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Archived questions from: February, 2010 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Uh oh, I have a boyfriend but think I am in love with my best girl friend

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5261 days ago

28 February 2010 (F - I think I'm in love with my bestfriend. I have a boyfriend of almost two years and I am very confused. She often teases me saying she is gonna rape me and other stuff but I'm not shore if she is flirting or not. She calls me boo baby tells me she ...

Too afraid to ask again.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5255 days ago

28 February 2010 (M - hey ok me and my best friend are really close but he is straight and i am bi we are both guys and one night he slept at my house and we went for a walk at about 11 at night and he told me that he trusts me heaps then eventually he said that he ...

To top off a very bad day I think my relationship is over

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5255 days ago

27 February 2010 (M - Hi guys, I've not had a good day. Yesterday I went for an interview to apply for a 3rd year at university. My day started a 7am, from there I had to pick up all my friends who had an interview that day, take my girlfriend home, catch a boat in ...

I'm gay. Should I tell this boy how I feel about him?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5263 days ago

27 February 2010 (M - im 15 and gay and so in love with this boy.but he says hes strait but in class he be looking at me and sometimes smiles.but he allways talking bout how he goes out with his girl.but when he fround out i was gay he acked different.sould i tell him ...

I am gay, and eveytime my male friend kisses his girlfriend I die a little inside

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5243 days ago

27 February 2010 (M - ok let me introduce my self my name is kevin i am 16 i am a boy and i am gay but no body knows that i fell for this guy damn it he's so hot we're in the same class we're best friends and just my luck he got a girl friend recently and whenever we go ...

How can I make her happy? I don't want her to regret choosing me over her family

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5264 days ago

26 February 2010 (F - hi any help you could give would be great im 26 and have been with my girlfriend for almost 2 years now. this was both of our first lesbian relationship and we kept it secret for over a year because we wanted to be sure about each other before tel...

He's telling me to stay away from him after our encounter...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5264 days ago

26 February 2010 (M - Okay so I've been on here before. I confessed to my best guy friend that i had bi-sexual tendencies and that i was attracted to him. And me telling him was after i had kissed him out of the whim. Yeah after that bold move..(stupid of me)..he ...

Am I doing the wrong thing trying to change sexualities?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5265 days ago

25 February 2010 (? - I am really confused. I left my husband 3 months ago because he was abusing me...he was hitting me.....anyways right after that i spent a very short time with a loser who only wanted to use me for sex and obviously that didn't work out ...

Oh NO! I think my crush might be gay!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5266 days ago

25 February 2010 (F - I think my crush is gay. How do I ask him? He has become a very good friend and if he is gay, I would still continue to be his friend, I just do not want to offend (? i'm not sure how he will react, we have mutual acquaintances that are gay, so I ...

I'm confused about my sexuality since she dumped me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5265 days ago

25 February 2010 (M - Hi, i've started to question my sexuality alot. When i was smaller around 6 or 7, i experimented with my cousin and another boy. i also remember seeing a movie where i saw this transexual guy and i was confused.. after all that though, i was ...

I'm confused about my sexual identity! Help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5266 days ago

24 February 2010 (F - I am confused about my sexual identity. I have been in a few serious hetero relationships. I enjoy and often desire hetero sex. I like men and I like how I feel balanced out by a male presence both physically and emotionally. Many of my erotic ...

In love with my gay friend...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5244 days ago

24 February 2010 (M - I am in love with my friend (we are both gay men), I met him about 8-9 years ago, on my part it was love at first sight and as I didn't want it to be a one night stand, I decided to get to know him better before 'making my move'....... 9 years later ...

Should I tell my friend that I have feelings for her old crush?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5259 days ago

24 February 2010 (F - Hi! I’m really sorry if you get confused by this but I would really appreciate any help! I started a new school for my A-levels in September and I have a friend who is a couple of years below me who also goes to the school called Amy and we are quit...

We have been together 2 years but she wont give up her boyfriend because she wants kids of her own

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5266 days ago

23 February 2010 (F - ok i have a girlfriend who also has a boyfriend. me and her have been going out for just about 2 years now and now want her all to myself. i have tried to tell her that i dont want to share her with anyone anymore but she said that she wants k...

I'm struggling to work out if he is gay, can anyone help me?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5205 days ago

22 February 2010 (M - Hi everybody! I am a gay nineteen year old male, and I have a bit of a mundane problem that happens a lot to gay men. Thus, when I came across this site I saw the perfect opportunity to gain a different perspective other than my own. And possibly...

How can I make her feel that it is ok for her to like me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5268 days ago

22 February 2010 (F - ok so i've known this girl my whole life almost and i have fallen madly in love with her. now the thing is her aunt and my uncle got married about 6 years ago. now everyone in the family thinks that there is something wrong with me liking. plus...

I can't come out to my parents but staying in the closet is hurting my relationship

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5252 days ago

21 February 2010 (F - dear aunts and uncles. this is a bit long and im sorry but im having a really difficult time at the moment and would really appreciate any help that you can give me. ive been in a relationship with my girlfriend for almost a year and a half now a...

