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Archived questions from: October, 2007 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Shall I tell him what I think?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6114 days ago

30 October 2007 (F - My son has started a relationship with a man 20years his senior. This is his first gay relationship. I want to support my son but cannot support the age difference. What can they have in common?- I'm bewildered. How can I give positive feedback ...

Would I destroy our friendship if I 'came out' to her?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6115 days ago

30 October 2007 (F - i don't know how to ask this so i'll just go on with it. first, i'm a bisexual but the world doesn't know that (yet). second, there's this girl. we've been friends for two years now. to make the story short we "went out" last weekend. (whether it ...

26, gay, and friends with a 17 year old. He lets me do things to him... but he insists he's straight. What do you think?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6115 days ago

30 October 2007 (M - i am a 26 yr old gay, i met a 17 year old boy and we have a great friendship, he insists that he is straight, but when he visits me, he allows me to cuddle and hug him, kiss him on the neck, and even feel his legsand upper thighs. i feel he might be...

I am bi-sexual. Should I tell my friend I fancy her?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5462 days ago

29 October 2007 (F - I have known my best friend for about two years now. She knows im bisexual and she doesnt act weird about it. I am single and so is she. I fancy her. I have fanceied her for around about four months. I have tried to give her bits of hints but ...

My husband watches gay porn and doesn't know that I know. Is he gay???

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 4473 days ago

29 October 2007 (F - my husband watches gay porn and hides a dildo from me. we have been married 4 years and we have 2 kids. this has been happening off and on for 5 years. he does't know that i know about it. is he gay or bi? what should i do? i just moved across the ...

Where do I go from here in terms of staying friends with my ex?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6116 days ago

29 October 2007 (M - Where do I begin? Amidst the end of my summer of 2007, my girlfriend of 3+ years decided to call it quits with me. We had a typical relationship with the usual tumultuous times that any relationships goes through, but for the most part, we enjoyed ...

Help!, how can I tell if I'm a Lesbian?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5921 days ago

29 October 2007 (F - Okay, well here's the thing...I am having trouble with the fact that I don't know whether I am lesbian or not. I don't know how to put this all in words but, it seems that everytime I see a girl you would consider hot I automatically start thinking ...

Do I tell him or just live with it?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6119 days ago

26 October 2007 (M - I'm 26, gay, and I've just started seeing a guy for the first time in my life. He's wonderful when I'm around him and we get along great. The problem is that he's really flakey. He makes plans and forgets about them, say's he'll call me wh...

How can I convince her that she might fancy me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6119 days ago

26 October 2007 (F - Hi there is a lady who i have really deep feelings for, but she says that she is straight. However ive seen the way she looks at me, and im convinced she feels the same way. How can i get her to open up to me wthout losing her as a friend?...

Did I just go through a bi-sexual phase?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6118 days ago

25 October 2007 (F - I'm a little confussed .... I'm bisexual... well i thought i was.... but lately girls ... nothing i don't feel anything in my stomach.... apart from a few ... i'm so confussed .... i mean guys turn me on .. well if there naked they do ... but girls ...

Is he gay or straight?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6120 days ago

25 October 2007 (M - hey everybody i need some advice, i'm only 16, I like this guy, but i dont know for sure if he's gay or straight, i get some mixed feeling that he is gay on the way he acts, i'm so sad over it, since i came out about 6 months ago i just started to ...

Her unfounded suspicions are destrying our relationship

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6121 days ago

24 October 2007 (F - i'm in a lesbian relationship, we have been together for two years. She does not trust me at all. Shes so disrectful to me. Always calling me vulgar names. Everyday I'm accused of cheating, with the neighbors, people walking down the street, ...

Three is a crowd

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6120 days ago

24 October 2007 (F - Since i have been little me and my 2 best friends have always been a group of 3, we were always inseparable and everything we did would be together. i guess 3 is a tricky number butwe always got over it and no one got left out, if they did it never...

Should I make a move on halloween?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 6120 days ago

24 October 2007 (F - Theres this girl my best friend since like 2006.... we always hang out together talk on msn. We both have boyfriends (we go threw them very fast) She's very pretty, I've grown so close to her. We always call each other sisters. The point is i ...

Are there any Bi guys out there that can tell me what's going on here?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6109 days ago

23 October 2007 (F - hi all! i'm in a bit of a situation. I am a straight woman and have recently gotten even closer to my gay best friend. We hang out all the time, can talk about everything and anything, and when i sleep at his house (sometimes 3-4 times a week) we ...

My family doesn't accept gay people, what should I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6123 days ago

23 October 2007 (F - hi im sixteen and i never been too intimate with guys..........cause im kinda a nerous freak........but.......i kinda sorta am attracted to sum grls but im not sure how do i know if im bi.....and am i like this because i havnt rally been too ...

Lesbian sisters?

