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Archived questions from: May, 2007 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Her guilt is eating me alive but I DON'T want to get back with her.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6267 days ago

29 May 2007 (F - Hello! I asked a question a while back: Anyway. Here's a followup, and a new problem. I managed to leave my girlfriend, but now she won't stop calling me and sending m...

Do you think I have an anal fissure or could it be something more serious?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6254 days ago

28 May 2007 (M - I have a bit of a problem and wondering if anyone can help. Im a 20 year old male in a gay relationship. Ive been with my boyfriend now for about 8 months. Two months into the relationship I noticed during sex that my anus hurt. Ever since then ...

Why did he tell the person on his phone he was out with his mates when he was in with me?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6239 days ago

28 May 2007 (M - Im gay and have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 7 months. Last night on the phone he told whoever rang him he was out with work mates and not me. He told me it was his mate who was out bowling. Now I'm wondering why he said that and ...

I saw my girlfriend and another female in a VERY intimate position!!!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6270 days ago

27 May 2007 (M - i went round to my girlfriends, friends house (she is a girl as well) last night as she left her phone in my apartment. however as i went to knock on the window i saw the 2 of them in a very, very intimate position. they also were half naked. i...

I want to stop being gay because it is destroying my life!

This question has 46 answers - newest was posted 5070 days ago

25 May 2007 (M - Alright i need a lot of help here. I want to try to get over my gay tendencies and stop thinking about guys. Being a gay guy has just destroyed my life, it has completely left me empty inside. I can't find friends like me because to tell you the ...

He's been seein my mate behind my back, he has broken my could he do this to me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6268 days ago

24 May 2007 (F - I've bin with my boyfriend for 7 years, thro out these 7 years we have always been abit rocky but always felt we was in love wiv each other.i've bin thro hell an back wiv this guy, i love the bones ov this man only to find out he's been seein my ...

Could getting fingered make me come on my period?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5269 days ago

23 May 2007 (F - Hi. I'm due on my period on sunday and on friday i am at a party with my boyfriend. Will getting fingered make me come on? xox please answer i cant find info bout it anywhere...

Has my girlfriend changed the way I think now?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6273 days ago

23 May 2007 (M - Over a year ago roughly at the end of March I suddenly had a fairly strong bout of depression for no apparant reason what so ever. One night I felt very depressed and run down and I had never had anything like it before. On the night I suddenly ...

If a female has a piercing between her bottom lip and chin does that mean she's bi-sexual?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6276 days ago

21 May 2007 (F - If a female has a piercing between her bottom lip and chin does that mean she's bi-sexual? I've been told that kind of piercing mean the person is bisexual... just wanted to know if its true or not?...

Is my partner of 5 years gay because he was texting gay men?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6275 days ago

20 May 2007 (F - my partner of 5 years is everything in a man i have ever wanted, he has very endearing qualities and treats me like a princess.Then 3 weeks ago i found out he was flirting with another women at work and he stated he did not sleep with her and never ...

Ive been with her a year and love her, but I'm worried shes ashamed of me!!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6277 days ago

20 May 2007 (F - Hiya I've been with my girlfriend now for almost a year. I love her very much and believe that she feels the same way. The problem however is I feel she may be embarssed by me. In the time we've been together I've only met her flatmate and this ...

Got turned on by one of my girlfriends! Now I'm confused about my sexuality...any advice?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6254 days ago

19 May 2007 (F - Hi. Im really confused about my sexuallity. A few nights ago, I had a few girl friends over. When it was time for them to go, one of them stayed behind. We started cuddling up together. She was stroking her hand up my leg and was so close to strok...

What would happen if people found out that i was a gay and i agreed and accepted it as well?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6251 days ago

19 May 2007 (M - What would happen if people found out that i was a gay and i agreed and accepted it as well?...

We seperated for two months and he slept with two other people... can this be overcome?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6278 days ago

18 May 2007 (M - I am new to this lifestyle but after 3 years my partner and I ran into so tuff time, we sperated for 2 months, I so loved him but had serious jealousy issues, He would come to see me often while we were apart, We had gotten back togeather and I ...

I'm straight, however I am attracted to my friend (non-sexually) Is this normal?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6277 days ago

18 May 2007 (M - (The whole story) One night, I was drinking with a good friend I have known for 3 years. He is 15, and I am 18. We got rather drunk, and he ended up getting close to ...

Fallen for a mate of mine, but he doesn't see me in that way. I can't get him out of my head! What can I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6279 days ago

18 May 2007 (M - hi, this sounds daft but, im a 35 year old gay man, and a mate of mine for 4 years, i fell for just recentley, thing is i cant get him out my head. ive been single for so long now, nearly 8 years, and i just really found myself growing close to ...

Been in a lesbian relationship for 4 years but now I don't think I'm actually a lesbian! Help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6276 days ago

17 May 2007 (F - I have been with my partner for 4 years. We are both females and is the first same sex relationship either of us have had. A year ago I would have said I love her more than anything but now im not so sure. I have had alot on my mind recently. Im ...

I'm in a very sticky situation. I just recently decided to tell my friends that I was bisexual.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6280 days ago

17 May 2007 (F - I'm in a very sticky situation. I just recently decided to tell my friends that I was bisexual. I always had a feeling that I was, but I didn't want to tell them till I was completely sure. The first person I told was my very good guy friend- ...

