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Archived questions from: September, 2010 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

It seems like I'm always the one initiating the conversation. Does he like me? What do I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5043 days ago

30 September 2010 (M - Hello, So I'm gay, and I recently met someone online who is two years older than me. When I went to meet him, he told me that we have actually known each other for a very long time. He told me his full name and I was in shock, and I immediat...

I need help coming out

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5045 days ago

30 September 2010 (M - Dear Cupid, I really hate that I'm gay, but I want to come out and let everyone know. I'm really scared of how people are going to react because most of the people in this town are pretty homophobic/stereotype about gay people. I've never told a...

I told him I love him, but he's making plans he won't commit to, with me.

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5039 days ago

30 September 2010 (M - I'm 19 years old and gay. A little over a year ago I fell in love with one of my best friends. I told him how I felt about him in November and I know he avoided me for a long time. Whenever I would ask if we could get together he would tell me that ...

How can I get my mind off of my male teacher?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5048 days ago

30 September 2010 (M - I'm 13, and my band director is male, and is married to a woman. He looks to bein his 40's, and just had I child. I've had a crush on him for a few years, and I know I'll never get a shot, because it's illegal, and he isn't gay, but ... What can I ...

Gay in Denial..

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5048 days ago

29 September 2010 (M - I have a serious obsession, it's with a guy, who I hang round with an awful lot. I am completely out as gay, and although he says he is not gay, there are so many factors that make us know he is not telling the truth. As wrong as it may be, I once ...

Am I gay or am I going through a phase?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5048 days ago

29 September 2010 (F - Hey am 15 .. I know most people would say am confused .. But i need help ! I find girls attractive at times but guys too. At the same time i would choose a girl over a guy. To be honest i don't even like the look of the " the third leg" i don't ev...

Does he like me or am I freaking him out?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5049 days ago

29 September 2010 (M - Hey. I dont know what to do. Im bisexual and theres this guy at school in the year below me who is absolutely gorgeous!!! unbelievably stunning! Well there are loads of times where i see him looking at me. Now i would want nothing more than to ...

What can I do to be better in this relationship?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5046 days ago

29 September 2010 (M - This is probably going to be very long, but I need to explain the whole scenario for you to see where I am coming from. I have been in loving and slightly dramatic relationship with my bf for a year and a half. by dramatic I mean everythi...

I am tempted to cheat on my boyfriend!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5049 days ago

29 September 2010 (M - First of all this is a gay relationship, I have been with my boyfriend for almost 9 months, and we are living with eachother, I am currently going to college and he is working. I love him with all my heart! We make eachother laugh about anything...

Straight? Gay? All These mixed signals...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4906 days ago

28 September 2010 (M - So I have this friend, who insists he is straight, but something, a gut feeling maybe, is telling me he isn't completely. He knows I am gay, he played a gay role in a film that I wrote for a festival - he's fine with me. Actually we are quite close, ...

How to know if you're gay, bi, bi-curious, confused or straight?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5049 days ago

28 September 2010 (M - Hi I'm a 21 years old male I'm here for help with some issues that I'm trying to deal with but don't know so please take your time to read my story and help me or give me some advice. This is me, a straight male who had never been or slept ...

The man I love has HIV, how can I help him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5050 days ago

28 September 2010 (M - Hi there, There is guy I work with. He is such a great guy and I've really started to get on really well with him. But he said to me we could never go out because we work with each other. I kind of accepted this and moved on. He then got a boyfr...

Should I approach him saying I saw it and ask if that was the first and last time?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5050 days ago

28 September 2010 (M - I've posted previously about finding pictures of my bf and some other guy on my bf's spare phone that I needed to use, and came across that.. when my bf gave me the phone he commented saying enjoying snooping around where your nose doesn't belong. ...

Obsessed with my best friend - need some help

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5036 days ago

28 September 2010 (M - Hi there, I'm new to the forum so not sure whether this is the right place. Hope so! I'm currently a student and feeling pretty low at the moment. I'm a 19yr guy and bisexual. Even though I feel "safe" behind a computer screen it feels hard to ev...

My parents caught us having sex!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4148 days ago

28 September 2010 (M - So last night me and my boyfriend John(I'm gay) were hanging out in the lounge room at my house. We were having a great time watching one our favorite shows:Glee. Throughout the whole show he would touch me, rub my belly and do all these cutesy ...

I'm heartbroken! I found naked pics of him and a guy he was texting to on his phone!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5051 days ago

27 September 2010 (M - My phone got damaged on holiday and my bf gave me his spare phone to use temporarly so I put my card in his phone. Needless to say I was browsing the phone to see if anything from my phone's memory card was saved, and I came across a few mes...

I want to leave for all the wrong reasons

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5051 days ago

27 September 2010 (M - Hi there. I am a 47 year old gay man in a gay relationship for the past 17 years. Ever since I was young I knew I was gay and built my life around being gay. However in recent years I found myself being attracted to the opposite sex and to follow ...

