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Archived questions from: February, 2013 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I'm terrified of telling my parents that I'm gay so I stay away but I miss them and want their understanding!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4165 days ago

28 February 2013 (F - i'm a 29 year old lesbian. i've been out of the closet since i was 18 and am nowhere remotely ashamed of my sexuality and who i am. i never feel the need to hide who i am and what my sexual orientation is. if people ask, i always tell them the ...

I feel like I'm disgusting to my boyfriend, why won't he make love with me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4166 days ago

27 February 2013 (M - I’m a 29 years old man and I’ve kind of a love problem. I’m gay and I’ve a boyfriend, he’s 25. We’re together a bit more than a year and I’ve to say it has been the best year of my life. He’s perfect, he’s that kind of person I’ve always wanted to ...

How can I get over the guilt and open wound from a year ago?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4164 days ago

27 February 2013 (M - A year ago, I was going through a rough time in life. I had lost my job, which put a strain on our relationship. I/we were not talking much about our feelings and our self-worth. The relationship was strained. I had a lot of low times and did ...

I've recently come out and I'm attracted to my friend. Do I tell her?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4150 days ago

27 February 2013 (F - I am quite tom boyish and have become very attracted to my close girl mate. She is very much into men but I can't help my feelings for her. This is very new to me as my relationships have always been with men and recently I have come out to some ...

Should I worry that I may lose her to someone who is just as pretty but more intelligent?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4164 days ago

26 February 2013 (F - I am dating someone who is very accomplished and quite literally brilliant. While I have above average intelligence, I have no education nor anything that I have accomplished or am really good at. Long story short : I became a mom at age 19 an...

Multiple Dating Questions: can you help me please? What to do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4168 days ago

26 February 2013 (F - So I guess I need some dating advice! I realize every person is different and I'm also a lady who dates ladies but I think anyone would have a good perspective on this. I've been dating women for several years but usually I was pursued by them or ...

Is it cheating? I feel horrible and do not know what to do next!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4169 days ago

26 February 2013 (M - Dear Cupid, I am 22 and gay from Germany and its pretty late in the evening but my consience does not let me to go to the bed. I have a boyfriend more than a month now and everything was going perfect. I truely love him and he loves me too. He...

Family is against lesbian relationships. How to take it to the next level.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3718 days ago

24 February 2013 (F - So I've got a problem. I'm in love with this totally awesome girl. We're both bisexual and we are dating. I've spoiled her rotten on Valentine's Day and her birthday and what not. We've been dating for like a year now I think and my family knows ...

Could I have a little "Green" in my eyes?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4170 days ago

24 February 2013 (F - Im currently in a long distance lesbian relationship. Nancy (girlfriend) is wonderful to me. I feel insecure about my weight. Im a big girl. I keep getting this sick feeling in my chest that Nancy may be losing interest in me. When I visit her we ...

Do you think this girl at the store likes me? or has a crush on me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4170 days ago

24 February 2013 (F - There’s this girl I always see at the store, she always smiles at me and asks me if I found everything ok.....and she just keeps smiling at me and staring.... Well a few days ago I seen her and I got into another lane and she was there, but at a dif...

My girlfriend is in prison and I think she's developed feelings for another girl in there

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4170 days ago

23 February 2013 (F - So my girlfriend is in prison. She has been locked up for thirteen months. There is this other girl that she has developed and emotional attachment to.My girlfriend says that they are just friends, but there are little things that they do to make me ...

Is my boyfriend getting it somewhere else?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4169 days ago

23 February 2013 (M - My Boyfriend and I Have Been Dating for a few months (im gay), and its been an up and down ride. Mainly because I have issues with his exes that he's still friends with and texts frequently, but we've learned that I don't need to worry, or do I? ...

Oral sex? No I don't like giving it. So should I tell him I don't like doing it?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4166 days ago

23 February 2013 (M - I’m a young man and I’m gay and I’ve a boyfriend, we’re together for 3 years. But there is a problem. The thing is that I don’t like giving oral sex. I know how that might sound like, but I really don’t like it. Hard to explain why, my boyfrien...

I resent my girlfriend because she's hot and I'm not!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4171 days ago

23 February 2013 (F - I'm a horrible person. I have a really great friend. She is by far the kindest and most sincere and loyal friend I have ever had. She's such a true friend that I truley.think if it came down to it she would throw herself in front of a car to save my ...