This question has 27 answers - newest was posted 5981 days ago

23 October 2007 (F - hi. i am 18 and i am a lesbian. my younger sister is 13 and we are close. i have started to get horny around her and want to know if this is wrong. should i not spend as much time with her?...

I added a question before regarding my attraction to a friend who is gay. I now wonder if he could be Bisexual...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6121 days ago

22 October 2007 (F - Hi, I added a quesion a while back about my attraction to my friend who is gay. The advice I received was really great and made me see the problem in an entirely different light. The thing is we've been spending a lot of time together recently and ...

How can you tell if you're really gay or if you're just in a phase?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6112 days ago

20 October 2007 (M - How do you know if your gay? How do you tell if it's just a phase or for real?...

Fallen for my best friend - I cant get her off my mind!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6124 days ago

18 October 2007 (F - so....i cant give up!......ive fallin for my best friend who is also a lesbian everytime i see her i cant describe it! its different then the last girl i liked, i just dunno theres feelings that scare me i cant describe them, like i want to protect ...

When I was left alone with my daugyhter's best friend, we touched each other intimately; my daughter knows I'm a lesbian. Help?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 6128 days ago

15 October 2007 (F - i am a woman and im alesbian my daughter knows about this and doesnt mind but recently whenever her best friend comes over my vagina starts throbbing in a good way and i think i luv her, when i was left in a room with her i touched her breasts and ...

I fear that my husband will leave me

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6120 days ago

15 October 2007 (F - I am married and my husband likes to search for gays and transvestites in the location we live. We are moving soon and he was searching yesterday for people like that. I have talked to him a month ago and i was ready to leave when i heard about it...

How can we save the relationship?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6131 days ago

14 October 2007 (F - I am so hurt and confused and crushed. My true love has cheated on me with her first love and now says she is in love with her and she is married. She has kept me hanging on for 4 months now and giving me hope and mixed signals.We have been together ...

Should I cut my losses and leave?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6106 days ago

14 October 2007 (F - Please take the time to read this for I truly am I lost soul. I have been in an on/off relationship with a girl for two years now, circumstances prevented us from being together at first but we have been now we have been official for a year. A...

How do I 'come out' to my parents?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6131 days ago

14 October 2007 (F - ive been seeing a girl at uni for the past 10 months, id just come out of a bad relationship with a guy who was a real idoit and she was there so me. i love her and the sex is amazing, but now she wants to meet my family, who think im straight and ...

I've been in love with another girl for 5 1/2 years. I told her, and now she won't talk to me. What do I do now?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6116 days ago

13 October 2007 (F - hey im in l love with a friend of mine. the problem is that shes a girl and so am i. i've loved her for about 5 1/2 years. i ve told her that i love her. though she diddnt reply positively, by her conduct i know that she loves me to. but we live in ...

I'm tri-sexual - why do I do what I do?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6101 days ago

12 October 2007 (M - I'm a Trisexual Transvestite. First trisexual means I love women, men, and pretty passable male to female pre-op transsexuals. I'm a transvestite because I dress up in womens lingerie and dresses for sexual reasons. I also feel very submissive ...

I'm bi-curious, and in a relationship with a guy, but have met a girl from work I really like.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6112 days ago

12 October 2007 (F - hello, sorry it might be really long but i will try to keep it short and to the point. firstly, i have a bf for 4years now and i do love him and treasure our r/s. secondly, i am bi-curious. i hav liked gals as much as guys, but never had ...

Confess my feelings for a straight girl?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6134 days ago

11 October 2007 (F - Ok there is a girl a like, Im bisexual by the way. She has known this for a while now about 4 to 3 months she doesnt treat me any different and shes comfortable around me. She is single and when me and my mates did truth and dare she said she would ...

Is my boyfriend gay or just not interested in me???

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6125 days ago

10 October 2007 (F - Is my boyfriend gay or just uninterested in me!! I live with my boyfriend of 2 years and i know quite a lot about his past he has been with a guy before and gave him a blow job he had split from his ex who he moved to england with and said he was ...

How do I find out if I am really bi-sexual?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6106 days ago

10 October 2007 (F - I am happily married, but I am attracted to the same sex. I love looking at women, and I find myself fantisizing about doing things to/with them. I talked to my husband, and he thinks it is cool,(as long as he gets to watch/join in, but I don't ...

I'm a boy who fancies my male teachers. Am I in denial? Am I paranoid? Am I gay?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6113 days ago

9 October 2007 (M - I'm a 15 year old boy and constantly find myself attracted to my male teachers??? what exactly makes someone gay? I think it could be because I want to be like them not just because I like them but I have got a freidnly relationship with them all...

I like him a lot but he's gay - what can I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6136 days ago

9 October 2007 (F - Hi, I've just arrived at University and have met loads of great new people. One person in particular has really made an impression. He's so great, really fun but sensitive and intense. I think I like him a lot but the problem is that he is gay. ...

