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Archived questions from: May, 2008 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I love my mate but he's not gay. How do I cope?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5896 days ago

31 May 2008 (M - What if you like someone (a str8 friend) but you know he will never like you back? (he knows you're gay) Will you continue your feelings for him? How can you possibly move on? What are the steps to take him out of your everyday system!...

I don't want to be gay, but lately guys have turned me on more than girls. Help!!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5888 days ago

31 May 2008 (M - I have never had a question about my sexuality until about a year ago. I have always liked girls, but lately, I've been paying more attention to the male gender. I don't want to be gay, bi, or whatever you want to call it. I'm just confused, and ...

How do we move to the next level? Need your help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5898 days ago

30 May 2008 (M - hi guys! i really like this guy and he likes me too we have fun together but i wish we could move to the next level,like a relationship,buti dont know what to do to get him to ask me. so i need your help....

I was happy sleeping with other men to please my husband, but he doesn't want me to anymore.

This question has 19 answers - newest was posted 5216 days ago

29 May 2008 (F - after we had been married about five years, my husband told me he wanted me to have sex with other men and he wanted to watch. i told him i didn't want to, but he begged and begged me to do this and i finally told him i would. he brought home a ...

Bi and confused!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5902 days ago

29 May 2008 (M - I am a 16 year old guy who is Bi. I have a Girlfriend and i have recently started seeing this guy. I dont know what to do, i know i am cheating before anyone says it, and i know i am a horrible person. But what should i do. I am very confused...

Confused by my friend and my feelings about this incident...what should I think?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5902 days ago

29 May 2008 (F - hi i have a problem and i am hopin u can help me so here it goes rite i ave a friend who is so kind to me and she is always there and that and we have sleepovers and stuff and she is pretty and i think i fancy her a bit but not that much. and b...

All my friends have turned against me, and my problems just keep getting bigger. Help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5902 days ago

29 May 2008 (M - I am 15 years old, and i have a very big problem. For tthe past 3 or so years, i have had huge crushes on other boys from my year even when i had a girlfriend. It wasn't so much of a problem, as i kept it to myself all the time. This wasn't a ...

How can I cope with the hurt and anger about her emotional affair? It's like pulling teeth to get her to admit that what she did is wrong!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5901 days ago

29 May 2008 (F - I am in a lesbian relationship of five years and my girlfriend started to fall for a male coworker. We went to therapy and it turns out she had inner issues about her parents not accepting our relationship because of their Indian values (she has ...

How can I ask my best friend out?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5902 days ago

29 May 2008 (F - I want to ask my bff out. shes female too. what should i say? ...

I fell for one of my best mates. I don't know how to ask her out.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5736 days ago

28 May 2008 (F - Okay, well I guess I'll start from the beginning... About a month ago, I fell for one of my best mates, also female. I've told her and I think she feels the same way. I would rather not ask her, as I've inquired about her current crush, and she stil...

Should I ask my (female) ex back out?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5903 days ago

28 May 2008 (F - Hi. I'm 15, and finally accepted I was gay about 18 months ago after a lot of soul-searching. Last July I fell for one of my mates, and managed to get up the confidence to ask her out. She saif she felt the same way, and we sort of persued a secret ...

My friend acts and looks feminine, could he be gay or maybe undecided about his sexuality?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5902 days ago

28 May 2008 (M - Is he gay or is he straight? I think my friend is gay. i asked him and he said no. he has displays of vases and bought me crystal glasses. we were drunk and he walked arm in arm with me. he wont dress in front of me. he has had sex with 2 women...

I am a bisexual female and I am very attracted to my best friend of 5 years. I know she feels the same way, we just never discussed it!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5903 days ago

28 May 2008 (F - I am 23 and my best friend is 24. I am very attracted to her and shes very aware of this. we have had plenty of encounters in which things could have happened but didnt because i felt like she was nervous and i would only act on it if we both felt ...

I'm a straight guy but turned on by sex thoughts about men-am I gay or Bi?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5903 days ago

28 May 2008 (M - I am a stright boy, i think, i have a great girlfriend, and love being with her, but recently,i have been having tought of men, i watch gayporn and i get horny and often "wank"as well to it, i have kissed a fella, and think about doing it again, but ...

Help! I kissed my best friend, am I a lesbian?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5877 days ago

28 May 2008 (F - right. i recently kissed this girl, my best friend, and it wasnt the first time, we always talk about it and have a laugh but everytime i hear of a boy she has been with i instantly hate them. i dont fancy her, and im sure as hell not a lesbien. ...

What is the best way to "come out"?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5902 days ago

27 May 2008 (M - What's is the best way to be "OUT"? I'm afraid to tell everyone that I am a bisexual? Or worse, a gay? Anyone can help me?...

We haven't had sex yet, but he's such an amazing bf, he's prepared to give me a guilt-free day to explore my bi side!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5901 days ago

27 May 2008 (F - okay Ive been on this site for quite a long time and I have ALWAYS gotten the advice that helped me through everything. So once again I need your help people!! Ive been with my guy for a year and a half and my life has never been better, heres the ...

