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Archived questions from: July, 2009 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Shes avoiding me now I told her I had a boyfriend

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5474 days ago

31 July 2009 (F - i am a girl and i told my friend that i had a boyfriend..but like four months ago i told her i was lesbian..i just want to be concidered normal..but i am lesbian ..i just want her and others to accept me(i havnt told her) but now she is avoiding me ...

My husband told me he has feelings for my Dad! How do I deal with this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5474 days ago

31 July 2009 (F - Last night I was shocked by my husband's revelation. He said "Sit down. We need to talk, it's important." I asked him what it was, and he said "I've got sexual feelings for your dad. I hate myself for having them, I mean, I've never felt this ...

Ways to deal with my aggressive mother...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5474 days ago

30 July 2009 (M - I'm bisexual and have been in a relationship with a guy for eight months now. I spend weekends at his, and make up excuses to my parents who are conservative and petrified/repulsed by homosexuals. To the point that any defence of homosexuality is ...

I am desperate for help and need a way out of this!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5475 days ago

30 July 2009 (F - I've been struggling with a situation for months now and recently things came to a head I just couldnt bear it anymore. I'll try to be as brief as I can about a complex situation... I'm gay and have a partner but she and I have had ups and down...

Do I ignore him and give him space?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5472 days ago

30 July 2009 (M - I have been seeing my boyfriend on and off since December 2007, it began as a long distance relationship but he moved nearer, to manchester which is about 25 miles from where I live to see me more often. However, this year the realtionship has hit ...

How would you feel if you were in her shoes? What did I do wrong?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5476 days ago

30 July 2009 (F - me (i'm a girl) and this girl has been friends for a while and around november i told her i was bi..and she said its just a phase..and then like 4 months later i told her that i had no interest in boys..and i was lesbian and she started to accept it ...

I used to go and hunt for sex, now I seem to prefer to do it on my own!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5476 days ago

29 July 2009 (M - Hi, I seem to have lost my libido with other people. I don't really understand it. I am gay, have never had much of a problem having sex with people. Now I just seem to prefer doing it on my own. I used to go and hunt for sex but now I just think ...

Is he just curious or does he still have feelings for me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5472 days ago

29 July 2009 (M - Hi, im gay and i need help, my boyfriend and I broke up some time ago, almost one month, we ended up in bad terms, i have a lot of feelings for him, im still in love even though he really hurt my feelings, i just cant stop thinking about him, once I ...

My wife only wants to goes out with her male gay friends and always comes home falling down drunk.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5474 days ago

28 July 2009 (M - I'm 27, my wife is 26 and she's been going out partying all the time with her friends. Most of the time it's her gay male friends, very seldom she goes out with her girlfriends. She won't ever go out with anyone other than these gay male friends. ...

I can't sleep with her because of what he did to me

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5477 days ago

27 July 2009 (F - I've been in a bad relationship (he would push me and force me to do thing i didnt want to do) i got out of it 1 year ago and since then i have got a new partner and she is great but she want to sleep together i try and make up excuses but she is ...

Am I bi? Should I just decide one or the other?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5477 days ago

27 July 2009 (M - Hi again. Ok, so these last few days have been a rollercoaster ride to say the least. I've now fallen out of love with a guy i've longed after for years, and i'm kinda happy about it! I've told a friend i'm a bit confused about my orientation, and ...

My girlfriend gave up prostitution for me but I think she's gone back to it! What should I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5478 days ago

27 July 2009 (F - She use to walk on the streets and her mates did it to. but when we started dating she said she would stop and she did and it was fine until she ask me to sleep with her but i didnt want to and we had the fight about how she was giving up everything ...

How do I reassure her that I'm trustworthy?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5479 days ago

26 July 2009 (F - I am in a new relationship of 2 months with my partner. (both female) She and I have started out very well and have said that we will be honest with each other even if it's not something the other person wants to hear. Last night I went out and got ...

My girlfriend says she shouldn't have to stop hanging out with her ex. What do you think?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5480 days ago

25 July 2009 (F - Ive been with my partner (we are a lesbian couple) close to a year and she still wants to text and talk and hang out with her ex and its killing me inside. Whenever my gf and I fight she goes to her ex and tells her about the fight in detail. Not ...

I have a boyfriend but I find myself wanting to try things with girls all the time. I'm so confused

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5480 days ago

25 July 2009 (F - Ok i don't know how to ask this but, I think I am Bi Curious. I'm not sure but what should i do? and how am i sure. I mean i have a boyfriend but i cant help but see pictures of girls and stuff and sometime get turned on and i start to wonder ...

I just can't come out with "what are we doing?" because we've never talked about it!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5478 days ago

25 July 2009 (F - What should i do? Ok so I no now that I’m bi, I have been with girls be4. I started to fancy this girl for a wile but one night there was three of us in a bed after a night of drinking, I started to play with her arms and back. She didn’t sto...

1st time intercourse advice

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5478 days ago

24 July 2009 (M - I'd like some advice from gay guys about the best position to receive 1st time intercourse with a man. I've seen dvds and think I'd be best lying on my back with a pillow under my bum and legs well up . My mate promises to be gentle and use...

