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Archived questions from: February, 2012 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

I feel worthless as a wife because I can't offer him more!

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 4502 days ago

29 February 2012 (F - Before I dated my husband I use to date only woman . But there was something about him that caught my eye and my heart. I started dating him and I got in a serious relationship with him and we marry. Things between us was good and we were even ...

After our good living together trial period, everything has gone downhill!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4531 days ago

29 February 2012 (M - Ok so im having a big issue here and im looking for advice or peoples opinion on what they think. So, one day after being tired of being alone, and also needing a place to stay, i decided to look online to try and find a compatible match for my ...

I want to move on from the first man I was with, but I feel like I have no desire for anyone else!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4531 days ago

28 February 2012 (M - hii all i am gay and i was kinda relationship with a man but he was just sex, i just stopped srring him.and now the situation is that i am unable to forget him,i want him badly he was the first man of my life with whom i was having p...

My friend and love interest is in an abusive relationship!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4531 days ago

28 February 2012 (F - im a black 40 year old woman whose in love with my 41 year old best friend whose white we get alone great our time together is so deep she say she have feelins for me and she knows how i feel about her we been friends for about 5 months and i love ...

How do I forget my ex boyfriend?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4533 days ago

28 February 2012 (M - Im an asian (oriental) guy living in Dublin. Theres is this one guy that I like (he was my first gay love and he took my virginity), we used to be friends but he abandoned me nearly two years ago for some reasons and moved to spain. Now that hes ...

He has a g/f, but am I reading his actions the wrong way?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4533 days ago

27 February 2012 (M - Hey, I’ve got a question concerning my friend. I’m a bi-curious guy so perhaps i’m reading into it to much, but this has been bugging me for a while now. Me and my housemate are quite good friends, but some of the stuff he does kind of makes me ...

Is he just scared of being gay or is he just messing with my emotions for fun?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4532 days ago

27 February 2012 (M - Hi, im not sure if im just going nuts or what but i swear my best friend is screwing with my head. he knows im gay and he knows im in love with him, but he has a girlfriend who he is on and off with constantly. when we're just chilling out o...

Is he gay? Is he into me? Why does he want to meet me so much?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4533 days ago

27 February 2012 (M - I met this guy on a random social network. I am from California and he's from one of the southern states. I am crazy in love with him. We talk so much. We text every single day. He leaves me audio notes and video notes on my phone. Now he tells me ...

I think I'm in love with my male best friend

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4533 days ago

26 February 2012 (M - Hey, so, I'm a seventeen year old guy, living in the UK, and in short, I think I'm in love with my male best friend. I've known Ryan for about ten years. We've been best friends since first school, and we played together all the time. Around thr...

Why can't she even look at me anymore?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4530 days ago

26 February 2012 (F - I'll apologize ahead of time for the length, but I can't stop dwelling on this and I'd like some input on what it could be. Basically she'd rather look at the ceiling than me, and I'm not over exaggerating (we work together). We dated for a few ...

I'm a guy and like one of my straight friends. What things should I do to manage this situation tactfully?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4534 days ago

26 February 2012 (M - Hello. I like one of my best guy friends, and I too am a guy. I've been close friends with him for 3 or 4 years. We didn't really talk to each other for the first few years, but became close as we had classes and talked to each other more. It w...

Is he gay? Bi? Straight? Or just not interested?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4535 days ago

24 February 2012 (M - Dear cupid funs, I have a situation that i really need help with. Here it is (sorry if it is long): I am 22 years old, closeted and straight-acting gay (its not really an act, as it is how I seem to be and i like to be, i really dont like femine...

I've found out that I'm bi, from talking with this girl ... who has a girlfriend. Help?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4537 days ago

22 February 2012 (F - Hi agony aunts. Well I've recently found out that I'm bi.. Because of this girl. We met via twitter (we've like talked and skyped I know she's real don't worry...) and she only lives in the next state over. First we were friends, but now I really ...

Is she manipulating? Or possibly bi?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4538 days ago

22 February 2012 (F - So I need to talk about something very confusing for me. First, I'm lesbian. I met this straight girl from my school a year ago and I found her very attractive so I wanted to try something, so I kissed her at a party. I was a little bit drunk but ...

I keep having dreams of my partner cheating on me

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4538 days ago

22 February 2012 (M - i'm in my early 50's divorced almost 9yrs. and can finially say to some that i'm gay. i just started my first relationship 5 months ago, he's 39. i keep having dreams of him cheating and lying to me. prior to this we've were friends the last 4yrs.i ...

Label-less relationship

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4538 days ago

22 February 2012 (F - Kinda long, hope you bear with me... I met a long-time female acquaintance whom I haven't seen for years in a party. We got to talking and updating each other. She's already married, while I was in a long-term lesbian relationship. Sh...