Does this make me gay? If I am one of a kind, does that mean I'll be lonely?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5862 days ago

26 May 2008 (M - Hey! I am not attracted to genetalia of men nor women. The only thing I find sexually attractive in women are eyes and running my hands through their hair. The thing that really excites me is the thought of a man sitting on my face and ...

I'm confused about my sexuality, please help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5905 days ago

26 May 2008 (M - Hey! I am 23 years old, still a virgin and confused with my sexuality. I do not find girls repulsive but I am much more easily exited by the thought of men. However, I am repulsed by the thought of a penis and anal intercourse. When I masturba...

My work colleague often watches me and I recently got caught in a lingering gaze with her. Could she be attracted to me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5904 days ago

26 May 2008 (F - I have a colleague at work and am getting very confused by her actions. We are both women of the same age she is single and I am attatched. I really like her and have done for months. She is in charge of the department where i work but is not ...

Is he secretly Bi?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5906 days ago

25 May 2008 (M - i'm bi and my friends know that. i lik 1 of them but he's straight and when i flirt with him like nudge him for example he nudges back. Then when i do it again he does it again. Is he secretly for guys aswell as girls or does he not know it yet? t...

I have feelings for him but am not sure if he is gay, should I ignore it?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5906 days ago

25 May 2008 (M - i am a 17 year old male and have been very attratced to another male at college for the past two or three months. the dilema is that i don't even know his name, of whether he is definately gay (his clothing does not show particular masculinity). a ...

How do I start to explore my Bi side?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5906 days ago

25 May 2008 (F - well ive been going out with my boyfriend for a few weeks now, before that we were just sleeping with each other for about 5 months. i think ive always had this attraction to girls. but since being with him i have kissed to girls and enjoyed both. ...

I told a lot of lies. Now she throws it at me when we argue. How do I stop this pattern?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5906 days ago

25 May 2008 (F - i am lesbian,33 and my civil partner is 24..i told alot of lies in the 1st yr of our relationship and when i got caught out i stopped as i do not want to lose her..she forgave me on condition that i never lie to her again..i have kept my side up but ...

I am bi curious and want to explore this side of my sexuality that my BF supports. How should I approach the girls?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5906 days ago

24 May 2008 (F - Hello! I'm 20 and live in [...] with my fiance and i'm bi curious....where do I find girls that I can have a physical relationship with (not so emotional) and how do I go about approching them? My fiance supports me in being bi-curious ...

The magic has gone in my relationship, it seems. Recently I keep thinking about another guy, what should I do?

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 5901 days ago

24 May 2008 (M - omg please will someone help me, i really need some advise, so please please please ! read this for me, thank you. ok so ive been going out with this guy for nearly two years (he is 21, i'm 19) and although we had a rough start in the relationship...

How do I beat the competition? I really like him...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5909 days ago

22 May 2008 (M - Right as you all know i'm male and i really like some guy, thing is i've recently found out he likes this other guy as well as me and can't make up his mind!! What should i do to beat the competition?! Any ideas?!......

Have I just turned gay?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5902 days ago

22 May 2008 (M - I have a problem. I like someone so much! I have done for 3 whole years, but I've been too shy to tell them. They were seeing someone a few years back and just yesterday..HE is seeing somone else. What do I do? I was going to say I like you but then...

I get turned on my female sex... is there something wrong with me?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5907 days ago

21 May 2008 (F - i get easily turned on by watching 2 girls have sex. but i'm not a lesbian!!! is there something wrong with me or is this normal?...

I need help, my mother and grandmother are homophobic, and I am bisexual.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5911 days ago

20 May 2008 (F - Im 13 and about to be 14 in a few weeks. I have had thoughts about sex and just really started talking to my mother about it. She thinks that because I'm 13 i shouldn't be thinking about sex. Also i am bisexual and my mother is homophobic and always ...

Ok so I'm a 17 year old lesbian...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5911 days ago

19 May 2008 (F - Ok so I'm a 17 year old lesbian and in my first year at college. I was taught by Miss X in years 10 and 11 and developed feelings for her. Even now I can't stop thinking about her. During my time being taught by her, I'm pretty sure she knew. ...

I'm too scared to admit my sexuality

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5902 days ago

18 May 2008 (M - Hi cupid,i think im gay but im too scared to admit it to anyone. I go on gay chat but i woulnd't ever tell anyone? I'm only 14 and like girls and boys but boys more what should I do? Also I had sex with a boy!And now afraid he might tell someo...

He won't seem to make his mind up, please help me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5902 days ago

17 May 2008 (M - Ok, here goes..... I was in a relationship with another guy for 2 and a half years, we had a great time together, but it now turns out that over time his feelings have changed towards men and he is straight, so we broke up! I have now found a...

