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Archived questions from: January, 2013 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

On the Fence about My Relationship

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4194 days ago

31 January 2013 (F - This is an unusual back story which I will try to sum up, and I would appreciate suggestions on how to change my perception. Relationship: Lesbian Couple (both bisexual) Ages: Me (late 20's), her (early 30's) Looks: We are both attractive ...

Everything things my guy and I have the perfect relationship. But I feel confused and I'm thinking of breaking up or cheating. I already talk online to a guy. What should I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4195 days ago

29 January 2013 (M - Hey, sorry for being dramatic about this but I didn't know where else to go for help, thanks for reading. I've been with my boyfriend since 2009, and he is 3 years older than me. I came out when we started dating, and it was hard, very difficult w...

My best friend who is like a brother to me admitted that he's gay and attracted to me. I am now avoiding him because I don't know how to handle this

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4182 days ago

28 January 2013 (M - I’m a man in my early thirties and right now I have a complicated situation in my life. My best friend confessed to me that he’s gay. We know each other for almost 25 years and he’s like a brother to me. We grew up together, we went in the same ...

I'm worried that my gay friend is coming onto me! How do I stop this?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4196 days ago

28 January 2013 (F - I am twenty-one and straight female and I think as confusing as it is that my gay male friend likes me more than a friend. We have been friends for 5 yrs and lately he has been kissing me on my cheek and telling me he loves me more and more and ...

Should I Risk telling my friend my true feelings for her, or play it safe?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4190 days ago

27 January 2013 (F - So i have this friend I've known all my life. But we've only become really close this last year or so. I'm afraid I'm developing deeper feelings for her. and she isnt making it easy! She says lots of little compliments,like say I'm cute and stu...

First he hates me, now he's friendly - how should I understand it? 

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4199 days ago

26 January 2013 (M - I’m a young gay guy and a student. One of my coursemates is a really sexy guy, unfortunately straight. Although even if he would be gay, I would have no chance, because he’s really hot, like a film star. The bad thing is that he’s apparently a ...

I'm bisexual and in love with my best friend. What should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4199 days ago

26 January 2013 (F - I have known her for 8 years from way back in high school ...I am a bisexual. I have always felt strangly drawn to her ....and her to me....while I have been open to my feelings, she has been shy about it. I try, have pecked her ...tried to cuddle w...

Would be cute to frame her written acceptance note, and give it to her as a valentine's gift?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4199 days ago

26 January 2013 (F - so i have a basic question about whether or not a valentine's idea is cute or not. my gf and i have only been together officially for a few weeks now (been dating a couple months, but just made it official), and when i asked her to be with me, i wr...

Should I forgive my guy friend for sleeping with my then girlfriend?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4200 days ago

25 January 2013 (F - I am not completely sure how forgiveness works. I don't know when to let go of something, or to hold onto it -- I either do or I don't, and that is that. I have a question about forgiving and forgetting. To ask it, I feel I should give the story ...

I experimented with my male friend, but decided to go back to females. Why is he so upset?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4192 days ago

24 January 2013 (? - I’m a young man and I’ve trouble with a friend. I’m very outgoing person, I like to try new things and everything new. My friend is gay and although I’m straight, I thought that I’m living only once and decided I want to try something with another ...

Do you think he wants to break up or work things out?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4202 days ago

23 January 2013 (M - Let's start with saying I am gay. Me and my boyfriend have been going out for almost 6years he llived 60 miles away so we would meet up or I would go see him yes you would call it a long distance relationship . He got a job closer to we're I live ...

HELP! I feel like I'm a total beard for my gay best friend when he goes on a date.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4204 days ago

21 January 2013 (F - I'm a hetero girl and my best friend is gay. Let me make it clear, I have no interest in my bff in any romantic way. We are really close friends and roommates. My issue is that I feel like he's using me as a beard when he goes out to meet up with a ...

I have a boyfriend but I'm having lesbian thoughts and its not what I want to feel

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4204 days ago

19 January 2013 (F - I'm a 16 year old girl and I'm having bi / lesbain thoughts I'm scared I have an amazing boyfriend I love him I'm scared I'm gonna lose him the thought scares me and makes me cry I love him I wanna clear my head it makes it hard for me to sleep ...

Why is it that straight men don't take two gay womens relationship seriously?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4206 days ago

18 January 2013 (F - so i have a very sincere question that i've been wondering for years. it's troubling me greatly. i have been out of the closet for over ten years now, and have dated nothing but really feminine women who don't "look gay" (despite being VERY MUCH ...

I had sex with my supposedly straight friend and now he's ignoring me

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4206 days ago

18 January 2013 (M - Hi, I've never really done this relationship advice thingies but it couldn't hurt right? Ok we'll here's the deal. A few nights ago, I slept with my "supposed straight" friend when he was drunk. I didn't force him into anything and asked him if this ...