Should I move on to this new girl?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6134 days ago

9 October 2007 (F - hey. I'm natalie and i'm lesbain right, i split up from my girlfriend a couple of months ago because she cheated on me. Ever since we've been working on getting back together. We're great together we've been intimate and everything but, she still ...

I am gay, should I come out of the closet?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6121 days ago

8 October 2007 (? - im gay, should i come out the closet? my parents are VERY homophobic. just yesterday they saying how being gay is such a waste....

I think my boyfriend might be gay. Should I suggest a threesome?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6137 days ago

8 October 2007 (F - hi am just staying over my boyfriends. we are both 21, been together for a year now. i diacovered he is checking out gay porn and gay sites to meet gay men and have sex. i didn't mean to pry but it was there! i thought we had a pretty spicy se...

Is my boyfriend gay, and should I suggest a threesome?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6107 days ago

8 October 2007 (F - hi am just staying over my boyfriends. we are both 21, been together for a year now. i diacovered he is checking out gay porn and gay sites to meet gay men and have sex. i didn't mean to pry but it was there! i thought we had a pretty spicy se...

Why doesn't she make any effort for me, and why do I feel so guilty?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6137 days ago

8 October 2007 (F - Hi, I am a 39 year old woman and have been in a gay relationship for 4 years with another woman of 43. When we first started out everything was perfect. As time went by she kept accusing me of having an affair or sleeping with every single fr...

Shall I take her back? She's lied to me in the past.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6132 days ago

7 October 2007 (F - My ex left me 3.5 months ago because she lost her love for me. She's sort of seeing someone else at the moment but nothing serious for about 3 months although she had lied about not seeing anyone, I accidently found out. Her reason for lying...

Could I have gotten an STD from just genital contact not intercourse?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6138 days ago

7 October 2007 (F - Could I have gotten an STD from just genital contact not intercourse?...

Is being a gay/bi dad such a harsh thing for a kid?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6140 days ago

5 October 2007 (M - Hmmm. I'll be straight to the point. I'm male 17. I'm bisexual and obviously i like both men and women. I'm keeping an open mind to marry a guy or a girl in the future. I'd like to know how people would react to having a gay father or being ma...

My dad is having an affair with my best mate!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6141 days ago

4 October 2007 (M - I'm a 17-year-old student in college here in England, I have a good social life and friends. I am satisfied with my life, doing well in my studies. However, a recent incident has made me upset and made me question whether my best friend really is...

How should I act on my first date?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6141 days ago

4 October 2007 (M - iam new to being gay and i am hoping to meet my first possible boyfriend in sutton in surrey on saturday how should i act on the day and should i ask about a second date from craig, 22years old gay redhill...

I have kept in touch with my ex while out of the county. Should I call him when I get back in town?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6132 days ago

4 October 2007 (? - I went out with a nice guy 3 times, knowing I was about to leave the country for work. He knew, too, and it wasn't a problem. While away during these past 8 months we've exchanged brief emails every so often to stay up to date. Although he's gone ...

My long distance girlfriend says she loves me, but isnt IN love with me

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6115 days ago

3 October 2007 (F - My fiancee and I broke up two months ago so she could figure out what as wrong and why she wasn't feeling the same way she had when we started dating. We were together for four years and also long distance relationship, but we visit each other ...

I am 13 and think I am bi. I like both girls and guys! I am so confused!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6087 days ago

3 October 2007 (? - Hi, I'm a guy but I'm not sure about things anymore. I fancy this girl in my class (I have for about a year) but she barely knows I exist. I do like her but that's not the only problem... I think I'm bi. I know there's nothing wrong with that ...

Am I gay if I watch gay porn and have fantacies of men (but don't want to be gay)?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5778 days ago

3 October 2007 (M - i watch gay porn and fantasize about having sex with men but dont want to in real life, i dont want to be near a man but does it mean im gay...

Having a gay relationship with my cousin but don't want to break our families' hearts, I'm not even sure I'm a lesbian!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6142 days ago

3 October 2007 (F - Hi, Last week I finished with my boyfriend because i dont love him anymore. I have been going out clubbing with my girl cousin and she is a lesbian. I've recently started fancying her and i told her how i felt on a friday then she told me she has ...

Unsure Of My Sexuality

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6125 days ago

2 October 2007 (F - I have a question about my sexuality. I am a girl that checks out other females. I messed around with some including having sex with them, but this girl wants a relationship with me. It feels akward. I don't know how to explain but, shes cute ...

He's "come out" and doesn't want to be with me anymore. What can I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6138 days ago

2 October 2007 (M - Dear cupid please help, im having problems with my boyfriend and dont know what to do, ive been going out him for 8 months now and i only have eyes for him im at uni and spent the summer at home about 200 miles from him. I thought we had a...

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