I am a girl and wondering what it would be like to kiss another

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5270 days ago

21 February 2010 (F - I usually date guys and like to flirt around them. I use to have a boyfriend but we broke up because it wasn't working out. I just didn't feel anything when we kissed. But this week i went to a work site at Pet Clinic just for one week. There...

My BF&GF fight all the time over me, and its getting kinda old

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5270 days ago

20 February 2010 (F - OK.. so Im bisexual, and pregnant. Im only in high school, and am doing Really well. My BF and GF fight all the time over me, and its getting kinda old. I know I can only DATE one of them, but Im having a hard time chosing who I NEED to stay with.. ...

Although I have a boyfriend I find women attractive

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5270 days ago

20 February 2010 (F - I have been dating this dude for a while now and he got a girlfriend. I do love him but I find myself attracted to females. When we go out I never look at other dudes, but always look at females from head to toes. To him, he is the only one I am ...

I am bisexual and I do not know how to tell my parents! Any advice?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5269 days ago

20 February 2010 (F - Hey, I'm bisexual and I dont know how to tell my parents. There's a part of me telling me not to tell them in case they don't agree with that type of thing. As far as I know most of my family are homophobics so I think if I told my parents, ...

Can I ask her to wait 18 months until I return?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5271 days ago

20 February 2010 (F - Okay so this is kind of weird. I'm a architect, lesbian and from manchester. 7 months ago I got talking to a girl on facebook (i didnt know her she's from london) she's gorgeous, we really clicked, and was talking every day for hours. I had a ...

Any advice or info when looking to start dating guys?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5266 days ago

19 February 2010 (M - Hey guys. I'm a 15 year old guy. And Ever since i was little i always knew i had an interest in guys. And I've just been denying it and hiding it all along. But now it seems that I'm getting more comfortable with it.The thing is I've never really ...

My parents have been married 25 years and now suddenly my dad seems to be bi and cheating on my mum!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5272 days ago

18 February 2010 (F - Ive just found emails that my dad has sent and received from various men, and there sexually explicit. My parents have been married 25 years and now suddenly my dad seems to be bi and cheating on my mum. I have no idea whether he has done anything, ...

What does it feel like to receive oral sex?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5270 days ago

18 February 2010 (F - this is a bit of a rude question but im really curious to know what it feels like to recieve oral sex. can anybody describe it. does it feel weird? im worried i wont like it. im a lesbian and me and my girlfriend have done everything else and now ...

I think I am a lesbian, and I don't know where to meet a patner.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5271 days ago

18 February 2010 (F - hi um im 20 and i think im a lesbian but nobody knows. ive had a sexual thing with guys before and it was fine but ive also been with 2 different girls and it was incredible and i think about being with girls and know that if i was with a guy i...

Is my best friend bi, should I tell him I find him attractive?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5270 days ago

18 February 2010 (M - I am 17 now and have had this best friend that im very close with. and resently my feelings for him have grown. so i ask him a few simple test questions to see if he might be bi or at least willing to try, and two questions i had asked were: 1. " ...

My gay best friend proposed to me! And I want to accept!

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5102 days ago

18 February 2010 (F - My gay best friend just asked me to marry him.... SOBER!! Now, he's a gay man who everyone thinks is straight or bisexual and he can play it straight very well! SoO straight, that he is enlisted in the US Armed Forces! I love him with all my heart...

Have a new boyfriend but now my ex is back in the picture! What can I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5273 days ago

17 February 2010 (M - well it all really started last year. i finally got my first boyfriend. things were going great until summer came around. one day me and him went to the beach for our friends' birthday party. well the whole time we were there we got to tlk like ...

My girlfriend found my fetish through my computer history, now I'm worried she will never be able to get over this!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5274 days ago

16 February 2010 (M - Hi, I'm in a horrible situation and its killing both me and my gf. I've been in a relationship for two years now and despite what I'm about to say, I've never been happier, I can imagine not growing up and living my life with my gf, my freinds s...

Lately I have been feeling an intense sense of emptiness, and to make things worse I am now questioning my sexuality

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5272 days ago

16 February 2010 (F - [Moderator's Note: 2 questions from the same poster have been merged into this one post] Lately I've been feeling an intense sense of emptiness, or not reacting to anything happening (e.i boyfriend breaking up with me.). It all started back aro...

How do I turn it from kissing into more without looking stupid?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5273 days ago

15 February 2010 (F - hi this is really embarrassing but i didnt know who else to ask... im 20 and have just got together with a girl for the first time (i came out about 6 months ago so this is all a bit new). weve kissed and cuddled and stuff but im really nervous a...

Girlfriend won't touch me, but is happy for me to touch her. What can I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5109 days ago

15 February 2010 (F - I've been in a (lesbian) relationship with a girl for almost a year now. She lets me touch her and bring her to orgasm, but she wont touch me. We kiss and her hands will brush my back and hair, but nowhere else. We've talked about it a great deal ...