Am I straight, bi-curious, bi or lesbian? How can I have another lesbian experience?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5481 days ago

24 July 2009 (F - [Moderator note: Two questions were combined into one, as they are from the same poster with essentially the same question. FIRST QUESTION: Am I straight, bi-curious, bi or lesbian? Full story: When I was younger, about 6), I had these neigh...

Should I try to let him know how I feel?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5476 days ago

24 July 2009 (M - hi, i'm a gay student who has not, as of yet, "come out". I've been interested in loads of guys from school for a couple of years now. However, now that i've left school and am going to uni in September, i have really felt a deep affection for one ...

He says he is willing to take a lie detector to prove he didnt cheat on me with a man!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5481 days ago

24 July 2009 (F - Hi everyone I am a transwoman and I ve been dating this guy for 1year 6 months in at first things were like a fairytale I couldnt get enough of him. Things started to change he didnt have a job,a car or a place anyways I was willing to work with him ...

My Husband wants to dress in satin maid outfits while cleaning the house.

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 3587 days ago

23 July 2009 (M - Hi all I was hoping you can help, my husband and Ib have a great sex life and we are both quite openminded. My husband has admitted that he is Bi and has fantasies about being dressed in satin and being a sissy with other men. I know he has a ma...

I have been in a gay relationship for 4 years, but I've found out that he's been looking at heterosexual porn!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5478 days ago

23 July 2009 (M - I'm 25, been in a gay relationship with my partner of 4 years, he's 28. We have good jobs and live together in our city flat. In most respects, our life is good, no issues there, apart from our sex life. My partner does not seem to want se...

What can I say to my best friend? I don't want her to get hurt anymore by these confusing relationships

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5483 days ago

23 July 2009 (F - my best friend is bi sexual. and she loves another one of my friends and they both like eachother. but the girl she likes has a boyfriend and likes a couple other people. what do i tell my best friend so she wont get hurt anymore?...

I'm having stronger feelings for my girl friend... am I bi?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5467 days ago

22 July 2009 (F - heyah everybody! im getting really confused lately if i am straight or bi or even just bi curious.. i know my best friend for years and i am begining to have feelings for her.. i had an awful hard time with guys they treated me really bad and s...

I think I want to break up with my boyfriend!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5483 days ago

22 July 2009 (M - Ok so here's the problem...after a long time of thinking i have decided that i want to break up with my boyfriend. Because i get so nervous talking to him about serious things (which leaves me forgetting what i was meant to say) i decided it was b...

When we met up she was all over me, but now she isnt replying to my texts! What should I do now?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5483 days ago

22 July 2009 (F - I have known I have been gay for about a year or so, and I have had gay flings wtc but ive never been in a sexual relationship with a girl. I started talking to a girl (friend of a friend) about two months ago, and we were talking and texting loads. ...

What is the best way to explain to my family that I am attracted to women and not men?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5481 days ago

22 July 2009 (F - Dear Cupid, i am 25 and have feelings for women, recently my favourite radio presenter was axed due to a new company takeover, my parents aren't understanding that i am emotionally, physically and sexually attracted to her. I have had strong ...

I'm scared I might be bi!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5473 days ago

22 July 2009 (F - Im scared i might be bi. I mean ive always questioned it but im scared to admit it to myself. I mean i have a boyfriend and i love him but i still have feelings towards girls not really sexual just like i like them. i mean i think i have a crush o...

I can't move forward in my life with all these feelings I have for him!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5484 days ago

21 July 2009 (M - Hi guys, first of all Id like to tell u that im gay, im feeling really down because me and my boyfriend broke up almost a month ago, he ended up with me in very hurtful terms telling me he didn´t love me anymore, added to this problem i have a bunch ...

How do I let him know that I am ready for a serious relationship?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5484 days ago

21 July 2009 (M - i'm a 18 year old guy, im fed up of sleeping around and really want to settle! theres this guy i want to try a relationship with, we have known each other for 4 years and he is just turning 20 in a few months. the only problem is he thinks ...

I'm a masculine guy who wants a masculine guy...but I can't find anyone. Help, I'm sick of being alone!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5101 days ago

21 July 2009 (M - Is there anyone who feels like I do? Im a 19 year old masculine gay guy and I live in this small town in north Carolina and there are almost no gay guys here. There's a few promiscuious feminine guys but I don't want anything to do with them. I'm a ...

Should I tell more people I am bi? Do guys like girls who are bi?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5478 days ago

21 July 2009 (? - hi well im bi and my girl friend is my best friend at school people know she is bi but only like 5 people know i am should ilet more people know that i am? and do guys like bi girls just wondering plz help...

I'm developing confusing feelings for one of my girl friends!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5475 days ago

21 July 2009 (F - I dont know what to do...when i say this out loud it makes me seem like a horrible awfull person wich i dont wanna be cos' i hate thinking like this and i want it to stop. Ive been with my boyfriend for almost 4 months and known him abit longer ...

