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Archived questions from: December, 2012 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Will my ex's new lesbian partner leave their same-sex marriage and go back to liking men?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4224 days ago

31 December 2012 (F - I posted a question here recently and have another one. I'm a lesbian and my ex left me for another women who has only been with my ex. And they got married after 6 weeks. Do you think she can stay married to her, or will she go back looking for...

I thought we were in love, but she was out cheating on me!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4223 days ago

31 December 2012 (F - I am a lesbian, and my girlfriend of 3 years, I just found out has been cheating on me , she's moved in with the other women a block away from me and they got married today!! All in 6 weeks!! And they say they are soul mates!!! How would you feel ...

I'm not sure about her behaviour - is she a flake?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4226 days ago

31 December 2012 (F - i've been seeing this girl, and i can't lie, she's confusing the crap out of me. we met about two months ago when she started working with me. one night, a few work friends, including her, all went out for drinks, and after everyone left, she came ...

How am I going to talk to her about what happened? And what do I say when I see this guy (who has a crush on me) next?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4226 days ago

31 December 2012 (M - When my best friend's boyfriend found out I was bi, he started hanging out with me more and told me he was questioning his sexuality. That was three months ago. Last week he told me he didn't just like me, he loves me and that he was going to bre...

I'm bi-curious. Women! How would you feel if your spouse suddenly said he was bisexual?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4226 days ago

30 December 2012 (M - Hey everyone! My question is pretty short I guess, but I'd like to know the answer in different ways. Would you want to know if your HUSBAND was bi-curious/bisexual? (Would you want to know if your HUSBAND was bi-curious/bisexual years later ...

How do I come out to my transphobic parents?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4229 days ago

27 December 2012 (M - I am a FTM transgender and gay, meaning I like men. I am currently dating a questioning but that is not the problem. This is my problem. How do I come out to my parents as transgendered when they're transphobic? This is very crutial as I want to ...

Has my Gf broken up with me? Due to my phone re-set I can't call her. No a word since last friday? What am I supposed to make of this?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4229 days ago

27 December 2012 (F - So i been on christmas Break for a couple days now, and i havent heard from my Gf Once. :/ The last time we talked was on Friday because i went over her house so we could spend some time Together. I been waiting for her to text me, call me and it's...

I keep letting possible partners slip away even though I want a relationship. Should I persevere with this guy I've met online?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4230 days ago

26 December 2012 (M - Relationship/ gay advice please? I don't know what to do. I've let so many guys slip away on the advice that 'they're not the right one' etc. but I tired of this happening and it makes me sad. I'm in my final uni year, still single and I don...

My partner was told I was cheating so he decided to look for guys and cheat on me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4229 days ago

26 December 2012 (M - I have been in a relationship with a guy for 7.5 years, and everything was going fine until about April of this year,(December now) until I found out that he was registered on several gay dating sites and has a profile complete with risque ...

I'm lesbian and I don't now how to tell My family

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4229 days ago

26 December 2012 (F - Help !!! I have Been lesbian since i remember but the problem is that nobody knows just a friend but i dont now how to tell My parents im afraid they are going to judge me and the thing is that i have to fake that i like guys ...

Thank you Dear Cupid. This is a WONDERFUL site. You showed me good directions when I was lost.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4230 days ago

24 December 2012 (F - I just want to say thanks to all the wonderful people at dear cupid. Since from the beginning of the you have shown love and good advices. Mostly thanks to the wonderful founder of dear cupid. Its so good to know that there's someone out there who ...

Is he intentionally making me gay?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4233 days ago

23 December 2012 (F - Is it possible for a guy to intentionally turn a girl but sexual. I say this cause my boyfriend of nine years half pleasures me. He stops sucking my breasts when I start to get wet. If he has his hands on them and I start to get turned on he moves ...

I met a sweet and persistant guy at a party, I don't want to cheat. What do I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4230 days ago

23 December 2012 (M - dear cupid i have been datting my boyfriend for a month and counting and 2 weekends ago i went to a party and i met this guy who is part of the group but we never met at the party we danced and he was interested in me and i told him if i didnt ha...

Seven months since a guy dumped me. Any strategies to get me over this tough time, please?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4193 days ago

21 December 2012 (M - I was in a relationship with another guy for 7 years. It appeared to be perfect, however obviously not for him. He told me he wanted to be alone and 'find himself'. Within two months he started a relationship with another guy and seems to have mov...

So is this guy straight and just super comfortable with his sexuality, or is he sending me signals that he wants more?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4235 days ago

20 December 2012 (M - So a little background first. I am a 29 year old closeted at work Gay man that works as a Paramedic. Recently I was assigned a new partner whom is 20 years old and quite good looking. I immediately took notice and began to develop an innocent crush ...

My girlfriend's mother has died and now she is pushing me away, what should I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4236 days ago

20 December 2012 (F - My girlfriends mother has passed away on tuesday,so she had to go back to where she comes from,I could not go with her because her family doesn't really like me,so now I'm consolling her via texting and calling but she just keeps pushin me away and ...

My wife cheated on me with another woman. How can I attempt to start working out our marriage issues together?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4235 days ago

20 December 2012 (M - I have been away from my wife for 3 years now. we were together for 10 great years i thought. She had two kids before i met her, then we had a child to together. We had rough times here and there. From when we lost the house in a flood to losing...

Can't see my LDR and sorely tempted to cheat

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4238 days ago

18 December 2012 (F - Hey I'm a female currently in uni and also in a long distance relationship with my girlfriend back home. Recently I've been so lonely and sexually frustrated due to not seeing her and I'm tempted to sleep with this other girl who is interested in...