He tells me he's Gay and everyone else hes Bi.. He says he likes me but I'm confused!?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6281 days ago

16 May 2007 (F - I have dated this guy for 3 months, and then after that, we decided to just be friends, but cause we weren't an "item" anymore, we became toys for eachother. When the moment came where it was almost his first time, he couldn't get a hard on, and ...

I'm 22, lesbian and in a relationship with no intimacy!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6080 days ago

16 May 2007 (F - Hello, people who may be able to help me. Here is where I am going to whine about my problem: Okay, so, I'm twenty-two, lesbian, and have been with my girlfriend for over a year now. At the beginning we had our ups and downs, as in all relations...

I'm 28, gay, never dated, and my sex drive is out of control... Help!!?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6282 days ago

14 May 2007 (M - I am a 28 year old gay single male. Ive always been single and never had a partner or even a sexual encounter of any kind. I think someone kissed me on the cheek once. The fact is im not a very good looking guy at all and despite my best efforts i ...

Sice we moved in together..we don't show affection and talk as much. Was this the right thing to do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6283 days ago

14 May 2007 (F - I am in a same sex relationship and have been with my partner for 4 year. I have recently moved in together. Since we have moved in things seem to have gone wrong. We dont talk as much, dont show each other any affection. I'm not sure if this is the ...

She's so talented and I'm a geek. Does she really want to be with me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6283 days ago

14 May 2007 (F - Okay so, I met this girl online a few months ago (just to make it clear, I am a bisexual girl myself), we started emailing each other, we would write really long ones every day and talk about everything and anything. We sort of just connected. After ...

When she drunk she comes onto me sexually! Is she me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6283 days ago

14 May 2007 (F - hey, i'm eighteen and bisexual. recently, me and my (straight) best friend, have been doing stuff together such as fingering and kissing. but it tends to only happen when we're drunk, and i highly doubt she can ever remember any of it because she n...

I am a lesbian. Recently my now ex girlfriend said she wanted to have a relationship with me.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6282 days ago

10 May 2007 (F - "I need you to be like her." Those are the words she said to me. I'm posting again as I only got 3 responses. I am a lesbian. Recently my now ex girlfriend said she wanted to have a relationship with me. She was adamant that I was the person s...

My husband and another man, stripped and kissed each other at a party..I was so embarrassed! Is he actually gay?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6262 days ago

8 May 2007 (F - Apologies for the length of this but I really really need to get this off my chest. Recently we had a party at our house and there was alcohol supplied, good music and a lot of food. However, it got embarrassing when my husband and his friend b...

How can I tell if another women is interested in women without asking?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6288 days ago

8 May 2007 (F - Hello. I am looking for answers mostly from lesbiens and bisexual females who have had relationships with females. however, first a little about me. I am 21 years old, and a pansexual. This means that gender is irrelevent to me when it comes to...

I've never met his family or many of his friends, do you think he's embarrassed by me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6290 days ago

7 May 2007 (M - I've been in a relationship now for 7 months with my boyfriend. We usually see each other 3 times a week, but lately I've noticed things that are niggling away at me. Firstly in the seven months that we've been together I've only met one of his ...

Is my boss saying "no", but meaning "yes"?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6290 days ago

7 May 2007 (F - Ok here goes!!!! Im in a bit of a pickle, I am totally in to my Boss. one of my friends told her that I like her and she is cool with it,and said she already knew. she is also one of my best friends. we spend alot of time together in and out of wo...

My friend just started jerking me off even though he knows I'm a hetrosexual male!

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 4115 days ago

4 May 2007 (M - I stayed around a mates house the other week and we all stopped in the same room and some of us shared a double bed but made sure we had our own space. Well not long after that the lad lying near me moved very close to me and decided to put his hand ...

My gay partner was sexually abused as a child, she is in therapy, but we never have sex anymore!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6208 days ago

4 May 2007 (F - I am a queer 25 year old female and I have been in a relationship with another female (whose name for the sake of this post will be "Karen") for about two and a half years. For the first 6 months to a year or so, the sex was great. We were ...

"I need you to be like her." Those are the words she said to me. I'm posting again as I only got two responses.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6294 days ago

3 May 2007 (F - "I need you to be like her." Those are the words she said to me. I'm posting again as I only got two responses. I am a lesbian. Recently my ex girlfriend said she wanted to have a relationship with me. She was adamant that I was the person s...

He was visiting gay he just curious or is he really gay?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6251 days ago

3 May 2007 (F - my partner of 5 years is everything in a man i have ever wanted, he has very endearing qualities and treats me like a princess.Then 3 weeks ago i found out he was flirting with another women at work and he stated he did not sleep with her and never ...

I'm afraid of being rejected because of my bisexuality.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6295 days ago

3 May 2007 (F - My friends and I always joke about being lesbian and bi(just little jokes), but we're all for gay marriage, etc. Now, after knowing my friends for years now, I realize that I like two of the same sex. I know one of my friends doesn't care who she ...

I've fallen for someone of the same sex, and I'm falling in love with him

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6295 days ago

2 May 2007 (M - Hi guys, I've fallen for someone of the same sex, and I'm falling in love with him, he knows, but he's straight, and i like him that much... Someone.. please..... help me....

She went on to say that in a relationship you should be willing to give up anything if you really love the person in your life.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6296 days ago

1 May 2007 (F - I am a lesbian. Recently my ex girlfriend said she wanted to have a relationship with me. She was adamant that I was the person she really wanted to be with. She has been back and forth between me and another person for years and it was very ...

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