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Archived questions from: December, 2009 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I think he might feel the same way, but not sure?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5077 days ago

31 December 2009 (M - im still very much in love with my first. by my first i mean the guy i lost my virginity to. it happened in the summer 19 days after my birthday. after our experience we hit it off very well and i was in high hopes that we could end up in a ...

Am I right? Can this guy really be gay or bi?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5304 days ago

31 December 2009 (M - Here's the story a little bit better explained. Two fridays ago, we were placed in groups and tasked the writing of Christmas cards to a chosen person. Luckily I was paired with him. During this time, he once again looked into my eyes and said ...

If I'm bi... can he?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5309 days ago

31 December 2009 (M - i am a straight guy with bi tendancys... does that make me completly bi? i have made love to both man and woman and like it equaly. so why is it when i kik it with one of my guy friends i feel a strong pull twords this person then nrmal?? he is a ...

He wants me out right this minute!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5304 days ago

30 December 2009 (M - I am a man living in Michigan and have been seeing / living with another man for 6 months. Now he wants me out because I didn't get him a card for Christmas. It is his house and he wants me out this very second. I refused because I don't have...

The old question: In love with a straight guy part infinity!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5319 days ago

30 December 2009 (M - (MOD NOTE: POSTER'S ORIGINAL TITLE) I'm a just turned 20 year old (gay)guy who always attract straight guys. But here is the problem: I like my brother in law too much then i actually should. Everytime he looks/smiles or even talkes to m...

Attracted to a straight man, I am bi sexual, what should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5322 days ago

30 December 2009 (M - If you have an attraction towards a straight man but he is unaware that you are a bi sexual, what do you do?.... i have a real close friend that i do a lot with ( getting girls, playing sports etc.) but i'm attracted to him more than i think im ...

Her kiss felt different to his, I can't understand why, advice please?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5323 days ago

30 December 2009 (F - I'm 14, female and bi. A while ago me and my closest friend who's a girl kissed (So I could "experiment"-I told her that, but I actually just wanted to kiss her) A few weeks later a guy I've known for almost a year randomly wanted to hang out. We ...

How do I get her to date me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5322 days ago

30 December 2009 (F - alright, so i've known this girl since she was in second grade and i was in third...and we've always been close to each other. i really care about her and at first i thought it was just a best friends/ sisters kinda feelings, but then my heart would ...

If I end up with my Spanish teacher in the end, would I still be considered straight?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5318 days ago

30 December 2009 (? - I know what love is despite what everyone will say. Yes, I'm just a 17 year old girl, but there's not a certain age that breaks the barrier of being able to be in love or not. Anyways, I'm in love with my Spanish teacher. That's not the problem. ...

What can I do about this girl I'm in love with?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5322 days ago

30 December 2009 (F - i fell in love with my best friends girlfriend and i told her on the night of a party that we were all at. My best friend was in her car while we were talking and i told her i was in love with someone that i was afraid to tell and she kept bugging ...

Are people everywhere using these guys pics or what is going on??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5323 days ago

29 December 2009 (M - a couple of months ago i started to use this site called meez where u create an avatar and interact with others (im a guy and im bi but like guys a little more). so i made a girl avatar because i wanted to talk to guys and its a little harder to ...

I don't want to feel jealousy and have trust issues about my g/f!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5320 days ago

28 December 2009 (F - Im lesbian and have been with my girlfriend for nearly two years, prior to that we were best friends for four years and i can honestly say i've never been so happy. She's perfect, but im just so jelous and paranoid and i dont know why. I find myself ...

Taking a chance with a coworker?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5324 days ago

28 December 2009 (F - Thanks for your help in advance. My boyfriend lives with me (6m) we are happy. Now at work before I dated him I had this connection w a coworker(female). I really like her- I am very attracted to her. However she has never been straight forward...

I'm Bi and I Like my best friend thats a guy

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5305 days ago

27 December 2009 (M - Hi I am 19 years old. I think i am bi since i like girls and guys. I would jack off watching straight porn. I dont really enjoy gay porn and i havent watched it that many times but i do get attracted to guys. I am straight in public. I have a lot of...

I love her and I think she feels the same but she is married!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5326 days ago

27 December 2009 (? - Im a middle aged female in love with another middle aged female. I told her my feelings went deeper than friendship and I can assure you that her actions and words speak volumns that she feels the same way. I don't believe she will ever act ou...

Do I tell him I enjoyed it?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5309 days ago

27 December 2009 (M - A few nights ago when my mate slept over, him on the floor and me in my bed, he made a move on me while he thought l was asleep, l felt him play with me only for a couple of minutes l got an errection but pretened to stay asleep. I am not saying l ...


This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5326 days ago

26 December 2009 (F - I've been single for almost 3 years now, and it seems all girls ever do is use me. I recently started talking to a girl online, and she's cute and funny, but after just knowing me a day she said she loved me, and I told her I loved her too, which ...