My girlfriend snores really loudly. How can I raise this sensitive subject, and not hurt her feelings? Because I can't get proper sleep myself in this situation.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4171 days ago

22 February 2013 (F - Yikes! I've got a bit of a small problem, but it's still causing me some issues. My girlfriend snores really loudly. It makes it almost impossible for me to sleep. I toss and turn. It's not pleasant, and is getting to the point where I don't wa...

How should I handle this? My beloved bisexual Gf proposed that we have a threesome

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4171 days ago

22 February 2013 (M - My beloved bisexual girlfriend proposed a threesome with a girl (or hooker) of our choice, and i told her that i used to have a wild side in the past, but not anymore, and she keeps mentioning that she wishes she met me back then, which makes it ...

What strategies will help me identify a good man who will step up and stay around like my husband, who accepted my bisexuality?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4170 days ago

22 February 2013 (F - I'm a single mother of two, separated from my husband of 19 years two years ago, finally dating, can't seem to find and keep a good man, a man like my husband who accepted that Im bisexual and will allow me to have flings with women while he stays...

How can I find out if my co-worker likes me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4172 days ago

22 February 2013 (F - So i have a coworker who seems to flirt with me. She always approaches me first, she does odd things like subtlety draw attention to her cleavage (actually more often than not its overtly), always makes extended eye contact with me (or if im not ...

He knows I'm straight, so could I be misinterpreting his actions?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4172 days ago

21 February 2013 (M - I’m a young guy and I’ve kind of a bizarre situation. I’m a student and I’m living in a flat share together with another guy. He’ s a wonderful person, we have much in common and so we became friends very quickly. He’s also gay, but that has never ...

Need help getting over a confusing friendship with a guy friend.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4170 days ago

20 February 2013 (M - Well I'm not sure about ask but I can't handle anymore so. I'm 21 years old at collage. I fell in love with a man. He is straight so he kindly refused me and tried to keep our friendship. I was madly in love and had panic disorder at that time. I ...

Do I need to worry about this? And should I break up with him?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4173 days ago

20 February 2013 (F - I posted here last week ,saying that my boyfriend spent part of Valentine's Day with a male friend of his who is gay, who is transgender. The people who replied to my original post said they didnt think there was anything sinister going on, but i ...

I want to keep her and my man too!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4174 days ago

20 February 2013 (F - im bisexual and i met a girl who only dates girls. she doesnt hate guys but she gets turned off to the thought of a guy ever touching her in a sexual way or kissing her. shes made it known that she would never date a bisexual girl. i cant get her ...

My best friend insists he's not gay but did sexual things with me. How do I talk to him about it?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4171 days ago

19 February 2013 (M - Its been along time since ive asked anything on DearCupid but I really need some advice now. I have asked before about my friend for many years cause i was wondering if he was into me(yes im gay) he is my bestfriend for many years but we dont hang ...

My wife doesn't know I'm cheating on her with men. I don't want to upset her OR live a lie!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4177 days ago

16 February 2013 (M - Hi I am married in a straight relationship and have always been curious of being at least bisexual. About a year after we got married I had a affair with a guy I loved everything about our relationship but upset of being married. I now find ...

Should I just flirt with this other woman and tell her it can't go further? Trouble is I love my partner but the sex could be better.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4178 days ago

16 February 2013 (F - I need advice for a problem I'm having. I. engaged to be married to my lovely partner. She looks after me, is caring, loves me, and I love her lots too. There is no doubt in my mind that I am doing the right thing marrying her. The only thing ...

Should I try and have a relationship with my dream girl?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4165 days ago

15 February 2013 (F - From the first day I saw her she was in training class and I was in another class I liked her. WELL now we have gotten to talk more and she makes me laugh and makes me happy. We have some things in common but I'm not sure if I should pursue her for ...

She left me for her ex-girlfriend but still has feeling for me

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4178 days ago

15 February 2013 (F - I know it's quite common that people leave each other because of other people usually from the past but I just need to let it out, talk about it. It seems to be the only thing that helps a little - talking. To my walls, to myself, to my computer, to ...