I like a girl who's in a relationship. How do I find out how she feels about me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4207 days ago

17 January 2013 (F - I met this girl, she has a girlfriend, but we went on a drunken night out and ended up sleeping together. We then have had a couple of times where we nearly slept together again, but both stopped it as it wasn't fair on her girlfriend. Problem is, ...

Is this ok to leave your partner at home and travel overseas with your ex?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4208 days ago

17 January 2013 (M - My partner wants to go away with his ex without me, even though they have been friends 15 years i struggle with this as his friend waited till we were in a solid committed monogamous relationship, then he behaved badly and chose to not get to know ...

Two female friends caressing and snuggling: Hidden attraction or not

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4207 days ago

17 January 2013 (F - A friend and I became close and usually exchange flirty comments, which we don't mean anything by them for jokes. (She is known to have a flirty sense of humour. She even admit that both sexes have felt attraction towards her, but she is straight) ...

Should I tell my religious parents that I'm bisexual now, or wait until I am older?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4209 days ago

16 January 2013 (M - So 15 and bisexual. I lean more to the guys side but I can some girl do turn me on, but I problem is that I want to break the news to my parents, and knowing my mom being so religious and traditional and my dad who I barely talk to. I know that ...

It seems like I'll never find a monogamous relationship -- anyone else experience this in the gay community?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4205 days ago

15 January 2013 (M - Hello readers, I hope you can all help me understand this mess. So I'm gay and I've been going on dates with guys, but well seems like I wasn't born to have a significant other. I don't think I'm that ugly as I get compliments a lot of times. oh...

She won't let me give her an orgasm!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4210 days ago

14 January 2013 (F - I've been with my girlfriend (I'll call her Emily) for about two and a half months but she finds it hard to let me try to give her an orgasm. She was with her ex for three years and claims that this ex had never made her come in all that time but ...

Is there ever a good reason or explanation for cheating?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4210 days ago

14 January 2013 (F - I learned my lesbian gf was cheating on me by talking with other women. One in particular I caught her talking with twice. After the first time getting caught she promised she was sorry and she wouldn't do anything like that to hurt me again. She ...

Could I be bi-sexual? Can open-minded be considered a sexuality?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4201 days ago

9 January 2013 (M - I've questioned what my sexuality or how to define my sexuality ever since I was a child. It's probably been about 13 to 15 years long I have questioned this. Can open-minded be considered a sexuality? I grew up keeping to myself, and really tryin...

Who was lying? My girlfriend or her friends?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4221 days ago

5 January 2013 (F - My Gf Friends, came up to me and they asked me was i still with her and i'm like Yeah why. Apparently my Gf hooked up with two other girls, and she went to go see them. I started crying, they comfort me i soon walk away. My gf come up to me, she ...

I've been feeling jealous about this girl doing things without me. What do I do about these feelings? Because I think I'm gay.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4220 days ago

5 January 2013 (M - Ok I'm a gay teen. Lately Ive been getting overly jealous of my (straight,girl) bestfriend. Some things that get me jealous are her talking to other people for advice, and inviting people places, but never asking me to tag along. What do I do a...

I'd never been kissed and I'm shy. Why has this random kiss, my first ever kiss, so unsettled me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4220 days ago

5 January 2013 (M - Well, i was hanging out with my cousins and her friends over the holiday. Since i was in town that year. And beside me there were 3 girls and 2 guys. Well we were drinking somewhat and just having a good time. Well we got kind of bored so we deci...

I married to a gay man and I'm confused. He didn't tell me he was gay until I got him his visa. Will our marriage last?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4220 days ago

4 January 2013 (F - Hi I am 48 years old and believe that sometimes my perspective on things can be considered strange. Anyway I am married and my husband is younger then me. We meant in line 4 years ago so our relationship wasn't about sex, I had this feeling ...

Why does me ex try his best to make me sad? He says we can be friends, but never marry

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4221 days ago

4 January 2013 (M - I want to said thank you for letting me ask a question on this site. I am gay latin man that I was in a relationship for almost 2 year, and my ex put condition on me that I have to get along with his friend. His friends are his EX-boyfriend and...

To everyone on this site, and especially the person responsible for this website: Thank you

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4209 days ago

4 January 2013 (F - This is for every single person on this website: I am glad to see that there are still caring people out in this cruel world. All of you are so caring of people you don't even know. People that may be miles and miles away from you. People that...

I'm having a difficult time letting go of my cheating/lying girlfriend.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4221 days ago

3 January 2013 (F - I feel so broken and hopeless. Im having a difficult time letting go of my cheating/lying girlfriend. We've broken up several times only to get back together. My heart still yearn for her, she was the first woman I fell for and had sex with. This ...

I keep crushing on straight girls. How can I move on and find someone I might actually have a chance with?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4224 days ago

2 January 2013 (F - I have a problem. I always seem to fall for people I have zero chance of being with like my close straight girl friends. I allow myself to fall even when I understand I have no chance. But here I am for the second time I find myself unable to...

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