of not enough sex, a week before we got married at a bar ...

What should I do?? And where do you think my sexuality is heading??

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5298 days ago

24 January 2010 (M - ok now it's probably a dumb question but for years im thinkin am i gay.. am i bi.. am i str8..i know there shouldn't be a name to describe ur sexualality but it does paint a picture of who u are. i have been with men and have been with women. now i ...

Should I be concerned with her past intimacy with a certain friend?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5295 days ago

24 January 2010 (F - Im a young girl who's been in a relationship with another girl for about 6 weeks now. I recently met her "Best Friend" who she hadn't seen in months. I learned that her and her best friend were messing around quite a bit a few months before we...

Am I bisexual or do I just fancy a tumble with a lesbian?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5285 days ago

23 January 2010 (F - hi there. i am a very girly girl i love to take care of my appearance and love make up and doing my hair. however i catch myself looking at GIRLS and fantasize of how they would be in bed. i am really attracted to the "tomboy" kind of lesbian ...

We fist fight all the time and it's not getting better... help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5301 days ago

21 January 2010 (F - Well i was with my girlfriend for a year and a half. We spent so much time together, and as i look back i think that is where some of the problem started. I had so many friends even me and my exes was cool, and she did not like that. I talked to ...

I am a female with a confusing freindship with my gay male friend who I love

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5301 days ago

21 January 2010 (F - Hello all, I am a female and I have had a kind of 'bi' male freind for the last two years ( Well, I say kind of bi he is gay at the crux of it - he has dated and slept with a few women in the past, but now men)Anyway,he is very nice, we are ver...

How do you break up with someone who says they will die without you?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5302 days ago

20 January 2010 (F - I'm bisexaul but I lean more towards females, I'm in a relationship that isn't working very well, my girlfriend has cheated on me multiple times and has once gotten pregnant, she told me it was rape. I really want to break up with her but I can't, b...

Feelings for other women

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5290 days ago

19 January 2010 (F - I am currently 21 and have for years now had feelings for other women. These feelings have recently become a lot stronger and focus on one women.I dream about this women and have fantasise about us becoming an item. However i dont know her feelings ...

Is my best friend gay?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5303 days ago

19 January 2010 (F - Hi I have a question for the male readers, can you guys please give me your honest opinions? Okay its about this guy friend of mine (Z) that I knew since elementary school. He is 2 years younger than me and I sort of treated him like a kid broth...

Is my husband secretly gay or bi?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5303 days ago

19 January 2010 (F - Is My Husband Secretly Gay? He watches gay man on man porn only? He watches gay mini-series and soaps like Jon Paul and Craig and Craig Dean? He fully admits to loathing having sex with me, and sometimes we go months without sex because s...

Can anyone help me figure out how I can make sex enjoyable for both of us?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5303 days ago

19 January 2010 (F - I've been with my girlfriend for about a 3 and a half years now and we've had sex many times. I view myself as a lesbian, for I am not attracted at all to men and strongly attracted to women, but I've never really gotten any pleasure from making l...

I'm 8 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend has been distancing himself from me, maybe men are not right for me and I should become a lesbian?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5303 days ago

19 January 2010 (F - [Moderator's Note: 2 questions from the same poster have been merged together into this one post] Question 1: I jus found out yesterday that im pregnant. My bf has been distancing himself from me(not calling, texting, or coming over to my house). ...

Is there a chance she could be bisexual, or is she just being friendly?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5298 days ago

19 January 2010 (F - I am a 26 year old bisexual female. I have been attracted to a friend of year or so. We started hanging out, and our friendship grew from there. My situation is that, it seemed like we were attracted to each other, but nothing has come of it ...

Unrequited gay love in the southwest US

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5304 days ago

18 January 2010 (M - I'm a 30-year old gay man living in the southwestern United States. I moved here with my parents when I graduated from high school, and when I moved, my best friend from high school moved with us. Now, through high school, I wasn't out; neit...

Should I push my feelings away?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5290 days ago

18 January 2010 (F - A couple of days ago I gave a girl a note and it had my feelings about her and that I think she is special and how I like her more then a friend then later that day she sai she had to talk to me then she said she don't like girls then she said she ...

Relationship confusion, bigtime!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5305 days ago

17 January 2010 (M - Ok, i have been seeing this guy for about three months now and its been great up until i met his children last week...well let me make it clear first that i am bi and a when i met them everything was good at first and a few minutes later my ...

I have a crush on a "straight" guy.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5297 days ago

17 January 2010 (M - Hey everyone, I’ve been debating where I could actually post this and get opinions and thoughts on it. I’ve tried typing out the situation I’m about to explain many times, but I often lose focus and tend to just stop writing… This is kind of lengt...