Am I gay?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5906 days ago

17 May 2008 (M - can somebody help me please? im a lad and i think im turning gay because my girlfriend doesnt turn me on. but my friend (boy)when i see him i want to rip his clothes of i am always having sexual dreams and thought about him can somebody give me ...

Should I tell my family that I am Bi?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5907 days ago

17 May 2008 (F - This is quite serious and i'm desperate for help :o( I have slept with girls in the past, and i really enjoyed it, I have been attracted to girls for longer than I can remember and not thought anything of it, just thought it was hormones, in my te...

An advice please onow to cope from people who had casual encounters they later regretted?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5911 days ago

17 May 2008 (F - OK I feel as though I need to explain myself or apologise before I even start as I dont want people to misjudge me. My bf and I are both models and even though our world is full of superficial people, I pride the fact that neither of us are like ...

I am attracted to another woman at work, how can I find out if she is the same way without letting on?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5908 days ago

16 May 2008 (F - I am a 30 year old woman, I am attracted to another woman at work. It is a very awkward situation. How can I find out if she is the same way without letting on?...

Is she gay? Does she have a crush on me or something?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5917 days ago

15 May 2008 (F - ok, I have this friend. Well really, a friend of a friend, But we always hang out. We're all girls. And this person doesn't always get on with me. She's really childish, irritating and insecure and sometimes she likes me sometimes she hates me for...

Is my friend a lesbian?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5911 days ago

14 May 2008 (F - okay i think my frend is a les she told me she fingers herself and sometimes feels she wants to "do" a girl she is 12 like me is she a les or just desperate or just going thru girly changes...

Straight guy turned on by gay porn!!!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5627 days ago

14 May 2008 (M - i'm a normal, straight, 20 year old guy. I've had a couple of girlfriends before, and have one currently. Recently i've been getting attracted to gay porn. It turns me on much more than the straight stuff, so i'm beginning to wonder if i'm turning ...

I feel like I'm a gay man in a woman's body, but I'm not transgender. Who do I talk to about this?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4993 days ago

14 May 2008 (F - Ive always had issues with my sexuality - I can remeber having crushes on girls since the age of 9, and then developing feeling for boys later on when i was about 12. I've always fancied boys and girls since then and went all the way through high ...

I think about girls when I masturbate. Is this normal?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5673 days ago

14 May 2008 (F - Heya, Im a young adult who has had a couple of boyfriends, and im very sure im comfortable with my sexuality. However, sometimes when I masturbate I like to think about girls. However out of that situation, in my day to day life, I really do not f...

Does it get any better? Do I drop hints or tell her it was blah?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5918 days ago

14 May 2008 (F - So my g/f (i'm also female) finaly returned the favor, but the first time it was blah. And it has happened like 4 times since then, but it hasn't gotten any better. What am I to do? I don't want to say something and offend her. And I definatly ...

Ready for a change - I want him to trust me when he's not there.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5918 days ago

13 May 2008 (M - I have been with my boyfriend for over a year. About 9 months ago I kissed a guy and we have talked about that. He likes to go on Internet chat rooms and talk to guys and mess around with them through chat. He has never cheated on me. However, ...

He's asked me to hang on, but I don't know if he'll ever break up with her!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5918 days ago

13 May 2008 (M - I am 27 years old, I met this guy 2 months ago, we talk everyday for hours and really like each other. He says he has a girlfriend in another country whom he can't marry for culture reasons and wants me to hang on. I dont know if he will ever break ...

I'm in love with her but she denied my feelings. She insists we stay friends!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5919 days ago

12 May 2008 (? - Hello, I am a female in love with another female. The woman I am in love with has denyed she feels the same way. However I am convinced she does feel the same way, but because she is married and because of other circumstances she is not admitting it ...

I'm in love with one of my friends, I want to tell her, but don't know where to start!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5918 days ago

12 May 2008 (F - Hi everyone I'm gonna get straight to the point I'm in love with one of my friends, and she's the same sex as me I have been for about a year now, but I can't tell her I really want to, I just dont know where to start Can anyone help me, give ...

Do these feelings mean I'm a lesbian?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5919 days ago

12 May 2008 (F - hi i was going shopping with my mates and i saw a lesbian couple kissing and i was all confused cuz i had never thought about that before well not really and i had this funny feeling all inside. when i got home that night i was a bit board so i w...

Please help me stop this obsession with my teacher!!!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5708 days ago

12 May 2008 (F - Ok, I've posted this story on a lot of different sites, but I always lie about at least one part because I'm ashamed. I'm going to be honest. I am Madly in love with my teacher. My female teacher, the same gender as me, (that's one thing I some...

We flirted then wanted to meet, but we got waylaid, now she's got someone else, should I keep trying?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5914 days ago

12 May 2008 (F - A while ago I met this guy on an online community. We became close friends and eventually even more. It was then that I decided it would be best to let him know I was actually a girl, with a male avatar (kind of a role playing community). He ...

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