Am I lesbian? Does thinking sexually about a woman make me a lesbian?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5048 days ago

27 September 2010 (F - Hey everyone. I'm 17 almost 18. I have some big doubt about my sexuality, it's something that's killing me. Ok, I currently have a boyfriend and all my life I've had relationships only with men. I'm both emotionally and sexually attracted to men, ...

Do I tell her and risk ruining my new life or hope my feelings go away?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5048 days ago

27 September 2010 (F - Ok so me and my friend (a girl), I forced a fight between us because I got into this *huge* fight with my ex-boyfriend and it was really scary and (oh the irony) my friend and ex look almost identical!! So anyway, for a few months now, I've had a ...

Would it work... a lesbian getting with a gay guy?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5048 days ago

26 September 2010 (F - Hi World! I am an lady with a hidden lifestyle, am a lesbian. I am going 40 and never been married, this makes my conservative christian family so not get me. Our traditions do not get or accept this kind of lifestyle. I would really want t...

Gay teacher in love with a student.

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4899 days ago

26 September 2010 (M - I'm a 27 year old male teacher. I work in a Catholic school. I have been looking for love for quite some time. The problem is that I always end up with the wrong person. The people I choose are either straight, deep into the closet, or simply way ...

I'm in the military and bisexual...big problem!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4976 days ago

26 September 2010 (M - Hello everyone. I have gotten myself into a grave situation. I was one of the suckers that fell for serving my country in the military and I am currently carrying out my enlistment. I am about a year from my end of active obligated service and have ...

My partner has been of no help to me, despite all my help and support of him!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5052 days ago

26 September 2010 (M - i've been with my partner for 4yrs. in that time i've helped him doing jobs for his family, helped renovate his flat and spend my free time chasing around doing the things he wants to do, all of which i enjoyed. the problem is that i've had a rather ...

I heard him tell a woman he loved her, but couldn't move or get up!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5049 days ago

26 September 2010 (M - How do you believe a man that you have heard talk to another women and heard him tell her he loves her, and for some reason hearing all this I COULDN'T get up so when I told him what I heard he denies it of course that I was dreaming but I HEARD ...

How do I make out with him? I'm scared

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5053 days ago

25 September 2010 (M - I guys, I'm a 16 year old male and have just entered my first gay relationship, well "relationship" for that matter. First time I've ever been in one, and I'm excited and scared at the same time. Me and my boyfriend have going out for two weeks and ...

I recently came out and want to have a male date at my graduation

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5050 days ago

25 September 2010 (M - Hello, I am a 17 year old gay male and live in a small town in Saskatchewan. I came out when I was 15 and all I've been able to think about is how happy it would make me to have a boy as my grad escort. But as I said, I live in a small town, and ...

Lesbian, confused, married women lesbian affair

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4952 days ago

25 September 2010 (F - i am at the end of 20s, i have developed attraction to girls and boys since my childhood, likely to be bisexual but attracted to women more, not any women, to mentally mature, brain sexy type" brain seducing type". am an honest, responsible, not ...

I think my boyfriend is gay!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5051 days ago

24 September 2010 (F - About two months ago I discovered on my boyfriends laptop that he had pictures of himself. I thought this was a bit strange and went on to his email and went through his sent items. I then discovered he was sending pictures of himself to other men ...

A strange thing happened while watching the movie

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5054 days ago

24 September 2010 (F - Hi, um last night I and my cousin were watching a movie called "The Runaways" which is my favorite movie so far. There a scene where Kristen kissed to Dakota we'd give a try, we kissed, and we both felt so nice when we kissed, we enjoyed it. But ...

I think he's flirting with me, should I look for more signs?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5054 days ago

24 September 2010 (M - Hey, I got a question that involves my friend. Im bi (but no one knows lol) and his straight. Im not sure if this is all in my head but im starting to think that his flirting with me a little bit. He keeps touching me, and, like, keeps hinting ...

Why does my teacher act so weird around me?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4959 days ago

24 September 2010 (F - So there is this relief teacher who has just been accepted into my school and i know for a fact that she is only 19. I'm 16, a girl, and i'm the senior in my school. When i first saw her, i was blown away because she was really quite attractive. She ...

How should I tell my guy best friend I love him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5054 days ago

24 September 2010 (M - I'm bi-curios and I'm in love with my guy best friend. We treat each other as brothers. I'm 2 years older that him. The 2 of us get really close to each other, we even wrestle and tickle each other almost all the time. we like holding each others ...

Not quite working yet with my b/f

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5054 days ago

24 September 2010 (F - Hi, I've been with my boyfriend for two years. We love each other very much. That's not my problem though. I get turned on by him but when it comes to sex, I do get turned on but it's very weird. It's not consistent. I've always thought some wom...

