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My husband is away and won't take calls. How do I cope?

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25 July 2024 (F - Dear Cupid My spouse of 3 years went to visit his mother and since she is sick, original plan was for him to stay with her for 2 days and return back home It’s been 4 days already nd he is not picking any of my calls and responds to my text ma...

Why did my dad wait till now to tell us we have a sister?

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25 July 2024 (F - My older half brother(same father), my younger full sister and myself were attending our father's wedding. He's 50 and is expecting a son with his 32 year old secretary. At the wedding, he introduces us to a woman who he tells us is our sister. ...

Dont do what I did

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24 July 2024 (F - It's hard to forgive yourself. I hope that this isn't too much information, but my heart has been aching for a long time because of a mistake I made a year ago. I regret giving my virginity to a man who wasn't my soulmate. I regret it s...

Refusing to visit husbands family this year abroad & I'm told I'm being selfish!

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23 July 2024 (F - Help please!! Hi all, can I get your opinions to see if I’m being selfish. My husbands family all live abroad- his mum, dad , sister and her husband with their 2 kids aged 6 and 9. Every year since we have been married- 12 years - we g...

Don’t want her beautician friend doing my make up!

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23 July 2024 (F - A few months ago I met a friend of mines friend at her birthday. We got chatting and it turns out she owns her own beauty salon and she will be doing our make up for my friends wedding later this year. I decided to book myself in for so...

Crush 2

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4 July 2024 (F - I have a strong crush on one of my students. He is handsome, eloquent and approached me to mentor him (I almost told him, I felt honoured that he chose me :)) See, I noticed him before he even asked me to mentor him). So far, I have had over 5 ...

Rush q

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3 July 2024 (F - I have a strong crush on one of my students. He is handsome, eloquent and approached me to mentor him (I almost told him, I felt honoured that he chose me :)) See, I noticed him before he even asked me to mentor him). So far, I have had over 5 ...

RF 100

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1 July 2024 (F - My school has a very strict school detention policy, it states that any pupil that earns 3 detentions will automatically have to serve a 4 hour 30 minute saturday detention, the student will also have to the serve the original 1hour 30 minute ...

CK repeat

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25 June 2024 (F - I have a number of Calvin Klein bikinis and one pieces that I love wearing but I’ve recently noticed they often give me a cameltoe that other suits don’t. I wasn’t really aware until I saw some pics and could see my cameltoe that at times is fairly ...

Parents repeat 2

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18 June 2024 (F - Hi, I’m American and we have an upcoming holiday in July that my MIL will be coming into town. I don't have any issues with my MIL but I do miss my own parents and would love to see them over the holiday weekend. My partner is normally out of ...

Should I be ok with him going away with his mates? Title (e.g.

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11 June 2024 (F - I have been with my boyfriend for 10 years, leaving aside that at my age I feel ridiculous referring to him as my boyfriend, he came home from work yesterday and announced that he intends to go away somewhere for the weekend with his friends in ...

Need some advice on dating. Is it my age? lack of experience?

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8 April 2024 (M - I’ve been dealing with a recurring challenge in my quest to find a romantic partner, and I’m seeking some guidance on how to navigate it. To provide some context, I’m a 35-year-old, black male, 5’9, who has never been in a romantic relatio...

Feel like an idiot - married man

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2 April 2024 (F - Two years ago, I started seeing someone from work. He is 20 years my senior and we seemed to get on like a house on fire. Prior to us meeting for lunch, we had met at a work event months before and I seemed to recall him mentioning a fitness class ...

Time to pull the plug or am I being too impatient?

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13 March 2024 (F - Hello all, So after seeing someone for five months, I initiated the "what are we" talk. When we first met we were both on the same page about wanting something long term and committed that would lead to marriage and having children. Wh...

Polyamory vs Cheating - are you in a polyamorous relationship? Will you do it?

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5 March 2024 (F - After several failed relationships or attempts at love, getting involved in emotional cheating, physical cheating (no sex just a kiss on the lips), I ended up with a conclusion that all these are rooted to lack of honesty in a relationship. And ...

Am I important to him still? Does he still care for me or is he just stringing me along?

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5 March 2024 (F - Everything was going so well, we had a plan. But then I made a mistake, a very immature mistake, that led him to back out of what we we're starting. His words "I won't pursue you romantically anymore. Let's just be friends. You have some growing up ...

Friend had long term affair...what do I do with this information!? Title (e.g. My husband

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25 February 2024 (F - Hi, I have a dilemma... I was contacted 48 hrs ago by a guy that I used to work with regarding a sensitive subject... My good (female) friend and him were always close in work and used to be friendly out side of work. Many people would comment on...

