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Archived questions from: July, 2011 (see latest in Gay relationships category)

Gay relationships: Help and advice

Where do I start to meet other gay men?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4716 days ago

31 July 2011 (M - I'm 23, have Asperger's syndrome, and although I've had some struggles in life, things have got a fair bit better over the past 2 years (well, since November 2008 to be really technical, but...). I find it difficult to make friends, unless ...

Girlfriend has kept our relationship secret for a year. Should I be upset about this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4744 days ago

30 July 2011 (F - My girlfriend doesn't want to tell her friends that we've been dating for a year because that would mean they would know that she's only been single for 2 months (she had just gotten out of a relationship). She's finally going to tell them that ...

20 year old straight employee got sexually involved with me, took money and favours from me, and now his wife is pregnant and he's changed his job. I feel terribly used, betrayed and hurt

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4716 days ago

30 July 2011 (M - OK, here's one that has to top it all. I am a boss, I met this straight man 20 years old. I am 50. This is so crazy that it is hard to believe it happened. At any rate, I told him about me, and when I did, he said, well anything is possible for ...

Do you think my ex boyfriend is gay?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4743 days ago

28 July 2011 (F - So I think my ex boyfriend is gay, and just hasnt came out the closet yet. I also think thats why he comes coming back to me. Not because I look like a man. lol But because I do the things he wants me to do. So here are the things he has done or ...

I feel so lonely, how do I get her to love me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4746 days ago

28 July 2011 (? - Hi...its not to offend any lesbian/gay/bisexual people. Its just me. I'm so tired of myself. I keep fantasizing about older women. I was in love with an Aries or still am. its been for years and i think I'm over her. I only loved her and dint find ...

I am finding it so difficult to move I stand a chance?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4746 days ago

28 July 2011 (M - I'm extremely depressed right now. To introduce myself, i'm a 17-year old gay man who has been in love with my ex-best friend till now. I have liked a number of guys in my life before, and none had worked out (They either found out and started ...

Can a romantic gay-straight relationship work?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4659 days ago

28 July 2011 (M - So, I am 20 and gay and my best friend is 21 and straight. We started chillin in high school and never thought much of it but we spent almost every day together and as a result we have fallen in love with eachother. At first I thought I just had a ...

I always treated him well, so why is acting so hurtful towards me and telling such lies?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4747 days ago

28 July 2011 (M - I’m a 30 year old gay guy, and three months ago I split with my boyfriend, who is 20, and who I thought was the love of my life. I left him because only a couple of weeks after we began dating, he had a threesome with two girls (he is bi) at his e...

Should I come out and be honest about my sexuality?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4748 days ago

27 July 2011 (F - okayy im 14 and definitely a lesbian , have know for years , and the other day the pressure of it all was too much because i told my friedns about it but felt like i needed and adult to talk to it about ,not my family though coz i dont want them to ...

Ex girlfriend said I did nothing for her.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4748 days ago

27 July 2011 (F - My ex gf popped up and we got into a huge blowout. She yelled at me, insulted me and said stuff but when I said the same thing to her it was a blowout. She started talking about how she did all this stuff while we dated, I'm not good with ...

How can I make a move on this guy I like?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4743 days ago

26 July 2011 (M - Hi people I'm a 17-year-old guy leaving school next summer. I haven't kissed a girl in ages, and I don't really want to any more. There's a new boy that joined my school a few months ago who's cute, gorgeous and really hot, and I can't stop fan...

Could my attraction to women be a passing thing?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4749 days ago

26 July 2011 (F - Hey. Okay lately i've been finding myself attracted to women. When i watch women porn it seems to turn me on. I've been hurt real bad by my ex boyfriends in the past and i just got this feeling of dating a woman. But they say a woman can hurt you ...

Trying too hard to make everyone else happy is making me depressed! Help!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4750 days ago

26 July 2011 (F - Any help is appreciated. So my girlfriend and I broke up and we have always been on and off but recently we've been really great. She says we act like friends and its true shes my bestfriend, but I feel like she wants to just jump into another rel...

Should I face my fears head on and go to this party? Or should I admit that the past 2 years have been a failure and forget them?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4750 days ago

26 July 2011 (F - For the past two years I've been at a college on the other side of my city, the side I had never set foot in before. It's a very tight-knit community that doesn't care for strange outlanders it seems. I tried at first, I really did. But as soon as ...

My sexuality is not up for debate, but one family member has said such awful things in front of my partner!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4750 days ago

25 July 2011 (F - Am needing some advice, so hoping someone out there can help. I’m currently in a long term lesbian relationship. My partner and I are very happy together and moved in together about 4 months ago and things are still going well. Everyone in my ...

Should I stay with my girlfriend? Leave her for my best guy friend? Date a different girl? Or go to college single?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4750 days ago

25 July 2011 (F - So this is a bit of a sticky situation. Over a year ago, my best friend (turning 20 years old this December) was suicidal and I (just 18 this year) was her go to person. During one of her episodes she confessed that she couldn't be with the person ...