How do I approach her?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5326 days ago

26 December 2009 (F - I really need advice on aproaching a girl.I'll just explain my situation first.I'm 16 and female,I dont much care for labels,all I know is I definatly like girls,and I definaltly like guys.I had a boyfreind not long ago bout found it very..very ...

I think there's an attraction between us, do I say something?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5326 days ago

26 December 2009 (M - So I need some advice for two people Me and My Friend. Okay We known each other for years and have gotten really close to each other... MY Love life has been simple a few Girlfriend you know school love.. But Hes the first guy that I'm really ...

Do you think she wants to kiss me again?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5327 days ago

26 December 2009 (F - Im 14, female, and bisexual. A month or two ago I was talking about how I feel left out because I hadn't had my first kiss yet. One of my close friends came over during the break that was just starting and she started talking about first kisses and ...

How do I not jeopardize our friendship?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5316 days ago

26 December 2009 (F - ok so ever since my friend and i got drunk, i've started to have feelings for her. we've gone as far as fingering each other, but we were both drunk when we did it. my trouble is i don't know if i should tell her i'm starting to have feelings for ...

He got me to agree to threesomes but it's so hurtful, now he's having sex with other men

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5327 days ago

25 December 2009 (M - I am a gay man and have been in a relationship now with my partner for 10 months. We have so many things in common and he is both very caring and loving. We came to a point where he wanted to have threesomes and at first I was okay with this and ...

Everything in life seems against me right now

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5323 days ago

25 December 2009 (M - Look I don't know why but I always find myself depressed. I lost all my friends. My family is a broken one in which I have no one to relate to. My school work is terrible at this rate i don't see myself succeeding much in life. I'm also gay it's all ...

How do I handle this without hurting him?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5328 days ago

25 December 2009 (M - Hello , I met a guy 2 month ago and i had a nice feeling for him , after 3 weeks of dating him i cooled down and i didnt want to see him again , i dont know why ? but i found out that he is not the right one and we are totally different and he is ...

Same sex relationships..are they wrong?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5327 days ago

24 December 2009 (F - I'm 22 years old.. since i was 14 i have wanted to sleep with another girl... the problem is that i have no idea what to do.. I'm too shy and i don't even know how to approach someone... also there are people that i have confided in that have told ...

In love with an older, unhappily married woman!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5329 days ago

23 December 2009 (F - I am a 18 year old female who is madly in love with a woman who is 37 years old. I know that she love me too but she is married unhappily. Is she worth fighting for?...

Too many women in my life....

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5330 days ago

22 December 2009 (F - So I'm not sure if I'm a lesbian, I've dated guys but i've always had stronger feelings for girls, lately I have had a crush on my teacher who is 26 and my cousins friend who is 15, I'm also in a relationship that is going down hill very fast. I'm ...

I asked him if he was gay and he stopped talking to me

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5316 days ago

22 December 2009 (F - ok so here is my problem... so was in a realationship for 7 months... i actually had real feelings for this guy... we stopped talkin on my birthday in nov.. cause i heard that he was gay.. when i asked him about he told me he wasnt gay and that i ...

Should I get back in touch with my ex?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5323 days ago

22 December 2009 (M - Hello! I need advice as to whether I should get back in touch with my ex! Please let me know what you think... I dated this guy for only 4 months last year - we broke up about 15 months ago now. It was the first gay relationship for both of us –...

Gay and in love with a straight friend, he says there is hope, but what about our partners?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5331 days ago

22 December 2009 (M - Dear Cupid I'm 30 and gay. I'm still in my first relationship of three years. He is 22. We are happy with no more problems than any other relationship. But I have met a straight guy that has befriended us and he and his girlfriend have become our ...

Trapped in an unhealthy lesbian relationship

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5318 days ago

22 December 2009 (F - Okay so I'm eighteen and I'm bisexaul but I lean more towards girls. I've been dating my girlfriend for three years on and off, eventually we stopped hanging out with friends and litterally spent every waking momment together and the rare occassion ...

Should I just go ahead and kiss her?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5333 days ago

19 December 2009 (F - i have a bestfriend, yes shes a girl too. ive known her for many years now. when we were younger we did stuff ( fingered eachother). we're way older now and dont even mention it. back then i wasnt attracted to her but now i am. im bi but no body ...

Should I take a chance and pursue the high school jock?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5330 days ago

19 December 2009 (M - I am a gay junior in high school and i have a huge crush on this senior guy in one of my classes. anyways... i started liking this guy when i noticed him more in my class. he is soo cool and sooo nice :) ive only talked to him about twice but i...