My girlfriend plays the victim but am I the real victim of emotional abuse?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4236 days ago

17 December 2012 (F - Hi, I’ve been in a same sex female-female relationship for four years and I suppose I can’t think straight anymore. I feel so confused! she tells me things, makes promises and fills me full of hope then completely reneges on her word but will ...

Does she need me like I need her? 

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4240 days ago

16 December 2012 (F - Hi again :) I am a little sad/concerned right now. My girlfriend of 8 months and I always joke around with each other (hence our many problems of me taking a joke too far) and sometimes we are..playful about leaving the other for someone else. (O...

Do you think I am wasting my time on some-one who is polite but not interested?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4240 days ago

16 December 2012 (F - Hi everyone. Well I am at a loss, I met a girl online, and I think we are connecting. We've talked the past few days sporadically through the day because she's at work and I'm at school. I really like this girl, and haven't felt like this a...

Everything is not Ok. Never had a relationship. Do I need to feel better about me first? Or would the right partner make a difference?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4238 days ago

16 December 2012 (M - I know you're not supposed to rely on other people for happiness but I feel like finding that one guy who understands me and clicks with me will help me get out of the slump I've been in for the past years now. It's really hard being gay,clos...

Girlfriend is REALLY almost TOO skinny, what to do? 

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4241 days ago

15 December 2012 (F - Hi agony aunts :) I'm having this problem. My girlfriend is really, really, REALLY skinny. Like, I can see her bones, skinny. She is sometimes really insecure about the way she looks and how much she weighs, which always seems crazy to me because ...

Can't get past his excessive body hair!! Help!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4243 days ago

12 December 2012 (M - Ok, Im 21, im gay, and have been going out with this amazing guy now for a couple of months. The other day we 'went all the way' for the firs time- with each other. Thing is, he's got the most amazing smile and eyes, but he is REALLY hairy on his ...

I met a guy that's everything I want (love at first sight) but he's in a long distance relationship. I don't want to break them up, nor do I want to be the man on the side. I really need some advice!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4245 days ago

12 December 2012 (M - I'm almost finishing my first term at University, but not all is amazing. Around then end of October I met a guy (Same age as me, same Uni year), and he is literally amazing. If there's any proof that love at first sight exists, he's it. I mean it ...

How do I remain cool without making him think I'm not interested?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4242 days ago

11 December 2012 (M - Hiya everyone! - gay male from London, happy with my sexuality and out to pretty much everyone :) met with a guy the same age as me last night and I wasn't expecting it but if there's such a thing as love at first sight I think I found it! I stayed ...

I don't know how to deal with this love triangle. Do I compromise love for comfort?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4245 days ago

11 December 2012 (F - I need help!! I dont know how to deal with this love triangle. About six month ago I left my fiance of 11 years for many reasons. 1. I felt in love with a woman 2. he lied to me and was cheating on me. Although I never saw him cheating; but I ...

Can't talk to her without her getting angry, what do I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4249 days ago

7 December 2012 (F - I am in a relationship and my partner can be easily annoyed and agitated! If I try and tease her or make a joke she can get really defensive and angry and that just makes me angry and agitated! I love her but it can make me feel bad and I feel that ...

I can't accept that I'm not meant to be with her

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4252 days ago

5 December 2012 (F - I'm a lesbian and got out of a 4 month relationship recently. I know its not a long time in the overall scheme of things but I liked this girl for ages and never acted on it because I (and everyone around her) thought she was straight. We were in ...

I've always tried to avoid girls who didn't know their sexuality, but now I'm interested in one who thought she was straight until she met me.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4245 days ago

5 December 2012 (F - i don't know if there's a lot of people on this site that can give me any experience-based advice on this particular issue, but it's worth a shot. and thanks in advance. i'm gay and have been out about it for over ten years now. with that being ...

How can I deal with his insecurity?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4223 days ago

5 December 2012 (M - I have recently started seeing this guy for a couple of weeks now and when we are together things are amazing! We have moved really quickly- but have agreed anythinst sexual is too far for this stage. The only thing is, he is INCREDIBLY insecure. He ...

How can I keep from having certain natural "reactions" while sleeping in the same bed with a really cute guy?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4251 days ago

4 December 2012 (M - Hi all! I've started seeing this really amazing guy. We've been out for a few weeks now and he's invited me to spend the night at his place, in his bed. We have both agreed that nothing is going to happe, that we are just going to cuddle and kiss. ...

My best friend tried to kiss me, I'm in shock, help me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4247 days ago

3 December 2012 (F - Lets call her Jo. SCENARIO: Jo and I have been best friends for a very long time. We are so close, we have the exact same sense of humor and we tell each other everything...until now. I've told her many, many secrets, which, in the dealing o...

Does anybody have any advice on homosexuality in Indian culture or advice on what I should do with my girlfriend?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4252 days ago

2 December 2012 (F - I am a lesbian who is out of the closet, I'm confident in my sexuality and after a tricky few years, have spent the last couple of years enjoying full acceptance from my parents. I have been dating an Indian girl for the past few months (I am Cau...

She is a weak woman who thinks with her heart and not her head. what is wrong with her?

This question has 23 answers - newest was posted 4252 days ago

1 December 2012 (F - hi i got myself into a tissy and i my conscious is getting the best of me. sometime ago i connected with a woman on a dating site. i didnt tell her i was bi and not divorced and occassionally sleeping with my husband and my man boss. she thinks...

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