How can I get over it when I see them together every day?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5272 days ago

15 February 2010 (F - So here's the deal: My friend has claimed, "I'm gay. I'm a lesbian," since I met her. She and my brother started hangin out together when she came to visit me. Before she ever came to my house I had fallin for her. When she finally realized that I ...

Should I replace my ex-boyfriend's jacket?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5273 days ago

15 February 2010 (M - Should I replace my ex-boyfriend's a jacket that I distroyed? I had it in my possession when he broke up with me. I was angry at the time and damaged it. ...

What do I do now? I want to take it further but I'm worried she only seemed interested because she was drunk!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5275 days ago

15 February 2010 (F - Hi i would really appreciate some advice. I think im a lesbian and im attracted to one of my very good friends. She is a lesbian and is literally the most beautiful girl i have ever met in my life. she is amazing. We met at uni and have just be...

Is my bf gay/ curious?? Please help

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5275 days ago

14 February 2010 (F - My bf and I have been going out for just over a year. About a month ago I moved out on my own because I could no longer tolerate the living situation I was in. For 6 months my bf lived together and in those six months our relationship went from ...

How should I express myself?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5273 days ago

14 February 2010 (M - I'm a heterosexual straight guy who loves women and everything associated with them but lately there has been a guy who has me interested. we are best friends and we talk all the time( aim ) etc  we go to the same school and we trust each other. im ...

Isn't there any way that I can meet a girl and not have her say "wanna screw" in the frist 5 seconds?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5278 days ago

10 February 2010 (F - this is sort of a small rant/ if u have any advice plse tell ^.^ ok, i live in colorado (whether that's suppposed to be a secret or not i'm not sure) anyway, i've been trying to meet girls to have some sort of meaningful relationship (as...

I'm secretly talking to a guy out of state and my dad saw the phone bill!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5280 days ago

9 February 2010 (M - Ok.. Where to start. Well first off, Im gay. Noone knows that though. Except one guy that i met on myspace/facebook that lives in a different state. Hes been really great with helping me out when im having "Down" days, but now i have a problem. He ...

Should I break up with my gf because I am attracted to my friend - even tho she does not 'do' girls?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5274 days ago

8 February 2010 (F - I'm 14,female,and bi. So, I have a gf who I've been dating for almost 2 weeks, and I like her but at times my feelings for her fade away and come back later on. I've been a bit distant at times and I know that it's affecting our relation...

I'm still in love with my gay friend.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5284 days ago

7 February 2010 (F - How do I get over my past relationship with my gay lover? He was so kind, yet abusive, yet mysterious... I can't for get him...he left me on the driveway...and tried to get back with a past boy friend that was his lover for years... His bo...

I love her but I don't want to be faking orgasms for the rest of my life

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5284 days ago

6 February 2010 (F - im a lesbian seeking for advice on sex with my gf. i was a virgin when i met her and on one occasion she took away my virginty. it was not too painful when she thrusted her finger in for the first time.but it felt uncomfortable when the finger hits ...

He said we'd grown apart, but I can't move on! Can I get him back?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5282 days ago

5 February 2010 (M - (I'm a 22y/o, male) I split up with my boyfriend (20y/o) three weeks ago, we'd been apart for a few months because of his university but made the effort to see each other often. He said we'd grown apart and he didn't want to be in a long term ...

I'm gay, she is straight! An unrequited love story!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5276 days ago

5 February 2010 (F - Hiya, I'll try to make this short (and not too boring for whoever is reading!) It's a pretty traditional story of unrequited love with a best friend, the problem is that we are both girls. I'm gay, she's straight. I told her I was gay a few years ...

He cheated, lied and got a woman pregnant....why did he do this to me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5285 days ago

5 February 2010 (M - I am heartbroken, my partner who I lived with for 3 years not only cheated and lied for the last 8 weeks of our relationship but got a woman he had a brief fling with pregnant. He has shown no remorse for what he did and has walked away from all our ...

Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks he has feelings for me!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5285 days ago

5 February 2010 (M - I have a problem, I've been in love with my best friend for quite sometime now and i told him i had feelings for him, but he says he's not into dating. we have messed around before and kissed too but i can't tell if he has some hidden feelings. ...

I thought a guy was good looking and now I'm scared I might be gay!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5286 days ago

4 February 2010 (M - My name is blair and i am a 13 year old male. Starting about 2 to 3 weeks ago ive been having thoughts of liking guys looks. Ive always liked girls and theyve always turned me on . Now that im worried that im might be gay for some reason girls arent ...

Straight man with a weird fetish?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5286 days ago

4 February 2010 (M - So I believe I have a fetish. I am a straight man, and I get very turned on when I feel fear, anxiety, and terror towards homosexual activity. It happened first at 15 when I felt a very weird uncomfortable feeling while watching two guys hold hands ...

Confused and laughing - don't know if my boyfriend is gay.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5286 days ago

4 February 2010 (F - My boyfriend and I recently are taking a break so he can try and be in his child's life (long story). I just found out that he signed up for an adult friend finder site, and has his profile to looking for males and joined a couple groups about ...

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