I'm starting to become gay but I want to fall in love with a woman

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4748 days ago

24 July 2011 (M - im a 16 yo guy that is struggling with the most weird thing that could have happened to me, being gay. it all started when i was very little, probably 10-11 when i had my 1st erections. i remember that anytime i saw a muscled guy my penis will just ...

Can a relationship last without sex?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4751 days ago

23 July 2011 (M - I haven't had sex yet, but I always knew I was gay. I've been trying to find the right guy, but couldn't all this 10 years. Last year I met this guy and when he noticed I was always avoiding sex he got himself checked and unfortunately he's ...

I'm a gay Latino man. Should I come out to my aunts, uncles, cousins and parents?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4752 days ago

23 July 2011 (M - I'm a latino gay man but not out to my aunts, uncles or cousins yet. To tell you the truth I don't think that's their problem. My parents and brothers live in my south american country although I'm out to my brothers but not my parents. They're in ...

Is this guy actually gay or am I getting played?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4749 days ago

23 July 2011 (M - Alright, guys. Here's the tough one, and I need to know what to do. Until recently, I've been with this girl for five and a half years. She is beautiful, caring, reserved, and I can't help but feel that she really loves me. Recently, our li...

I feel I am really a lesbian...and I wonder if this makes me a bad person...

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4753 days ago

22 July 2011 (F - I am single..I have been raised as a good daughter and a model of being a good and responsible person. I dress well and my talk and even my gestures are very firm and proper but suddenly, I my have learned that I am attracted to a female like me and ...

I don't think he's gay, but he kissed me on the lips. Why?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4754 days ago

20 July 2011 (M - hey, i've been hanging out with this guy recently and stuff, and a few days ago he kissed me. i'm not gay, at least I don't think i am. I don't think he is either, he's jokingly called people 'f**king fairies' and such. and it was weird he ...

What does my ex boyfriend want from me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4755 days ago

20 July 2011 (M - I'm a gay guy and I had a boyfriend. We were together for 4 years but then we had to break up by my initiative. After our break-up I left the town for some months. I wanted to relax and to start a new life. Time ago I returned, because I had to ...

Are her compliments just friendly or does she like me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4755 days ago

19 July 2011 (F - So next week I'm going to stay at my nan's for the week, who lives by the beach, and I'm going with one of my best female friends. I'm not gay, though there is nothing wrong with it. However, me and my friend has always sort of flirted with ...

I don't know if he is gay or not - do you think he likes me? What should I do about this situation?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4753 days ago

19 July 2011 (M - I am definitely dealing with some crap. I know that others have gone through much worse, and I am not downplaying anyone else's situation, I just have no desire to do pretty much anything unless it's with Josh. Pretty much the only reason I leave ...

I don't want this but I have feelings for her!

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19 July 2011 (F - I have a like a friend who is straight and now is trying to become a solid christian. I've liked her alot as more than a friend for going on 2 years and I've tried to distance myself. Honestly, we both have because I think she knows somewhat. So, we ...

In a happy relationship with a man but fantasising about women! Is this normal?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4757 days ago

18 July 2011 (F - Hi, I'm 19, I have been in a relationship for over 2 years and I love him to pieces. I just want to know why I keep having fantasies about having sex with other women :s. I'm not a lesbian. Is it normal? Please help me Thanks. ...

If she doesn’t like boys, why is she still with him? Should I wait for him?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4757 days ago

18 July 2011 (M - Okay, I’m a gay guy stuck in a sticky situation, no pun intended. I’ve been hanging out with one of my friends from high school recently, and she told me how she doesn’t have feelings for guys anymore, and she introduced me to her boyfriend, whom is ...

Am I bi or a lesbian?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4757 days ago

18 July 2011 (F - I think I'm a lesbian but I'm not sure. I feel like once I know I'm a lesbian, I'll feel a lot more comfortable than I am right now (know as bicurious). So let me tell you a little bit about myself and help me come to a conclusion one way or another ...

My girlfriend's mood swings are a problem for me!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4758 days ago

17 July 2011 (F - Me and my girlfriend have been together for 4 years. She is gorgeous and giving more than 100% to this relationship. But we have one problem, my Girlfriend's unbearable mood moment she will make me laugh like crazy and after few hours ...

How do I tell him or make it known I don't want to be with him and that friendship is all I want?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4751 days ago

17 July 2011 (M - Hello, I discovered a lad over a trusted website where people of my sexual orientation socialize. A lad message me and I liked his pictures and he seemed an amazing person. I am not over my ex boyfriend sadly even though we broke up 7 months...

I've finally accepted that I'm gay, now how do I meet someone?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4758 days ago

17 July 2011 (M - Hello Everyone, I am finally accepted that I am bisexual and stop to fight myself and now trying to find some dates but I have no idea how to find guys, gay or bi. I tried many good dating sites, I am currently in Germany and they have really n...

Does being bisexual exist in some people?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4721 days ago

17 July 2011 (M - Where can I start. Growing up I kinda found guys more attractive and going through puberty I liked looking at gay porn. I never looked a sexually things with women involved. There were times when i liked girls also. But I never been just fully ...