Does this mean I'm a lesbian?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5305 days ago

17 January 2010 (F - One day I went to my friends house and I was playing with her for like three hours then me and her went outside so her mother said by girls then we went out side then me and her was talking then started to wrestle so then I picked her up and put her ...

Role playing...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5300 days ago

16 January 2010 (M - can you help us by suggesting role playing ideas! me and my wife are looking for some. some thing that is not off a filthy porn style, but of a nice fantasy....

I'm terrified I'll fall for her again...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5307 days ago

15 January 2010 (F - Me and my ex were best mates before we got together. We were together on and off for a year. However we broke up after she cheated on me at a party one night when extremely drunk. We didnt talk for about a month, but now have gone back to being best ...

Is this behavior the way most gay couples behave? What should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5300 days ago

14 January 2010 (M - I am a 47 year old male that has been in a gay relationship with my partner for 3 years. A year into our relationship, I discovered he was frequenting video stores, having anonomous sex (he said no penetration, just jerking guys off), meeting ...

Does she like me, or is she just being friendly?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5307 days ago

14 January 2010 (F - I am a 19 yr old bisexual female and have been bisexual for years, fighting to keep it secret from family, especially my homophobic mother. Most of my friends know I am though and have no problem of it. Recently, I was re-acquainted with a friends ...

I am crushing on my same sex friend

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5308 days ago

14 January 2010 (F - I'm 14, female, and bisexual. So, I guess you could say I've totaly fallen for my closest friend who's a girl. I've fallen hard too, because I've never liked someone this much, ever. When me and her hang out together by ourselves I am fine, I can ...

Does the penis lose its muscle?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5307 days ago

13 January 2010 (M - I;m a 20 year old guy, and I have gotten to know this other guy a bit older than me. Well, I gave him a massage one day and it lead to a passionate play around. Him and I were naked together and his penis became hard in not time but mine couldn't ...

Brothers or Lovers?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5310 days ago

12 January 2010 (M - A few months ago I met a friend on the internet who introduced me to a friend of his. We started off as cyber brothers, and I won't bore you with the details but we're now very much in love and have even said that when he's 18 he wants to move over ...

I'm a lesbian with a boyfriend

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4044 days ago

12 January 2010 (F - Ok. This is quite messy and odd for me. But about 4 months ago, my best friend's bf came home from college and he and his best friend came over to my best friend's house. The four of us drank and had a good time...and by the end of the night, I ...

HELP!!! She won't let go!!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5310 days ago

11 January 2010 (F - I'm a lesbian who has been in love with the same woman ever since I was SURE I was a lesbian. After a couple of tries at relationships, me and the woman decided to remain friends and she is now with someone else. I'd like to move on as well, but the ...

B/s doesn't know I"m gay!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5311 days ago

11 January 2010 (M - Im 17 guy n im in love with my best freind whos also a guy but dosnt no im gay but has suspitions i dnt no wat to do at all i tell him i love him but he thinks im messin we spend every day togeather n i flirt n cuddle n watch him sleep n cuddle him ...

Lesbian relationship - she wants to see other women

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5311 days ago

11 January 2010 (F - Recently as to last night my gf called me to state that she had been thinkin about going out and seeing the lesbian clubs and bars to meet new people. which i understand she has never been out done it and got the t-shirt. she also dose not kn...

Should I say yes and go out with him?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5298 days ago

9 January 2010 (M - Hi im a 16 year old boy from england and i recently gor asked out by another boy. He is gay, i am not. It started with a talk on MSN and he asked me if i would go out with him i said no, but then i kept on thinking that gay sex might be ok and i sh...

Will it last???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5314 days ago

8 January 2010 (M - dear cupid, im in a relationship with this guy but he is not over his ex.they have been separated for a year and we have been dating for 8.he says he loves me and wants to be with me as i feel the same for him. but this whole hes not over hi...

Is it really love or just a crush?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5311 days ago

8 January 2010 (M - I'm 14, gay, and a freshman in highschool. I like a 17 year old junior. He (of course) is straight. Yup, I'm officially living the stereotype, unrequited love that can never work out. But I want to know, is it really love or just a crush that'll ...

In love, now lost... please help.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5315 days ago

7 January 2010 (F - hi everyone. i'm 17 and i've been having a relationship with this girl, A for almost 3 years. she confessed to me 3 years ago and i accepted. starting, we were really very happy together. i can feel the love she had for me. after that we decided to ...

My first blowjob???

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5315 days ago

7 January 2010 (M - I'm sixteen and a guy I know at school has offered to give me my first blowjob. What are the potential consequences of having a blowjob both emotional and physical? Is it really that big a deal?...

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