I think I'm bi..and I have feelings for my cousins wife!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4959 days ago

24 September 2010 (F - I'm 18 and in college..I'm a Muslim so being bi is frowned upon by's hard enough having to keep sucha big secret from my friends and family but now I'm having feelings for my cousins wife, they've been married for 3 years now no ...

Should I tell her of my feelings or just keep them inside?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4952 days ago

23 September 2010 (F - Hi everyone :) So this may be a long post, for which I apologise in advance. Ok well it was late 2008 that I first met the absolute love of my young life, I shall call her L. The problem being that I was a year 9/10 student and she was my 30 s...

Confused about my brother's feelings for me.....

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5049 days ago

22 September 2010 (M - I told my brother that I'm in love with him 5 months ago. and that I wanted to make love with him. he get very angry and didn't even want to see me again. and we had no communication at all, till yesterday. he came in my room and we were ...

I really like him, how can I find out if he is gay?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5051 days ago

22 September 2010 (M - I really like this one guy but I am not sure he is gay? Can anyone give me good advice on what to look for?...

My boyfriend's ashamed of me!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5043 days ago

22 September 2010 (M - I am a gay guy and have been going out with my boyfriend for 7 months ago. I am out to friends and family, and my boyfriend isn't. I am really falling for this guy and he has met my friends and family, but I am finding it really hard because he is ...

Am I attracted to women or just this one woman?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5057 days ago

21 September 2010 (F - Hi. I am a woman and I am attracted to men, definitely. I like men. But just recently I've met a female who I think I have a bit of a crush on and it's kind of embarrassing. I know that she is bi and once enquired to a friend about my sexuality to ...

Do I leave him alone and cut him out of my life or do I pursue this "friendship"???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5057 days ago

21 September 2010 (M - This is kinda long so bear with me guys... I'm a gay man and I've been in a fantastic relationship with my partner for over a year and a half and he decides he wants to end it all of a sudden because of a lack of physical feelings after a month lo...

I am gay but about to marry a woman, does anyone have any advice on how to make my marriage work?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5050 days ago

21 September 2010 (M - hi, im jay 28 yrs old gay and dont have any feeling for girls. but i have too marry a girl very soon, i have already stopped my gay activities and want to live like other married couples and i have heared that many gays are married and have kids ...

How do I deal with my sexuality?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5057 days ago

21 September 2010 (M - Well Hi I've got a messy situation I need some help to fix! Let's start at the beginning, At The end of April I just had this dream that basically a big sign I was gay I woke up wondering just thinking it over if o was gay then I typed 'Gay K...

How can I find a bi or lesbian girlfriend?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5050 days ago

21 September 2010 (F - Ok so I'm a teenage girl and I was just wondering how I can find a lesbian or bisexual girlfriend? I'm pretty sure there are no lesbians at my school. Thanks in advance....

Does this "straight" guy like me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5058 days ago

19 September 2010 (M - Well here's the dilemma, im a bi male who has never been with a guy before... to make a long story short I have a straight guy friend that I think wants me but claims to be straight. When we are together its like we are a couple or something, he ...

I feel like I'm missing out on things!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5059 days ago

19 September 2010 (M - I have been in a long-term relationship (5 years) with a guy fourteen years older than me. We started dating when I was 16. I love him so much and he loves me. But I have been feeling lost lately - like I don't know who I am or what I want to do ...

How do I tell my girlfriend that I want sex with men?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5058 days ago

19 September 2010 (F - Hey, this is going to be a little awkward. Currently I'm going out with a girl a year or so younger than me- the first girl I've dated- and have been for nearly a year now. We sleep together regularly and enjoy it, but somehow I don't think I'm ...

15 year old guy and 27 year old man, what to do?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5056 days ago

19 September 2010 (M - Hey, I have a really bad problem. I'm a 15 almost 16 year old guy and I'm in love with another 27 year old guy. I met him when I was on holiday and we became really good friends but on my last day he just kissed me and I never thought I was gay befo...

Ever since he broke up with me I've been more depressed than I ever was before I met him

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19 September 2010 (M - Hello aunts. I'm in a situation that I can't seem to escape and let go. I'm 17 and I was in a gay relationship with my boyfriend for 2 years. Our relationship was perfect, we were there for each other, we did everything with each other, I thought ...

My wife wants to turn gay!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5061 days ago

18 September 2010 (M - why does my wife want to turn in a gay lover and do not want any part of me .We have one child she some time talk to me nice and thentalk to me like a pig .We been with each other for 15 years and now she do not love me . can anyone tell me why ? i ...

He played me now I work with him!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5057 days ago

17 September 2010 (M - I'm a gay 19 year old guy, I usually go down to the bar in city for a few drinks (its the only gay bar in the city I live). I got chatting to a bar staff that night and we hit it off instantly. About a month later we were both on a night out and ...

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