He texts me with smiley faces. Does he want to pursue a relationship?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4533 days ago

22 February 2012 (M - So I met this guy who's really nice and very similar to me. I have known him for a few months prior. We both bluntly state that we are extremely attracted to one another. We had a really nice night talking and had some fun with making out and ...

Am I gay?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4539 days ago

21 February 2012 (M - Well my problem is im 16 and male and think i like guys because whenever im with my friend "aaron" i feel attracted to him and when we were getting changed for PE i got an erection when i saw him in just his boxer shorts. Am i gay? And if so how ...

Our relationship was always a secret so her friends think I've been stalking her for 5 years! Despite this I know if it was all in the open I know it would have worked, what should I do?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4537 days ago

21 February 2012 (F - My girlfriend of 5 years walked out a few weeks ago. The reason was because after 5 years of her wanting to keep our relationship a secret, I told her we cant go on like this and in order for us to move forward as a couple we need to stop being a ...

Do you think I'm still hanging on to the "what if" fantasy?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4534 days ago

21 February 2012 (M - So dear Cupid... I used to be really great mates with this guy at my school when we was about 14/15 now that we are older and he has moved on to find trashy mates we don't see each other at all and I'm not sure if I'm feeling abandoned or betrayed ...

Is it a phase, me thinking I could be gay? Could the suicide of my ex still be complicating my life right now?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4540 days ago

20 February 2012 (F - I honestly think Im gay. I've never been this is love with a girl. My mom says its just a phase and what Im thinking is love is really in need of friendship. My ex recently committed suicide and it took me a while to get over it but i smiled a...

Can I leave home and be OK with my Girlfriend? I'm scared to do so, but I am sick of the fights at home.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4538 days ago

20 February 2012 (F - Im only 17 years old and i believe that i am gay. It may be a phase but so far i really don't think it is. Recently my parents and I had a disagreement with it all and they make me feel like Im nothing when I know Im better then what they think i ...

Is my husband gay or bisexual?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 4542 days ago

17 February 2012 (F - Ok here goes... I'm 18, and my husband is 19. we've been married for 8 months. we have a daughter, who is 2 years and 2 months and i'm 11 weeks pregnant with our second child. Basically, i know in my heart that my husband is gay. He claim...

My straight supposedly straight crush made out with me and is now blaming it on alcohol

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4543 days ago

16 February 2012 (M - So I have had this crush on my straight co-worker for queit some time now. I always joke with my friends about my crush on him telling them how I would love for him to go gay for just one night. I say it out of sarcasm totally not expecting that to ...

Please help me become like a normal boy!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4544 days ago

16 February 2012 (M - I am 20year old boy,but i very much worrying for my habit,becoz i think ,i turned into gay feeling.,i nevr want this type of gay feeling,i get erect and attract when i see a cute guy,but i also interested in women also,i also excited ,when i see ...

Please tell me this is fixable!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4544 days ago

16 February 2012 (F - good day, i am seeking advice and possibly comfort that there is a solution to this. I can`t move on, and i dont think i want to move on after the break up. I want to get her back! its been 4 or 5 days since she broke it off with me. i know every...

Is my secret lesbian relationship with my best friend doomed?!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4544 days ago

15 February 2012 (F - Help/ opinions will be really appreciated. Sorry for such an essay but I can't talk to anybody about this.  I'm 22 and have always been with guys. Around 3 years ago I met *A now 20 we soon became best friends. Even though she was also 'straight' ...

Is he more than just friends with his flatmate?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4546 days ago

14 February 2012 (M - So I am facing a major dilemma. I am a gay male, but that shouldn't really matter as that has nothing to do with it. I can use the opinion and advice of anyone. So around August, I met this wonderful man on a social internet site (not facebook.) We ...

We broke up because he didn't "feel right" about our relationship. What do I do now!?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4544 days ago

14 February 2012 (M - Okay, so I'm a gay male teenager, this is the first serious break up I've been through and I don't know what to do now. We're aged 16/17, just a few months apart. So we sort of started something about 7/8 months ago now, but it didn't really fe...

I want to date a woman or genderqueer or transgender person but I'm very shy! Advice please!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4545 days ago

13 February 2012 (F - So I'm pretty sure I am pansexual, but I've never been with a girl, a gender queer or transgender person, but I find myself very attracted to them. I am very interested in having a girlfriend or a genderqueer / transgender partner. But there is a...

If he's gay, what does that mean for our relationship?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4547 days ago

13 February 2012 (M - When do you consider someone 'gay'? And how should it change my friendship with him? I have this good friend. Sometimes he and I hang out together, and sometimes him, myself, and my wife hang out. We've even taken him with up to amusement parks,...