His use of porn is now affecting our relationship.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5485 days ago

20 July 2009 (M - I'm 24 and my boyfriend's 28, and his usage of porn has began affecting our relationship. Even worse, it was pictures of scantily-clad women in magazines like FHM, Maxim etc. - and it's made me question whether our relationship has a future. ...

Sexual tension and some insecurity?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5477 days ago

20 July 2009 (M - I'll first give you the basics. I'm 28 and he is 21. We're affectionate and compatible and both a pair of good looking men. We're both hard working and put a lot of work into our house. We appreciate art, music and gardening (growing our own ...

Am I bi? I am very close to this girl. My boyfriend knows and says I can't dump him!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5473 days ago

20 July 2009 (F - I met this girl in one of my classes PE to be spacific and were realy good friends. Except i think she like me and im not all inocent either. I like her to. Shes so nice and she cares about me. She hugs me all the time and kisses my cheek and ...

My boyfriend excludes me from EVERYTHING. He lies and he cheats but I love him.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5485 days ago

20 July 2009 (M - Ok, Im 26 and im Bi and im BF is 21 and he is severely in the closet. We have been together almost 9 months. Nothing in our relationship is going good. But I love him to death and I know he is my soulmate (im not just saying that) If ...

How did you figure out that you were gay or bi?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5073 days ago

20 July 2009 (F - I'm really confused right now. I have considered myself straight for my entire life, up until I realized feelings for my friend back in March. She was the only girl I had ever really had feelings for. We recently broke up, but now I can't figure out ...

My brain says no but my heart says .....

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5485 days ago

20 July 2009 (M - Two days ago I had my first same sex sexual experience. I have been thinking about doing so for many years but was too scared to act upon it. I enjoyed it but now im very confused and I am not sure what I am. I have been feeling ill to the point I ...

Gay man with a dating question: is he leading me on?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5458 days ago

19 July 2009 (M - This is my first time doing this. I am a gay male, 28. I have been seeing a guy for over three months now. Initially, I met this guy and we hit it off. After about 2-3 weeks of seeing each other, he asked me if we could become more serious, but did ...

I masturbate to lesbian porn but only date men. Am I gay?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5471 days ago

19 July 2009 (F - I'm a woman who likes to watch lesbian porn for hours and masturbate to you think i'm gay. The reason i ask is i only go out and have relationships with men....

My husband told me he's gay ...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5486 days ago

19 July 2009 (F - My husband told me yesterday that he was gay. He said he hadn't cheated on me or anything, but felt something inside of him that made him have to "get it out". We haven't had sex at all for the last few weeks, so that explains why he wasn't ...

I slept with his sister - should I tell him?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5486 days ago

19 July 2009 (F - I've had a crush on my boyfriends sister and didn't find out that she was bisexual until I got into a relationship with her brother. She recently slept over at my house while my boyfriend was at work and we ended up getting a little too close. Do ...

My indiscretion caused my gay partner pain, he said he forgave me, but randomly gets angry, what should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5486 days ago

18 July 2009 (M - we're a gay male couple (18 and 19) and we've been dating nearly 8 months, recently i had a sexual thing with another guy who i'd been friends with for a while, we didn't have sex, we didn't even kiss, we were sleeping in the same bed, i was abso...

Is there still a chance that we can be friends again?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5487 days ago

18 July 2009 (M - ok, well like new ppl im not sure how to start off. But im 17 and bi, recently i jus told one of my closest male friend that i liked him, i felt that he was that way because we were pretty much close and would tell me personal things and that he ...

Am I straight, gay or what??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5487 days ago

17 July 2009 (M - Alright im a 17 year-old guy who is attracted to girls and ive liked many girls to an extreme many times in my life. But, im not at all sexually attracted to girls and they don't turn me on at all. Guys on the other hand, i am sexually attracted ...

Our relationship just isnt fun anymore, any tips to spice things up a little?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5488 days ago

17 July 2009 (F - Hi, My lesbian girlfriend is really great and I don't want to end things with her, but it's just not fun anymore. When we first got together it was great. We had amazing sex, licked, sucked, kissed, all the trimmings. But I need something new to do ...

We never do anything together and he mostly ignores me

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5489 days ago

17 July 2009 (M - I am gay and my partner is ignoring me most the time, I cant understand why, once we moved to live together I found him different person, not the one that I love, he always off from his work to his computer, then to take a nap, and he spend all the ...

Could someone please give me some words of support here?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5489 days ago

16 July 2009 (F - I am a mid 40s woman who has been involved with a married (now separated) woman for over a year. We have lived together all the time we've known each other. Her estranged husband knows about our relationship. She and I had been talking for some ...

She says she wants to be with me yet wants to lose her virginity to a guy

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5483 days ago

16 July 2009 (F - Hey I've been with my girlfriend for 3 months. I too am a girl n for her this is her first lesbian relationship yet it is my third. However it is my first sexual lesbian relationship. Were both 17 and I have fell in really deeply and it seems sh...

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