Am I destined to be a loser forever?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5333 days ago

19 December 2009 (F - sorry its long I am a quieter gay female in my mid-late 30s, have a very small circle of straight friends who i see occasioanally, my closest friend is the only one who knows im gay, which is fine, shes 150% straight but Ok with me being n...

My relationship is losing it's Spark!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5327 days ago

19 December 2009 (M - My boyfriend and I have been living together for the last 6 months now and up until 3 weeks ago everything has been great. But lately i have not been getting turned on as much and during sex i often fantasize about something other than him. I am not ...

Are we moving too fast?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5309 days ago

16 December 2009 (M - Hi Aunties! How are you? It's been a while since I've been on here, a lot has happened since last time I came on here. I broke up with the boyfriend that had me dazed and confused. But moving on to my question. I have been single for probably ...

Whenever I see him my heart beats faster!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5336 days ago

16 December 2009 (M - Hi, I'm 34. I know a guy, who regularly comes to our Church. He's around 22-23 years old. I talk less, he too talks less... If we get time, we talk more. The point is, if I see him, my heart starts beating fast... Why is this happening? ...

Are my feelings for her real? What should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5336 days ago

15 December 2009 (F - Over the last 12 months i have lost an amazing amount of weight (6 stone in total) and all by doing keep fit classes with 1 fitness instructor. I do 3- 4 of her classes a week. Because of this i have to feel alot closer to her and have a lot of ...

I get very worked up watching lesbian porn, does that mean I am a lesbian?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5327 days ago

15 December 2009 (F - Hello, I am quite young. Like in my early teens. And I just Started Watching Porn. I watched a man and women having sex and it didnt work me up. But I watched Lesbian Porn and I got Very excited with it. It made me wet and very horny. So now i wa...

I want to have sex but will need to go to toilet first and I can't do this!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5247 days ago

15 December 2009 (M - i am gay and am ready to receive anal sex with my friend but im to embarrassed to ask to go to the toilet when at his house,so we never end up having sex cus I dont want to. He never asks me if we will have sex, but i know he wants to. So I have to ...

My girlfriend is still in regular contact with the woman she cheated on me with, what should I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5337 days ago

15 December 2009 (F - I am female and i am in a relationship with a girl we have been together over a year now and in November i proposed to her on our year anniversary she said yes. the only thing is six month into our relationship she cheated on she told me straight ...

She doesn't want me to love her because we are both girls!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5337 days ago

15 December 2009 (F - hi my problem is that i love my friend so much and she does too but i feel she doesn't want this love because we both girls! i know that but it doesn't matter for me, and what makes me sad and Confused is that she sometimes treats me well and lets ...

Why am I having these feelings every time I see this man?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5338 days ago

15 December 2009 (M - Hi I am 34 years old. I know a person since 2 years or so. He is about 22-23 years old. Whenever I see him, my heart starts beating hard. I dont know why. I think at least more than once a day about him. Why is this happening?...

I'm being bullied at school, what can I do? Help!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5309 days ago

14 December 2009 (M - I'm really scared of going to school at the moment because im being bullied. Facebook people are calling me things and telling me there's a gang after me. I havent been going to school lately, i will just walk out the door and hide in the wood or ...

Have I got a REAL big problem on my hands?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5337 days ago

14 December 2009 (M - Hello I'm a 22 year old gay male, i have my own house with my boyfriend, we live a great life but we have an issue with our sex life. Recently after sex we've noticed I have blood in my cum, this has happend about 4 times now and we are worried ...

Am I a lesbian? Will I ever fall in love again?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5337 days ago

14 December 2009 (F - So I haven't had feelings for a guy since last year. I went out with this guy and he gave me goose bumps, he made me smile and laugh. But he cheated on me, then he dumped me by getting my two friends to call me up. Three days later he had a new ...

I've met a really nice man but it turns out he already has a boyfriend.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5339 days ago

14 December 2009 (M - I recently met a loving and caring guy on an online dating site. We hit it off right away, and we went on a couple of really good dates. Things started moving into the realm of a possible relationship. Then I found out that he had a boyfriend. ...

I don't know how to tell if a woman is flirting!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5323 days ago

13 December 2009 (? - What would you consider the best signs being in regards to a 55 year old woman flirting with a 48 year old woman? What signs would you look for in order to get a better handle on whether or not she is flirting with you?...

He knows I'm a virgin and play for keeps

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5339 days ago

13 December 2009 (M - I'm in my mid 20s now and a few years ago I realized I wasn't completely straight and began to fancy guys. A few months ago I signed up on a dating site and identified myself as bi. I still don't feel totally ok with this, and for the past few weeks ...

Although she denies it, her actions speak differently than her words

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5339 days ago

13 December 2009 (? - I'm a middle aged woman in love with another middle aged woman. She is married but has told me she loves her husband but is not in love with him. I told her that my feelings went deeper for her than just friendship and although she denied feeli...

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