Why did he like me then reject me so swiftly?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4751 days ago

17 July 2011 (M - Hey. My question is more of a story and then a question, just so whoever reads this has some background information of how I've ended up in the situation which I'm in now. So hear we go. I am 17 and have been for a while trying to find some new pe...

B/f thinks he can control me with sex!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4751 days ago

16 July 2011 (M - I have a boyfriend that acts like he can control me with his d¤•k, how can I stop him from acting that without giving up sex?...

I'm attracted to women but I don't want to go down there, what should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4727 days ago

16 July 2011 (F - I'm attracted to men but I feel an attraction to women as well. I don't think I've met a woman in real life yet that I'm attracted to, but I know I feel aroused when I see women in the media - like when I watch a sex scene in a movie. This may be ...

I kinda like him but not in the way I used to, not yet anyway but if this carries on I might.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4759 days ago

16 July 2011 (M - My old best friend from when I was about 3 to 10 has recently started contancting me through facebook and we have been chatting and catching up for the last 5 or so years. Well we was chatting away and I asked if he had a girlfriend and then he told ...

I know she loves me, but what kind of love?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4757 days ago

15 July 2011 (F - I think I am in love with my best friend.... she's a good year and a half older than me...and whenever I am at her place or she is at mine, we kiss and cuddle and tell each other we love each other....I'm just not quite sure what her love is....she ...

Depressed, Unhappy, I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4758 days ago

14 July 2011 (M - I am 22 yrs. old from Europe living in Canada. I use to be full of life and the kind of person that would light up the room when I walk in ever since I was a child. Everything changed when I was 15 and I started to feel attraction toward guys, wh...

If an identical twin turns out to be gay/bi, would the other twin also be gay/ bi?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4760 days ago

14 July 2011 (F - Lets say theres a pair of identical twins, and the one twin comes out, would the other twin also be gay or bi? I'm just curious. I was watching the simpsons episode where patti comes out, and I was wondering if that would that make selma gay, ...

I don't know how to handle falling in love with my best friend...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4761 days ago

14 July 2011 (F - What is the right thing to do if you're falling in love with your close friend which is also a girl and you can't still accept the fact that you're in love with her? Is it right to just avoid her? Is it necessary to tell her your feelings towards ...

I have a boyfriend but I dream about lesbians?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4734 days ago

14 July 2011 (F - Im a 21 year old beautician. I am in a relationship with this handsome 22 year old guy, who I love so much! But i have a problem, which people might think is wrong. I LOVE watching lesbian porn. I tell myself im not a lesbian and I have ...

Life is miserable and I don't know what Iv done to deserve this..

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4762 days ago

14 July 2011 (M - Hi guys. I just really wanted to get some stuff off my chest. I'm a 16 year old closeted guy and I just don't know what to do anymore. I've been sad and depressed for the past 3-4 years, and I've tried my hardest to cope with it. But when does the...

What should I talk to my crush about? And when should I tell him I'm gay?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4761 days ago

14 July 2011 (M - Hello :), This is kind of two questions but I could really use your I'm a gay teenager, still in highschool and still in the closet. There is this really cute guy that I started talking to a few days ago and I know almost NOTHING about hi...

I'm not out yet, how do I ask a guy on a date?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4761 days ago

13 July 2011 (M - Ive liked men since i was 13 (now16) and i now have a really bad crush! I cant stop thinking about him! I just need some advice on how to go about asking him on a date( im still in the closet)....

I cant deal with her mindgames any more! Should I let the relationship diminish, or finally answer her calls and let her carry on behaving this way?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4762 days ago

13 July 2011 (F - My girlfriend and I 30 and 26 respectively. We just hit the year milestone on our relationship July 11. I haven't verbally spoken to her since two days prior to my bday when she unofficially broke up with me June 27. Anyway I haven't desired to call ...

I have a girlfriend of 2 years who would never betray me, but then another woman who gives me what I need....who do I choose?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4762 days ago

13 July 2011 (F - i've gotten myself into a terrible situation and i need advice, please. i have been with my girlfriend for two years now. she's been very good to me and treated me well. i know she would move mountains for me if she could. and she's a great pa...

In a relationship with my female best friend, and she told me about getting a guy's number! Should I be worried?

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12 July 2011 (F - I'm in a relationship with my best friend(we're both girls). But the other day she was telling me how close she was to getting a really cool guy's phone number. And she seemed excited. But she stills tells me all the time that she loves me. Then a ...

Was I completely in the wrong? Or did she somewhat over react?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4762 days ago

12 July 2011 (F - i was just looking for a few opinions on this matter. u didn't know if this was completely my fault and i ran this girl off or if she was overly judgemental and unforgiving. so i met this girl a couple of weeks back. we hit it off immediately. gre...

I want someone to love...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4764 days ago

11 July 2011 (? - Hi guys... I'm a person who wasn't sure of her sexuality. Well, I only have always fantasized about a woman. Never a man. I have never been in a relationship. I haven't ever kissed anyone. In short- I'm pathetic. The place I live in is very shocked ...

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