Marrying my gay best friend and need some advice.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4180 days ago

14 February 2013 (F - I have a gay best friend and he and I have been best friends for 15 years. I am 30 and he is 33. We love each other in every possible way but sexually. He is my soul-mate and all I have ever wanted in a man. He treats me better than anyone ever has ...

My boyfriend is always too busy! He says he'll call me but he never does.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4180 days ago

14 February 2013 (M - dear cupid my boyfriend has been very "busy" lately. I'll call him and he will either be sleeping or "busy", and then hes like I'll call you back but he never does! i always wind up calling him the next day and i don't see him as much as i would ...

Girlfriend is too sick and busy to be with me, and we are supposed to be at the honeymoon stage.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4180 days ago

13 February 2013 (F - I'm beginning to have relationship issues. My gf is full time in school and works and to top it all off, seems to get sick every other week. Not that it's necessarily anyone's fault, but I'm just beginning to feel like I don't even have a gf. We are ...

I know I must move on from him. But I need help on how to love on please?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4172 days ago

12 February 2013 (M - How can I move on from a straight-gay men relationship? I've had this boyfriend whom I loved so much (till now). We were friends for like 3 years. We study in the same University and we both belong to the same section. He was one of ...

Woman I met on a lesbian dating site is actually bisexual and married! How could she be so deceitful, and should I confront her?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4181 days ago

12 February 2013 (F - I'm a lesbian and a few months back I joined a lesbian dating site. Shortly thereafter a member contacted me and expressed an interest in me. I was impressed with how she presented herself, what she conversated about. I have since taken a fond ...

I've never been with a girl before and now don't know how to proceed with her? She's stopped replying to my messages.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4181 days ago

11 February 2013 (F - Hey everyone! I'm in need of some advice, thanks for your help in advance! I've been messaging with a girl for a few months now. I've actually never been with a girl before, but for some reason she and I seemed to connect from the very first secon...

My son is confused about his sexuality, how do I help him?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4183 days ago

11 February 2013 (F - I have a 25-year-old son with Asperger's Syndrome; he is employed as a car valet at a local garage and does well at it (he used to obsess about cleaning the car when young, and now does it for a living, within what's legal on our benefit rules). ...

I have a BF. Yet I'm seriously questioning my sexuality. What can I do?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4182 days ago

10 February 2013 (F - Hi everyone, So here is my problem. I am in a happy, loving, stable relationship of 2.5 years with the man of my dreams. I really, truly can't picture myself not being with him. He feels the same, but... something isn't quite adding up. Ever...

My husband respects my bisexuality. How can I repair the rift, now that my daughter knows the truth?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4184 days ago

10 February 2013 (F - I'm bisexual and have been married to an amazing man for 19 years. My husband respects my sexuality and has always been supportive of my need to also have a significant woman friend. It is never a threesome situation. We have kept this private from...

My depressed Gf won't have sex with me. If I say I'm leaving she hurts herself. Should we breakup?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4183 days ago

9 February 2013 (F - Hello all, I have been with my girlfriend for one year and a half and we live together. The problem I have is she won't have sex with me. The last time we had sex was 7 months ago and I confessed to her that I am considering sleeping with other ...

She never returns the 'favour' for me and disrespects my feelings! Am I overeacting or not?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4187 days ago

7 February 2013 (F - My lesbian partner and I have an on going issue with sex in our relationship. I always make her have an orgasm but she has never once done this for me. She swings between doing things I ask her not to do to me in the bedroom, to just lying there, ...

My roomate is trying to sabotage my relationships!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4188 days ago

6 February 2013 (F - i've got a real problem with my roommate. we've been living together for quite some time now; about 4 years. and she's really caused me a lot of issues in my social and dating life. she's practically a recluse. we work together, that's how i kno...

Being A Good Agony Aunt or Uncle

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4168 days ago

6 February 2013 (F - I have been reading comments and feedback from agony aunts and uncles to queries and questions posted by OPs. Some of the advice, opinions, comments and feedback are encouraging, motivating and insightful But nonetheless many are very negative, j...

I'm gay but afraid to come out about it. How long will it take me to accept this about myself?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4189 days ago

5 February 2013 (F - I am in a relationship with a woman for my first time. To make the story short, I broke up my engagement with my 8 year fiance not only because he was cheating but also because I felt l for this girl. We've been dating for about 4 months now. I ...

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