How do I know for sure that she likes me more than friends?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4545 days ago

12 February 2012 (F - Me and my close friend are both bi. We are pretending to date but have done stuff with each other in the past. I like her more than friends and feel that she feels the same. By the way she acts and flirts with me. She has told me before that she ...

I don't want to get back with my ex, but I need help understanding his behaviour. Why couldnt he stop going onto online dating sites? Why did he lie so much?

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 4547 days ago

10 February 2012 (M - I write in a midst of confusion. I have ended a 5 year relationship with my boyfriend due to his do or die determination in dating site memberships. It has been a constant cycle of him getting caught, lying, convincing me I am seeing things, then ...

Interested in a bi girl but she has a why did she send me this message? Does she want to date me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4545 days ago

10 February 2012 (M - So I like this girl she is Bi. We have been hanging out for a few weeks. She always says I'm like exactly like her and that I'm like a brother lol And she's dating this chick but today she sent me a text out of no where. She wrote " would you ever...

How do I tell the truth? I lied about my name and my religion online

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4548 days ago

8 February 2012 (F - Hi I really need help. I have been talking to a girl I met online and we are good friends. We have been talking for about 3 months and I lied about who I am. I told her a fake name and religion and now I feel so guilty I want to tell her the truth ...

I'm bisexual, and if my mom gets to know she's going to kick me out!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4552 days ago

8 February 2012 (F - My problem is that i'm bisexual, i haven't told her about me and my mom thinks that it's wrong. And yes, i know tht its wrong.. but i've dated 3 girls and more guys thn 7. Should i tell her? she might kick me out or tell my whole family and my aunt ...

Could I be bi-sexual? I like looking at pictures of women

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4554 days ago

6 February 2012 (F - i find clothed and naked girls attractive but think doing sexual things with them is wrong. I'm unsure if this makes me straight or bisexual, just asking what everyone else thinks?...

Do I just give up on the person I love or do I ride it out and try and win his heart by proving that I can be trusted?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4554 days ago

6 February 2012 (M - Where to start... I met "B" about 4 months ago when we met he made it very clear he just wanted to be friends and wasn't looking for anything. I made the same clear to him we I was happy to have him as a friend. The problem came when I started t...

Why am I still feeling the way I am for her? Does she feel the same way for me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4542 days ago

5 February 2012 (F - Hello everyone! I'm not entirely sure of my question yet, it'll probably come to me as I explain my situation though. Bare with me, please. Anyways, this entire ordeal began about three years ago, summer time. I had made a friend at school, and w...

How can I learn to overcome homosexuality?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 4532 days ago

5 February 2012 (M - Hi cupid, quick question. I think I might be gay but I don't want to be. Nowadays when people say they are gay everybody jumps up saying its ok and that you're born that way and we don't have a choice and stuff like that but I don't think I believe ...

Why are men who don't like a certain kind of woman accused of being gay?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4555 days ago

5 February 2012 (F - I've noticed something over the years and even more so recently that I find to be rather unsettling. It's true that a lot of men like to go to strip clubs, look at porn with famous porn stars in it, and ogle women in public who resemble someone you ...

What is up with her behavior towards me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4557 days ago

3 February 2012 (F - I'm a lesbian and I recently met this woman that I'm now infatuated by. She knows I'm a lesbian. She hugs and kisses me, some times when ppl are around but especially if we're alone the hug may be a little longer than average I miss you good to see ...

Frustrated, straight, but considering an offer of a bj

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4556 days ago

3 February 2012 (M - Hey I got a question. Im a 28 year old man living single and my job keeps me extremely busy and always on the travel. Over the last couple years I have developed a male friend shom I met over the internet from a town that is about 40 miles from ...

I'm confused about my sexuality

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4555 days ago

2 February 2012 (M - Hi I find myself attracted to girls all the time, and obsessed with lesbian porn. But I also enjoy gay porn, and have had gay experiences, but I never look at a guy and think, hmm he's hot. What does this make me?...

Is my wife bi-curious?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4559 days ago

1 February 2012 (M - Thinking My Wife is Bi Curious?? Here's my story, and I'm hoping you guys/gals can give me some insight, and opinions. My wife and I have been together for 9 years, our sex life is pretty good and has actually improved the past couple of years. I ...

Life is a confused wreck. My partner broke up with me. Help, how do I emerge from this OK to go forward?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4558 days ago

1 February 2012 (M - My world came crumbling down on december 31. I was enjoying myself at a new year party, and i decided to,,check my facebook. The first thing that popped up was the,lesbian,i used to like. I found out she had a boyfriend. When i found out, i felt ...

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