Should I ask this person is they have copies of our emails?

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24 February 2024 (F - Should I send the email and ask for such a favour? So, many many years ago(over 10) I met someone with whom I just clicked. We ended up having,very very briefly an online relationship, but that didn't come into fruition, we never actually got to ...

Fear of buttons

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19 January 2024 (F - i have a unusal phobia it is the fear of buttons,l please let me explain, i do dont believe the buttons can harm me in any way, its just the sight of them make me feel sick, i have been told that it effects around one in 20.000 people, weel anyway ...

Bastard dear Cupid

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19 January 2024 (F - Bastard dear Cupid just read the private messages and emails I have sent you. I will take a legal action against you for posting things without our permission ...

Should I try again with my cousin?

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12 January 2024 (M - i asked sex from my cousin but she refused en threatened evn to report me. I apologised en let her be. We dont talk as we used bt she shows mixed signals like one time when she made me feel her p*ssy. Should i strike again?...

Rf wont stop

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10 January 2024 (F - A couple of weeks before we broke up for the christmas school holidays i got an after school detention as a punishment for messing around in class, as i am normally a good girl and this is my first detention i didnt know what to expect, we finish ...

My mom is dating a woman

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9 January 2024 (M - My mom is dating a woman! What should I do? My mom just introduced me to her "girlfriend" and I'm just not comfortable with the situation. That was a total shock and I'm still trying to process it. My mom said she would move in with us. My youn...

How do I get rid of the feelings that I have

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9 January 2024 (M - You guys helped me out a lot with my last problem. I was getting ghosted a bunch and kinda had to accept I wasn’t very datable. (quick recap: 35, lives back at home, works at a comic store, wanted to be a comic book artist, never had a girlfriend, ...

Horny brother in law

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8 January 2024 (M - I have the hots for my younger sister in law, what can I do?...

These other sites in our network have unanswered questions, why not give them a try? (Just use the same login details!) - Career advice (36 unanswered)

These questions could do with more answers!

Is it ok to leave him with his mom while I visit my own family?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 38 days ago

16 June 2024 (F - Hi, I’m American and we have an upcoming holiday in July that my MIL will be coming into town. I don't have any issues with my MIL but I do miss my own parents and would love to see them over the holiday weekend. My partner is normally out of ...

I need dating advice am unsure how to navigate

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 70 days ago

17 May 2024 (M - NOTE: This has been posted before. Apparently poster didn't get responses or would like advice not given before. I’ve been dealing with a recurring challenge in my quest to find a romantic partner, and I’m seeking some guidance on how to navigate...

My boyfriend showing signs of insecurity or controlling? Title (e.g. My husband is

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 90 days ago

25 April 2024 (F - I have known him for about 2 years, between this time we were friends and we grew closer together to the point where we admitted we had feelings for each other. We started dating recently in February this year, however he has shown some signs of ...

Overbearing mother and partner getting on my nerves

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 112 days ago

3 April 2024 (F - Hi this is not a relationship problem but a family problem I am nearly 40 years old with 2 sons the problem is my mother wont leave me alone I lost my dad 3 years ago she wasn’t there for me or my sisters when we lost him they had been split up 16 ...

I lost my best friend because of her jealous fiance

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 112 days ago

3 April 2024 (M - I'm a male and my best friend is female. She's a tomboy who likes engineering, ships, planes, building models of those, so most of her friends in the past have been male. I'm happily married for 18 years, I love my wife and would never do anything ...

How can my children respect me when my husband over rules me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 152 days ago

25 February 2024 (F - Hello People, I'm just wondering what I could be missing here. My husband and I managed to find some time to go out thanks to the family helping out to look after our three boys so we could go places and clubbing with my visiting cousin las...

We had a falling out but I would like him to be at my wedding

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 167 days ago

4 February 2024 (M - I have (or should I say had) a friend that I’ve known since I went to college. He very much suits himself and doesn’t seem to own up to responsibilities when he messes up and because of this we’ve fell out quite a lot over the years. I have always ...

Guy friend does not trust me around his friends?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 127 days ago

10 January 2024 (F - My guy friend and I got into a heated argument at the start of last year, where we were not speaking to each other. The generally argument was about his and my behaviour, where I thought he never really cared about me as a person. And he thought ...

How to reframe my mind for healthy dating after toxic past

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 215 days ago

22 December 2023 (F - So if you see my previous posts I was in what I now consider a toxic relationship for almost 2 years. I will spare the details but I essentially felt used, discarded, and led-on by my ex-boyfriend who I considered to be a pretty nice guy. I'm not ...

There are rumours at work that I fancy my female co-worker

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 235 days ago

4 December 2023 (F - I thought I befriended a female coworker. I am also female and we work in a school. I admired her because we were similar in age, family background, and she is in a position I hope to eventually be in. I initially did not like her but then liked her ...

I don't want to raise a lost child

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 240 days ago

19 November 2023 (F - I have two children with my ex husband ..we live in the same house….My ex husband still has feeling for me …2 years back I started seeing someone and I become pregnant …..when I informed my ex …he was okay for me to stay in the house and give birth ...

Should I go with my own flow in regard to relationships and friendships?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 252 days ago

18 November 2023 (F - This is not really romantic relationship advice, but more friendship and life advice I am seeking. I usually come here if I need some real wisdom or advice. I always find myself in situations where I will do much more to hang out with someone or ...

Was she feet flirting with me on the plane?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 240 days ago

24 October 2023 (M - Was she feet flirting with me on the plane? This might be a stupid question to many of you but its been killing me. I was on the plane last week. I was sitting in aisle seat. I had a nice suit on. The middle seat was vacant and there was this b...

Pregnant again! How do I tell my parets?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 240 days ago

10 October 2023 (F - When I was 16 my high school boyfriend and I had a baby. Our parents were very supportive from day 1 and really helped us out a ton. Five months ago my boyfriend and I broke up and I didn’t take my birth control because I wasn’t planning on dating ...

Is it too late to learn basic social skills?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 291 days ago

8 October 2023 (F - I'm 24 and I feel like I've never learned social skills. Ironically, I was raises in a family where they were very strict, religious, big on manners and respect. For example, even if we were eating at a picnic with plastic silverware and paper ...

How to deal with a jealous friend when our husbands work together?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 298 days ago

1 October 2023 (F - A couple of years ago I met the wife of one of my husbands colleagues and we hit it off and started hanging around with each other- drinks, cinema, dinner etc…. Unfortunately she seems a little jealous of the fact that I hang out with other f...

How do I handle working with someone like this?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 318 days ago

11 September 2023 (F - Hello! I have a bit of a work issue right now I’d love some advice on. I’m a creative and work on a few different brands in my job which has a set number of people working on each of them and whilst I lead on the brands, I have someone with ...

Interfering MIL and husband does not step in

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 325 days ago

31 August 2023 (F - Sensitive topic as I know it's controversial and I have family on this group. I would really appreciate it if it can be kept anon as it's something I've struggled with my whole life. My MIL is really interfering with the way I'm bringing up my c...

Since I had the baby I've lost interest in sex

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 344 days ago

17 August 2023 (F - I have a 15 month old with my partner,our first child together. I absolutely love being a mum and love seeing our son with my partner but our intimacy and sex life has drastically changed. Obviously I knew that it would change but it's both a ...

I think coworker has been sexually abused

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 347 days ago

13 August 2023 (F - Trigger warning, sexual abuse. I don't know if this is the right place for this question, but this I don't know where to go for resources or advice for this. I work in the fast food industry, and I work with a lot of teenagers, but we also g...

Dad ruined my life before I got a chance to start high school

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 359 days ago

1 August 2023 (F - My parents completely ruined my life and it's not even school yet. There were some kids I'm going to high school with who were going to have a party and somehow my parents heard about it. I did too but I didn't tell them. I wasn't invited anyway and ...

Boss repeat

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 360 days ago

30 July 2023 (M - Me late 40s. My boss is a lady younger than me but much senior in role. We both were traveling in car for business trip. I was on wheels and she was in back seat. Suddenly, she was talking on phone in chivalrous tone briefly explaining purpose of ...

What is the deal with boss's conversation where I can hear?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 361 days ago

29 July 2023 (M - Me late 40s. My boss is a lady younger than me but much senior in role. We both were traveling in car for business trip. I was on wheels and she was in back seat. Suddenly, she was talking on phone in chivalrous tone briefly explaining purpose of ...

Do I have to choose between my brother or his ex wife for the sake of my neice?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 364 days ago

28 July 2023 (F - Great site...I do come on here sometimes and get good advice. My niece is an actor here in Canada. Somewhere along the way she became addicted to fentanyl. To make matters worse she is based in Vancouver and for awhile she was out on East Hastings...

Friendless because I hate sexuality

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 369 days ago

21 July 2023 (F - I have been experienceing something all my life that is making me increasingly frustrated and angry It's people who assume single people are miserable and lonely. Well, I AM lonely and always have been but it's not bc I'm single - it's because I ...

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